Python gevent.subprocess.Popen() Examples
The following are 24
code examples of gevent.subprocess.Popen().
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Example #1
Source File: From with MIT License | 6 votes |
def qrencode_wrapper(query_string="", request_options=None, html=False): if query_string == "": query_string = ":firstpage" if query_string in INTERNAL_TOPICS: answer = get_internal(query_string) else: answer = query_string + "\n" cmd = ["qrencode", "-t", "UTF8", "-o", "-"] p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) answer = p.communicate(answer.encode('utf-8'))[0] if html: return html_wrapper(answer), True else: return answer, True
Example #2
Source File: From janus-cloud with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def kill_all(name): kill_all_popen = subprocess.Popen(["killall", "-9", name], stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, close_fds=True, shell=False) try: ret = kill_all_popen.wait(DEFAULT_STOP_WAIT_TIMEOUT) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: ret = None if ret is None: kill_all_popen.kill() kill_all_popen.wait()
Example #3
Source File: From with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _htmlize(ansi_output, title, parsed_query): """Return HTML representation of `ansi_output`. Use `title` as the title of the page. Format page according to query parameters from `parsed_query`.""" cmd = ["bash", ANSI2HTML, "--palette=solarized"] if not parsed_query.get('inverted_colors'): cmd += ["--bg=dark"] proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(ansi_output.encode("utf-8")) stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") if proc.returncode != 0: error(stdout + stderr) if parsed_query.get('inverted_colors'): stdout = stdout.replace( '<body class="">', '<body class="" style="background:white;color:#777777">') title = "<title>%s</title>" % title opengraph = _get_opengraph(parsed_query) stdout = re.sub("<head>", "<head>" + title + opengraph, stdout) return stdout
Example #4
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _reap_workers(workers, to_close, debug_log): """Collects the IO workers created with _mk_workers. After killing the workers, also closes the subprocess's open PIPE handles. See _safe_close for caveats around closing handles on windows. Args: * workers (List[Greenlet]) - The IO workers to kill. * to_close (List[...]) - (see _mk_workers for definition). The handles to close. These originate from the `Popen.std{out,err}` handles when the recipe engine had to use PIPEs. * debug_log ( Should not raise an exception. """ debug_log.write_line('reaping IO workers...') for worker in workers: worker.kill() gevent.wait(workers) debug_log.write_line(' done') for handle_name, handle in to_close: _safe_close(debug_log, handle_name, handle)
Example #5
Source File: From with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_moon(parsed_query): location = parsed_query['orig_location'] html = parsed_query['html_output'] lang = parsed_query['lang'] date = None if '@' in location: date = location[location.index('@')+1:] location = location[:location.index('@')] cmd = [globals.PYPHOON] if lang: cmd += ["-l", lang] if date: try: dateutil.parser.parse(date) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: %s" % e) else: cmd += [date] p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout = p.communicate()[0] stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") if parsed_query.get('no-terminal', False): stdout = globals.remove_ansi(stdout) if html: p = Popen( ["bash", globals.ANSI2HTML, "--palette=solarized", "--bg=dark"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(stdout.encode("utf-8")) stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") if p.returncode != 0: globals.error(stdout + stderr) return stdout
Example #6
Source File: From taserver with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): print('Running on Python %s' % sys.version) config = configparser.ConfigParser() with open(INI_PATH) as f: config.read_file(f) ports = Ports(int(config['shared']['port_offset'])) try: udp_proxy_proc1 = sp.Popen('udpproxy.exe %d' % ports['gameserver1']) udp_proxy_proc2 = sp.Popen('udpproxy.exe %d' % ports['gameserver2']) except OSError as e: print('Failed to run udpproxy.exe. Run to download it\n' 'or build it yourself using the Visual Studio solution in the udpproxy\n' 'subdirectory and place it in the taserver directory.\n', file=sys.stderr) return server_queue = gevent.queue.Queue() firewall = Firewall(ports) gevent_spawn('',, server_queue) def handle_client(socket, address): msg = TcpMessageReader(socket).receive() command = json.loads(msg.decode('utf8')) server_queue.put(command) server = StreamServer(('', ports['firewall']), handle_client) try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: firewall.remove_all_rules() udp_proxy_proc1.terminate() udp_proxy_proc2.terminate()
