Python svgwrite.Drawing() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of svgwrite.Drawing().
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Example #1
Source File: From GpxTrackPoster with MIT License | 7 votes |
def draw(self, dr: svgwrite.Drawing, size: XY, offset: XY): """Draw the heatmap based on tracks.""" bbox = self._determine_bbox() for tr in self.poster.tracks: color = self.color(self.poster.length_range, tr.length, tr.special) for line in utils.project(bbox, size, offset, tr.polylines): for opacity, width in [(0.1, 5.0), (0.2, 2.0), (1.0, 0.3)]: dr.add( dr.polyline( points=line, stroke=color, stroke_opacity=opacity, fill="none", stroke_width=width, stroke_linejoin="round", stroke_linecap="round", ) )
Example #2
Source File: From doom-net-pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def save_svg(self): """ Scale the drawing to fit inside a 1024x1024 canvas (iPhones don't like really large SVGs even if they have the same detail) """ import svgwrite view_box_size = self.normalize(self.upper_right, 10) if view_box_size[0] > view_box_size[1]: canvas_size = (1024, int(1024 * (float(view_box_size[1]) / view_box_size[0]))) else: canvas_size = (int(1024 * (float(view_box_size[0]) / view_box_size[1])), 1024) dwg = svgwrite.Drawing( + '.svg', profile='tiny', size=canvas_size, viewBox=('0 0 %d %d' % view_box_size)) for line in self.lines: a = self.normalize(self.vertices[line.a]) b = self.normalize(self.vertices[line.b]) if line.is_one_sided(): dwg.add(dwg.line(a, b, stroke='#333', stroke_width=10)) else: dwg.add(dwg.line(a, b, stroke='#999', stroke_width=3))
Example #3
Source File: From brand with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 6 votes |
def generate_works(): dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('generate/basic.svg', size=(u'1200', u'600')) shapes = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='shapes', fill='none')) for x in range(1, 150): shapes.add(dwg.line((250, 60 + x), (380, 0 + x), stroke='#59B840', stroke_width=1)) for x in range(1, 150): shapes.add(dwg.line((380, 0 + x), (420, 60 + x), stroke='#1A7906', stroke_width=1)) # color bg: #1A7906 shapes.add(dwg.rect((420, 60), (950, 250), fill='#59B840')) shapes.add(dwg.text('标题', insert=(450, 240), fill='#fff', font_size=160, font_family='Helvetica')) shapes.add(dwg.line((440, 280), (1180, 280), stroke='#fff', stroke_width=4))
Example #4
Source File: From python-fretboard with MIT License | 6 votes |
def draw(self): self.drawing = svgwrite.Drawing(size=(, )) if is not None: self.drawing.add( self.drawing.rect( insert=(0, 0), size=(, ), ) ) self.calculate_layout() self.draw_frets() self.draw_inlays() self.draw_fret_label() self.draw_strings() self.draw_nut() self.draw_markers()
Example #5
Source File: From GpxTrackPoster with MIT License | 6 votes |
def draw(self, dr: svgwrite.Drawing, size: XY, offset: XY): """Iterate through the Poster's years, creating a calendar for each.""" if self.poster.tracks is None: raise PosterError("No tracks to draw.") years = self.poster.years.count() _, counts = utils.compute_grid(years, size) if counts is None: raise PosterError("Unable to compute grid.") count_x, count_y = counts[0], counts[1] x, y = 0, 0 cell_size = size * XY(1 / count_x, 1 / count_y) margin = XY(4, 8) if count_x <= 1: margin.x = 0 if count_y <= 1: margin.y = 0 sub_size = cell_size - 2 * margin for year in range(self.poster.years.from_year, self.poster.years.to_year + 1): self._draw(dr, sub_size, offset + margin + cell_size * XY(x, y), year) x += 1 if x >= count_x: x = 0 y += 1
Example #6
