Python tkinter.simpledialog.askstring() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tkinter.simpledialog.askstring().
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Example #1
Source File: From ibllib with MIT License | 9 votes |
def strinput(title, prompt, default='COM', nullable=False): """ Example: >>> strinput("RIG CONFIG", "Insert RE com port:", default="COM") """ import tkinter as tk from tkinter import simpledialog root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() ans = simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt, initialvalue=default) if (ans is None or ans == '' or ans == default) and not nullable: return strinput(title, prompt, default=default, nullable=nullable) else: return ans
Example #2
Source File: From nordpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def ask_root_password(parent=None): """ Shows a window dialog that asks for the root password :return: the correct root password if inserted correctly, None otherwise """ if parent is None: root_password = simpledialog.askstring("Password", "Enter root password:", show='*') else: root_password = simpledialog.askstring("Password", "Enter root password:", parent=parent, show='*') if root_password is None: return None while root_password is None or not test_root_password(root_password): wrong_root_password() root_password = simpledialog.askstring("Password", "Enter root password:", show='*') if root_password is None: return None return root_password
Example #3
Source File: From guizero with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def question(title, question, initial_value=None, master=None): """ Display a question box which can accept a text response. If Ok is pressed the value entered into the box is returned. If Cancel is pressed `None` is returned. :param string title: The title to be displayed on the box. :param string text: The text to be displayed on the box. :param string initial_value: The default value for the response box. :param App master: Optional guizero master which the popup will be placed over. Defaults to `None`. :return: The value entered or `None`. """ return askstring(title, question, initialvalue=initial_value, parent=None if master is None else
Example #4
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def getPassword(prompt = '', confirm = 0): while 1: try1 = tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Password Dialog', prompt, show='*') if not confirm: return try1 try2 = tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Password Dialog', 'Confirm Password', show='*') if try1 == try2: return try1 else: tkMessageBox.showerror('Password Mismatch', 'Passwords did not match, starting over')
Example #5
Source File: From thonny with MIT License | 6 votes |
def mkdir(self): parent = self.get_selected_path() if parent is None: parent = self.current_focus else: if self.get_selected_kind() == "file": # dirname does the right thing even if parent is Linux path and runnning on Windows parent = os.path.dirname(parent) name = simpledialog.askstring( "New directory", "Enter name for new directory under\n%s" % parent ) if not name or not name.strip(): return self.perform_mkdir(parent, name.strip()) self.refresh_tree()
Example #6
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 5 votes |
def textinput(self, title, prompt): """Pop up a dialog window for input of a string. Arguments: title is the title of the dialog window, prompt is a text mostly describing what information to input. Return the string input If the dialog is canceled, return None. Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen): >>> screen.textinput("NIM", "Name of first player:") """ return simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt)
Example #7
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def textinput(self, title, prompt): """Pop up a dialog window for input of a string. Arguments: title is the title of the dialog window, prompt is a text mostly describing what information to input. Return the string input If the dialog is canceled, return None. Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen): >>> screen.textinput("NIM", "Name of first player:") """ return simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt)
Example #8
Source File: From code-jam-5 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _mid_phase(self, amount=3): options = [] for _ in range(amount): card = self.discarded.append(card) options.append(card) prompt = '\n'.join(options)+'\nEnact 1, 2 or 3: ' while True: try: if self.root: enact = int(simpledialog.askstring(title='Executive Order', prompt=prompt)) else: enact = int(input(prompt)) if enact not in [1, 2, 3]: raise ValueError except (ValueError, TypeError): continue break self.enacted.append(options[int(enact) - 1])
Example #9
Source File: From code-jam-5 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def voting(self): players = [ for player in self.players] while True: if self.root: eliminate = simpledialog.askstring(title=f'{}', prompt='Who to remove? ') else: eliminate = input('who to remove?') try: player = players.index(eliminate) except (ValueError, TypeError): print('Not an option') continue break self.players[player].eliminated = True
Example #10
Source File: From thonny with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_new_file(self): selected_node_id = self.get_selected_node() if selected_node_id: selected_path = self.tree.set(selected_node_id, "path") selected_kind = self.tree.set(selected_node_id, "kind") if selected_kind == "dir": parent_path = selected_path else: parent_id = self.tree.parent(selected_node_id) parent_path = self.tree.set(parent_id, "path") else: parent_path = self.current_focus name = askstring("File name", "Provide filename", initialvalue="") if not name: return path = self.join(parent_path, name) if name in self._cached_child_data[parent_path]: # TODO: ignore case in windows messagebox.showerror("Error", "The file '" + path + "' already exists") else: self.open_file(path)
Example #11
Source File: From odoo13-x64 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def textinput(self, title, prompt): """Pop up a dialog window for input of a string. Arguments: title is the title of the dialog window, prompt is a text mostly describing what information to input. Return the string input If the dialog is canceled, return None. Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen): >>> screen.textinput("NIM", "Name of first player:") """ return simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt)
