Python hug.get() Examples
The following are 3
code examples of hug.get().
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Example #1
Source File: From scout_apm_python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_home(tracked_requests): with app_with_scout() as app: response = TestApp(app).get("/") assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.text == '"Welcome home."' assert len(tracked_requests) == 1 tracked_request = tracked_requests[0] assert tracked_request.tags["path"] == "/" assert tracked_request.active_spans == [] assert len(tracked_request.complete_spans) == 2 assert ( tracked_request.complete_spans[0].operation == "Controller/tests.integration.test_hug.home" ) assert tracked_request.complete_spans[1].operation == "Middleware"
Example #2
Source File: From python-examples with MIT License | 5 votes |
def a_redis_call(rname, ape=1): """Simple redis call.""" if ape == 1: return "no valid api key specified, nice try though".format(**locals()) if r.sismember('ape', ape) != 1: return "no valid api key specified, nice try though".format(**locals()) else: coolness = r.get(rname).decode('utf8') r.decr(ape) numleft = r.get(str(ape)) print(numleft) return "Authenticated w {ape}. You have {numleft} queries left. This\ is the {rname} value you requested: {coolness}".format(**locals())
Example #3
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def inference(request, body, response): """Makes an inference to a certain model""" print(body) if request.headers.get('CONTENT-TYPE') == 'application/gzip': try: original_data = gzip.decompress( input_docs = json.loads(str(original_data, 'utf-8'))["docs"] model_name = json.loads(str(original_data, 'utf-8'))["model_name"] except Exception: response.status = hug.HTTP_500 return {'status': 'unexpected gzip error'} elif request.headers.get('CONTENT-TYPE') == 'application/json': if isinstance(body, str): body = json.loads(body) model_name = body.get('model_name') input_docs = body.get('docs') else: response.status = status_codes.HTTP_400 return {'status': 'Content-Type header must be application/json or application/gzip'} if not model_name: response.status = status_codes.HTTP_400 return {'status': 'model_name is required'} # If we've already initialized it, no use in reinitializing if not services.get(model_name): services[model_name] = Service(model_name) if not isinstance(input_docs, list): # check if it's an array instead response.status = status_codes.HTTP_400 return {'status': 'request not in proper format '} headers = parse_headers(request.headers) parsed_doc = services[model_name].get_service_inference(input_docs, headers) resp_format = request.headers["RESPONSE-FORMAT"] ret = format_response(resp_format, parsed_doc) if request.headers.get('CONTENT-TYPE') == 'application/gzip': response.content_type = resp_format response.body = ret # no return due to the fact that hug seems to assume json type upon return else: return ret