Python scipy.stats.chi2_contingency() Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From FAE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _CompareCategoricalFeatures(self, array1, array2): df1 = pd.DataFrame(Counter(array1), index=[1]) df2 = pd.DataFrame(Counter(array2), index=[2]) df = pd.concat((df1, df2), axis=0) df = df.fillna(0) descrip1, descrip2 = df.iloc[0, :], df.iloc[1, :] descrip1 = ['{}: {}'.format(descrip1.index[x], descrip1.iloc[x]) for x in range(descrip1.size)] descrip2 = ['{}: {}'.format(descrip2.index[x], descrip2.iloc[x]) for x in range(descrip2.size)] description = {} _, description['p-value'], _, _ = chi2_contingency(df.values, correction=True) description['method'] = 'Chi-Square' description['description'] = [', '.join(descrip1), ', '.join(descrip2)] return description
Example #2
Source File: From intro_ds with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def divideData(data, minValue, maxValue): """ 遍历所有可能的分段,返回卡方统计量最高的分段 """ maxChi2 = 0 index = -1 maxPValue = 0 for i in range(minValue+1, maxValue): category = pd.cut(data["hours_per_week"], [minValue, i, maxValue], include_lowest=True) cross = pd.crosstab(data["label"], category) chi2, pValue, _, _ = scs.chi2_contingency(cross) if chi2 > maxChi2: maxPValue = pValue maxChi2 = chi2 index = i return maxPValue, maxChi2, index
Example #3
Source File: From PIDGINv3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def doHitProcess(inp): idx, hits, n_f1_hits, n_f2_hits = inp p1_0, p1_1 = n_f1_hits-hits[0], hits[0] p2_0, p2_1 = n_f2_hits-hits[1], hits[1] #if no actives in either set return if p1_1 == 0 and p2_1 == 0: return #calculate percentage of hits for file1 and file2 pcp1_1 = float(p1_1)/float(p1_0) pcp2_1 = float(p2_1)/float(p2_0) #if no inactives in either set, set chi2 to 1.0 and pvalue to 0 if p1_0 == 0 and p2_0 == 0: return 1.0, idx, p1_1, pcp1_1, p2_1, pcp2_1, 1.0, 'NA' chi, pvalue = chi2_contingency([[p1_1,p1_0],[p2_1,p2_0]])[:2] #calculate odds ratio try: odr = (float(p1_1)/float(p1_0))/(float(p2_1)/float(p2_0)) except ZeroDivisionError: odr = np.inf #calculate risk ratio try: rr = (float(p1_1)/(float(p1_1)+float(p1_0)))/(float(p2_1)/(float(p2_1)+float(p2_0))) except ZeroDivisionError: rr = np.inf return odr, idx, p1_1, pcp1_1, p2_1, pcp2_1, rr, pvalue #calculate the chi2 and odds ratio between pathway and disease predictions
Example #4
Source File: From qiskit-ibmq-provider with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_run_simulator(self): """Test running in a simulator.""" qr = QuantumRegister(2, 'q') cr = ClassicalRegister(2, 'c') qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr, name='hadamard') qc.h(qr) qc.measure(qr, cr) qobj = assemble(transpile([ReferenceCircuits.bell(), qc], backend=self.sim_backend), backend=self.sim_backend) shots = qobj.config.shots job =, validate_qobj=True) result = job.result() counts_qx1 = result.get_counts(0) counts_qx2 = result.get_counts(1) counts_ex1 = {'00': shots / 2, '11': shots / 2} counts_ex2 = {'00': shots / 4, '11': shots / 4, '10': shots / 4, '01': shots / 4} states1 = counts_qx1.keys() | counts_ex1.keys() states2 = counts_qx2.keys() | counts_ex2.keys() # contingency table ctable1 = numpy.array([[counts_qx1.get(key, 0) for key in states1], [counts_ex1.get(key, 0) for key in states1]]) ctable2 = numpy.array([[counts_qx2.get(key, 0) for key in states2], [counts_ex2.get(key, 0) for key in states2]])'states1: %s', str(states1))'states2: %s', str(states2))'ctable1: %s', str(ctable1))'ctable2: %s', str(ctable2)) contingency1 = chi2_contingency(ctable1) contingency2 = chi2_contingency(ctable2)'chi2_contingency1: %s', str(contingency1))'chi2_contingency2: %s', str(contingency2)) self.assertGreater(contingency1[1], 0.01) self.assertGreater(contingency2[1], 0.01)
