Python get span

60 Python code examples are found related to " get span". You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File:    From iss-rnns with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span(ypi, yp2i):
    max_val = 0
    best_word_span = (0, 1)
    best_sent_idx = 0
    for f, (ypif, yp2if) in enumerate(zip(ypi, yp2i)):
        argmax_j1 = 0
        for j in range(len(ypif)):
            val1 = ypif[argmax_j1]
            if val1 < ypif[j]:
                val1 = ypif[j]
                argmax_j1 = j

            val2 = yp2if[j]
            if val1 * val2 > max_val:
                best_word_span = (argmax_j1, j)
                best_sent_idx = f
                max_val = val1 * val2
    return ((best_sent_idx, best_word_span[0]), (best_sent_idx, best_word_span[1] + 1)), float(max_val) 
Example 2
Source File:    From coref with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_emb(self, head_emb, context_outputs, span_starts, span_ends):
    span_emb_list = []

    span_start_emb = tf.gather(context_outputs, span_starts) # [k, emb]

    span_end_emb = tf.gather(context_outputs, span_ends) # [k, emb]

    span_width = 1 + span_ends - span_starts # [k]

    if self.config["use_features"]:
      span_width_index = span_width - 1 # [k]
      span_width_emb = tf.gather(tf.get_variable("span_width_embeddings", [self.config["max_span_width"], self.config["feature_size"]]), span_width_index) # [k, emb]
      span_width_emb = tf.nn.dropout(span_width_emb, self.dropout)

    if self.config["model_heads"]:
      mention_word_scores = self.get_masked_mention_word_scores(context_outputs, span_starts, span_ends)
      head_attn_reps = tf.matmul(mention_word_scores, context_outputs) # [K, T]

    span_emb = tf.concat(span_emb_list, 1) # [k, emb]
    return span_emb # [k, emb] 
Example 3
Source File:    From multilabel-image-classification-tensorflow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_labels(sentence_tags, inv_label_mapping=None):
  """Go from token-level labels to list of entities (start, end, class)."""

  if inv_label_mapping:
    sentence_tags = [inv_label_mapping[i] for i in sentence_tags]
  span_labels = []
  last = 'O'
  start = -1
  for i, tag in enumerate(sentence_tags):
    pos, _ = (None, 'O') if tag == 'O' else tag.split('-')
    if (pos == 'S' or pos == 'B' or tag == 'O') and last != 'O':
      span_labels.append((start, i - 1, last.split('-')[-1]))
    if pos == 'B' or pos == 'S' or last == 'O':
      start = i
    last = tag
  if sentence_tags[-1] != 'O':
    span_labels.append((start, len(sentence_tags) - 1,
  return span_labels 
Example 4
Source File:    From document-qa with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span_bounded(word_start_probs, word_end_probs, bound):
    max_val = -1
    best_word_span = None

    span_start = -1
    span_start_val = -1

    for word_ix in range(0, len(word_start_probs)):

        # Move `span_start` forward iff that would improve our score
        if span_start_val < word_start_probs[word_ix]:
            span_start_val = word_start_probs[word_ix]
            span_start = word_ix

        # Jump to the next largest span start iff we reach the boundary limit
        if (word_ix - span_start + 1) > bound:
            span_start += 1 + np.argmax(word_start_probs[span_start+1:word_ix+1])
            span_start_val = word_start_probs[span_start]

        # Check if the new span is the best one yet
        if span_start_val * word_end_probs[word_ix] > max_val:
            best_word_span = (span_start, word_ix)
            max_val = span_start_val * word_end_probs[word_ix]

    return best_word_span, max_val 
Example 5
Source File:    From document-qa with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span(word_start_probs, word_end_probs):
    max_val = -1
    best_word_span = None

    span_start = -1
    span_start_val = -1

    for word_ix in range(0, len(word_start_probs)):

        # Move `span_start` forward iff that would improve our score
        # Thus span_start will always be the largest valued start between
        # [0, `word_ix`]
        if span_start_val < word_start_probs[word_ix]:
            span_start_val = word_start_probs[word_ix]
            span_start = word_ix

