Python ijson.items() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ijson.items().
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Example #1
Source File: From examples with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def load_data_into_grakn(input, session): ''' loads the json data into our Grakn phone_calls keyspace: 1. gets the data items as a list of dictionaries 2. for each item dictionary a. creates a Grakn transaction b. constructs the corresponding Graql insert query c. runs the query d. commits the transaction :param input as dictionary: contains details required to parse the data :param session: off of which a transaction will be created ''' items = parse_data_to_dictionaries(input) # 1 for item in items: # 2 with session.transaction().write() as transaction: # a graql_insert_query = input["template"](item) # b print("Executing Graql Query: " + graql_insert_query) transaction.query(graql_insert_query) # c transaction.commit() # d print("\nInserted " + str(len(items)) + " items from [ " + input["file"] + ".json] into Grakn.\n")
Example #2
Source File: From mixpanel-jql with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _validate_people_params(self, params): if not params: return "{}" if not isinstance(params, dict): raise JQLSyntaxError("people_params must be a dict") for k, v in params.items(): if k != 'user_selectors': raise JQLSyntaxError('"%s" is not a valid key in people_params' % k) if not isinstance(v, collections.Iterable): raise JQLSyntaxError("people_params['user_selectors'] must be iterable") for i, e in enumerate(v): for ek, ev in e.items(): if ek not in ('selector',): raise JQLSyntaxError( "'%s' is not a valid key in " "people_params['user_selectors'][%s]" % (ek, i)) elif not isinstance(ev, six.string_types): raise JQLSyntaxError( "people_params['user_selectors'][%s].%s " "must be a string" % (i, ek)) return json.dumps(params)
Example #3
Source File: From anchore-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _extract_response_data(self, response_text): next_token = None sio = BytesIO(response_text) count = 0 # Get the next token p = ijson.items(sio, FEED_DATA_NEXT_TOKEN_PATH) d = [x for x in p] if len(d) == 1: next_token = d[0] # Be explicit, no empty strings if not next_token: next_token = None # Get the record count # Not using the special parser for handling decimals here because this isn't on the return path, just counting records for i in ijson.items(sio, FEED_DATA_ITEMS_PATH): count += 1 logger.debug('Found {} records in data chunk'.format(count)) sio.close() return next_token, response_text, count
Example #4
Source File: From tabulator-py with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __iter_extended_rows(self): path = 'item' if self.__property is not None: path = '%s.item' % self.__property items = ijson.items(self.__bytes, path) for row_number, item in enumerate(items, start=1): if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): yield (row_number, None, list(item)) elif isinstance(item, dict): keys = [] values = [] for key in sorted(item.keys()): keys.append(key) values.append(item[key]) yield (row_number, list(keys), list(values)) else: if not self.__force_parse: message = 'JSON item has to be list or dict' raise exceptions.SourceError(message) yield (row_number, None, [])
Example #5
Source File: From dstc-noesis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def rank(src, tgt): """ The function calculates rank for each prediction given target Args: src (dict): predictions by the model tgt (dict): ground truth/ targets Returns: ranks (list): rank of a correct responses (default = 0) """ ranks = [] for idx, target in tgt.items(): ranks.append(0) try: predictions = src[idx] for i, entry in enumerate(predictions): if entry in target: ranks[-1] = i + 1 break except KeyError: msg = "No matching entry found for test case with dialog-id {}".format(idx) logging.warning(msg) return ranks
Example #6
Source File: From prenlp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_data(self) -> list: out_path_train = self.root/self.out_filename if out_path_train.exists(): train = load_language_modeling(out_path_train) dataset = train else: dataset = [] with open(self.root/self.dirname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as jfile: for item in tqdm(ijson.items(jfile, 'item')): text = self._normalize(item['text']).strip() samples = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, text.split('\n'))) # split document into sentences(len > 0) dataset += samples # If sample is a document, use below code not above two lines. # sample = '\n'.join(list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, text.split('\n')))) # dataset.append(sample) # Save dataset (self.root/self.dirname).unlink() save_language_modeling(dataset, to_path=out_path_train) return dataset
