Python scipy.stats.ttest_ind() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of scipy.stats.ttest_ind().
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Example #1
Source File: From scanorama with MIT License | 7 votes |
def test_knn(datasets_dimred, genes, labels, idx, distr, xlabels): knns = [ 5, 10, 50, 100 ] len_distr = len(distr) for knn in knns: integrated = assemble(datasets_dimred[:], knn=knn, sigma=150) X = np.concatenate(integrated) distr.append(sil(X[idx, :], labels[idx])) for d in distr[:len_distr]: print(ttest_ind(np.ravel(X[idx, :]), np.ravel(d))) xlabels.append(str(knn)) print('') plt.figure() plt.boxplot(distr, showmeans=True, whis='range') plt.xticks(range(1, len(xlabels) + 1), xlabels) plt.ylabel('Silhouette Coefficient') plt.ylim((-1, 1)) plt.savefig('param_sensitivity_{}.svg'.format('knn'))
Example #2
Source File: From scanorama with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_sigma(datasets_dimred, genes, labels, idx, distr, xlabels): sigmas = [ 10, 50, 100, 200 ] len_distr = len(distr) for sigma in sigmas: integrated = assemble(datasets_dimred[:], sigma=sigma) X = np.concatenate(integrated) distr.append(sil(X[idx, :], labels[idx])) for d in distr[:len_distr]: print(ttest_ind(np.ravel(X[idx, :]), np.ravel(d))) xlabels.append(str(sigma)) print('') plt.figure() plt.boxplot(distr, showmeans=True, whis='range') plt.xticks(range(1, len(xlabels) + 1), xlabels) plt.ylabel('Silhouette Coefficient') plt.ylim((-1, 1)) plt.savefig('param_sensitivity_{}.svg'.format('sigma'))
Example #3
Source File: From scdiff with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getDiffGeneTTest(self): cut=5e-2 AE=[item.E for item in self.fromNode.cells] BE=[item.E for item in self.toNode.cells] G=range(len(AE[0])) #pdb.set_trace() TT=[] for i in G: X=[item[i] for item in AE] Y=[item[i] for item in BE] pxy=ttest_ind(X,Y)[-1] TT.append([pxy,i]) TT.sort() TT=[item for item in TT if item[0]<cut] DG=[[self.GL[item[1]],item[0]] for item in TT if self.GL[item[1]]] return DG #-------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #4
Source File: From scdiff with MIT License | 6 votes |
def tellDifference(nodeCells,nodePCells,geneIndex,fcut=0.6): if len(nodePCells)==0: return [0,1,0] X=[item.E[geneIndex] for item in nodeCells] Y=[item.E[geneIndex] for item in nodePCells] fc=sum(X)/len(X)-sum(Y)/len(Y) pv=ttest_ind(X,Y)[1] pcut=0.05 if pv<pcut and fc>fcut: return [1,pv,fc] if pv<pcut and fc<-1*fcut: return [-1,pv,fc] return [0,pv,fc] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # filter X
Example #5
Source File: From DIVE-backend with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def ttest(df, fields, indep, dep): # Ensure single field dep_field_name = dep[0] indep_field_name = indep[0] unique_indep_values = get_unique(df[indep_field_name]) subsets = {} for v in unique_indep_values: subsets[v] = np.array(df[df[indep_field_name] == v][dep_field_name]) result = {} for (x, y) in combinations(unique_indep_values, 2): (statistic, pvalue) = ttest_ind(subsets[x], subsets[y]) result[str([x, y])] = { 'statistic': statistic, 'pvalue': pvalue } return result ################## #Functions to determine which tests could be run ##################
Example #6
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_ttest_ind_nan_2nd_arg(): # regression test for gh-6134: nans in the second arg were not handled x = [np.nan, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] y = [1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0] r1 = stats.ttest_ind(x, y, nan_policy='omit') r2 = stats.ttest_ind(y, x, nan_policy='omit') assert_allclose(r2.statistic, -r1.statistic, atol=1e-15) assert_allclose(r2.pvalue, r1.pvalue, atol=1e-15) # NB: arguments are not paired when NaNs are dropped r3 = stats.ttest_ind(y, x[1:]) assert_allclose(r2, r3, atol=1e-15) # .. and this is consistent with R. R code: # x = c(NA, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) # y = c(1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0) # t.test(x, y, var.equal=TRUE) assert_allclose(r2, (-2.5354627641855498, 0.052181400457057901), atol=1e-15)