Example #12
Source File: From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def textinput(self, title, prompt): """Pop up a dialog window for input of a string. Arguments: title is the title of the dialog window, prompt is a text mostly describing what information to input. Return the string input If the dialog is canceled, return None. Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen): >>> screen.textinput("NIM", "Name of first player:") """ return simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt)
Example #13
Source File: From pydiff with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __goToLine(self): line = askstring('Go to line', 'Enter line number:') if line: try: linenumber = int(line) self.__main_window_ui.leftFileTextArea.see(float(linenumber) + 5) except: pass
Example #14
Source File: From OpenCV-Video-Label with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def init(self): self.parent.first_frame = True = str( simpledialog.askstring("Enter the IP address of your stream", "Enter the IP address of your stream:", initialvalue="http://192._._._:8080")) + "/shot.jpg" # calculates the new resize values to maintain aspect ratio when resizes input images
Example #15
Source File: From pdfviewer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _extract_text(self): if self.pdf is None: return if not self.canvas.draw: self.canvas.draw = True self.canvas.configure(cursor='cross') return self.canvas.draw = False self.canvas.configure(cursor='') rect = self.canvas.get_rect() if rect is None: return self._clear() rect = self._reproject_bbox(rect) page = self.pdf.pages[self.pageidx - 1] words = page.extract_words() min_x = 1000000 r = None for word in words: diff = abs(float(word['x0'] - rect[0])) + abs(float(word['top'] - rect[1])) \ + abs(float(word['x1'] - rect[2])) + abs(float(word['bottom'] - rect[3])) if diff < min_x: min_x = diff r = word image = page.to_image(resolution=int(self.scale * 80)) image.draw_rect(r) image = image.annotated.rotate(self.rotate) self.canvas.update_image(image) simpledialog.askstring("Extract Text", "Text Extracted:", initialvalue=r['text'])
Example #16
Source File: From pdfviewer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _search_text(self): if self.pdf is None: return text = simpledialog.askstring('Search Text', 'Enter text to search:') if text == '' or text is None: return page = self.pdf.pages[self.pageidx - 1] image = page.to_image(resolution=int(self.scale * 80)) words = [w for w in page.extract_words() if text.lower() in w['text'].lower()] image.draw_rects(words) image = image.annotated.rotate(self.rotate) self.canvas.update_image(image)
Example #17
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def textinput(self, title, prompt): """Pop up a dialog window for input of a string. Arguments: title is the title of the dialog window, prompt is a text mostly describing what information to input. Return the string input If the dialog is canceled, return None. Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen): >>> screen.textinput("NIM", "Name of first player:") """ return simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt)
Example #18
Source File: From ddash with MIT License | 5 votes |
def nfocoin_context(self): if not self.ready: return self.context="nfocoin" root.geometry('{}x{}'.format(800, 750)) address_label.grid() address_entry.grid() balance_label.grid() nfocoin_balance_label.grid() buy_nfocoin_label.grid() buy_nfocoin_entry.grid() sell_nfocoin_label.grid() sell_nfocoin_entry.grid() sell_nfocoin_button.grid() send_nfocoin_label.grid() send_nfocoin_amount_entry.grid() send_nfocoin_button.grid() intranet_nfocoin_radio.grid() internet_nfocoin_radio.grid() gas_label.grid() gas_entry.grid() account_label.grid() new_account_button.grid() unlock_account_button.grid() top_frame.grid() center_frame.grid() transaction_frame.grid() network_frame.grid() current_network_label.grid() current_network_label.config(text="Your are connected to " gas_label.grid() gas_entry.grid() set_gas_button.grid() buy_nfocoin_button.grid() if not self.ethereum_acc_pass: answer = simpledialog.askstring("DDASH","Enter your Ethereum account password: ") self.ethereum_acc_pass = answer
Example #19
Source File: From ddash with MIT License | 5 votes |
def manifesto_context(self): if not self.ready: return self.context = "manifesto" if not self.ethereum_acc_pass: answer = simpledialog.askstring("DDASH","Enter your Ethereum account password: ") self.ethereum_acc_pass = answer if not hasattr(self, 'manifestointerface'): self.manifestointerface = ManifestoInterface(mainnet=False) self.manifestointerface.load_contract(mainnet=False) root.geometry('{}x{}'.format(950, 800)) self.manifestointerface.unlock_account(self.ethereum_acc_pass) manifesto_address_label.grid() manifesto_address_entry.grid() proposal_listbox.grid() new_proposal_label.grid() new_proposal_text.grid() new_proposal_button.grid() vote_button.grid() current_network_label.grid() current_network_label.config(text="Your are connected to " gas_label.grid() gas_entry.grid() set_gas_button.grid() tally_button.grid() vote_yes_radio.grid() vote_no_radio.grid() top_frame.grid() manifesto_frame.grid() network_frame.grid()
Example #20
Source File: From ddash with MIT License | 5 votes |
def nilometer_context(self): if not self.ready: return self.context = "nilometer" if not self.ethereum_acc_pass: answer = simpledialog.askstring("DDASH","Enter your Ethereum account password: ") self.ethereum_acc_pass = answer if not hasattr(self, 'nilometerinterface'): self.nilometerinterface = NilometerInterface(mainnet=False) self.nilometerinterface.load_contract(mainnet=False) root.geometry('{}x{}'.format(950, 800)) self.nilometerinterface.unlock_account(self.ethereum_acc_pass) lake_nasser_label.grid() current_network_label.grid() current_network_label.config(text="Your are connected to " gas_label.grid() gas_entry.grid() set_gas_button.grid() top_frame.grid() nilometer_frame.grid() network_frame.grid()
Example #21