Example #7
Source File: From mixpanel-jql with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _decode(entity): """ Decodes all unicode characters to avoid the `u` prefix from proliferating in complex data structures. We should probably instead JSON encode everything, but for now, this is fine. This is only needed as long as Python 2 support is necessary. :param entity: The entity to decode. :return: The iterable without unicode. """ # Only necessary for Python 2 if six.PY3: return entity if isinstance(entity, tuple): return tuple(_decode(e) for e in entity) elif isinstance(entity, list): return list(_decode(e) for e in entity) elif isinstance(entity, dict): return {_decode(k): _decode(v) for k, v in entity.items()} elif isinstance(entity, six.text_type): return entity.encode('utf8') return entity
Example #8
Source File: From NOESIS-II with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_test_answers_file(test_file, test_answers_file): answers = {} with open(test_file, 'rb') as f: json_data = ijson.items(f, 'item') for entry in json_data: for i, utterance in enumerate(entry['options-for-next']): answer = utterance['utterance'] + " __eou__ " answer_id = utterance['candidate-id'] answers[answer_id] = answer answers["NONE"] = "None __eou__ " with open(test_answers_file, "w") as vocabfile: for answer_id, answer in answers.items(): vocabfile.write(str(answer_id) + "\t" + answer.replace("\n", "") + "\n") print("Saved test answers to {}".format(test_answers_file)) return answers
Example #9
Source File: From riko with MIT License | 6 votes |
def etree2dict(element): """Convert an element tree into a dict imitating how Yahoo Pipes does it. """ i = dict(element.items()) i.update(_make_content(i, element.text, strip=True)) for child in element: tag = child.tag value = etree2dict(child) i.update(_make_content(i, value, tag)) if element.text and not set(i).difference(['content']): # element is leaf node and doesn't have attributes i = i.get('content') return i
Example #10
Source File: From geo-heatmap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generateMap(self, settings): """Generates the heatmap. Arguments: settings {dict} -- The settings for the heatmap. Returns: Map -- The Heatmap. """ tiles = settings["tiles"] zoom_start = settings["zoom_start"] radius = settings["radius"] blur = settings["blur"] min_opacity = settings["min_opacity"] max_zoom = settings["max_zoom"] map_data = [(coords[0], coords[1], magnitude) for coords, magnitude in self.coordinates.items()] # Generate map m = folium.Map(location=self.max_coordinates, zoom_start=zoom_start, tiles=tiles) # Generate heat map heatmap = HeatMap(map_data, max_val=self.max_magnitude, min_opacity=min_opacity, radius=radius, blur=blur, max_zoom=max_zoom) m.add_child(heatmap) return m
Example #11
Source File: From SwiftKitten with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_structure_info(self, view): """ """ #get structure info command text = view.substr(Region(0, view.size())) cmd = self.get_structure_info_cmd(view, text) timeout = self.get_settings(view, "sourcekitten_timeout", 1.0) # run structure info command p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) structure_info = list(ijson.items(p.stdout,''))[0] return structure_info
Example #12
Source File: From meza with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_json(filepath, mode='r', path='item', newline=False): """Reads a json file (both regular and newline-delimited) Args: filepath (str): The json file path or file like object. mode (Optional[str]): The file open mode (default: 'r'). path (Optional[str]): Path to the content you wish to read (default: 'item', i.e., the root list). Note: `path` must refer to a list. newline (Optional[bool]): Interpret file as newline-delimited (default: False). Kwargs: encoding (str): File encoding. Returns: Iterable: The parsed records See also: `` Examples: >>> filepath = p.join(DATA_DIR, 'test.json') >>> records = read_json(filepath) >>> next(records) == { ... 'text': 'Chicago Reader', ... 'float': 1, ... 'datetime': '1971-01-01T04:14:00', ... 'boolean': True, ... 'time': '04:14:00', ... 'date': '1971-01-01', ... 'integer': 40} True """ reader = lambda f, **kw: map(json.loads, f) if newline else items(f, path) return read_any(filepath, reader, mode)