Example #7
Source File: From HPOlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def calculate_statistics(best_dict, keys, round_=0): p_values = dict() for key in keys: p_values[key] = defaultdict(float) for idx, key0 in enumerate(keys): if len(keys) > 1: for j, key1 in enumerate(keys[idx+1:]): if round_ > 0: t_true, p_true = stats.ttest_ind(numpy.round(best_dict[key0], round_), numpy.round(best_dict[key1], round_)) else: t_true, p_true = stats.ttest_ind(best_dict[key0], best_dict[key1]) p_values[key0][key1] = p_true return p_values
Example #8
Source File: From pscore_match with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def t_test(covariates, groups): """ Two sample t test for the distribution of treatment and control covariates Parameters ---------- covariates : DataFrame Dataframe with one covariate per column. If matches are with replacement, then duplicates should be included as additional rows. groups : array-like treatment assignments, must be 2 groups Returns ------- A list of p-values, one for each column in covariates """ colnames = list(covariates.columns) J = len(colnames) pvalues = np.zeros(J) for j in range(J): var = covariates[colnames[j]] res = ttest_ind(var[groups == 1], var[groups == 0]) pvalues[j] = res.pvalue return pvalues
Example #9
Source File: From scprep with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_t_statistic(): X = data.generate_positive_sparse_matrix(shape=(500, 3), seed=42, poisson_mean=0.2) Y = data.generate_positive_sparse_matrix(shape=(500, 3), seed=42, poisson_mean=0.3) u_stat = [ stats.ttest_ind(X[:, i], Y[:, i], equal_var=False)[0] for i in range(X.shape[1]) ] def test_fun(X): return scprep.stats.t_statistic(, idx=np.arange(500)),, idx=np.arange(500, 1000)), ) matrix.test_all_matrix_types( np.vstack([X, Y]), utils.assert_transform_equals, Y=u_stat, transform=test_fun, check=partial(utils.assert_all_close, rtol=2e-3), )
Example #10
Source File: From spotpy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compare_different_objectivefunctions(like1,like2): """ Performs the Welch’s t-test (aka unequal variances t-test) :like1: objectivefunction values :type: list :like2: Other objectivefunction values :type: list :return: p Value :rtype: list """ from scipy import stats out = stats.ttest_ind(like1, like2, equal_var=False) print(out) if out[1]>0.05: print('like1 is NOT signifikant different to like2: p>0.05') else: print('like1 is signifikant different to like2: p<0.05' ) return out
Example #11
Source File: From CausalDiscoveryToolbox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def loop(self, xy, yx): """ Tests the loop condition based on the new results and the parameters. Args: xy (list): list containing all the results for one set of samples yx (list): list containing all the results for the other set. Returns: bool: True if the loop has to continue, False otherwise. """ if self.iter < 2: self.iter += self.runs_per_iter return True t_test, self.p_value = ttest_ind(xy, yx, equal_var=False) if self.p_value > self.threshold and self.iter < self.max_iter: self.iter += self.runs_per_iter return True else: return False
Example #12
Source File: From redtide with MIT License | 6 votes |
def price_trend(self, symbol=None, k=5, metric='rvalue', baseval=0): if k < 3: raise ValueError('Stocks.price_trend: k >= 3 is a must') if metric not in ['slope', 'rvalue', 'pvalue', 'stderr']: raise ValueError('Stocks.price_trend: invalid metric: {}'.format(metric)) if symbol is None: values = [] for s in self.stocks.values(): r = s.price_trend(k) if r: values.append(getattr(r, metric)) n = len(values) if n >= 2: # n depends on stocks watching, meanless if few return ttest_ind(values, [baseval]*n, equal_var=False) elif self.has_stock(symbol): return self.stocks[symbol].price_trend(k) return None
