Python tables.open_file() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tables.open_file().
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Example #1
Source File: From crappy with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def prepare(self): assert self.inputs, "No input connected to the hdf_saver!" assert len(self.inputs) == 1,\ "Cannot link more than one block to a hdf_saver!" d = path.dirname(self.filename) if not path.exists(d): # Create the folder if it does not exist try: makedirs(d) except OSError: assert path.exists(d),"Error creating "+d if path.exists(self.filename): # If the file already exists, append a number to the name print("[hdf_saver] WARNING!",self.filename,"already exists !") name,ext = path.splitext(self.filename) i = 1 while path.exists(name+"_%05d"%i+ext): i += 1 self.filename = name+"_%05d"%i+ext print("[hdf_saver] Using",self.filename,"instead!") self.hfile = tables.open_file(self.filename,"w") for name,value in self.metadata.items(): self.hfile.create_array(self.hfile.root,name,value)
Example #2
Source File: From catalyst with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def write(self, frames): """ Write the frames to the target HDF5 file, using the format used by ``pd.Panel.to_hdf`` Parameters ---------- frames : iter[(int, DataFrame)] or dict[int -> DataFrame] An iterable or other mapping of sid to the corresponding OHLCV pricing data. """ with HDFStore(self._path, 'w', complevel=self._complevel, complib=self._complib) \ as store: panel = pd.Panel.from_dict(dict(frames)) panel.to_hdf(store, 'updates') with tables.open_file(self._path, mode='r+') as h5file: h5file.set_node_attr('/', 'version', 0)
Example #3
Source File: From TFSegmentation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def write_image_annotation_pairs_to_h5(filename_pairs, h5_filename): atom = tables.Int8Atom() h5_file = tables.open_file(h5_filename, mode='a') array_x = h5_file.create_earray(h5_file.root, 'X', atom, (0, 512, 1024, 3)) array_y = h5_file.create_earray(h5_file.root, 'Y', atom, (0, 512, 1024)) h = 512 w = 1024 for img_path, annotation_path in tqdm(filename_pairs): img = misc.imread(img_path) img = misc.imresize(img, (h, w)) annotation = misc.imread(annotation_path) annotation = custom_ignore_labels(annotation) annotation = misc.imresize(annotation, (h, w), 'nearest') array_x.append(np.expand_dims(img, 0)) array_y.append(np.expand_dims(annotation, 0)) h5_file.close()
Example #4
Source File: From TFSegmentation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def write_image_annotation_pairs_to_h5(filename_pairs, h5_filename): atom = tables.Int8Atom() h5_file = tables.open_file(h5_filename, mode='a') array_x = h5_file.create_earray(h5_file.root, 'X', atom, (0, 512, 1024, 3)) array_y = h5_file.create_earray(h5_file.root, 'Y', atom, (0, 512, 1024)) h = 512 w = 1024 for img_path, annotation_path in tqdm(filename_pairs): img = misc.imread(img_path) img = misc.imresize(img, (h, w)) annotation = misc.imread(annotation_path) annotation = custom_ignore_labels(annotation) annotation = misc.imresize(annotation, (h, w), 'nearest') array_x.append(np.expand_dims(img, 0)) array_y.append(np.expand_dims(annotation, 0)) h5_file.close()
Example #5
Source File: From gmpe-smtk with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_dbnames(filepath): '''Returns he database names of the given Gm database (HDF5 file) The file should have been created with the `GMTableParser.parse` method. :param filepath: the path to the HDF5 file :return: a list of strings identyfying the database names in the file ''' with tables.open_file(filepath, 'r') as h5file: root = h5file.get_node('/') return [group._v_name for group in # pylint: disable=protected-access h5file.list_nodes(root, classname=Group.__name__)] # note: h5file.walk_groups() might raise a ClosedNodeError. # This error is badly documented (as much pytables stuff), # the only mention is (pytables pdf doc): "CloseNodeError: The # operation can not be completed because the node is closed. For # instance, listing the children of a closed group is not allowed". # I suspect it deals with groups deleted / overwritten and the way # hdf5 files mark portions of files to be "empty". However, # the list_nodes above seems not to raise anymore
