Python Examples

The following are 29 code examples of You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module future.builtins , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Tautulli with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_plexpy_pms_token(self, force=False):
        if force:
            logger.debug("Tautulli PlexTV :: Forcing refresh of token.")
            devices_list = self.get_devices_list()
            device_id = next((d for d in devices_list if d['device_identifier'] == plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_UUID), {}).get('device_id', None)

            if device_id:
                logger.debug("Tautulli PlexTV :: Removing Tautulli from devices.")
                    logger.error("Tautulli PlexTV :: Failed to remove Tautulli from devices.")
                    return None
                logger.warn("Tautulli PlexTV :: No existing Tautulli device found.")"Tautulli PlexTV :: Fetching a new token for Tautulli.")
        user = self.get_token()
        if user:
            token = user['auth_token']
            plexpy.CONFIG.__setattr__('PMS_TOKEN', token)
  "Tautulli PlexTV :: Updated token for Tautulli.")
            return token 
Example #2
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_stop_test(self):
        """Test that the stop_test method ends the test's data."""
        MockTestSuite.components = (SuccessCase,)

        run_data = RunData(run_name=None)
        main_test = MockTestSuite(run_data=run_data)
        test_case = next(iter(main_test))

        self._validate_has_times(test_case, start_time=False, end_time=False)

        self._validate_has_times(test_case, start_time=True, end_time=False)

        self._validate_has_times(test_case, start_time=True, end_time=True) 
Example #3
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def release_resources(self, resources=None, dirty=False,
        """Release given resources using the client.

            resources (list): resource names to release, leave None to release
                all locked resources.
            dirty (bool): True if the resource's integrity has been
                compromised, and it should be re-validated.
            force_release (bool): whether to always release to resources
                or enable saving them for next tests.
        if resources is None:
            resources = list(self.locked_resources.keys())

        if len(resources) == 0:
            # No resources to release locked

        resources_dict = {
            name: resource
            for name, resource in iteritems(self.locked_resources)
            if name in resources

        not_releasing = [name for name in resources
                         if name not in resources_dict]

        if not_releasing:
            self.logger.warn("Not releasing (since they weren't locked by "
                             "the component): %r", not_releasing)


        # Remove the resources from the test's resource to avoid double release
        for resource in resources_dict:
            self.locked_resources.pop(resource, None) 
Example #4
Source File:    From Tautulli with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def add_newsletter_config(agent_id=None, **kwargs):
    if str(agent_id).isdigit():
        agent_id = int(agent_id)
        logger.error("Tautulli Newsletters :: Unable to add new newsletter: invalid agent_id %s."
                     % agent_id)
        return False

    agent = next((a for a in available_newsletter_agents() if a['id'] == agent_id), None)

    if not agent:
        logger.error("Tautulli Newsletters :: Unable to retrieve new newsletter agent: invalid agent_id %s."
                     % agent_id)
        return False

    agent_class = get_agent_class(agent_id=agent['id'])

    keys = {'id': None}
    values = {'agent_id': agent['id'],
              'agent_name': agent['name'],
              'agent_label': agent['label'],
              'id_name': '',
              'friendly_name': '',
              'newsletter_config': json.dumps(agent_class.config),
              'email_config': json.dumps(agent_class.email_config),
              'subject': agent_class.subject,
              'body': agent_class.body,
              'message': agent_class.message

    db = database.MonitorDatabase()
        db.upsert(table_name='newsletters', key_dict=keys, value_dict=values)
        newsletter_id = db.last_insert_id()"Tautulli Newsletters :: Added new newsletter agent: %s (newsletter_id %s)."
                    % (agent['label'], newsletter_id))
        return newsletter_id
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warn("Tautulli Newsletters :: Unable to add newsletter agent: %s." % e)
        return False 
Example #5
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _try_to_lock_available_resource(self, username, groups,
        """Try to lock one of the given available resources.

            descriptor_dict (dict): a descriptor dict of the wanted resource.
                        "type": "resourceData",
                        "properties": {}
            username (str): the user who wants to lock the resource.
            groups (list): list of the resource groups that the resource
                should be taken from.

            ResourceData. the locked resource.