        # Check if the new span is the best one yet
        if span_start_val * word_end_probs[word_ix] > max_val:
            best_word_span = (span_start, word_ix)
            max_val = span_start_val * word_end_probs[word_ix]

    return best_word_span, max_val 
Example 6
Source File:    From active-qa with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span(ypi, yp2i):
  max_val = 0
  best_word_span = (0, 1)
  best_sent_idx = 0
  for f, (ypif, yp2if) in enumerate(zip(ypi, yp2i)):
    argmax_j1 = 0
    for j in range(len(ypif)):
      val1 = ypif[argmax_j1]
      if val1 < ypif[j]:
        val1 = ypif[j]
        argmax_j1 = j

      val2 = yp2if[j]
      if val1 * val2 > max_val:
        best_word_span = (argmax_j1, j)
        best_sent_idx = f
        max_val = val1 * val2
  return ((best_sent_idx, best_word_span[0]),
          (best_sent_idx, best_word_span[1] + 1)), float(max_val) 
Example 7
Source File:    From kbqa-ar-smcnn with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span(label):
    span = []
    st = 0
    en = 0
    flag = False
    for k in range(len(label)):
        if label[k] == 1 and flag == False:
            flag = True
            st = k
        if label[k] != 1 and flag == True:
            flag = False
            en = k
            span.append((st, en))
            st = 0
            en = 0
    if st != 0 and en == 0:
        en = k
        span.append((st, en))
    return span 
Example 8
Source File:    From R-net with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span(span_start_logits: torch.Tensor, span_end_logits: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        if span_start_logits.dim() != 2 or span_end_logits.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Input shapes must be (batch_size, passage_length)")
        batch_size, passage_length = span_start_logits.size()
        max_span_log_prob = [-1e20] * batch_size
        span_start_argmax = [0] * batch_size
        best_word_span = span_start_logits.new_zeros((batch_size, 2), dtype=torch.long)

        span_start_logits = span_start_logits.detach().cpu().numpy()
        span_end_logits = span_end_logits.detach().cpu().numpy()

        for b in range(batch_size):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            for j in range(passage_length):
                val1 = span_start_logits[b, span_start_argmax[b]]
                if val1 < span_start_logits[b, j]:
                    span_start_argmax[b] = j
                    val1 = span_start_logits[b, j]

                val2 = span_end_logits[b, j]

                if val1 + val2 > max_span_log_prob[b]:
                    best_word_span[b, 0] = span_start_argmax[b]
                    best_word_span[b, 1] = j
                    max_span_log_prob[b] = val1 + val2
        return best_word_span 
Example 9
Source File:    From DashTable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span(spans, row, column):
    Gets the span containing the [row, column] pair

    spans : list of lists of lists
        A list containing spans, which are lists of [row, column] pairs
        that define where a span is inside a table.

    span : list of lists
        A span containing the [row, column] pair
    for i in range(len(spans)):
        if [row, column] in spans[i]:
            return spans[i]

    return None 
Example 10
Source File:    From DashTable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_char_height(span, row_heights):
    Get the height of a span in the number of newlines it fills.

    span : list of list of int
        A list of [row, column] pairs that make up the span
    row_heights : list of int
        A list of the number of newlines for each row in the table

    total_height : int
        The height of the span in number of newlines
    start_row = span[0][0]
    row_count = get_span_row_count(span)
    total_height = 0

    for i in range(start_row, start_row + row_count):
        total_height += row_heights[i]
    total_height += row_count - 1

    return total_height 
Example 11
Source File:    From FlowDelta with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_context_span(context, context_token):
    p_str = 0
    p_token = 0
    t_span = []
    while p_str < len(context):
        if re.match('\s', context[p_str]):
            p_str += 1

        token = context_token[p_token]
        token_len = len(token)
        if context[p_str:p_str + token_len] != token:
  "Something wrong with get_context_span()")
            return []
        t_span.append((p_str, p_str + token_len))

