Python write fasta
39 Python code examples are found related to "
write fasta".
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Example 1
Source File: From GTDBTk with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def write_fasta(seqs, fasta_file, wrap=80): """Write sequences to a fasta file. Parameters ---------- seqs : dict[seq_id] -> seq Sequences indexed by sequence id. fasta_file : str Path to write the sequences to. wrap: int Number of AA/NT before the line is wrapped. """ with open(fasta_file, 'w') as f: for gid, gseq in seqs.items(): f.write('>{}\n'.format(gid)) for i in range(0, len(gseq), wrap): f.write('{}\n'.format(gseq[i:i + wrap]))
Example 2
Source File: From dna2proteins with MIT License | 7 votes |
def write_fasta(dictionary, filename): """ Takes a dictionary and writes it to a fasta file Must specify the filename when caling the function """ import textwrap with open(filename, "w") as outfile: for key, value in dictionary.items(): outfile.write(key + "\n") outfile.write("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(value, 60))) outfile.write("\n") print "Success! File written" ## Swaps DNA sequencs for proteins
Example 3
Source File: From SqueezeMeta with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def write_fasta(seqs, output_file): """Write sequences to fasta file. If the output file has the extension 'gz', it will be compressed using gzip. Parameters ---------- seqs : dict[seq_id] -> seq Sequences indexed by sequence id. output_file : str Name of fasta file to produce. """ if output_file.endswith('.gz'): fout =, 'wb') else: fout = open(output_file, 'w') for seq_id, seq in viewitems(seqs): fout.write('>' + seq_id + '\n') fout.write(seq + '\n') fout.close()
Example 4
Source File: From ssbio with MIT License | 6 votes |
def write_fasta_file(seq_records, outname, outdir=None, outext='.faa', force_rerun=False): """Write a FASTA file for a SeqRecord or a list of SeqRecord objects. Args: seq_records (SeqRecord, list): SeqRecord or a list of SeqRecord objects outname: Name of the output file which will have outext appended to it outdir: Path to directory to output sequences to outext: Extension of FASTA file, default ".faa" force_rerun: If file should be overwritten if it exists Returns: str: Path to output FASTA file. """ if not outdir: outdir = '' outfile = ssbio.utils.outfile_maker(inname='', outname=outname, outdir=outdir, outext=outext) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): SeqIO.write(seq_records, outfile, "fasta") return outfile
Example 5
Source File: From catch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def write_probe_fasta(probes, out_fn): """Write probe sequences to a FASTA file. This writes one probe sequence per line, with a header immediately preceding the sequence. If set, the header written is the one in probe.Probe.header. If not set, the probe.Probe.identifier() is used. Args: probes: list of instances of probe.Probe out_fn: path to FASTA file to write """ with open(out_fn, 'w') as f: for p in probes: if p.header: f.write('>' + p.header + '\n') else: f.write('>probe_%s\n' % p.identifier()) f.write(p.seq_str + '\n')
Example 6
Source File: From cDNA_Cupcake with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 6 votes |
def write_in_fasta(self, cid, write_all=False): """ Write the ./tmp/<cid/10000 mod>/c<cid>/in.fasta for cluster cid. If write_all is True, write all subreads. Otherwise, only write a random subsample of num=self.dagcon_in_fasta_subsample reads. """ #in_filename = op.join('./tmp/', str(cid/10000), 'c'+str(cid), 'in.fasta') in_filename = op.join(self.clusterInFa(cid)) seqids = self.uc[cid] if not write_all: seqids = random.sample(seqids, min(self.dagcon_in_fa_subsample, len(seqids))) with open(in_filename, 'w') as f: for seqid in seqids: f.write(">{0}\n{1}\n".format(seqid, self.seq_dict[seqid].sequence)) return in_filename
Example 7