            BadRequest. If there are no available resources.
            descriptor = ResourceDescriptor.decode(descriptor_dict)

        except ResourceTypeError as e:
            raise BadRequest(str(e))

        availables = self._get_available_resources(
            descriptor, username, groups)

            resource = next(availables)
            self._lock_resource(resource, username)
            return resource

        except StopIteration:
            raise BadRequest(UNAVAILABLE_RESOURCES.format(descriptor)) 
Example #6
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _run_case(test_class, config=default_config, debug=ENABLE_DEBUG, **kwargs):
    """Run a test of the given class, passing extra parameters as arguments.

        test_class (type): class inheriting from AbstractTest.
        config (dict): run configuration dict.
        debug (bool): whether to run the test in debug mode or not.
        kwargs (dict): resources to use for the test.
    class AlmightySuite(TestSuite):
        components = [test_class]

    suite_instance = _run_suite(AlmightySuite, config, debug, **kwargs)

    return next(iter(suite_instance)) 
Example #7
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_work_dir(base_dir, test_name, test_item):
    """Get the working directory for the given test.

    Creates a work directory for by joining the given base directory,
    the test name and the current date time string. If the work directory
    already exists the new one will get the copy number extension.

        base_dir (str): base directory path.
        test_name (str): test name.
        test_item (object): test instance.

        str. path of the working directory.
    if test_item is None:
        basic_work_dir = test_name

        test_index = get_test_index(test_item)
        if test_index is None:
            basic_work_dir = datetime.strftime(,

            basic_work_dir = "%d_%s" % (test_index, test_name)

    basic_work_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, basic_work_dir)
    work_dir = basic_work_dir

    copy_count = count()
    while os.path.exists(work_dir):
        work_dir = basic_work_dir + '(%s)' % next(copy_count)

    return work_dir 
Example #8
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, methodName='test_method', indexer=count(), parent=None,
                 save_state=True, config=None, enable_debug=False,
                 resource_manager=None, skip_init=False):

        if enable_debug:
            for method_name in (methodName, self.SETUP_METHOD_NAME,

                debug(getattr(self, method_name),

        super(AbstractTest, self).__init__(methodName)

        self.result = None
        self.is_main = True
        self.config = config
        self.parent = parent
        self.skip_init = skip_init
        self.save_state = save_state
        self.identifier = next(indexer)
        self.enable_debug = enable_debug
        self.parents_count = self._get_parents_count()

        self.all_resources = AttrDict()
        self.locked_resources = AttrDict()

        self._is_client_local = False
        self.resource_manager = resource_manager

        if parent is not None:
Example #9
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_start_test(self):
        """Test that the start_test method starts the test's data."""
        MockTestSuite.components = (SuccessCase,)

        run_data = RunData(run_name=None)
        main_test = MockTestSuite(run_data=run_data)
        test_case = next(iter(main_test))

        self._validate_has_times(test_case, start_time=False)

        self._validate_has_times(test_case, start_time=True) 
Example #10
Source File:    From kgsgo-dataset-preprocessor with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_non_iterator(self):
        The default behaviour of next(o) for a newobject o should be to raise a
        TypeError, as with the corresponding builtin object.
        o = object()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Example #11
Source File:    From kgsgo-dataset-preprocessor with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_implements_py2_iterator(self):
        class Upper(object):
            def __init__(self, iterable):
                self._iter = iter(iterable)
            def __next__(self):                 # note the Py3 interface
                return next(self._iter).upper()
            def __iter__(self):
                return self

        self.assertEqual(list(Upper('hello')), list('HELLO'))

        # Try combining it with the next() function:

        class MyIter(object):
            def __next__(self):
                return 'Next!'
            def __iter__(self):
                return self
        itr = MyIter()
        self.assertEqual(next(itr), 'Next!')

        itr2 = MyIter()
        for i, item in enumerate(itr2):
            if i >= 10:
            self.assertEqual(item, 'Next!') 
Example #12
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_update_resources(self):
        """Test that the update_resources method updates the test's data."""
        MockTestSuite.components = (SuccessCase,)

        run_data = RunData(run_name=None)
        main_test = MockTestSuite(run_data=run_data)
        test_case = next(iter(main_test))

        test_case.locked_resources = {'test_resource': DemoResource(


        test_data = CaseData.objects.get(

                         "Wrong resources count, (expected resources %r, "
                         "actual resources %r)" %

        for resource in itervalues(test_case.locked_resources):
                     test_data.resources.filter(, 1,
                     "Resource %r wasn't found in %r" %
                     (, test_data.resources.all())) 
Example #13
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_add_result(self):
        """Test that the add_result method updates the test's data.

