Python scipy.stats.percentileofscore() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of scipy.stats.percentileofscore().
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Example #1
Source File: From pywr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def agg_func(request): agg_func_name = request.param if agg_func_name == "custom": # When using custom you assign the function rather than a string. agg_func_name = npy_func = custom_test_func elif agg_func_name == "percentile": agg_func_name = { "func": "percentile", "args": [95], "kwargs": {} } npy_func = partial(np.percentile, q=95) elif agg_func_name == "percentileofscore": agg_func_name = { "func": "percentileofscore", "kwargs": { "score": 0.5, "kind": "rank" } } npy_func = partial(percentileofscore_with_axis, score=0.5, kind="rank") else: npy_func = npy_funcs[agg_func_name] return agg_func_name, npy_func
Example #2
Source File: From PIDGINv3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def doPercentileCalculation(model_name): global rdkit_mols #expensive to unzip training file - so only done if smiles requested if options.ad_smiles: smiles = get_training_smiles(model_name) ad_data = getAdData(model_name) def calcPercentile(rdkit_mol): sims = DataStructs.BulkTanimotoSimilarity(rdkit_mol,ad_data[:,0]) bias = ad_data[:,2].astype(float) std_dev = ad_data[:,3].astype(float) scores = ad_data[:,5].astype(float) weights = sims / (bias * std_dev) critical_weight = weights.max() percentile = percentileofscore(scores,critical_weight) if options.ad_smiles: critical_smiles = smiles[np.argmax(weights)] result = percentile, critical_smiles else: result = percentile, None return result ret = [calcPercentile(x) for x in rdkit_mols] return model_name, ret #prediction runner for percentile calculation
Example #3
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def fit_position(self, factor_object): """ 针对均值回复类型策略的仓位管理: 根据当前买入价格在过去一段金融序列中的价格rank位置来决定仓位 fit_position计算的结果是买入多少个单位(股,手,顿,合约) :param factor_object: ABuFactorBuyBases子类实例对象 :return:买入多少个单位(股,手,顿,合约) """ # self.kl_pd_buy为买入当天的数据,获取之前的past_day_cnt天数据 last_kl = factor_object.past_today_kl(self.kl_pd_buy, self.past_day_cnt) if last_kl is None or last_kl.empty: precent_pos = self.pos_base else: # 使用percentileofscore计算买入价格在过去的past_day_cnt天的价格位置 precent_pos = stats.percentileofscore(last_kl.close, self.bp) precent_pos = (1 + (self.mid_precent - precent_pos) / 100) * self.pos_base # 最大仓位限制,依然受上层最大仓位控制限制,eg:如果算出全仓,依然会减少到75%,如修改需要修改最大仓位值 precent_pos = self.pos_max if precent_pos > self.pos_max else precent_pos # 结果是买入多少个单位(股,手,顿,合约) return self.read_cash * precent_pos / self.bp * self.deposit_rate
Example #4
Source File: From RHEAS with MIT License | 6 votes |
def calcSeverity(model, varname="soil_moist"): """Calculate drought severity from *climatology* table stored in database.""" db = dbio.connect(model.dbname) cur = db.cursor() if varname == "soil_moist": sql = "select fdate,(ST_DumpValues(st_union(rast,'sum'))).valarray from {0}.soil_moist group by fdate order by fdate".format( else: sql = "select fdate,(ST_DumpValues(rast)).valarray from {0}.runoff order by fdate".format( cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() data = np.array([np.array(r[1]).ravel() for r in results]) i = np.where(np.not_equal(data[0, :], None))[0] p = pandas.DataFrame(data[:, i], index=np.array([r[0] for r in results], dtype='datetime64'), columns=range(len(i))) p = p.rolling('10D').mean() # calculate percentiles with dekad rolling mean st = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(model.startyear, model.startmonth, model.startday) et = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(model.endyear, model.endmonth, model.endday) s = np.array([[stats.percentileofscore(p[pi].values, v) for v in p[pi][st:et]] for pi in p.columns]).T s = 100.0 - s cur.close() db.close() return s
Example #5
Source File: From pywr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def percentileofscore_with_axis(values, *args, axis=0, **kwargs): if values.ndim == 1: # For 1D data we just calculate the percentile out = percentileofscore(values, *args, **kwargs) elif axis == 0: # 2D data by axis 0 out = [percentileofscore(values[:, i], *args, **kwargs) for i in range(values.shape[1])] elif axis == 1: # 2D data by axis 1 out = [percentileofscore(values[i, :], *args, **kwargs) for i in range(values.shape[0])] else: raise ValueError('Axis "{}" not supported'.format(axis)) return out
Example #6