Example #13
Source File: From redtide with MIT License | 6 votes |
def volume_trend(self, symbol=None, k=5, metric='rvalue', baseval=0): if k < 3: raise ValueError('Stocks.volume_trend: k >= 3 is a must') if metric not in ['slope', 'rvalue', 'pvalue', 'stderr']: raise ValueError('Stocks.volume_trend: invalid metric: {}'.format(metric)) if symbol is None: values = [] for s in self.stocks.values(): r = s.volume_trend(k) if r: values.append(getattr(r, metric)) n = len(values) if n >= 2: return ttest_ind(values, [baseval]*n, equal_var=False) elif self.has_stock(symbol): return self.stocks[symbol].volume_trend(k) return None
Example #14
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_weightstats_1(self): x1, x2 = self.x1, self.x2 w1, w2 = self.w1, self.w2 w1_ = 2. * np.ones(len(x1)) w2_ = 2. * np.ones(len(x2)) d1 = DescrStatsW(x1) # print ttest_ind(x1, x2) # print ttest_ind(x1, x2, usevar='unequal') # #print ttest_ind(x1, x2, usevar='unequal') # print stats.ttest_ind(x1, x2) # print ttest_ind(x1, x2, usevar='unequal', alternative='larger') # print ttest_ind(x1, x2, usevar='unequal', alternative='smaller') # print ttest_ind(x1, x2, usevar='unequal', weights=(w1_, w2_)) # print stats.ttest_ind(np.r_[x1, x1], np.r_[x2,x2]) assert_almost_equal(ttest_ind(x1, x2, weights=(w1_, w2_))[:2], stats.ttest_ind(np.r_[x1, x1], np.r_[x2, x2]))
Example #15
Source File: From scanorama with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_alpha(datasets_dimred, genes, labels, idx, distr, xlabels): alphas = [ 0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50 ] len_distr = len(distr) for alpha in alphas: integrated = assemble(datasets_dimred[:], alpha=alpha, sigma=150) X = np.concatenate(integrated) distr.append(sil(X[idx, :], labels[idx])) for d in distr[:len_distr]: print(ttest_ind(np.ravel(X[idx, :]), np.ravel(d))) xlabels.append(str(alpha)) print('') plt.figure() plt.boxplot(distr, showmeans=True, whis='range') plt.xticks(range(1, len(xlabels) + 1), xlabels) plt.ylabel('Silhouette Coefficient') plt.ylim((-1, 1)) plt.savefig('param_sensitivity_{}.svg'.format('alpha'))
Example #16
Source File: From scanorama with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_approx(datasets_dimred, genes, labels, idx, distr, xlabels): integrated = assemble(datasets_dimred[:], approx=False, sigma=150) X = np.concatenate(integrated) distr.append(sil(X[idx, :], labels[idx])) len_distr = len(distr) for d in distr[:len_distr]: print(ttest_ind(np.ravel(X[idx, :]), np.ravel(d))) xlabels.append('Exact NN') print('') plt.figure() plt.boxplot(distr, showmeans=True, whis='range') plt.xticks(range(1, len(xlabels) + 1), xlabels) plt.ylabel('Silhouette Coefficient') plt.ylim((-1, 1)) plt.savefig('param_sensitivity_{}.svg'.format('approx'))
Example #17
Source File: From scanorama with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_perplexity(datasets_dimred, genes, labels, idx, distr, xlabels): X = np.concatenate(datasets_dimred) perplexities = [ 10, 100, 500, 2000 ] len_distr = len(distr) for perplexity in perplexities: embedding = fit_tsne(X, perplexity=perplexity) distr.append(sil(embedding[idx, :], labels[idx])) for d in distr[:len_distr]: print(ttest_ind(np.ravel(X[idx, :]), np.ravel(d))) xlabels.append(str(perplexity)) print('') plt.figure() plt.boxplot(distr, showmeans=True, whis='range') plt.xticks(range(1, len(xlabels) + 1), xlabels) plt.ylabel('Silhouette Coefficient') plt.ylim((-1, 1)) plt.savefig('param_sensitivity_{}.svg'.format('perplexity'))
Example #18