Example #7
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_page(self, topic, request_options=None): cmd = self._get_command(topic, request_options=request_options) if cmd: try: proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) answer = proc.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except OSError: return "ERROR of the \"%s\" adapter: please create an issue" % self._adapter_name return answer return ""
Example #8
Source File: From janus-cloud with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _launch_process(self): self._popen = subprocess.Popen(self.args, stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, close_fds=True, shell=False) log.debug("lanch new process %s, pid:%d" % (self.args, self._has_aged = False self._proc_start_time = time.time() self._on_process_status_change()
Example #9
Source File: From with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _auction_fucn(self, args): process = None try: process = Popen(args) self.processes[] = process rc = process.wait() if rc == 0: "Finished {}".format(args[2]), extra={ 'MESSAGE_ID': 'CHRONOGRAPH_WORKER_COMPLETE_SUCCESSFUL' } ) else: self.logger.error( "Exit with error {}".format(args[2]), extra={ 'MESSAGE_ID': 'CHRONOGRAPH_WORKER_COMPLETE_EXCEPTION' } ) except Exception as error: self.logger.critical( "Exit with error {} params: {} error: {}".format( args[2], repr(args), repr(error)), extra={'MESSAGE_ID': 'CHRONOGRAPH_WORKER_COMPLETE_EXCEPTION'}) if process: del self.processes[]
Example #10
Source File: From with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _wego_wrapper(location, parsed_query): lang = parsed_query['lang'] location_name = parsed_query['override_location_name'] cmd = [WEGO, '--city=%s' % location] if parsed_query.get('inverted_colors'): cmd += ['-inverse'] if parsed_query.get('use_ms_for_wind'): cmd += ['-wind_in_ms'] if parsed_query.get('narrow'): cmd += ['-narrow'] if lang and lang in SUPPORTED_LANGS: cmd += ['-lang=%s'%lang] if parsed_query.get('use_imperial', False): cmd += ['-imperial'] if location_name: cmd += ['-location_name', location_name] proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") return stdout, stderr, proc.returncode
Example #11
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _mk_workers(step, proc, pipes): """Makes greenlets to shuttle lines from the process's PIPE'd std{out,err} handles to the recipe Step's std{out,err} handles. NOTE: This applies to @@@annotator@@@ runs when allow_subannotations=False; Step.std{out,err} will be Stream objects which don't implement `fileno()`, but add an '!' in front of all lines starting with '@@@'. In build.proto mode this code path should NOT be active at all; Placeholders will be redirected directly to files on disk and non-placeholders will go straight to butler (i.e. regular file handles). Args: * step (..step_runner.Step) - The Step object describing what we're supposed to run. * proc (subprocess.Popen) - The running subprocess. * pipes (Set[str]) - A subset of {'stdout', 'stderr'} to make worker greenlets for. Returns Tuple[ workers: List[Greenlet], to_close: List[Tuple[ handle_name: str, proc_handle: fileobj, ]] ]. Both returned values are expected to be passed directly to `_reap_workers` without inspection or alteration. """ workers = [] to_close = [] for handle_name in pipes: proc_handle = getattr(proc, handle_name) to_close.append((handle_name, proc_handle)) workers.append(gevent.spawn( _copy_lines, proc_handle, getattr(step, handle_name), )) return workers, to_close
Example #12