Example #5
Source File: From exploripy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ChiSquareOfDFCols(self, c1, c2): groupsizes = self.df.groupby([c1, c2]).size() ctsum = groupsizes.unstack(c1) return(list(chi2_contingency(ctsum.fillna(0)))[0:2])
Example #6
Source File: From exploripy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ChiSquareOfDFCols(self, c1, c2): start = time.time() groupsizes = self.df.groupby([c1, c2]).size() ctsum = groupsizes.unstack(c1) end = time.time() if self.debug == 'YES': print('ChiSquareOfDFCols',end-start) return(list(chi2_contingency(ctsum.fillna(0)))[0:2])
Example #7
Source File: From audit-ai with MIT License | 5 votes |
def chi2_test(labels, results, threshold=None): """ Takes list of labels and results and returns odds ratio and p-value of Chi-square test of independence. Uses scipy.stats.chi2_contingency, using an Rx2 contingency table Parameters ---------- labels : array_like categorical labels for each corresponding value of `result` ie. M/F results : array_like binary decision values, if continuous values are supplied then the `threshold` must also be supplied to generate binary decisions threshold : numeric value dividing scores into True/False, where result>=threshold == True Returns ------- chi2_stat : float The test statistic. pvalue : float P-value, the probability of obtaining a distribution at least as extreme as the one that was actually observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. """ check_consistent_length(labels, results) results = np.array(results) # convert the results to True/False results = boolean_array(results, threshold=threshold) ctab = crosstab(labels, results) chi2_stat, pvalue = chi2_contingency(ctab)[:2] return chi2_stat, pvalue
Example #8
Source File: From causallib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def chi2_test(X, y): """ Args: X (np.ndarray): Binary feature matrix y (np.ndarray): Binary response vector Returns: np.array: A vector of p-values, one for every feature. """ X0 = 1 - X if hasattr(y, "values"): y = y.values Y = y.reshape((-1, 1)) Y = np.append(1 - Y, Y, axis=1) Tbl1 =, X) Tbl0 =, X0) m = X.shape[1] pvals = np.empty(m) * np.NaN for i in range(m): if np.all([Tbl1[:, i] == 0]) or np.all([Tbl0[:, i] == 0]): pvals[i] = 1 else: r = stats.chi2_contingency([Tbl0[:, i], Tbl1[:, i]], True) pvals[i] = r[1] return pvals
Example #9
Source File: From reportgen with MIT License | 5 votes |
def chi2_test(fo,alpha=0.05): import scipy.stats as stats fo=pd.DataFrame(fo) chiStats = stats.chi2_contingency(observed=fo) #critical_value = stats.chi2.ppf(q=1-alpha,df=chiStats[2]) #observed_chi_val = chiStats[0] # p<alpha 等价于 observed_chi_val>critical_value chi2_data=(chiStats[1] <= alpha,chiStats[1]) return chi2_data
Example #10
Source File: From reportgen with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _chisqure_fo(fo): if any(fo==0): fo=fo+1 s=stats.chi2_contingency(fo) return s[0],s[1]
Example #11
Source File: From reportgen with MIT License | 5 votes |
def chi2(X,y): '''计算一组数据的卡方值,弥补sklearn中的chi2只支持2*2的缺憾 parameter ---------- X:可以是单个特征,也可以是一组特征 y:目标变量 return ------ chi2_value: np.array 数组 chi2_pvalue:np.array 数组 ''' X=np.asarray(X) if len(X.shape)==1: X=X.reshape((len(X),1)) X=pd.DataFrame(X) chi2_value=[] chi2_pvalue=[] for c in X.columns: fo=pd.crosstab(X[c],y) s=stats.chi2_contingency(fo) chi2_value.append(s[0]) chi2_pvalue.append(s[1]) return (np.array(chi2_value),np.array(chi2_pvalue)) # 待定