Source File: From mCaller with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compare_by_position(bed1,bed2,xmfa): pos_dict = {} for i,bed in enumerate([bed1,bed2]): pos_dict[i] = {} with open(bed,'r') as fi: for line in fi: #2 1892198 1892199 TCMMTMTTMMM 0.5 - 16 csome,start,end,motif,perc_meth,strand,num_reads,probabilities = tuple(line.split('\t')) pos_dict[i][(csome,start,end,strand)] = ((perc_meth,num_reads),np.asarray([float(p) for p in probabilities.strip().split(',')])) for pos in pos_dict[0]: if pos in pos_dict[1]: try: u,pval = mannwhitneyu(pos_dict[0][pos][1],pos_dict[0][pos][1],alternative='two-sided') except ValueError: u,pval = 'none','identical' u2,pval2 = ranksums(pos_dict[0][pos][1],pos_dict[0][pos][1]) try: t,pval3 = ttest_ind(pos_dict[0][pos][1],pos_dict[0][pos][1]) except: t,pval3 = 'none','missing df' d,pval4 = ks_2samp(pos_dict[0][pos][1],pos_dict[0][pos][1]) if pval4 < 0.9: print pos, pos_dict[0][pos][0], pos_dict[1][pos][0], pval, pval2, pval3, pval4
Example #19
Source File: From exploripy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def TTest(self): """ Calculate PValue based on T-Test. This is applicable only for Binary Categorical Variable with all the Continuous Variables """ temp_df = self.df.dropna() start = time.time() TList = [] Insight1 = "With Confidence interval of 0.05, the distribution of variable - \"{0}\" varies significantly based on the categorical variable - \"{1}\". " Insight2 = "With Confidence interval of 0.05, the distribution of variable - \"{0}\" does not vary significantly based on the categorical variable - \"{1}\". " for CategoricalVar in self.BinaryCategoricalFeatures: for ContinuousVar in self.ContinuousFeatures: binary1 = temp_df[CategoricalVar].unique()[0] binary2 = temp_df[CategoricalVar].unique()[1] TStat,p = stats.ttest_ind(temp_df[temp_df[CategoricalVar]==binary1][ContinuousVar],temp_df[temp_df[CategoricalVar]==binary2][ContinuousVar]) if p <= 0.05: Insight = Insight1.format(ContinuousVar,CategoricalVar) else: Insight = Insight2.format(ContinuousVar,CategoricalVar) TList.append(dict(Continuous=ContinuousVar,Categorical=CategoricalVar,TStat=TStat,PValue=p,Insight=Insight)) end = time.time() if self.debug == 'YES': print('T-Test',end-start) print(pd.DataFrame(TList)) return pd.DataFrame(TList)
Example #20
Source File: From basenji with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def stat_tests(ref_cors, exp_cors, alternative): _, mwp = mannwhitneyu(ref_cors, exp_cors, alternative=alternative) tt, tp = ttest_ind(ref_cors, exp_cors) if alternative == 'less': if tt > 0: tp = 1 - (1-tp)/2 else: tp /= 2 elif alternative == 'greater': if tt <= 0: tp /= 2 else: tp = 1 - (1-tp)/2 return mwp, tp ################################################################################ # __main__ ################################################################################
Example #21
Source File: From ClearMap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def tTestVoxelization(group1, group2, signed = False, removeNaN = True, pcutoff = None): """t-Test on differences between the individual voxels in group1 and group2, group is a array of voxelizations""" g1 = self.readDataGroup(group1); g2 = self.readDataGroup(group2); tvals, pvals = stats.ttest_ind(g1, g2, axis = 0, equal_var = True); #remove nans if removeNaN: pi = numpy.isnan(pvals); pvals[pi] = 1.0; tvals[pi] = 0; pvals = self.cutoffPValues(pvals, pcutoff = pcutoff); #return if signed: return pvals, numpy.sign(tvals); else: return pvals;
Example #22
Source File: From ClearMap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def tTestPointsInRegions(pointCounts1, pointCounts2, labeledImage = lbl.DefaultLabeledImageFile, signed = False, removeNaN = True, pcutoff = None, equal_var = False): """t-Test on differences in counts of points in labeled regions""" #ids, p1 = countPointsGroupInRegions(pointGroup1, labeledImage = labeledImage, withIds = True); #p2 = countPointsGroupInRegions(pointGroup2, labeledImage = labeledImage, withIds = False); tvals, pvals = stats.ttest_ind(pointCounts1, pointCounts2, axis = 1, equal_var = equal_var); #remove nans if removeNaN: pi = numpy.isnan(pvals); pvals[pi] = 1.0; tvals[pi] = 0; pvals = self.cutoffPValues(pvals, pcutoff = pcutoff); #pvals.shape = (1,) + pvals.shape; #ids.shape = (1,) + ids.shape; #pvals = numpy.concatenate((ids.T, pvals.T), axis = 1); if signed: return pvals, numpy.sign(tvals); else: return pvals;