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _compile_protos(proto_files, proto_tree, protoc, argfile, dest): """Runs protoc over the collected protos, renames them and rewrites their imports to make them import from `PB`. Args: * proto_files (List[Tuple[src_abspath: str, dest_relpath: str]]) * proto_tree (str): Path to the directory with all the collected .proto files. * protoc (str): Path to the protoc binary to use. * argfile (str): Path to a protoc argfile containing a relative path to every .proto file in proto_tree on its own line. * dest (str): Path to the destination where the compiled protos should go. """ protoc_proc = subprocess.Popen( [protoc, '--python_out', dest, '@'+argfile], cwd=proto_tree, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, _ = protoc_proc.communicate() os.remove(argfile) if protoc_proc.returncode != 0: replacer = _rel_to_abs_replacer(proto_files) print >> sys.stderr, "Error while compiling protobufs. Output:\n" sys.stderr.write(replacer(output)) sys.exit(1) rewrite_errors = [] for base, _, fnames in OS_WALK(dest): for name in fnames: err = _rewrite_and_rename(dest, os.path.join(base, name)) if err: rewrite_errors.append(err) with open(os.path.join(base, ''), 'wb'): pass if rewrite_errors: print >> sys.stderr, "Error while rewriting generated protos. Output:\n" replacer = _rel_to_abs_replacer(proto_files) for error in rewrite_errors: print >> sys.stderr, replacer(error) sys.exit(1)
Example #13
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, recipe_deps, description_queue, outcome_queue, is_train, cov_file, cover_module_imports): super(RunnerThread, self).__init__() self.cov_file = cov_file cmd = [ sys.executable, '-u', sys.argv[0], '--package', os.path.join( recipe_deps.main_repo.path, RECIPES_CFG_LOCATION_REL), '--proto-override', os.path.dirname(PB.__path__[0]), ] # Carry through all repos explicitly via overrides for repo_name, repo in recipe_deps.repos.iteritems(): if repo_name == continue cmd.extend(['-O', '%s=%s' % (repo_name, repo.path)]) cmd.extend(['test', '_runner']) if is_train: cmd.append('--train') if cov_file: cmd.extend(['--cov-file', cov_file]) if cover_module_imports: cmd.append('--cover-module-imports') self._runner_proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) self._description_queue = description_queue self._outcome_queue = outcome_queue
Example #14
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_simulation_test(repo, *additional_args): """Runs the recipe simulation test for given repo. Returns a tuple of exit code and output. """ proc = subprocess.Popen([ VPYTHON, os.path.join(repo.recipes_root_path, ''), 'test', ] + list(additional_args), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, _ = proc.communicate() retcode = proc.returncode return retcode, output
Example #15
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _git(self, cmd, stdin=None): """Executes a git command and returns the standard output.""" p = subprocess.Popen(['git'] + cmd, cwd=self._repo, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = p.communicate(stdin) if p.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, ['git'] + cmd, None) return stdout.strip().splitlines()
Example #16
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def html_wrapper(data): p = Popen([ "bash", ANSI2HTML, "--palette=xterm", "--bg=dark" ], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) data = data.encode('utf-8') stdout, stderr = p.communicate(data) if p.returncode != 0: error(stdout + stderr) return stdout.decode('utf-8')
Example #17
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _safe_close(debug_log, handle_name, handle): """Safely attempt to close the given handle. Args: * debug_log (Stream) - Stream to write debug information to about closing this handle. * handle_name (str) - The name of the handle (like 'stdout', 'stderr') * handle (file-like-object) - The file object to call .close() on. NOTE: On Windows this may end up leaking threads for processes which spawn 'daemon' children that hang onto the handles we pass. In this case debug_log is updated with as much detail as we know and the gevent threadpool's maxsize is increased by 2 (one thread blocked on reading from the handle, and one thread blocked on trying to close the handle). """ try: debug_log.write_line('closing handle %r' % handle_name) with gevent.Timeout(.1): handle.close() debug_log.write_line(' closed!') except gevent.Timeout: # This should never happen... except on Windows when the process we launched # itself leaked. debug_log.write_line(' LEAKED: timeout closing handle') # We assume we've now leaked 2 threads; one is blocked on 'read' and the # other is blocked on 'close'. Add two more threads to the pool so we do not # globally block the recipe engine on subsequent steps. gevent.get_hub().threadpool.maxsize += 2 except IOError as ex: # TODO(iannucci): Currently this leaks handles on Windows for processes like # the goma compiler proxy; because of python2.7's inability to set # close_fds=True and also redirect std