        p_str += token_len
        p_token += 1
    return t_span 
Example 12
Source File:    From lsgn with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_candidates(text_len, max_sentence_length, max_mention_width):
  """Get a list of candidate spans up to length W.
    text_len: Tensor of [num_sentences,]
    max_sentence_length: Integer scalar.
    max_mention_width: Integer.
  num_sentences = util.shape(text_len, 0)
  candidate_starts = tf.tile(
      tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(max_sentence_length), 0), 1),
      [num_sentences, max_mention_width, 1])  # [num_sentences, max_mention_width, max_sentence_length]
  candidate_widths = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(max_mention_width), 0), 2)  # [1, max_mention_width, 1]
  candidate_ends = candidate_starts + candidate_widths  # [num_sentences, max_mention_width, max_sentence_length]
  candidate_starts = tf.reshape(candidate_starts, [num_sentences, max_mention_width * max_sentence_length])
  candidate_ends = tf.reshape(candidate_ends, [num_sentences, max_mention_width * max_sentence_length])
  candidate_mask = tf.less(
      tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(text_len, 1), [1, max_mention_width * max_sentence_length])
  )  # [num_sentences, max_mention_width * max_sentence_length]

  # Mask to avoid indexing error.
  candidate_starts = tf.multiply(candidate_starts, tf.to_int32(candidate_mask))
  candidate_ends = tf.multiply(candidate_ends, tf.to_int32(candidate_mask))
  return candidate_starts, candidate_ends, candidate_mask 
Example 13
Source File:    From LinkedRW with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_text(element, name):
    Scrape text inside the span element
        element: the element containing the text
        name: the class name

        A string of text
        return (
            .text.replace("–", "-")
    except NoSuchElementException:
        return "" 
Example 14
Source File:    From opentracing-python-instrumentation with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_current_span():
    Access current request context and extract current Span from it.
        Return current span associated with the current request context.
        If no request context is present in thread local, or the context
        has no span, return None.
    # Check against the old, ScopeManager-less implementation,
    # for backwards compatibility.
    context = RequestContextManager.current_context()
    if context is not None:
        return context.span

    active =
    return active.span if active else None 
Example 15
Source File:    From IDAmetrics with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_metric(self, bbls_dict):
        The function calculates span metric.
        @bbls_dict - basic blocks dictionary
        @return - span metric
        span_metric = 0
        for bbl_key, bbl in bbls_dict.items():
            for head in bbl:
                instr_op = self.get_instr_operands(int(head, 16))
                instr_type = GetInstructionType(int(head, 16))
                if instr_type == CALL_INSTRUCTION or instr_type == BRANCH_INSTRUCTION:
                for op,type in instr_op:
                    if self.is_operand_called(op, bbl):
                    if type >= idc.o_mem and type <= idc.o_displ:
                        span_metric += 1
        return span_metric 
Example 16
Source File:    From medaCy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_by_term(self, term):
        Takes a given utterance dictionary (term) and extracts out the character indices of the utterance
        :param term: The full dictionary corresponding to a metamap term
        :return: the span of the referenced term in the document
        if isinstance(term['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI'], list):
            spans = []
            for span in term['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']:
                start = int(span['StartPos'])
                length = int(span['Length'])
                spans.append((start, start + length))
            return spans
            start = int(term['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']['StartPos'])
            length = int(term['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']['Length'])
            return [(start, start + length)] 
Example 17
Source File:    From HyTE with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_ids(self, start, end):
		start =int(start)
		if start > end:
			end = YEARMAX

		if start == YEARMIN:
			start_lbl = 0
			for key,lbl in sorted(self.year2id.items(), key=lambda x:x[1]):
				if start >= key[0] and start <= key[1]:
					start_lbl = lbl
		if end == YEARMAX:
			end_lbl = len(self.year2id.keys())-1
			for key,lbl in sorted(self.year2id.items(), key=lambda x:x[1]):
				if end >= key[0] and end <= key[1]:
					end_lbl = lbl
		return start_lbl, end_lbl 
Example 18
Source File:    From py_zipkin with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_thread_local_span_storage():
    """A wrapper to return _thread_local.span_storage

    Returns a SpanStorage object used to temporarily store all spans created in
    the current process. The transport handlers will pull from this storage when
    they emit the spans.

    .. deprecated::
       Use the Tracer interface which offers better multi-threading support.
       get_thread_local_span_storage will be removed in version 1.0.