Source File: From GetOrganelle with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def write_fasta_with_list(out_dir, matrix, overwrite): if not overwrite: while os.path.exists(out_dir): out_dir = '.'.join(out_dir.split('.')[:-1]) + '_.' + out_dir.split('.')[-1] fasta_file = open(out_dir, 'w') if matrix[2]: for i in range(len(matrix[0])): fasta_file.write('>' + matrix[0][i] + '\n') j = matrix[2] while j < len(matrix[1][i]): fasta_file.write(''.join(matrix[1][i][(j - matrix[2]):j]) + '\n') j += matrix[2] fasta_file.write(''.join(matrix[1][i][(j - matrix[2]):j]) + '\n') else: for i in range(len(matrix[0])): fasta_file.write('>' + matrix[0][i] + '\n') fasta_file.write(''.join(matrix[1][i]) + '\n') fasta_file.close() # deprecated since GetOrganelle 1.6.3
Example 8
Source File: From GetOrganelle with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def write_fasta(out_dir, matrix, overwrite): if not overwrite: while os.path.exists(out_dir): out_dir = '.'.join(out_dir.split('.')[:-1])+'_.'+out_dir.split('.')[-1] fasta_file = open(out_dir, 'w') if matrix[2]: for i in range(len(matrix[0])): fasta_file.write('>'+matrix[0][i]+'\n') j = matrix[2] while j < len(matrix[1][i]): fasta_file.write(matrix[1][i][(j-matrix[2]):j]+'\n') j += matrix[2] fasta_file.write(matrix[1][i][(j-matrix[2]):j]+'\n') else: for i in range(len(matrix[0])): fasta_file.write('>'+matrix[0][i]+'\n') fasta_file.write(matrix[1][i]+'\n') fasta_file.close()
Example 9
Source File: From medaka with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(filename, contigs): """Write a fasta file from tuples of (name, sequence). :param filename: output filename. :param contigs: tuples of the form (sequence name, base sequence). """ with open(filename, 'w') as fasta: for name, seq in contigs: fasta.write('>{}\n{}\n'.format(name, seq))
Example 10
Source File: From cDNA_Cupcake with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 5 votes |
def write_preClusterSet_to_fasta(pCS, output_filename, fasta_d): """ Write to fasta: ID -- cid | selected representative seqid for this cid Seq --- sequence of the selected representative Currently, the rep is randomly chosen. """ with open(output_filename, 'w') as f: for cid in pCS.S: r = fasta_d[random.choice(pCS.S[cid].members)] f.write(">{0}\n{1}\n".format(, r.seq))
Example 11
Source File: From picrust2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(seq, outfile): out_fasta = open(outfile, "w") # Look through sequence ids (sorted alphabetically so output file is # reproducible). for s in sorted(seq.keys()): out_fasta.write(">" + s + "\n") out_fasta.write(seq[s] + "\n") out_fasta.close()
Example 12
Source File: From EdwardsLab with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_fasta_files(faf, odir, bins, maxb, verbose=False): """ Read the sequences from faf and write them into a set of files in odir. :param faf: The source fasta file :param odir: the output directory :param bins: the hash of contigs -> bin :param maxb: the maximum bin number :param verbose: more output :return: nada """ if not os.path.exists(odir): os.mkdir(odir) outputfiles = [] for i in range(maxb+1): outputfiles.append(open(os.path.join(odir, f"bin_{i}.fna"), 'w')) written_to=set() for fa, seq in stream_fasta(faf, True): faid = fa.split(" ")[0] if faid not in bins: if verbose: sys.stderr.write(f"Sequence {faid} not found in a bin\n") continue outputfiles[bins[faid]].write(">{}\n{}\n".format(fa, seq)) written_to.add(bins[faid]) for o in outputfiles: o.close() for i in range(maxb+1): if i not in written_to: os.remove(os.path.join(odir, f"bin_{i}.fna"))
Example 13
Source File: From antismash with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(names: List[str], seqs: List[str], filename: str) -> None: """ Writes name/sequence pairs to file in FASTA format Argumnets: names: a list of sequence identifiers seqs: a list of sequences as strings filename: the filename to write the FASTA formatted data to Returns: None """ out_file = open(filename, "w") for name, seq in zip(names, seqs): out_file.write(">%s\n%s\n" % (name, seq)) out_file.close()
Example 14