handles, daemonized subprocesses # actually inherit our handles (yuck). # # This is fixable on python3, but not likely to be fixable on python 2. debug_log.write_line(' LEAKED: unable to close: %r' % (ex,)) # We assume we've now leaked 2 threads; one is blocked on 'read' and the # other is blocked on 'close'. Add two more threads to the pool so we do not # globally block the recipe engine on subsequent steps. gevent.get_hub().threadpool.maxsize += 2 except RuntimeError: # NOTE(gevent): This can happen as a race between the worker greenlet and # the process ending. See gevent.subprocess.Popen.communicate, which does # the same thing. debug_log.write_line(' LEAKED?: race with IO worker')
Example #18
Source File: From minemeld-core with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_git_refs(): if DISABLE_NEW_EXTENSIONS: return 'Disabled', 403 git_endpoint = request.values.get('ep', None) if git_endpoint is None: return jsonify(error={'message': 'Missing endpoint'}), 400 if not git_endpoint.endswith('.git'): return jsonify(error={'message': 'Invalid git endpoint'}), 400 git_path = config.get('MINEMELD_GIT_PATH', None) if git_path is None: return jsonify(error={'message': 'MINEMELD_GIT_PATH not set'}), 500 git_args = [git_path, 'ls-remote', '-t', '-h', git_endpoint] git_process = Popen( args=git_args, close_fds=True, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) timeout = Timeout(20.0) timeout.start() try: git_stdout, git_stderr = git_process.communicate() except Timeout: git_process.kill() return jsonify(error={'message': 'Timeout accessing git repo'}), 400 finally: timeout.cancel() if git_process.returncode != 0: LOG.error('Error running {}: {}'.format(git_args, git_stderr)) return jsonify(error={'message': 'Error running git: {}'.format(git_stderr)}), 400 return jsonify(result=[line.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] for line in git_stdout.splitlines()])
Example #19
Source File: From with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_cmd_output(hostname, topic, request_options): digest = get_digest({'h':hostname, 't': topic, 'r': request_options}) cache_file = '%s/cache/%s' % (MYDIR, digest) if os.path.exists(cache_file): return open(cache_file).read().decode('utf-8') #elif hostname == '' and topic == ':firstpage' and os.path.exists(cache_file): # return open(cache_file).read().decode('utf-8') else: currency = hostname.lower() if currency.endswith(''): currency = currency[:-8].upper() if currency == 'COIN': return "Use YOUR COIN instead of COIN in the query: for example,, and so on\nTry:\n curl\n curl\n curl\n" use_currency = currency if currency not in currencies_names.SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES \ and currency not in coins_names.COIN_NAMES_DICT and currency != 'coin': currency = 'USD' if topic != ':firstpage': try: answer = calculator.calculate(topic.upper(), currency) if answer: answer = 'text %s' % answer except ValueError as e: return "ERROR: %s\n" % e if answer is None: try: answer = draw.view(topic, use_currency=use_currency) except RuntimeError as e: return "ERROR: %s\n" % e if answer is not None: if request_options.get('no-terminal'): answer = remove_ansi(answer) open(cache_file, 'w').write(str(answer)+"\n") return "%s\n" % answer else: return "ERROR: Can't parse your query: %s\n" % topic cmd = ["%s/ve/bin/python" % MYDIR, "%s/bin/" % MYDIR, currency, topic] config = request_options config['currency'] = currency answer = if config.get('no-terminal'): answer = remove_ansi(answer) open(cache_file, 'w').write(answer) #p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) #answer = p.communicate()[0] return answer.decode('utf-8')
Example #20
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _wait_proc(proc, gid, timeout, debug_log): """Waits for the completion (or timeout) of `proc`. Args: * proc (subprocess.Popen) - The actual running subprocess to wait for. * gid (int|None) - The group ID of the process. * timeout (Number|None) - The number of seconds to wait for the process to end (or None for no timeout). * debug_log ( Returns the ExecutionResult. Should not raise an exception. """ ret = ExecutionResult() # We're about to do gevent-blocking operations (waiting on the subprocess) # and so another greenlet could kill us; we guard all of these operations # with a `try/except GreenletExit` to handle this and return an # ExecutionResult(was_cancelled=True) in that case. # # The engine will raise a new GreenletExit exception after processing