Python datetime.datetime.html() Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def characteristic_has_other_notifying_features(self, characteristic, feature): """Check whether a characteristic has other enabled features beyond the given one. Args: characteristic (Characteristic): The BLE characteristic to check. Refer to `Characteristic <>`_ for more information. feature (:class:`blue_st_sdk.feature.Feature`): The given feature. Returns: True if the characteristic has other enabled features beyond the given one, False otherwise. """ with lock(self): features = self._get_corresponding_features( characteristic.getHandle()) for feature_entry in features: if feature_entry == feature: pass elif feature_entry.is_notifying(): return True return False
Example #2
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def characteristic_can_be_notified(self, characteristic): """Check if a characteristics can be notified. Args: characteristic (Characteristic): The BLE characteristic to check. Refer to `Characteristic <>`_ for more information. Returns: bool: True if the characteristic can be notified, False otherwise. """ try: if characteristic is not None: with lock(self): return "NOTIFY" in characteristic.propertiesToString() return False except BTLEException as e: self._unexpected_disconnect()
Example #3
Source File: From imperialism-remake with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ We initialize the timer and set the update interval (one minute) and start it and update the clock at least once. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # customize format if desired ( self.time_format = '%H:%M' # initial update self.update_clock() # create and start timer for all following updates self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update_clock) self.timer.setInterval(60000) self.timer.start()
Example #4
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def characteristic_can_be_written(self, characteristic): """Check if a characteristics can be written. Args: characteristic (Characteristic): The BLE characteristic to check. Refer to `Characteristic <>`_ for more information. Returns: bool: True if the characteristic can be written, False otherwise. """ try: if characteristic is not None: with lock(self): return "WRITE" in characteristic.propertiesToString() return False except BTLEException as e: self._unexpected_disconnect()
Example #5
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def characteristic_can_be_read(self, characteristic): """Check if a characteristics can be read. Args: characteristic (Characteristic): The BLE characteristic to check. Refer to `Characteristic <>`_ for more information. Returns: bool: True if the characteristic can be read, False otherwise. """ try: if characteristic is not None: with lock(self): return "READ" in characteristic.propertiesToString() return False except BTLEException as e: self._unexpected_disconnect()
Example #6
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def update_advertising_data(self, advertising_data): """Update advertising data. Args: advertising_data (list): Advertising data. Refer to 'getScanData()' method of `ScanEntry <>`_ class for more information. Raises: :exc:`blue_st_sdk.utils.blue_st_exceptions.BlueSTInvalidAdvertisingDataException` is raised if the advertising data is not well formed. """ try: self._advertising_data = BlueSTAdvertisingDataParser.parse( advertising_data) except BlueSTInvalidAdvertisingDataException as e: raise e
Example #7
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_time(self, sample): """Getting the date and the time from a sample. Args: sample (:class:`blue_st_sdk.feature.Sample`): Sample data. Returns: :class:`datetime`: The date and the time of the recognized activity if the sample is valid, "None" otherwise. Refer to `datetime <>`_ for more information. """ if sample is not None: if sample._data: if sample._data[self.TIME_FIELD] is not None: return sample._data[self.TIME_FIELD] return None
Example #8
Source File: From pypyr-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_step(context): """pypyr step saves current local datetime to context. Args: context: pypyr.context.Context. Mandatory. The following context key is optional: - nowIn. str. Datetime formatting expression. For full list of possible expressions, check here: All inputs support pypyr formatting expressions. This step creates now in context, containing a string representation of the timestamp. If input formatting not specified, defaults to ISO8601. Default is: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ffffff, or, if microsecond is 0, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS Returns: None. updates context arg. """ logger.debug("started") format_expression = context.get('nowIn', None) if format_expression: formatted_expression = context.get_formatted_string(format_expression) context['now'] = else: context['now'] ="timestamp %s saved to context now", context['now']) logger.debug("done")
Example #9
Source File: From python2017 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_aware(value): """ Determines if a given datetime.datetime is aware. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is not None
Example #10