Example #6
Source File: From ctapipe with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_units(): class WithUnits(Container): inverse_length = Field(5 / u.m, "foo") time = Field(1 * u.s, "bar", unit=u.s) grammage = Field(2 * u.g / ** 2, "baz", unit=u.g / ** 2) c = WithUnits() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: with HDF5TableWriter(, "data") as writer: writer.write("units", c) with tables.open_file(, "r") as f: assert["inverse_length_UNIT"] == "m-1" assert["time_UNIT"] == "s" assert["grammage_UNIT"] == "cm-2 g"
Example #7
Source File: From vivarium with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def touch(path: Union[str, Path]): """Creates an HDF file, wiping an existing file if necessary. If the given path is proper to create a HDF file, it creates a new HDF file. Parameters ---------- path The path to the HDF file. Raises ------ ValueError If the non-proper path is given to create a HDF file. """ path = _get_valid_hdf_path(path) with tables.open_file(str(path), mode='w'): pass
Example #8
Source File: From ctapipe with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_muon_reconstruction(tmpdir): from import MuonAnalysis with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".hdf5") as f: assert ( run_tool( MuonAnalysis(), argv=[f"--input={LST_MUONS}", f"--output={}", "--overwrite",], ) == 0 ) t = tables.open_file( table = t.root.dl1.event.telescope.parameters.muons[:] assert len(table) > 20 assert np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(table["muonring_radius"])) == 0 assert run_tool(MuonAnalysis(), ["--help-all"]) == 0
Example #9
Source File: From GroundHog with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def load_files(self): if self.target_lfiles is not None: for target_lfile in self.target_lfiles: target_lang = tables.open_file(target_lfile, 'r') self.target_langs.append([target_lang.get_node(self.table_name), target_lang.get_node(self.index_name)]) for source_lfile in self.source_lfiles: source_lang = tables.open_file(source_lfile, 'r') self.source_langs.append([source_lang.get_node(self.table_name), source_lang.get_node(self.index_name)]) self.data_len = self.source_langs[-1][1].shape[0] self.idxs = np.arange(self.data_len) if self.shuffle: np.random.shuffle(self.idxs)
Example #10
Source File: From PyDeepGP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): # Load data Y = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(base_path,self.outputfile)) X = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(base_path,self.inputfile)) m = deepgp.DeepGP([Y.shape[1],5,X.shape[1]],Y, X=X,kernels=[GPy.kern.RBF(5,ARD=True), GPy.kern.RBF(X.shape[1],ARD=True)], num_inducing=2, back_constraint=True, encoder_dims=[[3]]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile)): # Create the model file m.randomize() m._trigger_params_changed(),self.modelfile)) with h5py.File(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile),'r+') as f: L = f.create_dataset("L", (1,),dtype=np.float) L[:] = m._log_marginal_likelihood f.close() # Load model parameters with tables.open_file(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile),'r') as f: m.param_array[:] = f.root.param_array[:] L = float(f.root.L[:]) m._trigger_params_changed() f.close() self.model = m self.L = L
Example #11
Source File: From PyDeepGP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): # Load data Y = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(base_path,self.datafile)) m = deepgp.DeepGP([Y.shape[1],5,2],Y,kernels=[GPy.kern.RBF(5,ARD=True), GPy.kern.RBF(2,ARD=True)], num_inducing=2, back_constraint=True, encoder_dims=[[3],[2]]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile)): # Create the model file m.randomize() m._trigger_params_changed(),self.modelfile)) with h5py.File(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile),'r+') as f: L = f.create_dataset("L", (1,),dtype=np.float) L[:] = m._log_marginal_likelihood f.close() # Load model parameters with tables.open_file(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile),'r') as f: m.param_array[:] = f.root.param_array[:] L = float(f.root.L[:]) m._trigger_params_changed() f.close() self.model = m self.L = L