Source File: From antismash with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_search_fasta(record: Record) -> str: """ Constructs a FASTA representation of a record and writes it to a file in the current directory. Returns: the name of the file created """ filename = "{}.fasta".format( with open(filename, 'w') as handle: seqio.write([record.to_biopython()], handle, 'fasta') return filename
Example 15
Source File: From wgd with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(seq_dict, output_file): """ Write a sequence dictionary to a fasta file. :param seq_dict: sequence dictionary, see :py:func:`read_fasta` :param output_file: output file name """ with open(output_file, 'w') as o: for key, val in seq_dict.items(): o.write('>' + key + '\n') o.write(val + '\n') return output_file
Example 16
Source File: From dnaplotlib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_to_fasta(entries, col_length = 20) : formatted_entries = [] for seq_name, nts in entries: nts = [ nts[i:i + col_length] for i in range(0, len(nts), col_length)] nts = '\n'.join(nts) formatted_entries.append( '>%s\n%s' %(seq_name, nts) ) return '\r\n'.join(formatted_entries)
Example 17
Source File: From ariba with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_prepareref_fasta_file(outfile, gene_coords, genes_need_upstream, genes_non_upstream, upstream_before=100, upstream_after=100): '''Writes fasta file to be used with -f option of prepareref''' tmp_dict = {} fasta_in = os.path.join(data_dir, 'NC_000962.3.fa.gz') pyfastaq.tasks.file_to_dict(fasta_in, tmp_dict) ref_seq = tmp_dict['NC_000962.3'] with open(outfile, 'w') as f: for gene in genes_non_upstream: start = gene_coords[gene]['start'] end = gene_coords[gene]['end'] if start < end: gene_fa = pyfastaq.sequences.Fasta(gene, ref_seq[start:end+1]) else: gene_fa = pyfastaq.sequences.Fasta(gene, ref_seq[end:start+1]) gene_fa.revcomp() print(gene_fa, file=f) for gene in genes_need_upstream: start = gene_coords[gene]['start'] end = gene_coords[gene]['end'] if start < end: gene_fa = pyfastaq.sequences.Fasta(gene, ref_seq[start - upstream_before:start + upstream_after]) else: gene_fa = pyfastaq.sequences.Fasta(gene, ref_seq[start - upstream_after + 1:start + upstream_before + 1]) gene_fa.revcomp() += '_upstream' print(gene_fa, file=f)
Example 18
Source File: From ariba with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_seqs_to_fasta(self, outfile, names): f_out = pyfastaq.utils.open_file_write(outfile) for name in sorted(names): print(self.sequence(name), file=f_out) pyfastaq.utils.close(f_out)
Example 19
Source File: From biskit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def writeFasta( self, frecords, fastaOut ): """ Create fasta file for given set of records. @param frecords: list of Bio.Blast.Records @type frecords: [Bio.Blast.Record] @param fastaOut: file name @type fastaOut: str """ f = open( T.absfile(fastaOut), 'w' ) for r in frecords: f.write( r.format('fasta') ) ## note better use direct SeqIO f.close()
Example 20
Source File: From biskit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def writeFastaClustered( self, fastaOut=None ): """ Write non-redundant set of template sequences to fasta file. @param fastaOut: write non-redundant fasta records to file (default: L{F_FASTA_NR}) @type fastaOut: str """ fastaOut = fastaOut or self.outFolder + self.F_FASTA_NR self.writeFasta( self.getClusteredRecords(), fastaOut )
Example 21
Source File: From biskit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def writeFastaAll( self, fastaOut=None ): """ Write all found template sequences to fasta file. @param fastaOut: write all fasta records to file (default: L{F_FASTA_ALL}) @type fastaOut: str OR None """ fastaOut = fastaOut or self.outFolder + self.F_FASTA_ALL self.writeFasta( self.frecords, fastaOut )
Example 22
Source File: From fauna with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(self, viruses, fname, sep='|', fasta_fields=['strain', 'virus', 'accession'], **kwargs): try: handle = open(fname, 'w') except IOError: print('ERROR'); sys.exit(2) pass else: for virus in viruses: fields = [str(virus[field]) if (field in virus and virus[field] is not None) else '?' for field in fasta_fields] handle.write(">"+sep.join(fields)+'\n') handle.write(virus['sequence'] + "\n") handle.close()