Example #13
Source File: From meza with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _remove_bom_from_dict(row, bom): """Remove a byte order marker (BOM) from a dict""" for k, v in row.items(): try: if all([k, v, bom in k, bom in v]): yield (k.lstrip(bom), v.lstrip(bom)) elif v and bom in v: yield (k, v.lstrip(bom)) elif k and bom in k: yield (k.lstrip(bom), v) else: yield (k, v) except TypeError: yield (k, v)
Example #14
Source File: From dtp-stat with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): with open("data/dtp.json", 'r') as f: objects = ijson.items(f, 'item') for row in tqdm(objects): get_crashes_data(row)
Example #15
Source File: From zulip with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: total_count = 0 changed_count = 0 with open(options['dump1']) as dump1, open(options['dump2']) as dump2: for m1, m2 in zip(ijson.items(dump1, 'item'), ijson.items(dump2, 'item')): total_count += 1 if m1['id'] != m2['id']: self.stderr.write('Inconsistent messages dump') break if m1['content'] != m2['content']: changed_count += 1 self.stdout.write('Changed message id: {id}'.format(id=m1['id'])) self.stdout.write(f'Total messages: {total_count}') self.stdout.write(f'Changed messages: {changed_count}')
Example #16
Source File: From dstc-noesis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_dialog_iter(filename): """ Returns an iterator over a JSON file. :param filename: :return: """ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: json_data = ijson.items(f, 'item') for entry in json_data: row = process_dialog(entry) yield row
Example #17
Source File: From dstc-noesis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_json(input_file): json_objects_lst = list() json_objects = ijson.items(input_file, 'item') for obj in json_objects: json_objects_lst.append(obj) return json_objects_lst
Example #18
Source File: From dstc-noesis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def calculate_MAP(src, tgt): """ The function calculate Mean Average Precision (MAP). Args: src (dict): predictions by the model tgt (dict): ground truth/ targets """ avg_precision = list() for idx, targets in tgt.items(): try: predictions = src[idx] precision = list() for i, target in enumerate(targets): try: precision.append(((i + 1) / (predictions.index(target) + 1))) except ValueError: msg = "Answer: {} isn't part of the predictions by the model.".format(target) logging.warning(msg) avg_precision.append(sum(precision) / len(targets)) except KeyError: msg = "No matching entry found for test case with dialog-id {}".format(idx) logging.warning(msg) map = sum(avg_precision)/len(tgt) msg = "Mean Average Precision (MAP): {}".format(map)
Example #19
Source File: From riko with MIT License | 5 votes |
def parse_response(json): if 'rates' in json: resp = {k: Decimal(v) for k, v in json['rates'].items() if v} else: logger.warning('invalid json response:') logger.warning(json) resp = {} return resp
Example #20
Source File: From dstc-noesis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_predictions(filename): predictions = OrderedDict() with open(filename, 'r') as fp: for item in ijson.items(fp, 'item'): predictions[item['example-id']] = [candidate['candidate-id'] for candidate in item['candidate-ranking']] return predictions
Example #21
Source File: From riko with MIT License | 5 votes |
def any2dict(f, ext='xml', html5=False, path=None): path = path or '' if ext in {'xml', 'html'}: xml = ext == 'xml' root = xml2etree(f, xml, html5).getroot() replaced = '/'.join(path.split('.')) tree = next(xpath(root, replaced)) if replaced else root content = etree2dict(tree) elif ext == 'json': content = next(items(f, path)) else: raise TypeError("Invalid file type: '%s'" % ext) return content
Example #22