Source File: From ddash with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handle_unlock_account(self): password = None while not password: password = simpledialog.askstring("DDASH","Enter your Ethereum account password: ") self.ethereum_acc_pass=password self.ethereum_acc_pass = password self.bci.unlock_account(password) self.manifestointerface.unlock_account(password)
Example #22
Source File: From ddash with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handle_new_account(self): password = None while not password: password = simpledialog.askstring("DDASH","Choose a password for your new account: ") print("Attempting to unlock account...") self.bci.web3.personal.newAccount(password)
Example #23
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getPassword(prompt = '', confirm = 0): while 1: try1 = tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Password Dialog', prompt, show='*') if not confirm: return try1 try2 = tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Password Dialog', 'Confirm Password', show='*') if try1 == try2: return try1 else: tkMessageBox.showerror('Password Mismatch', 'Passwords did not match, starting over')
Example #24
Source File: From Imogen with MIT License | 5 votes |
def textinput(self, title, prompt): """Pop up a dialog window for input of a string. Arguments: title is the title of the dialog window, prompt is a text mostly describing what information to input. Return the string input If the dialog is canceled, return None. Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen): >>> screen.textinput("NIM", "Name of first player:") """ return simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt)
Example #25
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def textinput(self, title, prompt): """Pop up a dialog window for input of a string. Arguments: title is the title of the dialog window, prompt is a text mostly describing what information to input. Return the string input If the dialog is canceled, return None. Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen): >>> screen.textinput("NIM", "Name of first player:") """ return simpledialog.askstring(title, prompt)
Example #26
Source File: From nordpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def askVPNPassword(): """ Asks VPN password by a window dialog :return: the password inserted """ return simpledialog.askstring("Password NordVPN", "Enter password:", show="*")
Example #27
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def open_module(self, event=None): # XXX Shouldn't this be in IOBinding? try: name = self.text.get("sel.first", "sel.last") except TclError: name = "" else: name = name.strip() name = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Module", "Enter the name of a Python module\n" "to search on sys.path and open:", parent=self.text, initialvalue=name) if name: name = name.strip() if not name: return # XXX Ought to insert current file's directory in front of path try: spec = importlib.util.find_spec(name) except (ValueError, ImportError) as msg: tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", str(msg), parent=self.text) return if spec is None: tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", "module not found", parent=self.text) return if not isinstance(spec.loader, tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", "not a source-based module", parent=self.text) return try: file_path = spec.loader.get_filename(name) except AttributeError: tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", "loader does not support get_filename", parent=self.text) return if self.flist: else: return file_path
Example #28
Source File: From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def open_module(self, event=None): # XXX Shouldn't this be in IOBinding? try: name = self.text.get("sel.first", "sel.last") except TclError: name = "" else: name = name.strip() name = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Module", "Enter the name of a Python module\n" "to search on sys.path and open:", parent=self.text, initialvalue=name) if name: name = name.strip() if not name: return # XXX Ought to insert current file's directory in front of path try: spec = importlib.util.find_spec(name) except (ValueError, ImportError) as msg: tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", str(msg), parent=self.text) return if spec is None: tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", "module not found", parent=self.text) return if not isinstance(spec.loader, tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", "not a source-based module", parent=self.text) return try: file_path = spec.loader.get_filename(name) except AttributeError: tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", "loader does not support get_filename", parent=self.text) return if self.flist: else: return file_path
Example #29
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def open_module(self, event=None): # XXX Shouldn't this be in IOBinding? try: name = self.text.get("sel.first", "sel.last") except TclError: name = "" else: name = name.strip() name = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Module", "Enter the name of a Python module\n" "to search on sys.path and open:", parent=self.text, initialvalue=name) if name: name = name.strip() if not name: return # XXX Ought to insert current file's directory in front of path try: spec = importlib.util.find_spec(name) except (ValueError, ImportError) as msg: tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", str(msg), parent=self.text) return if spec is None: tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", "module not found", parent=self.text) return if not isinstance(spec.loader, tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", "not a source-based module", parent=self.text) return try: file_path = spec.loader.get_filename(name) except AttributeError: tkMessageBox.showerror("Import error", "loader does not support get_filename", parent=self.text) return if self.flist: else: return file_path
Example #30
Source File: From nordpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def askVPNUsername(): """ Asks VPN username by a dialog window :return: the username inserted """ return simpledialog.askstring("Username NordVPN", "Enter username:")