Example #12
Source File: From fairtest with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def g_test(data, correction=False): """ G-test (likelihood ratio test). Parameters ---------- data : the contingency table correction : whether to apply continuity corrections Returns ------- g : the test statistic p : the p-value df: the number of degrees of freedom expected: the expected frequencies References ---------- """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = data.values # remove zero rows/columns data = data[~np.all(data == 0, axis=1)] data = data[:, ~np.all(data == 0, axis=0)] if data.sum() == 0: return 0, 1.0, 1, None return stats.chi2_contingency(data, correction=correction, lambda_="log-likelihood")
Example #13
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_basic(self): # median_test calls chi2_contingency to compute the test statistic # and p-value. Make sure it hasn't screwed up the call... x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [2, 4, 6, 8] stat, p, m, tbl = stats.median_test(x, y) assert_equal(m, 4) assert_equal(tbl, [[1, 2], [4, 2]]) exp_stat, exp_p, dof, e = stats.chi2_contingency(tbl) assert_allclose(stat, exp_stat) assert_allclose(p, exp_p) stat, p, m, tbl = stats.median_test(x, y, lambda_=0) assert_equal(m, 4) assert_equal(tbl, [[1, 2], [4, 2]]) exp_stat, exp_p, dof, e = stats.chi2_contingency(tbl, lambda_=0) assert_allclose(stat, exp_stat) assert_allclose(p, exp_p) stat, p, m, tbl = stats.median_test(x, y, correction=False) assert_equal(m, 4) assert_equal(tbl, [[1, 2], [4, 2]]) exp_stat, exp_p, dof, e = stats.chi2_contingency(tbl, correction=False) assert_allclose(stat, exp_stat) assert_allclose(p, exp_p)
Example #14
Source File: From PIDGINv2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def doHitProcess(inp): idx, hits, n_f1_hits, n_f2_hits = inp if hits[0] == 0 and hits[1] == 0: return if hits[0] == 0: return idx, 999.0, 0, 0, hits[1], float(hits[1])/float(n_f2_hits), 'NA', 'NA' if hits[1] == 0: return idx, 0.0, hits[0], float(hits[0])/float(n_f1_hits), 0, 0, 'NA', 'NA' h1_p = float(hits[0])/float(n_f1_hits) h2_p = float(hits[1])/float(n_f2_hits) chi, pvalue, _, _ = stats.chi2_contingency([[hits[1],n_f2_hits-hits[1]],[hits[0],n_f1_hits-hits[0]]]) return idx, round(h2_p/h1_p,3), hits[0], h1_p, hits[1], h2_p, chi, pvalue #calculate the enrichment ratio between predictions
Example #15
Source File: From PIDGINv2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def doHitProcess(inp): idx, hits, n_f1_hits, n_f2_hits = inp if hits[0] == 0 and hits[1] == 0: return if hits[0] == 0: return idx, 999.0, 0, 0, hits[1], float(hits[1])/float(n_f2_hits), 'NA', 'NA' if hits[1] == 0: return idx, 0.0, hits[0], float(hits[0])/float(n_f1_hits), 0, 0, 'NA', 'NA' h1_p = float(hits[0])/float(n_f1_hits) h2_p = float(hits[1])/float(n_f2_hits) chi, pvalue, _, _ = stats.chi2_contingency([[hits[1],n_f2_hits-hits[1]],[hits[0],n_f1_hits-hits[0]]]) return idx, round(h2_p/h1_p,3), hits[0], h1_p, hits[1], h2_p, chi, pvalue #calculate the enrichment ratio between predictions
Example #16