Source File: From examples-camera with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate_svg(src_size, inference_size, inference_box, objs, labels, text_lines): dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('', size=src_size) src_w, src_h = src_size inf_w, inf_h = inference_size box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h = inference_box scale_x, scale_y = src_w / box_w, src_h / box_h for y, line in enumerate(text_lines, start=1): shadow_text(dwg, 10, y*20, line) for obj in objs: x0, y0, x1, y1 = list(obj.bbox) # Relative coordinates. x, y, w, h = x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0 # Absolute coordinates, input tensor space. x, y, w, h = int(x * inf_w), int(y * inf_h), int(w * inf_w), int(h * inf_h) # Subtract boxing offset. x, y = x - box_x, y - box_y # Scale to source coordinate space. x, y, w, h = x * scale_x, y * scale_y, w * scale_x, h * scale_y percent = int(100 * obj.score) label = '{}% {}'.format(percent, labels.get(, shadow_text(dwg, x, y - 5, label) dwg.add(dwg.rect(insert=(x,y), size=(w, h), fill='none', stroke='red', stroke_width='2')) return dwg.tostring()
Example #7
Source File: From giftolottie with MIT License | 6 votes |
def save(shapes, name): svg = svgwrite.Drawing(filename = name, size = ("512px", "512px")) for shape in shapes: if shape['type'] == 'rect': svg.add(svg.rect( insert = (str(shape['coords'][0][0]) + "px", str(shape['coords'][0][1]) + "px"), size = ( str(shape['coords'][1][0] - shape['coords'][0][0]) + "px", str(shape['coords'][1][1] - shape['coords'][0][1]) + "px", ), #stroke_width = "0", fill = "rgb(" + ",".join(map(str, shape['color'])) + ")" ))
Example #8
Source File: From databench with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): svg_favicon = svgwrite.Drawing(filename="favicon.svg", size=("128px", "128px")) svg_document = svgwrite.Drawing(filename="logo.svg", size=("128px", "128px")) for y, r in enumerate(DATA): for x, v in enumerate(r): simple(svg_favicon, x, y, v) smaller(svg_document, x, y, v) print(svg_document.tostring()) # create pngs os.system('svg2png logo.svg --width=100 --height=100') os.system('svg2png logo.svg --width=600 --height=600') favicon_sizes = [16, 32, 48, 128, 256] for s in favicon_sizes: os.system('svg2png favicon.svg --width='+str(s)+' --height='+str(s)) png_favicon_names = ['favicon-w'+str(s)+'.png' for s in favicon_sizes] os.system('convert ' + (' '.join(png_favicon_names)) + ' -colors 256 favicon.ico')
Example #9
Source File: From GpxTrackPoster with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _draw_rings(self, dr: svgwrite.Drawing, center: XY, radius_range: ValueRange): length_range = self.poster.length_range_by_date ring_distance = self._determine_ring_distance() if ring_distance is None: return distance = ring_distance while distance < length_range.upper(): radius = ( radius_range.lower() + radius_range.diameter() * distance / length_range.upper() ) dr.add( center=center.tuple(), r=radius, stroke=self._ring_color, stroke_opacity="0.2", fill="none", stroke_width=0.3, ) ) distance += ring_distance
Example #10
Source File: From Pixel-Art with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def make_drawing(self, filename): return Drawing(filename)
Example #11
Source File: From tskit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setup_drawing(self): "Return an svgwrite.Drawing object for further use" dwg = svgwrite.Drawing( size=self.image_size, debug=True, **self.root_svg_attributes ) dwg.defs.add( tree_class = f"tree t{self.tree.index}" self.root_group = dwg.add(dwg.g(class_=tree_class)) return dwg
Example #12
Source File: From psd2svg with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert(self, layer, output=None): """Convert the given PSD to SVG.""" self.reset() self._set_input(layer) self._set_output(output) layer = self._layer bbox = layer.viewbox if hasattr(layer, 'viewbox') else layer.bbox if bbox == (0, 0, 0, 0): bbox = self._psd.viewbox self._dwg = svgwrite.Drawing( size=(bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1]), viewBox='%d %d %d %d' % ( bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1] ), ) if layer.is_group(): self.create_group(layer, self._dwg) else: self._dwg.add(self.convert_layer(layer)) # Layerless PSDImage. if ( isinstance(layer, PSDImage) and len(layer) == 0 and layer.has_preview() ): self._dwg.add(self._dwg.image( self._get_image_href(layer.topil()), insert=(0, 0), size=(layer.width, layer.height), debug=False )) return self._save_svg()
Example #13
