Python autopep8.fix_code() Examples
The following are 20
code examples of autopep8.fix_code().
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Example #1
Source File: From vfp2py with MIT License | 6 votes |
def prg2py_after_preproc(data, parser_start, input_filename): input_stream = antlr4.InputStream(data) lexer = VisualFoxpro9Lexer(input_stream) stream = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = VisualFoxpro9Parser(stream) tree = run_parser(stream, parser, parser_start) TreeCleanVisitor().visit(tree) output_tree = PythonConvertVisitor(input_filename).visit(tree) if not isinstance(output_tree, list): return output_tree output = add_indents(output_tree, 0) options = autopep8.parse_args(['--max-line-length', '100000', '-']) output = autopep8.fix_code(output, options) tokens = list(tokenize.generate_tokens(io.StringIO(output).readline)) for i, token in enumerate(tokens): token = list(token) if token[0] == tokenize.STRING and token[1].startswith('u'): token[1] = token[1][1:] tokens[i] = tuple(token) return tokenize.untokenize(tokens)
Example #2
Source File: From kale with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate_pipeline(template, nb_graph, step_names, lightweight_components, metadata): """Use the pipeline template to generate Python code.""" # All the Pipeline steps that do not have children leaf_steps = graph_utils.get_leaf_nodes(nb_graph) # create a dict with step names and their parameters all_step_parameters = {step: sorted(nb_graph.nodes(data=True)[step] .get('parameters', {}).keys()) for step in step_names} pipeline_code = template.render( nb_graph=nb_graph, lightweight_components=lightweight_components, step_names=step_names, step_prevs=pipeline_dependencies_tasks(nb_graph), leaf_steps=leaf_steps, all_step_parameters=all_step_parameters, **metadata ) # fix code style using pep8 guidelines return autopep8.fix_code(pipeline_code)
Example #3
Source File: From poetry-setup with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_setup(self): # render template with'utf-8') as f: document = template = Environment().from_string(document) document = template.render( package=self.package, format_vcs=self._format_vcs, ) # format by yapf style = CreateGoogleStyle() document, _changed = FormatCode(document, style_config=style) # remove empty strings while '\n\n' in document: document = document.replace('\n\n', '\n') # format by autopep8 document = fix_code(document) return document
Example #4
Source File: From coala-bears with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def autopep8_fix_code_cell(source, options=None, apply_config=None): """ Applies autopep8.fix_code and takes care of newline characters. autopep8.fix_code automatically adds a final newline at the end, e.g. ``autopep8.fix_code('a=1')`` yields 'a = 1\\n'. Note that this is not related to the 'W292' flag, i.e. ``autopep8.fix_code('a=1', options=dict(ignore=('W292',)))`` gives the same result. For notebook code cells, this behaviour does not make sense, hence newline is removed if ``source`` does not end with one. """ source_corrected = autopep8.fix_code(source, apply_config=apply_config, options=options) if not source.endswith('\n'): return source_corrected[:-1] return source_corrected
Example #5
Source File: From Turing with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_python_code(): import autopep8 py_code = autopep8.fix_code("\n".join(AppState.algo.python())) GuiState.code_editor.setPlainText(py_code.replace("\t", " "), "", "")
Example #6
Source File: From pep8radius with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fix_line_range(source_code, start, end, options): """Apply autopep8 (and docformatter) between the lines start and end of source.""" # TODO confirm behaviour outside range (indexing starts at 1) start = max(start, 1) options.line_range = [start, end] from autopep8 import fix_code fixed = fix_code(source_code, options) try: if options.docformatter: from docformatter import format_code fixed = format_code( fixed, summary_wrap_length=options.max_line_length - 1, description_wrap_length=(options.max_line_length - 2 * options.indent_size), pre_summary_newline=options.pre_summary_newline, post_description_blank=options.post_description_blank, force_wrap=options.force_wrap, line_range=[start, end]) except AttributeError: # e.g. using autopep8.parse_args, pragma: no cover pass return fixed