        This test simulates the workflow of running a test in server side:
        * Start a case and a case.
        * Assert that the result values are not yet set.
        * Stop the test and add a result.
        * Assert that the case's and case's results are as expected.
        MockTestSuite.components = (SuccessCase,)

        run_data = RunData(run_name=None)
        main_test = MockTestSuite(run_data=run_data)
        test_case = next(iter(main_test))

        # Simulate starting the test.

        # Check that the results are still None.
        self._validate_test_result(main_test, success=None)
        self._validate_test_result(test_case, success=None,
                                   error_tuple=(None, ''))

        # Simulate ending the test.
        ERROR_STRING = 'test error'
        self.client.add_result(test_case, TestOutcome.ERROR,

        # Check that the results are updated.
        self._validate_test_result(test_case, success=False,
                            error_tuple=(TestOutcome.ERROR, EXPECTED_STRING))
        self._validate_test_result(main_test, success=False) 
Example #14
Source File:    From rotest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _run_case(self, test_case):
        """Run given case and return it.

            test_case ( case to run.

   the case.
        class InternalSuite(MockTestSuite):
            components = (test_case,)

        test_suite = InternalSuite()
        return next(iter(test_suite)) 
Example #15
Source File:    From Tautulli with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_player_stats(self, user_id=None, grouping=None):
        if not session.allow_session_user(user_id):
            return []

        if grouping is None:
            grouping = plexpy.CONFIG.GROUP_HISTORY_TABLES

        monitor_db = database.MonitorDatabase()

        player_stats = []
        result_id = 0

        group_by = 'reference_id' if grouping else 'id'

            if str(user_id).isdigit():
                query = 'SELECT player, COUNT(DISTINCT %s) as player_count, platform ' \
                        'FROM session_history ' \
                        'WHERE user_id = ? ' \
                        'GROUP BY player ' \
                        'ORDER BY player_count DESC' % group_by
                result =, args=[user_id])
                result = []
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warn("Tautulli Users :: Unable to execute database query for get_player_stats: %s." % e)
            result = []

        for item in result:
            # Rename Mystery platform names
            platform = common.PLATFORM_NAME_OVERRIDES.get(item['platform'], item['platform'])
            platform_name = next((v for k, v in common.PLATFORM_NAMES.items() if k in platform.lower()), 'default')

            row = {'player_name': item['player'],
                   'platform': platform,
                   'platform_name': platform_name,
                   'total_plays': item['player_count'],
                   'result_id': result_id
            result_id += 1

        return player_stats 
Example #16
Source File:    From V1EngineeringInc-Docs with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #17
Source File:    From Tautulli with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_plex_downloads(self):
        logger.debug("Tautulli PlexTV :: Retrieving current server version.")

        pms_connect = pmsconnect.PmsConnect()

        update_channel = pms_connect.get_server_update_channel()

        logger.debug("Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex update channel is %s." % update_channel)
        plex_downloads = self.get_plextv_downloads(plexpass=(update_channel == 'beta'))

            available_downloads = json.loads(plex_downloads)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warn("Tautulli PlexTV :: Unable to load JSON for get_plex_updates.")
            return {}