this # step. try: # TODO(iannucci): This API changes in python3 to raise an exception on # timeout. proc.wait(timeout) ret = attr.evolve(ret, retcode=proc.poll()) debug_log.write_line( 'finished waiting for process, retcode %r' % ret.retcode) # TODO(iannucci): Make leaking subprocesses explicit (e.g. goma compiler # daemon). Better, change deamons to be owned by a gevent Greenlet (so that # we don't need to leak processes ever). # # _kill(proc, gid) # In case of leaked subprocesses or timeout. if ret.retcode is None: debug_log.write_line('timeout! killing process group %r' % gid) # Process timed out, kill it. Currently all uses of non-None timeout # intend to actually kill the subprocess when the timeout pops. ret = attr.evolve(ret, retcode=_kill(proc, gid), had_timeout=True) except gevent.GreenletExit: debug_log.write_line( 'caught GreenletExit, killing process group %r' % (gid,)) ret = attr.evolve(ret, retcode=_kill(proc, gid), was_cancelled=True) return ret
Example #21
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _install_protos(proto_package_path, dgst, proto_files): """Installs protos to `{proto_package_path}/PB`. Args: * proto_package_base (str) - The absolute path to the folder where: * We should install protoc as '.../protoc/...' * We should install the compiled proto files as '.../PB/...' * We should use '.../tmp/...' as a tempdir. * dgst (str) - The hexadecimal (lowercase) checksum for the protos we're about to install. * proto_files (List[Tuple[src_abspath: str, dest_relpath: str]]) Side-effects: * Ensures that `{proto_package_path}/PB` exists and is the correct version (checksum). * Ensures that `{proto_package_path}/protoc` contains the correct `protoc` compiler from CIPD. """ cipd_proc = subprocess.Popen([ 'cipd'+_BAT, 'ensure', '-root', os.path.join(proto_package_path, 'protoc'), '-ensure-file', '-'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) cipd_proc.communicate(''' infra/tools/protoc/${{platform}} protobuf_version:v{PROTOC_VERSION} '''.format(PROTOC_VERSION=PROTOC_VERSION)) if cipd_proc.returncode != 0: raise ValueError( 'failed to install protoc: retcode %d' % cipd_proc.returncode) # This tmp folder is where all the temporary garbage goes. Future recipe # engine invocations will attempt to clean this up as long as PB is # up-to-date. tmp_base = os.path.join(proto_package_path, 'tmp') # proto_tree holds a tree of all the collected .proto files, to be passed to # `protoc` # pb_temp is the destination of all the generated files; it will be renamed to # `{proto_package_path}/dest` as the final step of the installation. _DirMaker()(tmp_base) proto_tree = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_base) pb_temp = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_base) argfile_fd, argfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmp_base) _collect_protos(argfile_fd, proto_files, proto_tree) protoc = os.path.join(proto_package_path, 'protoc', 'protoc') _compile_protos(proto_files, proto_tree, protoc, argfile, pb_temp) with open(os.path.join(pb_temp, 'csum'), 'wb') as csum_f: csum_f.write(dgst) dest = os.path.join(proto_package_path, 'PB') # Check the digest again, in case another engine beat us to the punch. # This is still racy, but it makes the window substantially smaller. if not _check_digest(proto_package_path, dgst): old = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_base) _try_rename(dest, os.path.join(old, 'PB')) _try_rename(pb_temp, dest)
Example #22
Source File: From with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _render_html(query, result, editable, repository_button, topics_list, request_options): def _html_wrapper(data): """ Convert ANSI text `data` to HTML """ proc = Popen( ["bash", CONFIG['path.internal.ansi2html'], "--palette=solarized", "--bg=dark"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) data = data.encode('utf-8') stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(data) if proc.returncode != 0: error(stdout + stderr) return stdout.decode('utf-8') result = result + "\n$" result = _html_wrapper(result) title = "<title></title>" % query submit_button = ('<input type="submit" style="position: absolute;' ' left: -9999px; width: 1px; height: 1px;" tabindex="-1" />') topic_list = ('<datalist id="topics">%s</datalist>' % ("\n".join("<option value='%s'></option>" % x for x in topics_list))) curl_line = "<span class='pre'>$ curl</span>" if query == ':firstpage': query = "" form_html = ('<form