Source File: From HiCExplorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def chisquare_test(pDataFile1, pDataFile2, pAlpha): # pair of accepted/unaccepted and pvalue # True is rejection of H0 # False acceptance of H0 test_result = [] accepted = [] rejected = [] # Find the critical value for alpha confidence level critical_value = stats.chi2.ppf(q=1 - pAlpha, df=1) zero_values_counter = 0 for i, (group1, group2) in enumerate(zip(pDataFile1, pDataFile2)): try: chi2, p_value, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency( [group1, group2], correction=False) if chi2 >= critical_value: test_result.append(p_value) rejected.append([i, p_value]) else: test_result.append(p_value) accepted.append([i, p_value]) except ValueError: zero_values_counter += 1 test_result.append(np.nan) accepted.append([i, 1.0]) if zero_values_counter > 0:'{} samples were not tested because at least one condition contained no data in both groups.'.format( zero_values_counter)) return test_result, accepted, rejected
Example #17
Source File: From xam with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cramers_v_corrected_stat(confusion_matrix): """Calculate Cramérs V statistic for categorial-categorial association. Uses correction from Bergsma and Wicher, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 42 (2013): 323-328. """ chi2 = stats.chi2_contingency(confusion_matrix)[0] n = confusion_matrix.sum() phi2 = chi2 / n r, k = confusion_matrix.shape phi2_corr = max(0, phi2 - ((k-1)*(r-1)) / (n-1)) r_corr = r - ((r-1)**2) / (n-1) k_corr = k - ((k-1)**2) / (n-1) return math.sqrt(phi2_corr / min((r_corr-1), (k_corr-1)))
Example #18
Source File: From xam with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cramers_v_stat(confusion_matrix): """Calculate Cramérs V statistic for categorial-categorial association.""" chi2 = stats.chi2_contingency(confusion_matrix)[0] n = confusion_matrix.sum() phi2 = chi2 / n r, k = confusion_matrix.shape return math.sqrt(phi2 / min((r-1), (k-1)))
Example #19
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_chi2_association(): np.random.seed(8743) table = np.random.randint(10, 30, size=(4, 4)) from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency rslt_scipy = chi2_contingency(table) b = ctab.Table(table).test_nominal_association() assert_allclose(b.statistic, rslt_scipy[0]) assert_allclose(b.pvalue, rslt_scipy[1])
Example #20
Source File: From dython with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def cramers_v(x, y, bias_correction=True, nan_strategy=_REPLACE, nan_replace_value=_DEFAULT_REPLACE_VALUE): """ Calculates Cramer's V statistic for categorical-categorical association. This is a symmetric coefficient: V(x,y) = V(y,x) Original function taken from: Wikipedia: Parameters: ----------- x : list / NumPy ndarray / Pandas Series A sequence of categorical measurements y : list / NumPy ndarray / Pandas Series A sequence of categorical measurements bias_correction : Boolean, default = True Use bias correction from Bergsma and Wicher, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 42 (2013): 323-328. nan_strategy : string, default = 'replace' How to handle missing values: can be either 'drop' to remove samples with missing values, or 'replace' to replace all missing values with the nan_replace_value. Missing values are None and np.nan. nan_replace_value : any, default = 0.0 The value used to replace missing values with. Only applicable when nan_strategy is set to 'replace'. Returns: -------- float in the range of [0,1] """ if nan_strategy == _REPLACE: x, y = replace_nan_with_value(x, y, nan_replace_value) elif nan_strategy == _DROP: x, y = remove_incomplete_samples(x, y) confusion_matrix = pd.crosstab(x, y) chi2 = ss.chi2_contingency(confusion_matrix)[0] n = confusion_matrix.sum().sum() phi2 = chi2 / n r, k = confusion_matrix.shape if bias_correction: phi2corr = max(0, phi2 - ((k - 1) * (r - 1)) / (n - 1)) rcorr = r - ((r - 1) ** 2) / (n - 1) kcorr = k - ((k - 1) ** 2) / (n - 1) if min((kcorr - 1), (rcorr - 1)) == 0: warnings.warn( "Unable to calculate Cramer's V using bias correction. Consider using bias_correction=False", RuntimeWarning) return np.nan else: return np.sqrt(phi2corr / min((kcorr - 1), (rcorr - 1))) else: return np.sqrt(phi2 / min(k - 1, r - 1))