Source File: From project-teachable with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def on_new_sample(sink, overlay, screen_size, appsink_size, user_function): sample = sink.emit('pull-sample') buf = sample.get_buffer() result, mapinfo = if result: img = Image.frombytes('RGB', (appsink_size[0], appsink_size[1]),, 'raw') svg_canvas = svgwrite.Drawing('', size=(screen_size[0], screen_size[1])) user_function(img, svg_canvas) overlay.set_property('data', svg_canvas.tostring()) buf.unmap(mapinfo) return Gst.FlowReturn.OK
Example #14
Source File: From touchdesigner-sop-to-svg with MIT License | 5 votes |
def SavePolyline(self, path, pline): ''' This is a sample method. This sample method is intended to help illustrate what method docstrings should look like. Notes --------------- 'self' does not need to be included in the Args section. Args --------------- name (str): A string name, with spaces as underscores age (int): Age as full year measurements height (float): Height in meters to 2 significant digits, ex: 1.45 Examples --------------- Returns --------------- formatted_profile (str) : A formatted string populated with the with the supplied information ''' Canvassize = self.Canvas_size() prims = pline.prims dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(path, profile='tiny', size=Canvassize) for item in prims: if self.UseCamera: newPoints = [self.WorldToCam(vert.point.P) for vert in item ] else: newPoints = [(vert.point.x,vert.point.y) for vert in item ] newPoly = dwg.polyline(points=newPoints, stroke='black', stroke_width=1, fill='none') dwg.add(newPoly) return
Example #15
Source File: From touchdesigner-sop-to-svg with MIT License | 5 votes |
def SavePolygon(self, path, pgon): ''' This is a sample method. This sample method is intended to help illustrate what method docstrings should look like. Notes --------------- 'self' does not need to be included in the Args section. Args --------------- name (str): A string name, with spaces as underscores age (int): Age as full year measurements height (float): Height in meters to 2 significant digits, ex: 1.45 Examples --------------- Returns --------------- formatted_profile (str) : A formatted string populated with the with the supplied information ''' Canvassize = self.Canvas_size() prims = pgon.prims dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(path, profile='tiny', size=Canvassize) for item in prims: if self.UseCamera: newPoints = [self.WorldToCam(vert.point.P) for vert in item ] else: newPoints = [(vert.point.x,vert.point.y) for vert in item ] newPoly = dwg.polygon(points=newPoints, stroke='black', stroke_width=1, fill='none') dwg.add(newPoly)
Example #16
Source File: From silhouette with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate(self, svgfn="registration.svg"): svg = svgwrite.Drawing(svgfn) svg.add(self.cube_mark()) svg.add(self.top_angle_mark()) svg.add(self.bottom_angle_mark())
Example #17
Source File: From tsinfer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def draw(self, ancestor_id, filename_pattern): start = self.ancestor_data.ancestors_start[ancestor_id] end = self.ancestor_data.ancestors_end[ancestor_id] focal_sites = self.ancestor_data.ancestors_focal_sites[ancestor_id] a = np.zeros(self.sample_data.num_sites, dtype=int) a[:] = -1 a[start:end] = self.ancestor_data.ancestors_haplotype[ancestor_id] print(start, end, focal_sites, a) dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(size=(self.width, self.height), debug=True) self.draw_matrix(dwg, focal_sites, a) with open(filename_pattern.format(0), "w") as f: f.write(dwg.tostring())
Example #18
Source File: From examples-camera with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_svg(size, text_lines): dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('', size=size) for y, line in enumerate(text_lines, start=1): dwg.add(dwg.text(line, insert=(11, y*20+1), fill='black', font_size='20')) dwg.add(dwg.text(line, insert=(10, y*20), fill='white', font_size='20')) return dwg.tostring()
Example #19
Source File: From svg3d with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(self, filename, size=(512, 512), viewBox="-0.5 -0.5 1.0 1.0", **extra): drawing = svgwrite.Drawing(filename, size, viewBox=viewBox, **extra) self.render_to_drawing(drawing)