        # Get the updates for the platform
        pms_platform = common.PMS_PLATFORM_NAME_OVERRIDES.get(plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_PLATFORM, plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_PLATFORM)
        platform_downloads = available_downloads.get('computer').get(pms_platform) or \

        if not platform_downloads:
            logger.error("Tautulli PlexTV :: Unable to retrieve Plex updates: Could not match server platform: %s."
                         % pms_platform)
            return {}

        v_old = helpers.cast_to_int("".join(v.zfill(4) for v in plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_VERSION.split('-')[0].split('.')[:4]))
        v_new = helpers.cast_to_int("".join(v.zfill(4) for v in platform_downloads.get('version', '').split('-')[0].split('.')[:4]))

        if not v_old:
            logger.error("Tautulli PlexTV :: Unable to retrieve Plex updates: Invalid current server version: %s."
                         % plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_VERSION)
            return {}
        if not v_new:
            logger.error("Tautulli PlexTV :: Unable to retrieve Plex updates: Invalid new server version: %s."
                         % platform_downloads.get('version'))
            return {}

        # Get proper download
        releases = platform_downloads.get('releases', [{}])
        release = next((r for r in releases if r['distro'] == plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_UPDATE_DISTRO and
                        r['build'] == plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_UPDATE_DISTRO_BUILD), releases[0])

        download_info = {'update_available': v_new > v_old,
                         'platform': platform_downloads.get('name'),
                         'release_date': platform_downloads.get('release_date'),
                         'version': platform_downloads.get('version'),
                         'requirements': platform_downloads.get('requirements'),
                         'extra_info': platform_downloads.get('extra_info'),
                         'changelog_added': platform_downloads.get('items_added'),
                         'changelog_fixed': platform_downloads.get('items_fixed'),
                         'label': release.get('label'),
                         'distro': release.get('distro'),
                         'distro_build': release.get('build'),
                         'download_url': release.get('url'),

        return download_info 
Example #18
Source File:    From verge3d-blender-addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #19
Source File:    From Tautulli with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #20
Source File:    From arissploit with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #21
Source File:    From gimp-plugin-export-layers with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #22
Source File:    From blackmamba with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #23
Source File:    From addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #24
Source File:    From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #25
Source File:    From telegram-robot-rss with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #26
Source File:    From kgsgo-dataset-preprocessor with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #27
Source File:    From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #28
Source File:    From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines 
Example #29
Source File:    From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def header_encode_lines(self, string, maxlengths):
        """Header-encode a string by converting it first to bytes.

        This is similar to `header_encode()` except that the string is fit
        into maximum line lengths as given by the argument.

        :param string: A unicode string for the header.  It must be possible
            to encode this string to bytes using the character set's
            output codec.
        :param maxlengths: Maximum line length iterator.  Each element
            returned from this iterator will provide the next maximum line
            length.  This parameter is used as an argument to built-in next()
            and should never be exhausted.  The maximum line lengths should
            not count the RFC 2047 chrome.  These line lengths are only a
            hint; the splitter does the best it can.
        :return: Lines of encoded strings, each with RFC 2047 chrome.
        # See which encoding we should use.
        codec = self.output_codec or 'us-ascii'
        header_bytes = _encode(string, codec)
        encoder_module = self._get_encoder(header_bytes)
        encoder = partial(encoder_module.header_encode, charset=codec)
        # Calculate the number of characters that the RFC 2047 chrome will
        # contribute to each line.
        charset = self.get_output_charset()
        extra = len(charset) + RFC2047_CHROME_LEN
        # Now comes the hard part.  We must encode bytes but we can't split on
        # bytes because some character sets are variable length and each
        # encoded word must stand on its own.  So the problem is you have to
        # encode to bytes to figure out this word's length, but you must split
        # on characters.  This causes two problems: first, we don't know how
        # many octets a specific substring of unicode characters will get
        # encoded to, and second, we don't know how many ASCII characters
        # those octets will get encoded to.  Unless we try it.  Which seems
        # inefficient.  In the interest of being correct rather than fast (and
        # in the hope that there will be few encoded headers in any such
        # message), brute force it. :(
        lines = []
        current_line = []
        maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        for character in string:
            this_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
            length = encoder_module.header_length(_encode(this_line, charset))
            if length > maxlen:
                # This last character doesn't fit so pop it off.
                # Does nothing fit on the first line?
                if not lines and not current_line:
                    separator = (' ' if lines else '')
                    joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
                    header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
                current_line = [character]
                maxlen = next(maxlengths) - extra
        joined_line = EMPTYSTRING.join(current_line)
        header_bytes = _encode(joined_line, codec)
        return lines