Example #7
Source File: From pep8radius with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fix_code(source_code, line_ranges, options=None, verbose=0): '''Apply autopep8 over the line_ranges, returns the corrected code. Note: though this is not checked for line_ranges should not overlap. Example ------- >>> code = "def f( x ):\\n if True:\\n return 2*x" >>> print(fix_code(code, [(1, 1), (3, 3)])) def f(x): if True: return 2 * x ''' if options is None: from pep8radius.main import parse_args options = parse_args() if getattr(options, "yapf", False): from yapf.yapflib.yapf_api import FormatCode result = FormatCode(source_code,, lines=line_ranges) # yapf<0.3 returns diff as str, >=0.3 returns a tuple of (diff, changed) return result[0] if isinstance(result, tuple) else result line_ranges = reversed(line_ranges) # Apply line fixes "up" the file (i.e. in reverse) so that # fixes do not affect changes we're yet to make. partial = source_code for start, end in line_ranges: partial = fix_line_range(partial, start, end, options) _maybe_print('.', end='', max_=1, verbose=verbose) _maybe_print('', max_=1, verbose=verbose) fixed = partial return fixed
Example #8
Source File: From pep8radius with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fix_file(file_name, line_ranges, options=None, in_place=False, diff=False, verbose=0, cwd=None): """Calls fix_code on the source code from the passed in file over the given line_ranges. - If diff then this returns the udiff for the changes, otherwise returns the fixed code. - If in_place the changes are written to the file. """ import codecs from os import getcwd from pep8radius.diff import get_diff from import from_dir if cwd is None: cwd = getcwd() with from_dir(cwd): try: with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: original = except IOError: # Most likely the file has been removed. # Note: it would be nice if we could raise here, specifically # for the case of passing in a diff when in the wrong directory. return '' fixed = fix_code(original, line_ranges, options, verbose=verbose) if in_place: with from_dir(cwd): with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(fixed) return get_diff(original, fixed, file_name) if diff else fixed
Example #9
Source File: From django-silk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen(path, method=None, query_params=None, data=None, content_type=None): # generates python code representing a call via django client. # useful for use in testing method = method.lower() t = jinja2.Template(template) if method == 'get': r = t.render(path=path, data=query_params, lower_case_method=method, content_type=content_type) else: if query_params: query_params = _encode_query_params(query_params) path += query_params if is_str_typ(data): data = "'%s'" % data r = t.render(path=path, data=data, lower_case_method=method, query_params=query_params, content_type=content_type) return autopep8.fix_code( r, options=autopep8.parse_args(['--aggressive', '']) )
Example #10
Source File: From django-silk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen(path, method=None, query_params=None, data=None, content_type=None): # generates python code representing a call via django client. # useful for use in testing method = method.lower() t = jinja2.Template(template) if method == 'get': r = t.render(path=path, data=query_params, lower_case_method=method, content_type=content_type) else: if query_params: query_params = _encode_query_params(query_params) path += query_params if is_str_typ(data): data = "'%s'" % data r = t.render(path=path, data=data, lower_case_method=method, query_params=query_params, content_type=content_type) return autopep8.fix_code( r, options=autopep8.parse_args(['--aggressive', '']) )
Example #11
Source File: From ciocheck with MIT License | 5 votes |
def format_string(cls, old_contents): """Format file for use with task queue.""" config_options = cls.make_config_dictionary() config_options = {} new_contents = autopep8.fix_code(old_contents, options=config_options) return old_contents, new_contents, 'utf-8'
Example #12
Source File: From girlfriend with MIT License | 5 votes |