    :returns: SpanStore object containing all non-root spans.
        "get_thread_local_span_storage is deprecated. See DEPRECATIONS.rst"
        " for details on how to migrate to using Tracer."
    return get_default_tracer()._span_storage 
Example 19
Source File:    From tIGAr with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def getKnotSpan(self,u):
        Given parameter ``u``, return the index of the knot span in which
        ``u`` falls.  (Numbering includes degenerate knot spans.)
        # placeholder linear search
        #span = 0
        #nspans = len(self.knots)-1
        #for i in range(0,nspans):
        #    span = i
        #    if(u<self.knots[i+1]+DOLFIN_EPS):
        #        break

        # from docs: should be index of "rightmost value less than x"
        nspans = len(self.knots)-1
        #span = bisect.bisect_left(self.knots,u)-1
        span = searchsorted(self.knots,u)-1
        if(span < self.multiplicities[0]-1):
            span = self.multiplicities[0]-1
        if(span > nspans-(self.multiplicities[-1]-1)-1):
            span = nspans-(self.multiplicities[-1]-1)-1
        return span 
Example 20
Source File:    From open-context-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_form_use_life_span_query_dict(form_start=None, form_stop=None):
    """Makes a filter query for formation-use-life chrono based on 
    start and/or stop times
    if form_start is None and form_stop is None:
        return None
    if form_start is None:
        # Set the start to be older than the entire Cosmos.
        form_start = -10*1000*1000*1000
    if form_stop is None:
        # Set the stop long after the Sun would have died.
        form_stop = 10*1000*1000*1000
    term = 'form_use_life_chrono_point:[{},{} TO {},{}]'.format(
    return {'fq': [term]}

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Example 21
Source File:    From opentelemetry-python with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_current_span(context: Optional[Context] = None) -> Optional[Span]:
    """Retrieve the current span.

        context: A Context object. If one is not passed, the
            default current context is used instead.

        The Span set in the context if it exists. None otherwise.
    span = get_value(SPAN_KEY, context=context)
    if span is None:
        return None
    if not isinstance(span, Span):
        return INVALID_SPAN
    return span 
Example 22
Source File:    From reading_comprehension_tf with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_word_span(char_spans, answer_char_start, answer_char_end):
    answer_word_start = None
    answer_word_end = None
    for word_idx, (char_start_idx, char_end_indx) in enumerate(char_spans):
        if char_start_idx <= answer_char_start <= char_end_indx:
            answer_word_start = word_idx
        if char_start_idx <= answer_char_end <= char_end_indx:
            answer_word_end = word_idx
    if answer_word_end is None and answer_word_start is not None:
        if answer_char_end > char_spans[-1][-1]:
            answer_word_end = len(char_spans) - 1
    if answer_word_end is None or answer_word_start is None or answer_word_end < answer_word_start:
        raise ValueError("invalid word span: ({0}, {1})".format(answer_word_start, answer_word_end))
    return answer_word_start, answer_word_end 
Example 23
Source File:    From mnnpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_bio_span(exprs, ndim, svd_mode, var_subset=None, **kwargs):
    centred = exprs - np.mean(exprs, axis=0)
    if var_subset is not None:
        subsetter = [True] * centred.shape[1]
        keeper = [False] * centred.shape[1]
        for i in var_subset:
            subsetter[i] = False
            keeper[i] = True
        leftovers = centred[:, subsetter].T
        centred = centred[:, keeper]
    ndim = min(ndim, *centred.shape)
    singular = svd_internal(centred.T, ndim, svd_mode, **kwargs)
    if var_subset is None:
        return singular[0]
    output = np.zeros((exprs.shape[1], ndim), dtype=np.float32)
    output[keeper,] = singular[0]
    output[subsetter,] = np.divide(, singular[2]), singular[1][range(ndim)])
    return output 
Example 24
Source File:    From magnitude with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span(span_start_logits              , span_end_logits              )                :
        if span_start_logits.dim() != 2 or span_end_logits.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError(u"Input shapes must be (batch_size, passage_length)")
        batch_size, passage_length = span_start_logits.size()
        max_span_log_prob = [-1e20] * batch_size
        span_start_argmax = [0] * batch_size
        best_word_span = span_start_logits.new_zeros((batch_size, 2), dtype=torch.long)

        span_start_logits = span_start_logits.detach().cpu().numpy()
        span_end_logits = span_end_logits.detach().cpu().numpy()

        for b in range(batch_size):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            for j in range(passage_length):
                val1 = span_start_logits[b, span_start_argmax[b]]
                if val1 < span_start_logits[b, j]:
                    span_start_argmax[b] = j
                    val1 = span_start_logits[b, j]