Example #23
Source File: From multipy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def two_group_model(N=25, m=1000, pi0=0.1, delta=0.7): """A two-group model for generating test data (described in [3] and elsewhere). The default input arguments can be used to reproduce the result reported by Reiss and colleagues in Figure 2.A. Input arguments: N - Number of samples in each group or condition. m - Number of variables pi0 - Proportion of null effects among the m variables. delta - Location parameter of the non-null part of the distribution of Y, which controls the effect size. Output arguments: tstat - Test statistics (Student's t's) pvals - P-values corresponding to the test statistics """ X = normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=(N, m)) Y = np.hstack([normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=(N, int(pi0*m))), normal(loc=delta, scale=1, size=(N, int(round((1-pi0)*m, 1))))]) # Two-sample t-test tstat, pvals = ttest_ind(X, Y, axis=0) return tstat, pvals
Example #24
Source File: From sktime with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def t_test(self, metric_name=None): """ Runs t-test on all possible combinations between the estimators. """ self._check_is_evaluated() metric_name = self._validate_metric_name(metric_name) metrics_per_estimator_dataset = \ self._get_metrics_per_estimator_dataset( metric_name) t_df = pd.DataFrame() perms = itertools.product(metrics_per_estimator_dataset.keys(), repeat=2) values = np.array([]) for perm in perms: x = np.array(metrics_per_estimator_dataset[perm[0]]) y = np.array(metrics_per_estimator_dataset[perm[1]]) t_stat, p_val = ttest_ind(x, y) t_test = { "estimator_1": perm[0], "estimator_2": perm[1], "t_stat": t_stat, "p_val": p_val } t_df = t_df.append(t_test, ignore_index=True) values = np.append(values, t_stat) values = np.append(values, p_val) index = t_df["estimator_1"].unique() values_names = ["t_stat", "p_val"] col_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([index, values_names]) values_reshaped = values.reshape(len(index), len(values_names) * len(index)) values_df_multiindex = pd.DataFrame(values_reshaped, index=index, columns=col_idx) return t_df, values_df_multiindex
Example #25
Source File: From lentil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compare_validation_aucs(self, model_a, model_b): """ Use a paired t-test to check the statistical significance of the difference between the validation AUCs (across CV runs) of two models :param str model_a: The name of a model :param str model_b: The name of another model :rtype: float :return: p-value """ return stats.ttest_ind( self.validation_aucs(model_a), self.validation_aucs(model_b), equal_var=True)[1]
Example #26
Source File: From scikit-mdr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def score(self, features, targets): """Estimates the quality of the ContinuousMDR model using a t-statistic. Parameters ---------- features: array-like {n_samples, n_features} Feature matrix to predict from targets: array-like {n_samples} List of true target values Returns ------- quality_score: float The estimated quality of the Continuous MDR model """ if self.feature_map is None: raise ValueError('The Continuous MDR model must be fit before score() can be called.') group_0_trait_values = [] group_1_trait_values = [] for feature_instance in self.feature_map: if self.feature_map[feature_instance] == 0: group_0_trait_values.extend(self.mdr_matrix_values[feature_instance]) else: group_1_trait_values.extend(self.mdr_matrix_values[feature_instance]) return abs(ttest_ind(group_0_trait_values, group_1_trait_values).statistic)