Example #20
Source File: From brand with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def generate_slogan(): width = 600 height = 50 dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('slogan.svg', profile='full', size=(u'540', u'50')) mask = dwg.mask((0, 0), (540, height), id='a') mask.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (540, height), fill='#eee', rx=5)) dwg.add(mask) g = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='g', fill='none', mask='url(#a)')) g.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (width / 3, height), fill='#03a9f4')) g.add(dwg.rect((width / 3, 0), (width / 3, height), fill='#e91e63')) g.add(dwg.rect((width * 2 / 3, 0), (width * 2 / 3, height), fill='#ecf0f1')) slogan_link = Hyperlink('', target='_blank') slogan_link.add(dwg.text('待我代码编成', insert=(10, 35), fill='#fff', font_size=30, font_family='STFangSong')) slogan_link.add(dwg.text('娶你为妻可好', insert=(210, 35), fill='#fff', font_size=30, font_family='STFangSong')) dwg.add(slogan_link) link = Hyperlink('', target='_blank') link.add(dwg.text('@花仲马', insert=(410, 35), fill='#34495e', font_size=30, font_family='STFangSong')) dwg.add(link)
Example #21
Source File: From brand with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def generate_works(): dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('shields/works.svg', size=(u'950', u'150')) width = 950 height = 150 a_mask = dwg.mask((0, 0), (width, height), id='a') a_mask.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (width, height), fill='#eee', rx=15)) dwg.add(a_mask) g = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='g', fill='none', mask='url(#a)')) g.add(dwg.rect((phodal_width, 0), (width - phodal_width, height), fill='#2c3e50')) shapes = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='shapes', fill='none')) g.add(dwg.rect((phodal_width, 0), (426, 150), fill='#2c3e50')) for x in range(0, 300, 10): text = get_some_random10(100) g.add( dwg.text(text, insert=(phodal_width + 1, x), fill='#27ae60', font_size=12, font_family='Inconsolata for Powerline', opacity=0.3, transform="rotate(15 1000, 0)")) g.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (phodal_width, height), fill='#5E6772')) slogan_link = Hyperlink('', target='_blank') shapes.add(dwg.text('phodal', insert=(84, basic_text_y + 1), fill='#000', fill_opacity=0.3, font_size=120, font_family='Helvetica')) slogan_link.add( dwg.text('phodal', insert=(83, basic_text_y), fill='#FFFFFF', font_size=120, font_family='Helvetica')) dwg.add(slogan_link) shapes.add(dwg.text('works', insert=(secondary_text_x + 1, basic_text_y + 1), fill='#FFFFFF', font_size=120, font_family='Helvetica')) shapes.add(dwg.text('works', insert=(secondary_text_x, basic_text_y), fill='#FFFFFF', font_size=120, font_family='Helvetica'))
Example #22
Source File: From brand with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def generate_works(): width = 316 height = 50 dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('shields/works-small.svg', size=(u'316', u'50')) rect_with_radius_mask = dwg.mask((0, 0), (width, height), id='a') rect_with_radius_mask.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (width, height), fill='#eee', rx=3)) dwg.add(rect_with_radius_mask) g = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='g', fill='none', mask='url(#a)')) g.add(dwg.rect((phodal_width, 0), (width - phodal_width, height), fill='#2c3e50')) shapes = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='shapes', fill='none')) for x in range(0, 100, 5): text = get_some_random10(100) g.add( dwg.text(text, insert=(phodal_width + 1, x), fill='#27ae60', font_size=4, font_family='Inconsolata for Powerline', opacity=0.3, transform="rotate(15 300, 0)")) g.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (phodal_width, height), fill='#5E6772')) slogan_link = Hyperlink('', target='_blank') shapes.add(dwg.text('phodal', insert=(28, basic_text_y + 1), fill='#000', fill_opacity=0.3, font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica')) slogan_link.add( dwg.text('phodal', insert=(27, basic_text_y), fill='#FFFFFF', font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica')) dwg.add(slogan_link) shapes.add( dwg.text('works', insert=(secondary_text_x + 1, basic_text_y + 1), fill='#000', fill_opacity=0.3, font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica')) shapes.add(dwg.text('works', insert=(secondary_text_x, basic_text_y), fill='#FFFFFF', font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica'))