                val2 = span_end_logits[b, j]

                if val1 + val2 > max_span_log_prob[b]:
                    best_word_span[b, 0] = span_start_argmax[b]
                    best_word_span[b, 1] = j
                    max_span_log_prob[b] = val1 + val2
        return best_word_span 
Example 25
Source File:    From self-attentive-parser with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_parent_span(span):
    constituent_data, position = get_constituent(span)
    label_vocab = constituent_data.label_vocab
    doc = span.doc
    sent = span.sent

    position -= 1
    while position >= 0:
        start = constituent_data.starts[position]
        end = constituent_data.ends[position]

        if start <= span.start and span.end <= end:
            return doc[start:end]
        if end < span.sent.start:
        position -= 1

    return None

Example 26
Source File:    From fonduer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_attrib_span(self, a: str, sep: str = " ") -> str:
        """Get the span of sentence attribute *a*.

        Intuitively, like calling::


        :param a: The attribute to get a span for.
        :param sep: The separator to use for the join.
        :return: The joined tokens, or text if a="words".
        # NOTE: Special behavior for words currently (due to correspondence
        # with char_offsets)
        if a == "words":
            return self.sentence.text[self.char_start : self.char_end + 1]
            return sep.join(self.get_attrib_tokens(a)) 
Example 27
Source File:    From ParlAI with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_label(self, data, idx):
        dialog_entry = data['dialog'][idx]
        said = dialog_entry['text']
        sentence = _first_val(dialog_entry['checked_sentence'])
        overlap = self.get_span(said, sentence)
        if not overlap or overlap in self.stop_words:
            label = sentence
            label = overlap

        return label 
Example 28
Source File:    From bidaf-keras with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span(span_begin_probs, span_end_probs, context_length, squad_version, max_span_length):
    if len(span_begin_probs.shape) > 2 or len(span_end_probs.shape) > 2:
        raise ValueError("Input shapes must be (X,) or (1,X)")
    if len(span_begin_probs.shape) == 2:
        assert span_begin_probs.shape[0] == 1, "2D input must have an initial dimension of 1"
        span_begin_probs = span_begin_probs.flatten()
    if len(span_end_probs.shape) == 2:
        assert span_end_probs.shape[0] == 1, "2D input must have an initial dimension of 1"
        span_end_probs = span_end_probs.flatten()

    max_span_probability = 0
    best_word_span = (0, 1)

    for i, val1 in enumerate(span_begin_probs):
        if squad_version == 2.0 and i == 0:

        for j, val2 in enumerate(span_end_probs):
            if j > context_length - 1:

            if (squad_version == 2.0 and j == 0) or (j < i):

            if (j - i) >= max_span_length:

            if val1 * val2 > max_span_probability:
                best_word_span = (i, j)
                max_span_probability = val1 * val2

    if squad_version == 2.0:
        if span_begin_probs[0] * span_end_probs[0] > max_span_probability:
            best_word_span = (0, 0)
            max_span_probability = span_begin_probs[0] * span_end_probs[0]

    return best_word_span, max_span_probability 
Example 29
Source File:    From deep_qa with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span(span_begin_probs, span_end_probs):
        if len(span_begin_probs.shape) > 2 or len(span_end_probs.shape) > 2:
            raise ValueError("Input shapes must be (X,) or (1,X)")
        if len(span_begin_probs.shape) == 2:
            assert span_begin_probs.shape[0] == 1, "2D input must have an initial dimension of 1"
            span_begin_probs = span_begin_probs.flatten()
        if len(span_end_probs.shape) == 2:
            assert span_end_probs.shape[0] == 1, "2D input must have an initial dimension of 1"
            span_end_probs = span_end_probs.flatten()
        max_span_probability = 0
        best_word_span = (0, 1)
        begin_span_argmax = 0
        for j, _ in enumerate(span_begin_probs):
            val1 = span_begin_probs[begin_span_argmax]
            val2 = span_end_probs[j]

            if val1 * val2 > max_span_probability:
                best_word_span = (begin_span_argmax, j)
                max_span_probability = val1 * val2