action="/" method="GET"/>' '%s%s' '<input' ' type="text" value="%s" name="topic"' ' list="topics" autofocus autocomplete="off"/>' '%s' '</form>') \ % (submit_button, curl_line, query, topic_list) edit_button = '' if editable: # It's possible that topic directory starts with omitted underscore if '/' in query: query = '_' + query edit_page_link = '' + query edit_button = ( '<pre style="position:absolute;padding-left:40em;overflow:visible;height:0;">' '[<a href="%s" style="color:cyan">edit</a>]' '</pre>') % edit_page_link result = re.sub("<pre>", edit_button + form_html + "<pre>", result) result = re.sub("<head>", "<head>" + title, result) if not request_options.get('quiet'): result = result.replace('</body>', TWITTER_BUTTON \ + GITHUB_BUTTON \ + repository_button \ + GITHUB_BUTTON_FOOTER \ + '</body>') return result
Example #23
Source File: From with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _get_page(self, topic, request_options=None): """ Find answer for the `topic` question. """ if not os.path.exists(CONFIG["path.internal.bin.upstream"]): # if the upstream program is not found, use normal upstream adapter self._output_format = "ansi" return UpstreamAdapter._get_page(self, topic, request_options=request_options) topic = topic.replace('+', ' ') # if there is a language name in the section name, # cut it off (de:python => python) if '/' in topic: section_name, topic = topic.split('/', 1) if ':' in section_name: _, section_name = section_name.split(':', 1) section_name = SO_NAME.get(section_name, section_name) topic = "%s/%s" % (section_name, topic) # some clients send queries with - instead of + so we have to rewrite them to topic = re.sub(r"(?<!-)-", ' ', topic) topic_words = topic.split() topic = " ".join(topic_words) lang = 'en' try: query_text = topic # " ".join(topic) query_text = re.sub('^[^/]*/+', '', query_text.rstrip('/')) query_text = re.sub('/[0-9]+$', '', query_text) query_text = re.sub('/[0-9]+$', '', query_text) detector = Detector(query_text) supposed_lang = detector.languages[0].code if len(topic_words) > 2 \ or supposed_lang in ['az', 'ru', 'uk', 'de', 'fr', 'es', 'it', 'nl']: lang = supposed_lang if supposed_lang.startswith('zh_') or supposed_lang == 'zh': lang = 'zh' elif supposed_lang.startswith('pt_'): lang = 'pt' if supposed_lang in ['ja', 'ko']: lang = supposed_lang except UnknownLanguage: print("Unknown language (%s)" % query_text) if lang != 'en': topic = ['--human-language', lang, topic] else: topic = [topic] cmd = [CONFIG["path.internal.bin.upstream"]] + topic proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=open(os.devnull, "r"), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) answer = proc.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8') return answer
Example #24
Source File: From taserver with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def start_server_process(self, server): external_port = self.ports[server] internal_port = self.ports[f'{server}proxy'] log_filename = os.path.join(self.get_my_documents_folder(), 'My Games', 'Tribes Ascend', 'TribesGame', 'Logs', 'tagameserver%d.log' % external_port) try:'{server}: removing previous log file {log_filename}') os.remove(log_filename) except FileNotFoundError: pass'{server}: starting a new TribesAscend server on port {external_port}...') # Add 100 to the port, because it's the udpproxy that's actually listening on the port itself # and it forwards traffic to port + 100 args = [self.exe_path, 'server', '-Log=tagameserver%d.log' % external_port, '-port=%d' % internal_port, '-controlport', str(self.ports['game2launcher'])] if self.dll_config_path is not None: args.extend(['-tamodsconfig', self.dll_config_path]) process = sp.Popen(args, cwd=self.working_dir) self.servers[server] = process'{server}: started process with pid {}') # Check if it doesn't exit right away time.sleep(2) ret_code = process.poll() if ret_code: raise FatalError('The game server process terminated almost immediately with exit code %08X' % ret_code)'{server}: waiting until game server has finished starting up...') if not self.wait_until_file_contains_string(log_filename, 'Log: Bringing up level for play took:', timeout = 30): self.logger.warning(f'{server}: timeout waiting for log entry, continuing with injection...')'{server}: injecting game controller DLL into game server...') inject(, self.dll_to_inject)'{server}: injection done.') self.watcher_task = gevent_spawn('gameserver process watcher for server %s' % server, self.server_process_watcher, process, server)