def do_gen(self, line): if os.path.exists(self.file_name): prompt = u"确定要生成代码?之前的代码文件 '{}' 将被覆盖(y/n)".format( self.file_name).encode("utf-8") if raw_input(prompt) != 'y': return with open(self.file_name, "w") as f: f.write(autopep8.fix_code("".join(self._generate_workflow_code())))
Example #13
Source File: From girlfriend with MIT License | 5 votes |
def do_show(self, line): """Show me the code! """ code = autopep8.fix_code("".join(self._generate_workflow_code())) if self.options.no_highlight: print code else: print highlight(code, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())
Example #14
Source File: From kale with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_lightweight_component(template, step_name, step_data, nb_path, metadata): """Use the function template to generate Python code.""" step_source_raw = step_data.get('source', []) def _encode_source(s): # Encode line by line a multiline string return "\n".join([line.encode("unicode_escape").decode("utf-8") for line in s.splitlines()]) # Since the code will be wrapped in triple quotes inside the template, # we need to escape triple quotes as they will not be escaped by # encode("unicode_escape"). step_source = [re.sub(r"'''", "\\'\\'\\'", _encode_source(s)) for s in step_source_raw] step_marshal_in = step_data.get('ins', []) step_marshal_out = step_data.get('outs', []) step_parameters = get_args(step_data.get('parameters', {})) fn_code = template.render( step_name=step_name, function_body=step_source, in_variables=step_marshal_in, out_variables=step_marshal_out, parameters=step_parameters, nb_path=nb_path, # step_parameters overrides the parameters fields of metadata **{**metadata, **step_parameters} ) # fix code style using pep8 guidelines return autopep8.fix_code(fn_code)
Example #15
Source File: From pandera with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _format_script(script): try: import black formatter = partial( black.format_str, mode=black.FileMode(line_length=80) ) except ImportError: # use autopep8 for python3.5 import autopep8 formatter = partial( autopep8.fix_code, options={"aggressive": 1} ) return formatter(script)
Example #16
Source File: From jupyterlab_code_formatter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def format_code(self, code: str, notebook: bool, **options) -> str: from autopep8 import fix_code return fix_code(code, options=options)
Example #17
Source File: From elyra with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def export(self, pipeline, pipeline_export_format, pipeline_export_path, overwrite): if pipeline_export_format not in ["yaml", "py"]: raise ValueError("Pipeline export format {} not recognized.".format(pipeline_export_format)) pipeline_name = # Since pipeline_export_path may be relative to the notebook directory, ensure # we're using its absolute form. absolute_pipeline_export_path = self.get_absolute_path(pipeline_export_path) runtime_configuration = self._get_runtime_configuration(pipeline.runtime_config) api_endpoint = runtime_configuration.metadata['api_endpoint'] if os.path.exists(absolute_pipeline_export_path) and not overwrite: raise ValueError("File " + absolute_pipeline_export_path + " already exists.")'Creating pipeline definition as a .' + pipeline_export_format + ' file') if pipeline_export_format != "py": try: pipeline_function = lambda: self._cc_pipeline(pipeline, pipeline_name) # nopep8 kfp.compiler.Compiler().compile(pipeline_function, absolute_pipeline_export_path) except Exception as ex: raise RuntimeError('Error compiling pipeline {} for export at {}'. format(pipeline_name, absolute_pipeline_export_path), str(ex)) from ex else: # Load template from installed elyra package loader = PackageLoader('elyra', 'templates') template_env = Environment(loader=loader) template = template_env.get_template('kfp_template.jinja2') defined_pipeline = self._cc_pipeline(pipeline, pipeline_name) for key, operation in defined_pipeline.items(): self.log.debug("component :\n " "container op name : %s \n " "inputs : %s \n " "outputs : %s \n ",, operation.inputs, operation.outputs) python_output = template.render(operations_list=defined_pipeline, pipeline_name=pipeline_name, api_endpoint=api_endpoint, pipeline_description="Elyra Pipeline") # Write to python file and fix formatting with open(absolute_pipeline_export_path, "w") as fh: fh.write(autopep8.fix_code(python_output)) return pipeline_export_path # Return the input value, not its absolute form