Source File: From pypyr-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_step(context): """pypyr step saves current utc datetime to context. Args: context: pypyr.context.Context. Mandatory. The following context key is optional: - nowUtcIn. str. Datetime formatting expression. For full list of possible expressions, check here: All inputs support pypyr formatting expressions. This step creates now in context, containing a string representation of the timestamp. If input formatting not specified, defaults to ISO8601. Default is: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ffffff+00:00, or, if microsecond is 0, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS Returns: None. updates context arg. """ logger.debug("started") format_expression = context.get('nowUtcIn', None) if format_expression: formatted_expression = context.get_formatted_string(format_expression) context['nowUtc'] = timezone.utc).strftime(formatted_expression) else: context['nowUtc'] ="timestamp %s saved to context nowUtc", context['nowUtc']) logger.debug("done")
Example #11
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_last_update(self): """Get the time of the last update. Returns: datetime: The time of the last update received. Refer to `datetime <>`_ for more information. """ return self._last_update
Example #12
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_characteristic(self): """Get the characteristic that offers the feature. Note: By design, it is the characteristic that offers more features beyond the current one, among those offering the current one. Returns: characteristic: The characteristic that offers the feature. Refer to `Characteristic <>`_ for more information. """ return self._characteristic
Example #13
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _build_features(self, characteristic): """Build the exported features of a BLE characteristic. After building the features, add them to the dictionary of the features to be updated. Args: characteristic (Characteristic): The BLE characteristic. Refer to `Characteristic <>`_ for more information. """ try: # Extracting the feature mask from the characteristic's UUID. feature_mask = FeatureCharacteristic.extract_feature_mask( characteristic.uuid) # Looking for the exported features in reverse order to get them in # the correct order in case of characteristic that exports multiple # features. features = [] mask = 1 << 31 for i in range(0, 32): if (feature_mask & mask) != 0: if mask in self._mask_to_feature_dic: feature = self._mask_to_feature_dic[mask] if feature is not None: feature.set_enable(True) features.append(feature) mask = mask >> 1 # If the features are valid, add an entry for the corresponding # characteristic. if features: with lock(self): self._update_char_handle_to_features_dict[ characteristic.getHandle()] = features except BTLEException as e: self._node._unexpected_disconnect()
Example #14
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _build_features_known_uuid(self, characteristic, feature_classes): """Build the given features of a BLE characteristic. After building the features, add them to the dictionary of the features to be updated. Args: characteristic (Characteristic): The BLE characteristic. Refer to `Characteristic <>`_ for more information. feature_classes (list): The list of feature-classes to instantiate. """ # Build the features. features = [] for feature_class in feature_classes: feature = self._build_feature_from_class(feature_class) if feature is not None: feature.set_enable(True) features.append(feature) self._available_features.append(feature) # If the features are valid, add an entry for the corresponding # characteristic. try: if features: with lock(self): self._update_char_handle_to_features_dict[ characteristic.getHandle()] = features except BTLEException as e: self._unexpected_disconnect()
Example #15
Source File: From BlueSTSDK_Python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_last_rssi_update_date(self): """Get the time of the last RSSI update received. Returns: datetime: The time of the last RSSI update received. Refer to `datetime <>`_ for more information. """ return self._last_rssi_update
Example #16
Source File: From toot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_datetime(value): """Returns an aware datetime in local timezone""" # In Python < 3.7, `%z` does not match `Z` offset # if value.endswith("Z"): dttm = datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) else: dttm = datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z") return dttm.astimezone()
Example #17
Source File: From integrations-core with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_time_elapsed(transformers, column_name, **modifiers): """ Send the number of seconds elapsed from a time in the past as a `gauge`. For example, if the result is an instance of [datetime.datetime]( representing 5 seconds ago, then this would submit with a value of `5`. The optional modifier `format` indicates what format the result is in. By default it is `native`, assuming the underlying library provides timestamps as `datetime` objects. If it does not and passes them through directly as strings, you must provide the expected timestamp format using the [supported codes]( !!! note The code `%z` (lower case) is not supported on Windows. """ time_format = modifiers.pop('format', 'native') if not isinstance(time_format, str): raise ValueError('the `format` parameter must be a string') gauge = transformers['gauge'](transformers, column_name, **modifiers) if time_format == 'native': def time_elapsed(_, value, **kwargs): value = normalize_datetime(value) gauge(_, ( - value).total_seconds(), **kwargs) else: def time_elapsed(_, value, **kwargs): value = normalize_datetime(datetime.strptime(value, time_format)) gauge(_, ( - value).total_seconds(), **kwargs) return time_elapsed