Example #23
Source File: From brand with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def generate_design(): # for D Rect red_point = 272 design_width = 162 width = 338 height = 50 dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('shields/design-small.svg', size=(u'338', u'50')) rect_with_radius_mask = dwg.mask((0, 0), (width, height), id='a') rect_with_radius_mask.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (width, height), fill='#eee', rx=3)) dwg.add(rect_with_radius_mask) g = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='g', fill='none', mask='url(#a)')) shapes = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='shapes', fill='none')) g.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (phodal_width, 50), fill='#5E6772')) shapes.add(dwg.rect((phodal_width, 25.6), (design_width, 30), fill='#2196f3')) shapes.add(dwg.text('design', insert=(secondary_text_x + 5, 36), fill='#000', stroke_width=4, font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica')) shapes.add(dwg.rect((phodal_width, 0), (design_width, 26), fill='#03a9f4')) shapes.add(dwg.rect((phodal_width, 25.6), (design_width, 0.6), fill='#000')) shapes.add(dwg.text('design', insert=(secondary_text_x + 4, basic_text_y), fill='#FFFFFF', font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica')) def draw_red_point(): shapes.add(dwg.ellipse((red_point, 8), (3, 3), fill='#000')) shapes.add(dwg.ellipse((red_point + 1, 8), (3, 3), fill='#f44336')) draw_red_point() slogan_link = Hyperlink('', target='_blank') shapes.add(dwg.text('phodal', insert=(28, basic_text_y + 1), fill='#000', fill_opacity=0.3, font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica')) slogan_link.add( dwg.text('phodal', insert=(27, basic_text_y), fill='#FFFFFF', font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica')) dwg.add(slogan_link)
Example #24
Source File: From brand with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def generate_book(): dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('shields/book-small.svg', size=(u'323', u'50')) height = 50 width = 308 rect_with_radius_mask = dwg.mask((0, 0), (width, height), id='a') rect_with_radius_mask.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (width, height), fill='#eee', rx=3)) dwg.add(rect_with_radius_mask) g = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='g', fill='none', mask='url(#a)')) g.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (phodal_width, height), fill='#5E6772')) g.add(dwg.rect((phodal_width, 0), (width - phodal_width, height), fill='#2ECC71')) shapes = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='shapes', fill='none')) slogan_link = Hyperlink('', target='_blank') shapes.add(dwg.text('phodal', insert=(28, basic_text_y + 1), fill='#000', fill_opacity=0.3, font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica')) slogan_link.add( dwg.text('phodal', insert=(27, basic_text_y), fill='#FFFFFF', font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica')) dwg.add(slogan_link) def draw_for_bg_plus(): for y in range(0, 50, 5): shapes.add(dwg.line((180, y), (304, y), stroke='#EEEEEE', stroke_width='0.2', stroke_opacity=0.5)) draw_for_bg_plus() shapes.add(dwg.text('book', insert=(secondary_text_x, basic_text_y), fill='#FFFFFF', font_size=40, font_family='Helvetica'))
Example #25