Source File: From geo-heatmap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def streamJSONData(self, json_file, date_range): """Stream the Google location data from the given json file. Arguments: json_file {file} -- An open file-like object with JSON-encoded Google location data. date_range {tuple} -- A tuple containing the min-date and max-date. e.g.: (None, None), (None, '2019-01-01'), ('2017-02-11'), ('2019-01-01') """ # Estimate location amount max_value_est = sum(1 for line in json_file) / 13 locations = ijson.items(json_file, "locations.item") w = [Bar(), Percentage(), " ", ETA()] with ProgressBar(max_value=max_value_est, widgets=w) as pb: for i, loc in enumerate(locations): if "latitudeE7" not in loc or "longitudeE7" not in loc: continue coords = (round(loc["latitudeE7"] / 1e7, 6), round(loc["longitudeE7"] / 1e7, 6)) if timestampInRange(loc["timestampMs"], date_range): self.updateCoord(coords) if i > max_value_est: max_value_est = i pb.max_value = i pb.update(i)
Example #23
Source File: From mixpanel-jql with MIT License | 5 votes |
def send(self): with closing( % self.VERSION, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self.api_secret, ''), data={'script': str(self)}, stream=True)) as resp: resp.raise_for_status() for row in ijson.items(RequestsStreamWrapper(resp), 'item'): yield row
Example #24
Source File: From mixpanel-jql with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _validate_join_params(self, params): if not params: return "{}" if not isinstance(params, dict): raise JQLSyntaxError("join_params must be a dict") for k, v in params.items(): if k == 'type': if v not in self.VALID_JOIN_TYPES: raise JQLSyntaxError( '"%s" is not a valid join type (valid types: %s)' % (v, ', '.join(self.VALID_JOIN_TYPES)) ) elif k == 'selectors': if not isinstance(v, collections.Iterable): raise JQLSyntaxError("join_params['selectors'] must be iterable") for i, e in enumerate(v): if not isinstance(e, dict): raise JQLSyntaxError("join_params['selectors'][x] must be a dict") for ek, ev in e.items(): if ek not in ('event', 'selector'): raise JQLSyntaxError( "'%s' is not a valid key in " "join_params['selectors'][%s]" % (ek, i)) elif not isinstance(ev, six.string_types): raise JQLSyntaxError( "join_params['selectors'][%s].%s " "must be a string" % (i, ek)) else: raise JQLSyntaxError('"%s" is not a valid key in join_params' % k) return json.dumps(params)
Example #25
Source File: From mixpanel-jql with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _validate_event_params(self, params): if not params: return "{}" if not isinstance(params, dict): raise JQLSyntaxError("event_params must be a dict") params = dict(params) for k, v in params.items(): if k in ('to_date', 'from_date'): if isinstance(v, (datetime, date,)): params[k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif not isinstance(v, six.string_types): raise JQLSyntaxError('to_date must be datetime,, or str') elif k == 'event_selectors': if not isinstance(v, collections.Iterable): raise JQLSyntaxError("event_params['event_selectors'] must be iterable") for i, e in enumerate(v): if not isinstance(e, dict): raise JQLSyntaxError("event_params['event_selectors'][x] must be a dict") for ek, ev in e.items(): if ek not in ('event', 'selector', 'label'): raise JQLSyntaxError( "'%s' is not a valid key in " "event_params['event_selectors'][%s]" % (ek, i)) elif not isinstance(ev, six.string_types): raise JQLSyntaxError( "event_params['event_selectors'][%s].%s " "must be a string" % (i, ek)) else: raise JQLSyntaxError('"%s" is not a valid key in event_params' % k) return json.dumps(params)
Example #26
Source File: From NOESIS-II with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_dialogs(filename): rows = [] with open(filename, 'rb') as f: json_data = ijson.items(f, 'item') for entry in json_data: rows.append(process_dialog(entry, train=True, positive=True)) rows.extend(process_dialog(entry, train=True, positive=False, all_negative=True)) return rows
Example #27
Source File: From examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_data_to_dictionaries(input): ''' 1. reads the file through a stream, 2. adds the dictionary to the list of items :param input.file as string: the path to the data file, minus the format :returns items as list of dictionaries: each item representing a data item from the file at input.file ''' items = [] with open(input["file"] + ".json") as data: # 1 for item in ijson.items(data, "item"): items.append(item) # 2 return items
Example #28
Source File: From riko with MIT License | 4 votes |