Example #12
Source File: From PyDeepGP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): # Load data Y = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(base_path,self.outputfile)) X = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(base_path,self.inputfile)) m = deepgp.DeepGP([Y.shape[1],5,X.shape[1]],Y, X=X,kernels=[GPy.kern.RBF(5,ARD=True), GPy.kern.RBF(X.shape[1],ARD=True)], num_inducing=2, back_constraint=False) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile)): # Create the model file m.randomize() m._trigger_params_changed(),self.modelfile)) with h5py.File(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile),'r+') as f: L = f.create_dataset("L", (1,),dtype=np.float) L[:] = m._log_marginal_likelihood f.close() # Load model parameters with tables.open_file(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile),'r') as f: m.param_array[:] = f.root.param_array[:] L = float(f.root.L[:]) m._trigger_params_changed() f.close() self.model = m self.L = L
Example #13
Source File: From vivarium with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def remove(path: Union[str, Path], entity_key: str): """Removes a piece of data from an HDF file. Parameters ---------- path : The path to the HDF file to remove the data from. entity_key : A representation of the internal HDF path where the data is located. Raises ------ ValueError If the path or entity_key are improperly formatted. """ path = _get_valid_hdf_path(path) entity_key = EntityKey(entity_key) with tables.open_file(str(path), mode='a') as file: file.remove_node(entity_key.path, recursive=True)
Example #14
Source File: From vivarium with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_keys(path: str) -> List[str]: """Gets key representation of all paths in an HDF file. Parameters ---------- path : The path to the HDF file. Returns ------- A list of key representations of the internal paths in the HDF. """ path = _get_valid_hdf_path(path) with tables.open_file(str(path)) as file: keys = _get_keys(file.root) return keys
Example #15
Source File: From PyDeepGP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): # Load data Y = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(base_path,self.datafile)) m = deepgp.DeepGP([Y.shape[1],5,2],Y,kernels=[GPy.kern.RBF(5,ARD=True), GPy.kern.RBF(2,ARD=True)], num_inducing=2, back_constraint=False) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile)): # Create the model file m.randomize() m._trigger_params_changed(),self.modelfile)) with h5py.File(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile),'r+') as f: L = f.create_dataset("L", (1,),dtype=np.float) L[:] = m._log_marginal_likelihood f.close() # Load model parameters with tables.open_file(os.path.join(base_path,self.modelfile),'r') as f: m.param_array[:] = f.root.param_array[:] L = float(f.root.L[:]) m._trigger_params_changed() f.close() self.model = m self.L = L
Example #16
Source File: From StructuredForests with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def load_model(self): model_file = os.path.join(self.forest_dir, self.forest_name) with tables.open_file(model_file, filters=self.comp_filt) as mfile: self.model = { "thrs": mfile.get_node("/thrs")[:], "fids": mfile.get_node("/fids")[:], "cids": mfile.get_node("/cids")[:], "edge_bnds": mfile.get_node("/edge_bnds")[:].flatten(), "edge_pts": mfile.get_node("/edge_pts")[:].flatten(), "n_seg": mfile.get_node("/n_seg")[:].flatten(), "segs": mfile.get_node("/segs")[:], } self.trained = True return self.model
Example #17
Source File: From WASP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Writes names of samples " "contained in HDF5 file to stdout") parser.add_argument("h5file", help="HDF5 file containing /samples table") options = parser.parse_args() h5f = tables.open_file(options.h5file) for node in h5f.root: if"samples"): _, chr_name ="_", 1) sys.stdout.write("%s:\n" % chr_name) for row in node: sys.stdout.write(" %s\n" % row['name']) sys.stdout.write("\n") else: sys.stderr.write("%s does not contain samples table\n" % options.h5file) exit(2) h5f.close()