Example #18
Source File: From automl-gs with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render_model(params, model_name, framework, env, problem_type, target_metric, target_field, train_folder, fields, split, num_epochs, gpu, tpu_address, metrics_path=resource_filename(__name__, "metrics.yml")): """Renders and saves the files (,, requirements.txt) for the given hyperparameters. """ files = ['', '', 'requirements.txt'] type_map = { 'numeric': 'float64', 'categorical': 'str', 'datetime': 'str', 'text': 'str' } load_fields = {field[1]: type_map[field[2]] for field in fields} text_fields = [field for field in fields if field[2] == 'text'] nontarget_fields = [field for field in fields if field[1] != target_field] target_field, target_field_raw = [(field[0], field[1]) for field in fields if field[1] == target_field][0] has_text_input = 'text' in [field[2] for field in fields] text_framework = 'tensorflow' if framework == 'tensorflow' else 'sklearn' with open(metrics_path) as f: metrics = yaml.safe_load(f)[problem_type] for file in files: script = env.get_template('scripts/' + file.replace('.py', '')).render( params=params, model_name=model_name, framework=framework, problem_type=problem_type, target_metric=target_metric, target_field=target_field, fields=fields, split=split, num_epochs=num_epochs, load_fields=load_fields, text_fields=text_fields, nontarget_fields=nontarget_fields, target_field_raw=target_field_raw, has_text_input=has_text_input, metrics=metrics, text_framework=text_framework, gpu=gpu, tpu_address=tpu_address) script = fix_code(script) with open(train_folder + "/" + file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile: outfile.write(script)
Example #19
Source File: From harreplay with MIT License | 4 votes |
def fobj_to_pystring(fobj): result_lines = [ 'import requests', ] for entry in json.load(fobj)['log']['entries']: request_el = entry['request'] method = request_el['method'] url = request_el['url'] data = None if 'postData' in request_el: if 'text' in request_el['postData']: data = request_el['postData']['text'] elif 'params' in request_el['postData']: raise NotImplementedError( "Haven't seen 'params' in the wild yet.") data = data or None headers = dict( (d['name'], d['value']) for d in request_el['headers']) call_code_format = ( 'response = requests.{method}({args}{sep})' ) arg_lines = [ '{sep} {url},'.format( sep = SEP, url = repr(url), ), '{sep} headers={headers},'.format( sep = SEP, headers = repr(headers) ) if headers else None, '{sep} data={data},'.format( sep = SEP, data = repr(data) ) if data else None, ] call_code = call_code_format.format( sep = SEP, method = method.lower(), args = SEP.join(l for l in arg_lines if l), ) result_lines.append(call_code) result = SEP.join(result_lines) try: import autopep8 result = autopep8.fix_code( result, options={'aggressive': 1}) except ImportError as e: pass return result
Example #20
Source File: From coala-bears with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def run(self, filename, file, max_line_length: int = 79, indent_size: int = SpacingHelper.DEFAULT_TAB_WIDTH, pep_ignore: typed_list(str) = (), pep_select: typed_list(str) = (), local_pep8_config: bool = False, ): """ Detects and fixes PEP8 incompliant code. This bear will not change functionality of the code in any way. :param max_line_length: Maximum number of characters for a line. When set to 0 allows infinite line length. :param indent_size: Number of spaces per indentation level. :param pep_ignore: A list of errors/warnings to ignore. :param pep_select: A list of errors/warnings to exclusively apply. :param local_pep8_config: Set to true if autopep8 should use a config file as if run normally from this directory. """ if not max_line_length: max_line_length = sys.maxsize options = {'ignore': pep_ignore, 'select': pep_select, 'max_line_length': max_line_length, 'indent_size': indent_size} corrected = autopep8.fix_code(''.join(file), apply_config=local_pep8_config, options=options).splitlines(True) diffs = Diff.from_string_arrays(file, corrected).split_diff() for diff in diffs: yield Result(self, 'The code does not comply to PEP8.', affected_code=(diff.range(filename),), diffs={filename: diff})