Python six.moves._thread.start_new_thread() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of six.moves._thread.start_new_thread().
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Example #1
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #2
Source File: From multilabel-image-classification-tensorflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #3
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #4
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #5
Source File: From nsfw with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #6
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #7
Source File: From ml-on-gcp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #8
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def image_create(request, **kwargs): copy_from = kwargs.pop('copy_from', None) data = kwargs.pop('data', None) image = glanceclient(request).images.create(**kwargs) if data: thread.start_new_thread(image_update, (request,, {'data': data, 'purge_props': False}) elif copy_from: thread.start_new_thread(image_update, (request,, {'copy_from': copy_from, 'purge_props': False}) return image
Example #9
Source File: From ml-on-gcp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #10
Source File: From ml-on-gcp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #11
Source File: From ml-on-gcp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #12
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #13
Source File: From Live-feed-object-device-identification-using-Tensorflow-and-OpenCV with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log_metric(self, name, value, unit=None, global_step=None, extras=None): """Log the benchmark metric information to bigquery. Args: name: string, the name of the metric to log. value: number, the value of the metric. The value will not be logged if it is not a number type. unit: string, the unit of the metric, E.g "image per second". global_step: int, the global_step when the metric is logged. extras: map of string:string, the extra information about the metric. """ metric = _process_metric_to_json(name, value, unit, global_step, extras) if metric: # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on # CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_metric_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_metric_table, self._run_id, [metric]))
Example #14
Source File: From mattermost_bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): self._plugins.init_plugins() self._dispatcher.start() _thread.start_new_thread(self._keep_active, tuple()) self._dispatcher.loop()
Example #15
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))
Example #16
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def on_finish(self, status): thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.update_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, status))
Example #17
Source File: From Live-feed-object-device-identification-using-Tensorflow-and-OpenCV with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))
Example #18
Source File: From mattermost_bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def start(self): for _ in range(self.num_worker): _thread.start_new_thread(self.do_work, tuple())
Example #19
Source File: From multilabel-image-classification-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))
Example #20
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))
Example #21
Source File: From mmpy_bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def start(self): for _ in range(self.num_worker): _thread.start_new_thread(self.do_work, tuple())
Example #22
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))
Example #23
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def on_finish(self, status): thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.update_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, status))
Example #24
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))
Example #25
Source File: From pymobiledevice with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def subscribe(self, notification, cb, data=None): np_data = { "running": True, "notification": notification, "callback": cb, "userdata": data, } thread.start_new_thread( self.notifier, ("NotificationProxyNotifier_"+notification, np_data, ) ) while(1): time.sleep(1)
Example #26
Source File: From pymobiledevice with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def notifier(self, name, args=None): if args == None: return None self.observe_notification(args.get("notification")) while args.get("running") == True: np_name = self.get_notification(args.get("notification")) if np_name: userdata = args.get("userdata") try: thread.start_new_thread( args.get("callback") , (np_name, userdata, ) ) except: self.logger.error("Error: unable to start thread")
Example #27
Source File: From ml-on-gcp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))
Example #28
Source File: From ml-on-gcp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))
Example #29
Source File: From ml-on-gcp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))
Example #30
Source File: From nsfw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log_run_info(self, model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id=None): """Collect most of the TF runtime information for the local env. The schema of the run info follows official/benchmark/datastore/schema. Args: model_name: string, the name of the model. dataset_name: string, the name of dataset for training and evaluation. run_params: dict, the dictionary of parameters for the run, it could include hyperparameters or other params that are important for the run. test_id: string, the unique name of the test run by the combination of key parameters, eg batch size, num of GPU. It is hardware independent. """ run_info = _gather_run_info(model_name, dataset_name, run_params, test_id) # Starting new thread for bigquery upload in case it might take long time # and impact the benchmark and performance measurement. Starting a new # thread might have potential performance impact for model that run on CPU. thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.upload_benchmark_run_json, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_table, self._run_id, run_info)) thread.start_new_thread( self._bigquery_uploader.insert_run_status, (self._bigquery_data_set, self._bigquery_run_status_table, self._run_id, RUN_STATUS_RUNNING))