Source File: From brand with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def generate_article_title(color_name, bg_color, font_color): bg_color = '#' + bg_color font_color = '#' + font_color dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('generate/titles/' + color_name + '.svg', size=(u'950', u'300')) shapes = dwg.add(dwg.g(id='shapes', fill='none')) shapes.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (950, 300), fill=bg_color)) shapes.add(dwg.text('PHODAL', insert=(475, 50), fill=font_color, font_size=22, style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: hanging;", font_family='Helvetica')) shapes.add(dwg.rect((220, 54), (200, 10), fill=font_color)) shapes.add(dwg.rect((530, 54), (200, 10), fill=font_color)) shapes.add(dwg.text('这是一个标题', insert=(475, 100), fill=font_color, font_size=120, style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: hanging;", font_family='Helvetica')) shapes.add(dwg.text('CREATE & SHARE', insert=(475, 220), fill=font_color, font_size=22, style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: hanging;", font_family='Helvetica')) shapes.add(dwg.rect((50, 225), (320, 5), fill=font_color)) shapes.add(dwg.rect((580, 225), (320, 5), fill=font_color))
Example #26
Source File: From incremental-sequence-learning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def draw_strokes_custom_color( data, factor = 10, svg_filename = 'test.svg', color_data = None, stroke_width = 1 ): min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = get_bounds( data, factor ) dims = ( 50 + max_x - min_x, 50 + max_y - min_y ) dwg = svgwrite.Drawing( svg_filename, size = dims ) dwg.add( dwg.rect( insert = ( 0, 0 ), size = dims, fill = 'white' ) ) lift_pen = 1 abs_x = 25 - min_x abs_y = 25 - min_y for i in range( len( data ) ): x = float( data[ i, 0 ] )/factor y = float( data[ i, 1 ] )/factor prev_x = abs_x prev_y = abs_y abs_x += x abs_y += y if ( lift_pen == 1 ): p = "M "+str( abs_x )+", "+str( abs_y )+" " else: p = "M +"+str( prev_x )+", "+str( prev_y )+" L "+str( abs_x )+", "+str( abs_y )+" " lift_pen = data[ i, 2 ] the_color = "black" if ( color_data is not None ): the_color = "rgb( "+str( int( color_data[ i, 0 ] ) )+", "+str( int( color_data[ i, 1 ] ) )+", "+str( int( color_data[ i, 2 ] ) )+" )" dwg.add( dwg.path( p ).stroke( the_color, stroke_width ).fill( the_color ) ) ) display( SVG( dwg.tostring( ) ) )
Example #27
Source File: From incremental-sequence-learning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def draw_strokes( data, factor = 10, svg_filename = 'sample.svg' ): min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = get_bounds( data, factor ) dims = ( 50 + max_x - min_x, 50 + max_y - min_y ) dwg = svgwrite.Drawing( svg_filename, size = dims ) dwg.add( dwg.rect( insert = ( 0, 0 ), size = dims, fill = 'white' ) ) lift_pen = 1 abs_x = 25 - min_x abs_y = 25 - min_y p = "M%s, %s " % ( abs_x, abs_y ) command = "m" for i in range( len( data ) ): if ( lift_pen == 1 ): command = "m" elif ( command != "l" ): command = "l" else: command = "" x = float( data[ i, 0 ] )/factor y = float( data[ i, 1 ] )/factor lift_pen = data[ i, 2 ] p += command+str( x )+", "+str( y )+" " the_color = "black" stroke_width = 1 dwg.add( dwg.path( p ).stroke( the_color, stroke_width ).fill( "none" ) ) ) display( SVG( dwg.tostring( ) ) )
Example #28
Source File: From anki-maobi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def rice(): o = GRID_STROKE_WIDTH / 2 dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('maobi/rice.svg', profile='tiny', size=(SIZE, SIZE)) dwg.add(dwg.line((o, o), (SIZE - o, SIZE - o), stroke=GRID_COLOR, stroke_width=GRID_STROKE_WIDTH)) dwg.add(dwg.line((o, SIZE - o), (SIZE - o, o), stroke=GRID_COLOR, stroke_width=GRID_STROKE_WIDTH)) dwg.add(dwg.line((SIZE / 2, 0), (SIZE / 2, SIZE), stroke=GRID_COLOR, stroke_width=GRID_STROKE_WIDTH)) dwg.add(dwg.line((0, SIZE / 2), (SIZE, SIZE / 2), stroke=GRID_COLOR, stroke_width=GRID_STROKE_WIDTH))
Example #29
Source File: From anki-maobi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def field(): dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('maobi/field.svg', profile='tiny', size=(SIZE, SIZE)) dwg.add(dwg.line((SIZE / 2, 0), (SIZE / 2, SIZE), stroke=GRID_COLOR, stroke_width=GRID_STROKE_WIDTH)) dwg.add(dwg.line((0, SIZE / 2), (SIZE, SIZE / 2), stroke=GRID_COLOR, stroke_width=GRID_STROKE_WIDTH))
Example #30
Source File: From GpxTrackPoster with MIT License | 5 votes |
def draw(self, dr: svgwrite.Drawing, size: XY, offset: XY): pass