Python six.moves.http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Examples
The following are 9
code examples of six.moves.http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE().
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Example #1
Source File: From google-resumable-media-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test__process_response_bad_status(self): upload = _upload.UploadBase(SIMPLE_URL) _fix_up_virtual(upload) # Make sure **not finished** before. assert not upload.finished status_code = http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE response = _make_response(status_code=status_code) with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info: upload._process_response(response) error = exc_info.value assert error.response is response assert len(error.args) == 4 assert error.args[1] == status_code assert error.args[3] == http_client.OK # Make sure **finished** after (even in failure). assert upload.finished
Example #2
Source File: From apitools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): # Sample highly compressible data. self.sample_data = b'abc' * 200 # Stream of the sample data. self.sample_stream = six.BytesIO(self.sample_data) # Sample url_builder. self.url_builder = base_api._UrlBuilder('') # Sample request. self.request = http_wrapper.Request( '', headers={'content-type': 'text/plain'}) # Sample successful response. self.response = http_wrapper.Response( info={'status': http_client.OK, 'location': ''}, content='', request_url='',) # Sample failure response. self.fail_response = http_wrapper.Response( info={'status': http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'location': ''}, content='', request_url='',)
Example #3
Source File: From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def leave_swarm(self, force=False): """ Leave a swarm. Args: force (bool): Leave the swarm even if this node is a manager. Default: ``False`` Returns: ``True`` if the request went through. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error. """ url = self._url('/swarm/leave') response = self._post(url, params={'force': force}) # Ignore "this node is not part of a swarm" error if force and response.status_code == http_client.NOT_ACCEPTABLE: return True # FIXME: Temporary workaround for 1.13.0-rc bug # if force and response.status_code == http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: return True self._raise_for_status(response) return True
Example #4
Source File: From google-resumable-media-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_success_with_retry(self, randint_mock, sleep_mock): randint_mock.side_effect = [125, 625, 375] status_codes = ( http_client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, http_client.BAD_GATEWAY, http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, http_client.NOT_FOUND, ) responses = [_make_response(status_code) for status_code in status_codes] func = mock.Mock(side_effect=responses, spec=[]) retry_strategy = common.RetryStrategy() ret_val = _helpers.wait_and_retry(func, _get_status_code, retry_strategy) assert ret_val == responses[-1] assert status_codes[-1] not in _helpers.RETRYABLE assert func.call_count == 4 assert func.mock_calls == [] * 4 assert randint_mock.call_count == 3 assert randint_mock.mock_calls == [, 1000)] * 3 assert sleep_mock.call_count == 3 sleep_mock.assert_any_call(1.125) sleep_mock.assert_any_call(2.625) sleep_mock.assert_any_call(4.375)
Example #5
Source File: From google-resumable-media-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_retry_exceeds_max_cumulative(self, randint_mock, sleep_mock): randint_mock.side_effect = [875, 0, 375, 500, 500, 250, 125] status_codes = ( http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, http_client.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, common.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, http_client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, http_client.BAD_GATEWAY, http_client.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, common.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, ) responses = [_make_response(status_code) for status_code in status_codes] func = mock.Mock(side_effect=responses, spec=[]) retry_strategy = common.RetryStrategy(max_cumulative_retry=100.0) ret_val = _helpers.wait_and_retry(func, _get_status_code, retry_strategy) assert ret_val == responses[-1] assert status_codes[-1] in _helpers.RETRYABLE assert func.call_count == 8 assert func.mock_calls == [] * 8 assert randint_mock.call_count == 7 assert randint_mock.mock_calls == [, 1000)] * 7 assert sleep_mock.call_count == 7 sleep_mock.assert_any_call(1.875) sleep_mock.assert_any_call(2.0) sleep_mock.assert_any_call(4.375) sleep_mock.assert_any_call(8.5) sleep_mock.assert_any_call(16.5) sleep_mock.assert_any_call(32.25) sleep_mock.assert_any_call(64.125)
Example #6
Source File: From python-storage with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_create_resumable_upload_session_with_failure(self): from google.resumable_media import InvalidResponse from import exceptions message = "5-oh-3 woe is me." response = self._mock_requests_response( status_code=http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, headers={} ) side_effect = InvalidResponse(response, message) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ServiceUnavailable) as exc_info: self._create_resumable_upload_session_helper(side_effect=side_effect) self.assertIn(message, exc_info.exception.message) self.assertEqual(exc_info.exception.errors, [])
Example #7
Source File: From impyla with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_http_interactions(self, http_503_server): """Test interactions with the http server when using hs2-http protocol. Check that there is an HttpError exception when the server returns a 503 error.""" con = connect("localhost", http_503_server.PORT, use_http_transport=True) try: con.cursor() assert False, "Should have got exception" except HttpError as e: assert str(e) == "HTTP code 503: Service Unavailable" assert e.code == http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE assert e.body.decode("utf-8") == "extra text"
Example #8
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_retry_on_503(self, resp_mock): """Test retry for status code that should be retried (e.g. 503)""" resp_mock.return_value.status_code = http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE with self.assertRaises(restclient.MaxRequestRetriesError): restclient.get('', '/')
Example #9
Source File: From impyla with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def http_503_server(): class RequestHandler503(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): """A custom http handler that checks for duplicate 'Host' headers from the most recent http request, and always returns a 503 http code""" def do_POST(self): # Ensure that only one 'Host' header is contained in the request before responding. request_headers = None host_hdr_count = 0 if six.PY2: # The unfortunately named self.headers here is an instance of mimetools.Message that # contains the request headers. request_headers = self.headers.headers host_hdr_count = sum([header.startswith('Host:') for header in request_headers]) if six.PY3: # In Python3 self.Headers is an HTTPMessage. request_headers = self.headers host_hdr_count = sum([header[0] == 'Host' for header in request_headers.items()]) assert host_hdr_count == 1, "need single 'Host:' header in %s" % request_headers # Respond with 503. self.send_response(code=http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, message="Service Unavailable") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write("extra text".encode('utf-8')) class TestHTTPServer503(object): def __init__(self): self.HOST = "localhost" self.PORT = get_unused_port() self.httpd = socketserver.TCPServer((self.HOST, self.PORT), RequestHandler503) self.http_server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.httpd.serve_forever) self.http_server_thread.start() server = TestHTTPServer503() yield server # Cleanup after test. if server.httpd is not None: server.httpd.shutdown() if server.http_server_thread is not None: server.http_server_thread.join()