            # We need to update best_span_argmax here _after_ we've checked the current span
            # position, so that we don't allow things like (1, 1), which are empty spans.  We've
            # added a special stop symbol to the end of the passage, so this still allows for all
            # valid spans over the passage.
            if val1 < span_begin_probs[j]:
                val1 = span_begin_probs[j]
                begin_span_argmax = j
        return (best_word_span[0], best_word_span[1]) 
Example 30
Source File:    From ReSAN with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_word_span(context, wordss, start, stop):
    spanss = get_2d_spans(context, wordss)  # [[(start,end),...],...] -> char level
    idxs = []
    for sent_idx, spans in enumerate(spanss):
        for word_idx, span in enumerate(spans):
            if not (stop <= span[0] or start >= span[1]):
                idxs.append((sent_idx, word_idx))

    assert len(idxs) > 0, "{} {} {} {}".format(context, spanss, start, stop)
    return idxs[0], (idxs[-1][0], idxs[-1][1] + 1)  # (sent_start, token_start) --> (sent_stop, token_stop+1) 
Example 31
Source File:    From monasca-analytics with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span(self):
        :rtype: ast.Span
        :return: Returns the span where the error occured if appropriate
Example 32
Source File:    From PyDev.Debugger with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span(self):
        @rtype:  tuple( int, int )
            Starting and ending address of the memory range
            covered by the breakpoint.
        address = self.get_address()
        size    = self.get_size()
        return ( address, address + size ) 
Example 33
Source File:    From filmkodi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_ids(html, media_id):
    spans = []
    pattern = '''<img[^>]+src=['"][^"']+%s.jpe?g''' % (media_id)
    for span in get_dom(html, 'span'):
        match ='''<span[^>]+id=['"]([^'"]+)[^>]+>(.*)''', span, re.I | re.DOTALL)
        if match:
            if,, re.I | re.DOTALL):

    return spans 
Example 34
Source File:    From adversarial-squad with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_word_span(context, wordss, start, stop):
    spanss = get_2d_spans(context, wordss)
    idxs = []
    for sent_idx, spans in enumerate(spanss):
        for word_idx, span in enumerate(spans):
            if not (stop <= span[0] or start >= span[1]):
                idxs.append((sent_idx, word_idx))

    assert len(idxs) > 0, "{} {} {} {}".format(context, spanss, start, stop)
    return idxs[0], (idxs[-1][0], idxs[-1][1] + 1) 
Example 35
Source File:    From adversarial-squad with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_score_pairs(ypi, yp2i):
    span_score_pairs = []
    for f, (ypif, yp2if) in enumerate(zip(ypi, yp2i)):
        for j in range(len(ypif)):
            for k in range(j, len(yp2if)):
                span = ((f, j), (f, k+1))
                score = ypif[j] * yp2if[k]
                span_score_pairs.append((span, score))
    return span_score_pairs 
Example 36
Source File:    From python-flask with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span(self, request=None):
        Returns the span tracing `request`, or the current request if

        If there is no such span, get_span returns None.

        @param request the request to get the span from
        if request is None and
            request =

        scope = self._current_scopes.get(request, None)
        return None if scope is None else scope.span 
Example 37
Source File:    From SUPPA with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span(self):
        Fetches the gene range span and returns results in tuple
        return min([self.transcripts[transc].span[0] for transc in self.transcripts]), \
            max([self.transcripts[transc].span[1] for transc in self.transcripts]) 
Example 38
Source File:    From claf with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span(self, span_start_logits, span_end_logits, answer_maxlen=None):
        Take argmax of constrained score_s * score_e.

        * Args:
            span_start_logits: independent start logits
            span_end_logits: independent end logits

        * Kwargs:
            answer_maxlen: max span length to consider (default is None -> All)

        B = span_start_logits.size(0)
        best_word_span = span_start_logits.new_zeros((B, 2), dtype=torch.long)

        score_starts = F.softmax(span_start_logits, dim=-1)
        score_ends = F.softmax(span_end_logits, dim=-1)

        max_len = answer_maxlen or score_starts.size(1)

        for i in range(score_starts.size(0)):
            # Outer product of scores to get full p_s * p_e matrix
            scores = torch.ger(score_starts[i], score_ends[i])