Example 23
Source File: From SqueezeMeta with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def writeFasta(seqs, outputFile): '''write sequences to FASTA file''' if outputFile.endswith('.gz'): fout =, 'wb') else: fout = open(outputFile, 'w') for seqId, seq in seqs.items(): fout.write('>' + seqId + '\n') fout.write(seq + '\n') fout.close()
Example 24
Source File: From iva with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(self, filename, name): f = pyfastaq.utils.open_file_write(filename) print('>' + name, file=f) print(self.seq, file=f) pyfastaq.utils.close(f)
Example 25
Source File: From cDNA_Cupcake with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 5 votes |
def write_select_seqs_to_fasta(fasta_filename, seqids, output_filename, mode='w'): d = LazyFastaReader('isoseq_flnc.fasta') with open(output_filename, mode) as f: r = d[x] f.write(">{0}\n{1}\n".format(, r.seq))
Example 26
Source File: From cDNA_Cupcake with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 5 votes |
def write_seqids_to_fasta(seqids, output_filename, fasta_d): """ Write to fasta: ID --- the sequence id Seq -- the sequence """ with open(output_filename, 'w') as f: for seqid in seqids: r = fasta_d[seqid] f.write(">{0}\n{1}\n".format(, r.seq))
Example 27
Source File: From Comparative-Annotation-Toolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(path_or_handle, name, seq, chunk_size=100, validate=None): """Writes out fasta file. if path ends in gz, will be gzipped. """ if isinstance(path_or_handle, str): fh = opengz(path_or_handle, 'w') else: fh = path_or_handle if validate is 'DNA': valid_chars = set('ACGTUYSWKMBDHVNacgtuyswkmbdhvn.-*') elif validate is 'protein': valid_chars = set('ABCDEFGHIKLMPQSRTVWXYZUabcdefghiklmpqsrtvwxyzuNn.-*') else: valid_chars = set() try: assert any([isinstance(seq, str), isinstance(seq, str)]) except AssertionError: raise RuntimeError("Sequence is not unicode or string") if validate is not None: try: assert all(x in valid_chars for x in seq) except AssertionError: bad_chars = {x for x in seq if x not in valid_chars} raise RuntimeError("Invalid FASTA character(s) seen in fasta sequence: {}".format(bad_chars)) fh.write(">%s\n" % name) for i in range(0, len(seq), chunk_size): fh.write("%s\n" % seq[i:i+chunk_size]) if isinstance(path_or_handle, str): fh.close()
Example 28
Source File: From V-pipe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(haplotype_seqs, outdir): fasta_record = collections.namedtuple("fasta_record", "id seq") output_files = [] for idx in range(len(haplotype_seqs)): haplotype_id = ''.join(("haplotype", str(idx))) seq = fasta_record(id=haplotype_id, seq=haplotype_seqs[idx]) output_file = os.path.join(outdir, ''.join((haplotype_id, ".fasta"))) output_files.append(output_file) with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(">{}\n{}\n".format(, seq.seq)), _out=os.path.join(outdir, "haplotypes.fasta"))
Example 29
Source File: From vamb with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(outdir, clusterspath, fastapath, contignames, contiglengths, minfasta, logfile): begintime = time.time() log('\nWriting FASTA files', logfile) log('Minimum FASTA size: {}'.format(minfasta), logfile, 1) lengthof = dict(zip(contignames, contiglengths)) filtered_clusters = dict() with open(clusterspath) as file: clusters = vamb.vambtools.read_clusters(file) for cluster, contigs in clusters.items(): size = sum(lengthof[contig] for contig in contigs) if size >= minfasta: filtered_clusters[cluster] = clusters[cluster] del lengthof, clusters keep = set() for contigs in filtered_clusters.values(): keep.update(set(contigs)) with vamb.vambtools.Reader(fastapath, 'rb') as file: fastadict = vamb.vambtools.loadfasta(file, keep=keep) vamb.vambtools.write_bins(os.path.join(outdir, "bins"), filtered_clusters, fastadict, maxbins=None) ncontigs = sum(map(len, filtered_clusters.values())) nfiles = len(filtered_clusters) print('', file=logfile) log('Wrote {} contigs to {} FASTA files'.format(ncontigs, nfiles), logfile, 1) elapsed = round(time.time() - begintime, 2) log('Wrote FASTA in {} seconds'.format(elapsed), logfile, 1)