Example #21
Source File: From reportgen with MIT License | 4 votes |
def chimerge(x,y,max_intervals=30,threshold=5,sample=None): '''卡方分箱 parameter --------- x: {array-like}, shape [n_samples, 1] y: target, connot contain nan max_intervals: 最大的区间数 threshold:卡方阈值(两个变量) sample: int,当样本数过大时,对数据进行取样 return ------ bins: ''' x=pd.Series(x) y=pd.Series(y) class_y=list(pd.unique(y[pd.notnull(y)])) value_max=x.max() #value_max=np.sort(x)[-1] value_min=x.min() # 随机取样,且确保取样后的y能包含class_y中的所有类别 if isinstance(sample,int): sample=min(sample,len(x)) tmp=set() while tmp!=set(class_y): cc=np.random.choice([True,False],size=len(x),p=[sample/len(x),1-sample/len(x)]) tmp=set(np.unique(y[cc])) x=x[cc] y=y[cc] fo=pd.crosstab(x,y)# 列联表 fo=fo.sort_index() while fo.shape[0] > max_intervals: chitest={} index=list(fo.index) for r in range(len(fo)-1): #chi2,_=stats.chi2_contingency(fo.iloc[[r,r+1],:]) chi2,_=_chisqure_fo(fo.iloc[[r,r+1],:]) if chi2 not in chitest: chitest[chi2]=[] chitest[chi2].append((r,r+1)) smallest = min(chitest.keys()) if smallest <= threshold: #print('最小的chi2值: {}'.format(smallest)) #print([(index[r[0]],index[r[1]]) for r in list(reversed(chitest[smallest]))]) for (lower,upper) in list(reversed(chitest[smallest])): fo.loc[index[lower],:]=fo.loc[index[lower],:]+fo.loc[index[upper],:] fo = fo.drop(index[upper],axis=0) #print('已经删除 {}'.format(index[upper])) else: break bins=list(fo.index)+[value_max] bins[0]=value_min # 如果bins都是数值,则最左和最右都扩大1%以囊括最小最大值 if np.issubdtype(type(bins[0]),np.number): bins[0]=bins[0]*0.99 if bins[0]>0 else bins[0]-0.01 bins[-1]=bins[-1]*1.01 return bins
Example #22
Source File: From xam with MIT License | 4 votes |
def feature_importance_classification(features, target, n_neighbors=3, random_state=None): cont = features.select_dtypes(include=[np.floating]) disc = features.select_dtypes(include=[np.integer, np.bool]) cont_imp = pd.DataFrame(index=cont.columns) disc_imp = pd.DataFrame(index=disc.columns) # Continuous features if cont_imp.index.size > 0: # F-test f_test = feature_selection.f_classif(cont, target) cont_imp['f_statistic'] = f_test[0] cont_imp['f_p_value'] = f_test[1] # Mutual information mut_inf = feature_selection.mutual_info_classif(cont, target, discrete_features=False, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, random_state=random_state) cont_imp['mutual_information'] = mut_inf # Discrete features if disc_imp.index.size > 0: # Chi²-test chi2_tests = defaultdict(dict) for feature in disc.columns: cont = pd.crosstab(disc[feature], target) statistic, p_value, _, _ = stats.chi2_contingency(cont) chi2_tests[feature]['chi2_statistic'] = statistic chi2_tests[feature]['chi2_p_value'] = p_value chi2_tests_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(chi2_tests, orient='index') disc_imp['chi2_statistic'] = chi2_tests_df['chi2_statistic'] disc_imp['chi2_p_value'] = chi2_tests_df['chi2_p_value'] # Cramér's V (corrected) disc_imp['cramers_v'] = [ cramers_v_corrected_stat(pd.crosstab(feature, target).values) for _, feature in disc.iteritems() ] # Mutual information mut_inf = feature_selection.mutual_info_classif(disc, target, discrete_features=True, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, random_state=random_state) disc_imp['mutual_information'] = mut_inf return cont_imp, disc_imp