            # Zero out negative length and over-length span scores
            scores.triu_().tril_(max_len - 1)

            # Take argmax or top n
            scores = scores.detach().cpu().numpy()
            scores_flat = scores.flatten()

            idx_sort = [np.argmax(scores_flat)]

            s_idx, e_idx = np.unravel_index(idx_sort, scores.shape)
            best_word_span[i, 0] = int(s_idx[0])
            best_word_span[i, 1] = int(e_idx[0])

        return best_word_span 
Example 39
Source File:    From opencensus-python with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_datas(self, span):
        """Extracts a list of SpanData tuples from a span

        :rtype: list of opencensus.trace.span_data.SpanData
        :return list of SpanData tuples
        span_datas = [
                parent_span_id=ss.parent_span.span_id if
                ss.parent_span else None,
            for ss in span

        return span_datas 
Example 40
Source File:    From e2e-coref with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_emb(self, head_emb, context_outputs, span_starts, span_ends):
    span_emb_list = []

    span_start_emb = tf.gather(context_outputs, span_starts) # [k, emb]

    span_end_emb = tf.gather(context_outputs, span_ends) # [k, emb]

    span_width = 1 + span_ends - span_starts # [k]

    if self.config["use_features"]:
      span_width_index = span_width - 1 # [k]
      span_width_emb = tf.gather(tf.get_variable("span_width_embeddings", [self.config["max_span_width"], self.config["feature_size"]]), span_width_index) # [k, emb]
      span_width_emb = tf.nn.dropout(span_width_emb, self.dropout)

    if self.config["model_heads"]:
      span_indices = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(self.config["max_span_width"]), 0) + tf.expand_dims(span_starts, 1) # [k, max_span_width]
      span_indices = tf.minimum(util.shape(context_outputs, 0) - 1, span_indices) # [k, max_span_width]
      span_text_emb = tf.gather(head_emb, span_indices) # [k, max_span_width, emb]
      with tf.variable_scope("head_scores"):
        self.head_scores = util.projection(context_outputs, 1) # [num_words, 1]
      span_head_scores = tf.gather(self.head_scores, span_indices) # [k, max_span_width, 1]
      span_mask = tf.expand_dims(tf.sequence_mask(span_width, self.config["max_span_width"], dtype=tf.float32), 2) # [k, max_span_width, 1]
      span_head_scores += tf.log(span_mask) # [k, max_span_width, 1]
      span_attention = tf.nn.softmax(span_head_scores, 1) # [k, max_span_width, 1]
      span_head_emb = tf.reduce_sum(span_attention * span_text_emb, 1) # [k, emb]

    span_emb = tf.concat(span_emb_list, 1) # [k, emb]
    return span_emb # [k, emb] 
Example 41
Source File:    From lsgn with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_dense_span_labels(span_starts, span_ends, span_labels, num_spans, max_sentence_length, span_parents=None):
  """Utility function to get dense span or span-head labels.
    span_starts: [num_sentences, max_num_spans]
    span_ends: [num_sentences, max_num_spans]
    span_labels: [num_sentences, max_num_spans]
    num_spans: [num_sentences,]
    span_parents: [num_sentences, max_num_spans]. Predicates in SRL.
  num_sentences = util.shape(span_starts, 0)
  max_num_spans = util.shape(span_starts, 1)
  # For padded spans, we have starts = 1, and ends = 0, so they don't collide with any existing spans.
  span_starts += (1 - tf.sequence_mask(num_spans, dtype=tf.int32))  # [num_sentences, max_num_spans]
  sentence_indices = tf.tile(
      tf.expand_dims(tf.range(num_sentences), 1),
      [1, max_num_spans])  # [num_sentences, max_num_spans]
  sparse_indices = tf.concat([
      tf.expand_dims(sentence_indices, 2),
      tf.expand_dims(span_starts, 2),
      tf.expand_dims(span_ends, 2)], axis=2)  # [num_sentences, max_num_spans, 3]
  if span_parents is not None:
    sparse_indices = tf.concat([
      sparse_indices, tf.expand_dims(span_parents, 2)], axis=2)  # [num_sentenes, max_num_spans, 4]