Source File: From pudl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_own_eia860(pudl_out_eia, live_pudl_db): """Sanity checks for EIA 860 generator ownership data.""" if not live_pudl_db: raise AssertionError("Data validation only works with a live PUDL DB.")'Reading EIA 860 generator ownership data...') own_out = pudl_out_eia.own_eia860() if (own_out.fraction_owned > 1.0).any(): raise AssertionError( "Generators with ownership fractions > 1.0 found. Bad data?" ) if (own_out.fraction_owned < 0.0).any(): raise AssertionError( "Generators with ownership fractions < 0.0 found. Bad data?" ) # Verify that the reported ownership fractions add up to something very # close to 1.0 (i.e. that the full ownership of each generator is # specified by the EIA860 data) own_gb = own_out.groupby(['report_date', 'plant_id_eia', 'generator_id']) own_sum = own_gb['fraction_owned'].agg(helpers.sum_na).reset_index() f"{len(own_sum[own_sum.fraction_owned.isnull()])} generator-years have no ownership data.") own_sum = own_sum.dropna() pct_missing = stats.percentileofscore(own_sum.fraction_owned, 0.98) f"{len(own_sum[own_sum.fraction_owned < 0.98])} ({pct_missing}%) " f"generator-years have incomplete ownership data.") if not max(own_sum['fraction_owned'] < 1.02): raise ValueError("Plants with more than 100% ownership found...") # There might be a few generators with incomplete ownership but virtually # everything should be pretty fully described. If not, let us know. The # 0.5 threshold means 0.5% -- i.e. less than 1 in 200 is partial. if pct_missing >= 0.5: raise ValueError( f"{pct_missing}% of generators lack complete ownership data." )
Example #7
Source File: From with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def score_anomaly(self, x): x = pd.Series(x) scores = pd.Series([0.01*percentileofscore(self.sample_, z) for z in x]) return scores
Example #8
Source File: From with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def score(self, x): from scipy.stats import percentileofscore return [0.01*percentileofscore(x, z) for z in x]
Example #9
Source File: From tia with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def rolling_percentileofscore(series, window, min_periods=None): """Computue the score percentile for the specified window.""" import scipy.stats as stats def _percentile(arr): score = arr[-1] vals = arr[:-1] return stats.percentileofscore(vals, score) notnull = series.dropna() min_periods = min_periods or window if notnull.empty: return pd.Series(np.nan, index=series.index) else: return pd.rolling_apply(notnull, window, _percentile, min_periods=min_periods).reindex(series.index)
Example #10
Source File: From tia with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def expanding_percentileofscore(series, min_periods=None): import scipy.stats as stats def _percentile(arr): score = arr[-1] vals = arr[:-1] return stats.percentileofscore(vals, score) notnull = series.dropna() if notnull.empty: return pd.Series(np.nan, index=series.index) else: return pd.expanding_apply(notnull, _percentile, min_periods=min_periods).reindex(series.index)
Example #11
Source File: From NiMARE with MIT License | 5 votes |
def null_to_p(test_value, null_array, tail='two'): """Return p-value for test value against null array. Parameters ---------- test_value : :obj:`float` Value for which to determine p-value. null_array : 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` Null distribution against which test_value is compared. tail : {'two', 'upper', 'lower'}, optional Whether to compare value against null distribution in a two-sided ('two') or one-sided ('upper' or 'lower') manner. If 'upper', then higher values for the test_value are more significant. If 'lower', then lower values for the test_value are more significant. Default is 'two'. Returns ------- p_value : :obj:`float` P-value associated with the test value when compared against the null distribution. """ if tail == 'two': p_value = (50 - np.abs(stats.percentileofscore( null_array, test_value) - 50.)) * 2. / 100. elif tail == 'upper': p_value = 1 - (stats.percentileofscore(null_array, test_value) / 100.) elif tail == 'lower': p_value = stats.percentileofscore(null_array, test_value) / 100. else: raise ValueError('Argument "tail" must be one of ["two", "upper", ' '"lower"]') return p_value
Example #12