Example #18
Source File: From mackrl with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, path, name, logging_struct, T_per_file=500000): name = "__".join(name.split("/")) # escape slash character in name try: from tables import open_file self.path = path = name self.T_per_file = T_per_file self.hdf_path = os.path.join(path, "hdf") self.folder_name = os.path.join(self.hdf_path, name) if not os.path.isdir(self.folder_name): os.makedirs(self.folder_name) self.logging_struct = logging_struct except Exception as e: self.logging_struct.py_logger.warning("Could not execute HDF logger save - no disk space, or no permissions? " + "Error message: {}, path: {}, name: {}".format(e, path, name)) pass
Example #19
Source File: From spotpy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new datawriter for hdf5 files :param args: :param kwargs: """ # init base class super(hdf5, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # store init item only if dbinit if not kwargs.get('dbappend', False): # Create an open file, which needs to be closed after the sampling self.db = tables.open_file(self.dbname + '.h5', 'w', self.dbname) self.table = self.db.create_table('/', self.dbname, description=self.get_table_def()) else: # Continues writing file self.db = tables.open_file(self.dbname + '.h5', 'a') self.table = self.db.root[self.dbname]
Example #20
Source File: From WASP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): error = 0.01 args = parse_options() if util.is_gzipped(args.infile): infile =, "rt") else: infile = open(args.infile, "rt") if args.outfile.endswith(".gz"): outfile =, "wt") else: outfile = open(args.outfile, "wt") ref_count_h5 = tables.open_file(args.ref_as_counts) alt_count_h5 = tables.open_file(args.alt_as_counts) snp_line = infile.readline() if snp_line: outfile.write(snp_line) else: sys.stderr.write("The input file was empty.\n") exit(-1) snp_line = infile.readline() while snp_line: snpinfo = snp_line.strip().split() if snpinfo[9] == "NA": outfile.write(snp_line) else: new_hetps = process_one_snp(snpinfo, ref_count_h5, alt_count_h5, error) outfile.write("\t".join(snpinfo[:10] + [";".join(new_hetps)] + snpinfo[11:]) + "\n") snp_line = infile.readline() ref_count_h5.close() alt_count_h5.close()
Example #21
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def open_file(self, path): self.h5file = tables.open_file(path, mode="r") node = self.h5file.get_node('/', self.data_node) self.nodes = [getattr(node, source) for source in self.sources_in_file] if self.stop is None: self.stop = self.nodes[0].nrows self.num_examples = self.stop - self.start
Example #22
Source File: From tierpsy-tracker with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _checkFlagsFun(fname, field_name, test_value, test_func=_isValidFlag, extra_files=[]): accepted_errors = (tables.exceptions.HDF5ExtError, tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError, KeyError,IOError) try: with tables.open_file(fname, mode='r') as fid: field = fid.get_node(field_name) has_finished = test_func(field, test_value) #check that all the extra files do exist has_finished = has_finished and all(os.path.exists(x) for x in extra_files) return has_finished except accepted_errors: return False
Example #23
Source File: From pywr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, filename, filter_kwds=None, mode="r", title='', metadata=None, create_directories=False): self._opened = False if isinstance(filename, (str, os.PathLike)): # filename is a path to open self.filename = filename # Note sure how else to deal with str / unicode requirements in pytables # See this issue: import sys if filter_kwds: if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and 'complib' in filter_kwds: filter_kwds['complib'] = filter_kwds['complib'].encode() filters = tables.Filters(**filter_kwds) else: filters = None # Create directories for the filename if required if create_directories: try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) except OSError as exception: import errno if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise self.file = tables.open_file(filename, mode=mode, filters=filters, title=title) self._opened = True elif isinstance(filename, tables.File): # filename is a pytables file self.file = filename assert(self.file.isopen) self.filename = self.file.filename self._opened = False else: raise TypeError("{} must be initalised with a filename to open or an open tables.File".format(self.__class__.__name__)) # now update metadata if given if metadata is not None and self.file.mode != 'r': for k, v in metadata.items(): setattr(self.file.root._v_attrs, k, v)