  rank = 3 if (span_parents is None) else 4
  # (sent_id, span_start, span_end) -> span_label
  dense_labels = tf.sparse_to_dense(
      sparse_indices = tf.reshape(sparse_indices, [num_sentences * max_num_spans, rank]),
      output_shape = [num_sentences] + [max_sentence_length] * (rank - 1),
      sparse_values = tf.reshape(span_labels, [-1]),
      default_value = 0,
      validate_indices = False)  # [num_sentences, max_sent_len, max_sent_len]
  return dense_labels 
Example 42
Source File:    From MSMARCO with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_best_span(cls, start_log_probs, end_log_probs):
        Get the best span.
        if isinstance(start_log_probs, Variable):
            start_log_probs =
        if isinstance(end_log_probs, Variable):
            end_log_probs =

        batch_size, num_tokens = start_log_probs.size()
        start_end = torch.zeros(batch_size, 2).long()
        max_val = start_log_probs[:, 0] + end_log_probs[:, 0]
        max_start = start_log_probs[:, 0]
        arg_max_start = torch.zeros(batch_size).long()

        for batch in range(batch_size):
            _start_lp = start_log_probs[batch]
            _end_lp = end_log_probs[batch]
            for t_s in range(1, num_tokens):
                if max_start[batch] < _start_lp[t_s]:
                    arg_max_start[batch] = t_s
                    max_start[batch] = _start_lp[t_s]

                cur_score = max_start[batch] + _end_lp[t_s]
                if max_val[batch] < cur_score:
                    start_end[batch, 0] = arg_max_start[batch]
                    start_end[batch, 1] = t_s
                    max_val[batch] = cur_score

        # Place the end point one time step after the end, so that
        # passage[s:e] works.
        start_end[:, 1] += 1
        return start_end 
Example 43
Source File:    From jaeger-client-python with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span(self, http_request, update_span_func):
        span = http_server.before_request(http_server.TornadoRequestWrapper(request=http_request),
        if update_span_func:

        return span 
Example 44
Source File:    From jaeger-client-python with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_observed_span(span):
    return ObservedSpan(
        traceId='%x' % span.trace_id,
Example 45
Source File:    From DashTable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_column_count(span):
    Find the length of a colspan.

    span : list of lists of int
        The [row, column] pairs that make up the span

    columns : int
        The number of columns included in the span

    Consider this table::

        | foo  | bar              |
        | spam | goblet | berries |


        >>> span = [[0, 1], [0, 2]]
        >>> print(get_span_column_count(span))
    columns = 1
    first_column = span[0][1]

    for i in range(len(span)):
        if span[i][1] > first_column:
            columns += 1
            first_column = span[i][1]

    return columns 
Example 46
Source File:    From DashTable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_char_width(span, column_widths):
    Sum the widths of the columns that make up the span, plus the extra.

    span : list of lists of int
        list of [row, column] pairs that make up the span
    column_widths : list of int
        The widths of the columns that make up the table

    total_width : int
        The total width of the span

    start_column = span[0][1]
    column_count = get_span_column_count(span)
    total_width = 0

    for i in range(start_column, start_column + column_count):
        total_width += column_widths[i]

    total_width += column_count - 1

    return total_width 
Example 47
Source File:    From DashTable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_span_row_count(span):
    Gets the number of rows included in a span

    span : list of lists of int
        The [row, column] pairs that make up the span

    rows : int
        The number of rows included in the span

    Consider this table::

        | foo    | bar |
        +--------+     |
        | spam   |     |
        +--------+     |
        | goblet |     |


        >>> span = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]
        >>> print(get_span_row_count(span))
    rows = 1
    first_row = span[0][0]

    for i in range(len(span)):
        if span[i][0] > first_row:
            rows += 1
            first_row = span[i][0]

    return rows 
Example 48
Source File:    From nanopype with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_refernce_span(self, ref={}):
        if "MD" in self.tags:
            return self.__decode_md__()
        elif self._rname in ref:
            ref_span = self.__opsLength__("MDN=X")
            return ref[self._rname][self._pos - 1:self._pos -1 + ref_span]
            raise Exception(self._rname) 
Example 49
Source File:    From active-qa with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_word_span(context, wordss, start, stop):
  spanss = get_2d_spans(context, wordss)
  idxs = []
  for sent_idx, spans in enumerate(spanss):
    for word_idx, span in enumerate(spans):
      if not (stop <= span[0] or start >= span[1]):
        idxs.append((sent_idx, word_idx))

  assert len(idxs) > 0, "{} {} {} {}".format(context, spanss, start, stop)
  return idxs[0], (idxs[-1][0], idxs[-1][1] + 1)