Example #27
Source File: From pregel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _compare_gaussians(dist1, dist2): '''Method to compare samples from two gaussians distributions to determine if they are likely to be drawn from the same distribution. Here we assume that we already know that the 2 dist are indeed gaussians. Return true if the two list of samples are likely to be drawn from the same gaussian''' _, pvalue = ttest_ind(dist1, dist2, equal_var=False) if (pvalue > 0.05): # Likely to be drawn from same gaussian return True else: return False
Example #28
Source File: From causallib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compute_pvals(self, X, y): # TODO: export to stats_utils? is_y_binary = (len(np.unique(y)) == 2) # is_binary_feature = np.sum(((X != np.nanmin(X, axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]) & # (X != np.nanmax(X, axis=0)[np.newaxis, :])), axis=0) == 0 is_binary_feature = areColumnsBinary(X) p_vals = np.zeros(X.shape[1]) if is_y_binary: # Process non-binary columns: for i in np.where(~is_binary_feature)[0]: x0 = X.loc[y == 0, i] x1 = X.loc[y == 1, i] if self.is_linear: _, p_vals[i] = stats.ttest_ind(x0, x1) else: _, p_vals[i] = stats.ks_2samp(x0, x1) # Process binary features: _, p_vals[is_binary_feature] = feature_selection.chi2(X.loc[:, is_binary_feature], y) else: # Process non-binary features: _, p_vals[~is_binary_feature] = feature_selection.f_regression(X.loc[:, ~is_binary_feature], y) # Process binary features: y_mat = np.row_stack(y) for i in np.where(is_binary_feature)[0]: _, p_vals[i] = feature_selection.f_regression(y_mat, X.loc[:, i]) return p_vals
Example #29
Source File: From diffxpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_t_test_ref(self, n_cells: int = 2000, n_genes: int = 100): """ Test if de.test.t_test() generates the same p-value distribution as scipy t-test. :param n_cells: Number of cells to simulate (number of observations per test). :param n_genes: Number of genes to simulate (number of tests). """ logging.getLogger("tensorflow").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("batchglm").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("diffxpy").setLevel(logging.INFO) np.random.seed(1) sim = self._prepare_data(n_cells=n_cells, n_genes=n_genes) test = de.test.t_test( data=sim.input_data, grouping="condition", sample_description=sim.sample_description ) # Run scipy t-tests as a reference. conds = np.unique(sim.sample_description["condition"].values) ind_a = np.where(sim.sample_description["condition"] == conds[0])[0] ind_b = np.where(sim.sample_description["condition"] == conds[1])[0] scipy_pvals = stats.ttest_ind( a=sim.x[ind_a, :], b=sim.x[ind_b, :], axis=0, equal_var=False ).pvalue self._eval(test=test, ref_pvals=scipy_pvals) return True
Example #30
Source File: From IceVarFigs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def calc_indttest(varx,vary): """ Function calculates statistical difference for 2 independent sample t-test Parameters ---------- varx : 3d array vary : 3d array Returns ------- stat = calculated t-statistic pvalue = two-tailed p-value Usage ----- stat,pvalue = calc_ttest(varx,vary) """ print('\n>>> Using calc_ttest function!') ### Import modules import numpy as np import scipy.stats as sts ### 2-independent sample t-test stat,pvalue = sts.ttest_ind(varx,vary,nan_policy='omit') ### Significant at 95% confidence level pvalue[np.where(pvalue >= 0.05)] = np.nan pvalue[np.where(pvalue < 0.05)] = 1. print('*Completed: Finished calc_ttest function!') return stat,pvalue ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ###############################################################################