def parser(base, objconf, skip=False, **kwargs): """ Parses the pipe content Args: base (str): The base currency (exchanging from) objconf (obj): The pipe configuration (an Objectify instance) skip (bool): Don't parse the content kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments Kwargs: assign (str): Attribute to assign parsed content (default: exchangerate) stream (dict): The original item Returns: dict: The item Examples: >>> from riko import get_path >>> from meza.fntools import Objectify >>> >>> url = get_path('quote.json') >>> conf = {'url': url, 'currency': 'USD', 'delay': 0, 'precision': 6} >>> item = {'content': 'GBP'} >>> objconf = Objectify(conf) >>> kwargs = {'stream': item, 'assign': 'content'} >>> parser(item['content'], objconf, **kwargs) Decimal('1.275201') """ same_currency = base == objconf.currency if skip: rate = kwargs['stream'] elif same_currency: rate = Decimal(1) else: decode = objconf.url.startswith('http') with fetch(decode=decode, **objconf) as f: try: json = next(items(f, '')) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error parsing {url}'.format(**objconf)) logger.debug( logger.error(e) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) skip = True rate = 0 if not (skip or same_currency): places = Decimal(10) ** -objconf.precision rates = parse_response(json) rate = calc_rate(base, objconf.currency, rates, places=places) return rate
Example #29
Source File: From riko with MIT License | 4 votes |
def async_pipe(*args, **kwargs): """A processor that asynchronously retrieves the current exchange rate for a given currency pair. Args: item (dict): The entry to process kwargs (dict): The keyword arguments passed to the wrapper Kwargs: conf (dict): The pipe configuration. May contain the keys 'url', 'params', 'currency', 'delay', 'memoize', or 'field'. url (str): The exchange rate API url (default: params (dict): The API url parameters (default: {'format': 'json'}) currency: The (exchanging to) currency ISO abbreviation (default: USD). delay (flt): Amount of time to sleep (in secs) before fetching the url. Useful for simulating network latency. Default: 0. memoize (bool): Cache the exchange rate API response (default: False). field (str): Item attribute from which to obtain the string to be formatted (default: 'content') assign (str): Attribute to assign parsed content (default: exchangerate) Returns: dict: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred stream of items Examples: >>> from riko import get_path >>> from riko.bado import react >>> from riko.bado.mock import FakeReactor >>> >>> def run(reactor): ... callback = lambda x: print(next(x)['exchangerate']) ... url = get_path('quote.json') ... d = async_pipe({'content': 'GBP'}, conf={'url': url}) ... return d.addCallbacks(callback, logger.error) >>> >>> try: ... react(run, _reactor=FakeReactor()) ... except SystemExit: ... pass ... 1.275201 """ return async_parser(*args, **kwargs)
Example #30
Source File: From NOESIS-II with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def create_dev_file(dev_file, dev_file_out, answers): dev_file_op = open(dev_file_out, "w") positive_samples_count = 0 negative_samples_count = 0 dev_data_handle = open(dev_file, 'rb') json_data = ijson.items(dev_data_handle, 'item') for index, entry in enumerate(json_data): row = str(index+1) + "\t" context = get_context(entry) row += context + "\t" if len(entry['options-for-correct-answers']) == 0: correct_answer = {} correct_answer['utterance'] = "None" target_id = "NONE" else: correct_answer = entry['options-for-correct-answers'][0] target_id = correct_answer['candidate-id'] answer = correct_answer['utterance'] + " __eou__ " answer = answer.strip() row += str(answers[answer] + 1) + "\t" positive_samples_count += 1 negative_answers = [] for i, utterance in enumerate(entry['options-for-next']): if utterance['candidate-id'] == target_id: continue answer = utterance['utterance'] + " __eou__ " answer = answer.strip() negative_answers.append(str(answers[answer] + 1)) negative_samples_count += 1 if len(negative_answers) < 100: answer = "None __eou__" negative_answers.append(str(answers[answer] + 1)) negative_samples_count += 1 negative_answers = "|".join(negative_answers) row += negative_answers + "\t" dev_file_op.write(row.replace("\n", "") + "\n") print("Saved dev data to {}".format(dev_file_out)) print("Dev - Positive samples count - {}".format(positive_samples_count)) print("Dev - Negative samples count - {}".format(negative_samples_count)) dev_file_op.close()