Python PyQt4.uic.loadUiType() Examples

The following are 3 code examples of PyQt4.uic.loadUiType(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module PyQt4.uic , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def loadUiType(uiFile):
        Pyside "loadUiType" command like PyQt4 has one, so we have to convert
        the ui file to py code in-memory first and then execute it in a
        special frame to retrieve the form_class.

        from stackoverflow:

        seems like this might also be a legitimate solution, but I'm not sure
        how to make PyQt4 and pyside look the same...
        import pysideuic
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
        #from io import StringIO
        parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
        widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
        form_class = parsed.find('class').text
        with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
            o = StringIO()
            frame = {}

            pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
            pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
            exec(pyc, frame)

            #Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
            form_class = frame['Ui_%s'%form_class]
            base_class = eval('QtGui.%s'%widget_class)

        return form_class, base_class 
Example #2
Source File:    From soapy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def loadUiType(uiFile):
        Pyside "loadUiType" command like PyQt4 has one, so we have to convert
        the ui file to py code in-memory first and then execute it in a
        special frame to retrieve the form_class.

        from stackoverflow:

        seems like this might also be a legitimate solution, but I'm not sure
        how to make PyQt4 and pyside look the same...
        import pysideuic
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
        #from io import StringIO
        parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
        widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
        form_class = parsed.find('class').text
        with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
            o = StringIO()
            frame = {}

            pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
            pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
            exec(pyc, frame)

            #Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
            form_class = frame['Ui_%s'%form_class]
            base_class = eval('QtGui.%s'%widget_class)

        return form_class, base_class 
Example #3
Source File:    From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def loadUiType(uiFile):
        Pyside "loadUiType" command like PyQt4 has one, so we have to convert
        the ui file to py code in-memory first and then execute it in a
        special frame to retrieve the form_class.

        from stackoverflow:

        seems like this might also be a legitimate solution, but I'm not sure
        how to make PyQt4 and pyside look the same...
        import pysideuic
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
        #from io import StringIO
        parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
        widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
        form_class = parsed.find('class').text
        with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
            o = StringIO()
            frame = {}

            pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
            pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
            exec(pyc, frame)

            #Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
            form_class = frame['Ui_%s'%form_class]
            base_class = eval('QtGui.%s'%widget_class)

        return form_class, base_class