Example 30
Source File: From OrthoFinder with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def WriteSeqsToFasta(self, seqs, outFilename): with open(outFilename, 'w') as outFile: for seq in self.SortSeqs([s.ToString() for s in seqs]): if seq in self.SeqLists: outFile.write(">%s\n" % seq) outFile.write(self.SeqLists[seq]) else: print(("ERROR: %s not found" % seq))
Example 31
Source File: From OrthoFinder with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def WriteFastaFiles(self, fastaWriter, ogs, idDict, qBoth): # The results ones are now written by default after orthogroups, check they're not already there if not os.path.exists(self.GetFastaFilename(0, True)): for iOg, og in enumerate(ogs): fastaWriter.WriteSeqsToFasta_withNewAccessions(og, self.GetFastaFilename(iOg, True), idDict) if qBoth: for iOg, og in enumerate(ogs): fastaWriter.WriteSeqsToFasta(og, self.GetFastaFilename(iOg))
Example 32
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta_by_chrom(ss, chrom_fasta_dir, chrom_base=''): names = [] for s in ss: name = chrom_fasta_dir+'/''.fa' names += [name] with open(name, 'w') as fasta: s.write_to_fasta_file(fasta) return names
Example 33
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta_mask(M,json_path): with open(json_path,'w') as f: json.dump(M,f) return True #compute an expectation given randomly distributed short reads for the RD windows (hist bins)
Example 34
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta(seqs, fasta_path): with open(fasta_path, 'w') as fasta: if type(seqs) is list: for seq in seqs: seq.write_to_fasta_file(fasta) elif type(seqs) is dict: for k in sorted(seqs,key=lambda x: x.zfill(max([len(k) for k in seqs]))): seqs[k].write_to_fasta_file(fasta) return True #ss is a HTSeq Sequence list?
Example 35
Source File: From ssbio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_seq_as_temp_fasta(seq): """Write a sequence as a temporary FASTA file Args: seq (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Sequence string, Biopython Seq or SeqRecord object Returns: str: Path to temporary FASTA file (located in system temporary files directory) """ sr = ssbio.protein.sequence.utils.cast_to_seq_record(seq, id='tempfasta') return write_fasta_file(seq_records=sr, outname='temp', outdir=tempfile.gettempdir(), force_rerun=True)
Example 36
Source File: From ssbio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_fasta_file_from_dict(indict, outname, outdir=None, outext='.faa', force_rerun=False): """Write a FASTA file for a dictionary of IDs and their sequence strings. Args: indict: Input dictionary with keys as IDs and values as sequence strings outname: Name of the output file which will have outext appended to it outdir: Path to directory to output sequences to outext: Extension of FASTA file, default ".faa" force_rerun: If file should be overwritten if it exists Returns: str: Path to output FASTA file. """ if not outdir: outdir = '' outfile = ssbio.utils.outfile_maker(inname='', outname=outname, outdir=outdir, outext=outext) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): seqs = [] for i, s in indict.items(): seq = ssbio.protein.sequence.utils.cast_to_seq_record(s, id=i) seqs.append(seq) SeqIO.write(seqs, outfile, "fasta") return outfile
Example 37
Source File: From Comparative-Annotation-Toolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_fasta_to_filestore(toil, fasta_local_path): """ Convenience function that loads a fasta and its associated gdx/flat file into the fileStore. Assumes that the paths are consistent with the requirements (i.e. $path.gdx and $path.flat) :param toil: Toil context manager :param fasta_local_path: Path to local fasta to load. :return: List of fileStore IDs for fasta, fasta_gdx, fasta_flat """ fasta_file_id = FileID.forPath(toil.importFile('file:///' + fasta_local_path), fasta_local_path) gdx_file_id = FileID.forPath(toil.importFile('file:///' + fasta_local_path + '.gdx'), fasta_local_path + '.gdx') flat_file_id = FileID.forPath(toil.importFile('file:///' + fasta_local_path + '.flat'), fasta_local_path + '.flat') return fasta_file_id, gdx_file_id, flat_file_id