Source File: From nelpy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def score_hmm_events_no_xval(bst, training=None, validation=None, num_states=30, n_shuffles=5000, shuffle='row-wise', verbose=False): """same as score_hmm_events, but train on training set, and only score validation set...""" if shuffle == 'row-wise': rowwise = True elif shuffle == 'col-wise': rowwise = False else: shuffle = 'timeswap' scores_hmm = np.zeros(len(validation)) scores_hmm_shuffled = np.zeros((len(validation), n_shuffles)) PBEs_train = bst[training] PBEs_test = bst[validation] # train HMM on all training PBEs hmm = hmmutils.PoissonHMM(n_components=num_states, random_state=0, verbose=False) # reorder states according to transmat ordering transmat_order = hmm.get_state_order('transmat') hmm.reorder_states(transmat_order) # compute scores_hmm (log likelihoods) of validation set: scores_hmm[:] = hmm.score(PBEs_test) if shuffle == 'timeswap': _, scores_tswap_hmm = score_hmm_timeswap_shuffle(bst=PBEs_test, hmm=hmm, n_shuffles=n_shuffles) scores_hmm_shuffled[:,:] = scores_tswap_hmm.T else: hmm_shuffled = copy.deepcopy(hmm) for nn in range(n_shuffles): # shuffle transition matrix: if rowwise: hmm_shuffled.transmat_ = shuffle_transmat(hmm_shuffled.transmat) else: hmm_shuffled.transmat_ = shuffle_transmat_Kourosh_breaks_stochasticity(hmm_shuffled.transmat) hmm_shuffled.transmat_ = hmm_shuffled.transmat / np.tile(hmm_shuffled.transmat.sum(axis=1), (hmm_shuffled.n_components, 1)).T # score validation set with shuffled HMM scores_hmm_shuffled[:, nn] = hmm_shuffled.score(PBEs_test) n_scores = len(scores_hmm) scores_hmm_percentile = np.array([stats.percentileofscore(scores_hmm_shuffled[idx], scores_hmm[idx], kind='mean') for idx in range(n_scores)]) return scores_hmm, scores_hmm_shuffled, scores_hmm_percentile
Example #13
Source File: From gs-quant with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def percentiles(x: pd.Series, y: pd.Series = None, w: Union[Window, int] = Window(None, 0)) -> pd.Series: """ Rolling percentiles over given window :param x: value series :param y: distribution series :param w: Window or int: size of window and ramp up to use. e.g. Window(22, 10) where 22 is the window size and 10 the ramp up value. Window size defaults to length of series. :return: timeseries of percentiles **Usage** Calculate `percentile rank <>`_ of :math:`y` in the sample distribution of :math:`x` over a rolling window of length :math:`w`: :math:`R_t = \\frac{\sum_{i=t-N+1}^{t}{[X_i<{Y_t}]}+0.5\sum_{i=t-N+1}^{t}{[X_i={Y_t}]}}{N}\\times100\%` Where :math:`N` is the number of observations in a rolling window. If :math:`y` is not provided, calculates percentiles of :math:`x` over its historical values. If window length :math:`w` is not provided, uses an ever-growing history of values. If :math:`w` is greater than the available data size, returns empty. **Examples** Compute percentile ranks of a series in the sample distribution of a second series over :math:`22` observations >>> a = generate_series(100) >>> b = generate_series(100) >>> percentiles(a, b, 22) **See also** :func:`zscores` """ w = normalize_window(x, w) if x.empty: return x if y is None: y = x.copy() if isinstance(w.r, int) and w.r > len(y): raise ValueError('Ramp value must be less than the length of the series y.') if isinstance(w.w, int) and w.w > len(x): return pd.Series() res = pd.Series(dtype=np.dtype(float)) for idx, val in y.iteritems(): sample = x.loc[(x.index > idx - w.w) & (x.index <= idx)] if isinstance(w.w, pd.DateOffset) else x[:idx][-w.w:] res.loc[idx] = percentileofscore(sample, val, kind='mean') if isinstance(w.r, pd.DateOffset): return res.loc[res.index[0] + w.r:] else: return res[w.r:]
Example #14
Source File: From tropycal with MIT License | 4 votes |
def season_composite(self,seasons,climo_bounds=None): r""" Create composite statistics for a list of seasons. Parameters ---------- seasons : list List of seasons to create a composite of. For Southern Hemisphere, season is the start of the two-year period. climo_bounds : list or tuple List or tuple of start and end years of climatology bounds. If none, defaults to (1981,2010). Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the composite of the requested seasons. """ #Error check if isinstance(seasons,list) == False: raise TypeError("'seasons' must be of type list.") #Create climo bounds if climo_bounds is None: climo_bounds = (1981,2010) #Get Season object for the composite summary = self.get_season(seasons).summary() #Get basin climatology climatology = self.climatology(climo_bounds[0],climo_bounds[1]) full_climo = self.to_dataframe() subset_climo = full_climo.loc[climo_bounds[0]:climo_bounds[1]+1] #Create composite dictionary map_keys = {'all_storms':'season_storms', 'named_storms':'season_named', 'hurricanes':'season_hurricane', 'major_hurricanes':'season_major', 'ace':'season_ace', } composite = {} for key in map_keys.keys(): #Get list from seasons season_list = summary[map_keys.get(key)] #Get climatology season_climo = climatology[key] #Get individual years in climatology season_fullclimo = subset_climo[key].values #Create dictionary of relevant calculations for this entry composite[key] = {'list':season_list, 'average':np.round(np.average(season_list),1), 'composite_anomaly':np.round(np.average(season_list)-season_climo,1), 'percentile_ranks':[np.round(stats.percentileofscore(season_fullclimo,i),1) for i in season_list], } return composite