Example #24
Source File: From spotpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getdata(self): with tables.open_file(self.dbname + '.h5', 'a') as db: return db.root[self.dbname][:]
Example #25
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load(self): self.open_file(self.path)
Example #26
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): num_rows = 500 filters = tables.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=5) h5file = tables.open_file( 'tmp.h5', mode='w', title='Test', filters=filters) group = h5file.create_group("/", 'Data') atom = tables.UInt8Atom() y = h5file.create_carray(group, 'y', atom=atom, title='Data targets', shape=(num_rows, 1), filters=filters) for i in range(num_rows): y[i] = i h5file.flush() h5file.close() self.dataset = PytablesDataset('tmp.h5', ('y',), 20, 500) self.dataset_default = PytablesDataset('tmp.h5', ('y',))
Example #27
Source File: From WASP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_hap_seqs(haps, options): """Makes a chromosome sequence for each haplotype""" seq_h5 = tables.open_file(options.seq) node_name = "/%s" % options.chrom if node_name not in seq_h5: raise ValueError("chromosome %s is not in sequence h5 file" % options.chrom) seq_node = seq_h5.get_node("/%s" % options.chrom) seq_array1 = seq_node[:] seq_array2 = np.array(seq_node[:]) is_alt = (haps.hap1 == 1) seq_array1[haps.pos[is_alt] - 1] = haps.alt_allele[is_alt] is_alt = (haps.hap2 == 1) seq_array2[haps.pos[is_alt] - 1] = haps.alt_allele[is_alt] seq1 = "".join([chr(x) for x in seq_array1]) seq2 = "".join([chr(x) for x in seq_array2]) seq_h5.close() return seq1, seq2
Example #28
Source File: From WASP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_snp_tab_h5(self): snp_tab_h5 = tables.open_file(self.snp_tab_filename, "w") class SNPTab(tables.IsDescription): name = tables.StringCol(16) pos = tables.Int64Col() allele1 = tables.StringCol(100) allele2 = tables.StringCol(100) chrom_tables = {} snp_num = 0 for snp in self.snp_list: if snp[0] in chrom_tables: table = chrom_tables[snp[0]] else: table = snp_tab_h5.create_table(snp_tab_h5.root, snp[0], SNPTab) chrom_tables[snp[0]] = table row = table.row snp_num += 1 row['name'] = "snp%d" % snp_num row['pos'] = snp[1] row['allele1'] = snp[2] row['allele2'] = snp[3] row.append() table.flush() self.write_hap_samples(snp_tab_h5) snp_tab_h5.close()
Example #29
Source File: From WASP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_snp_index_h5(self): atom = tables.Int16Atom(dflt=0) zlib_filter = tables.Filters(complevel=1, complib="zlib") snp_index_h5 = tables.open_file(self.snp_index_filename, "w") snp_index = 0 chrom_arrays = {} chrom_lengths = self.get_chrom_lengths() for snp in self.snp_list: if snp[0] in chrom_arrays: carray = chrom_arrays[snp[0]] else: # create CArray for this chromosome shape = [chrom_lengths[snp[0]]] carray = snp_index_h5.create_carray(snp_index_h5.root, snp[0], atom, shape, filters=zlib_filter) carray[:] = -1 chrom_arrays[snp[0]] = carray pos = snp[1] carray[pos-1] = snp_index snp_index += 1 self.write_hap_samples(snp_index_h5) snp_index_h5.close()
Example #30
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, path, sources, start=0, stop=None, data_node='Data', sources_in_file=None): if sources_in_file is None: sources_in_file = sources self.sources_in_file = sources_in_file self.provides_sources = sources self.path = path self.data_node = data_node self.start = start self.stop = stop self.nodes = None self.open_file(path) super(PytablesDataset, self).__init__(self.provides_sources)