Example #18
Source File: From python2017 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_naive(value): """ Determines if a given datetime.datetime is naive. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is None
Example #19
Source File: From probe-scraper with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def utc_timestamp(d): # See # for why we're calculating this UTC timestamp explicitly return (d - datetime(1970, 1, 1)) / timedelta(seconds=1)
Example #20
Source File: From openhgsenti with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_naive(value): """ Determines if a given datetime.datetime is naive. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is None
Example #21
Source File: From openhgsenti with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_aware(value): """ Determines if a given datetime.datetime is aware. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is not None
Example #22
Source File: From luscan-devel with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_naive(value): """ Determines if a given datetime.datetime is naive. The logic is described in Python's docs: """ return value.tzinfo is None or value.tzinfo.utcoffset(value) is None
Example #23
Source File: From luscan-devel with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_aware(value): """ Determines if a given datetime.datetime is aware. The logic is described in Python's docs: """ return value.tzinfo is not None and value.tzinfo.utcoffset(value) is not None
Example #24
Source File: From python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_naive(value): """ Determines if a given datetime.datetime is naive. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is None
Example #25
Source File: From python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_aware(value): """ Determines if a given datetime.datetime is aware. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is not None
Example #26
Source File: From Hands-On-Application-Development-with-PyCharm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_naive(value): """ Determine if a given datetime.datetime is naive. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is None
Example #27
Source File: From Hands-On-Application-Development-with-PyCharm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_aware(value): """ Determine if a given datetime.datetime is aware. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is not None
Example #28
Source File: From mimesis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bulk_create_datetimes(date_start: DateTime, date_end: DateTime, **kwargs) -> List[DateTime]: """Bulk create datetime objects. This method creates list of datetime objects from ``date_start`` to ``date_end``. You can use the following keyword arguments: * ``days`` * ``hours`` * ``minutes`` * ``seconds`` * ``microseconds`` See datetime module documentation for more: :param date_start: Begin of the range. :param date_end: End of the range. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for datetime.timedelta :return: List of datetime objects :raises: ValueError: When ``date_start``/``date_end`` not passed and when ``date_start`` larger than ``date_end``. """ dt_objects = [] if not date_start and not date_end: raise ValueError('You must pass date_start and date_end') if date_end < date_start: raise ValueError('date_start can not be larger than date_end') while date_start <= date_end: date_start += timedelta(**kwargs) dt_objects.append(date_start) return dt_objects
Example #29
Source File: From SQLAlchemy-serializer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_dict(self, only=(), rules=(), date_format=None, datetime_format=None, time_format=None, tzinfo=None, decimal_format=None, serialize_types=None): """ Returns SQLAlchemy model's data in JSON compatible format For details about datetime formats follow: :param only: exclusive schema to replace default one (always have higher priority than rules) :param rules: schema to extend default one or schema defined in "only" :param date_format: str :param datetime_format: str :param time_format: str :param decimal_format: str :param tzinfo: datetime.tzinfo converts datetimes to local user timezone :return: data: dict """ s = Serializer( date_format=date_format or self.date_format, datetime_format=datetime_format or self.datetime_format, time_format=time_format or self.time_format, decimal_format=decimal_format or self.decimal_format, tzinfo=tzinfo or self.get_tzinfo(), serialize_types=serialize_types or self.serialize_types ) return s(self, only=only, extend=rules)
Example #30
Source File: From bioforum with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_naive(value): """ Determine if a given datetime.datetime is naive. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is None