Example 38
Source File: From pmx with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def writeFASTA( self, filename, title = ""): fp = open(filename,"w") if not title: title = '_'.join(self.title.split()) if len(self.chains) == 1: print >>fp, '> %s' % title print >>fp, self.chains[0].get_sequence() else: for chain in self.chains: print >>fp, '> %s_chain_%s' % (title, ) print >>fp, chain.get_sequence() ## def writeGRO( self, filename, title = ''): ## fp = open(filename,'w') ## if self.unity == 'nm': fac = 1. ## else: fac = 0.1 ## if not title: ## title = self.title ## print >>fp, title ## print >>fp, "%5d" % len(self.atoms) ## if self.atoms[0].v[0] != 0.000 : bVel = True ## else: bVel = False ## if bVel: ## gro_format = "%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.4f%8.4f%8.4f" ## else: ## gro_format = "%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f" ## for atom in self.atoms: ## resid = (atom.resnr)%100000 ## at_id = ( ## ff = "%5d%-5.5s%5.5s%5d" % (resid, atom.resname,, at_id) ## if bVel: ## ff+=gro_format % (atom.x[XX]*fac, atom.x[YY]*fac, atom.x[ZZ]*fac, ## atom.v[XX], atom.v[YY], atom.v[ZZ]) ## else: ## ff+=gro_format % (atom.x[XX]*fac, atom.x[YY]*fac, atom.x[ZZ]*fac ) ## print >>fp, ff ## if[XX][YY] or[XX][ZZ] or[YY][XX] or \ ##[YY][ZZ] or[ZZ][XX] or[ZZ][YY]: ## bTric = False ## ff = "%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f" ## else: ## bTric = True ## ff = "%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f" ## if bTric: ## print >>fp, ff % ([XX][XX],[YY][YY],[ZZ][ZZ]) ## else: ## print >>fp, ff % ([XX][XX],[YY][YY],[ZZ][ZZ], ##[XX][YY],[XX][ZZ],[YY][XX], ##[YY][ZZ],[ZZ][XX],[ZZ][YY]) ## fp.close()
Example 39
Source File: From augur with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def write_out_informative_fasta(compress_seq, alignment, stripFile=None): from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord from Bio.Seq import Seq sequences = compress_seq['sequences'] ref = compress_seq['reference'] positions = compress_seq['positions'] #If want to exclude sites from initial treebuild, read in here strip_pos = load_mask_sites(stripFile) if stripFile else [] #Get sequence names seqNames = list(sequences.keys()) #Check non-ref sites to see if informative printPositionMap = False #If true, prints file mapping Fasta position to real position sites = [] pos = [] for key in positions: if key not in strip_pos: pattern = [] for k in sequences.keys(): #looping try/except is faster than list comprehension try: pattern.append(sequences[k][key]) except KeyError: pattern.append(ref[key]) origPattern = list(pattern) if '-' in pattern or 'N' in pattern: #remove gaps/Ns to see if otherwise informative pattern = [value for value in origPattern if value != '-' and value != 'N'] un = np.unique(pattern, return_counts=True) #If not all - or N, not all same base, and >1 differing base, append if len(un[0])!=0 and len(un[0])!=1 and not (len(un[0])==2 and min(un[1])==1): sites.append(origPattern) pos.append("\t".join([str(len(pos)+1),str(key)])) #Rotate and convert to SeqRecord sites = np.asarray(sites) align = np.rot90(sites) seqNamesCorr = list(reversed(seqNames)) toFasta = [ SeqRecord(id=seqNamesCorr[i], seq=Seq("".join(align[i])), description='') for i in range(len(sequences.keys()))] fasta_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(alignment), 'informative_sites.fasta') #now output this as fasta to read into raxml or iqtree SeqIO.write(toFasta, fasta_file, 'fasta') #If want a position map, print: if printPositionMap: with open(fasta_file+".positions.txt", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as the_file: the_file.write("\n".join(pos)) return fasta_file