Python sqlparse.sql.Parenthesis() Examples
The following are 24
code examples of sqlparse.sql.Parenthesis().
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Example #1
Source File: From sqlitis with MIT License | 7 votes |
def build_comparison(token): assert type(token) is S.Comparison m = M.Comparison() for tok in remove_whitespace(token.tokens): LOG.debug(" %s %s", tok, type(tok)) if type(tok) is S.Parenthesis: subtokens = remove_whitespace(tok.tokens) subquery = tokens_to_sqla(subtokens[1:-1]) if not m.left: m.left = subquery else: m.right = subquery else: m = sql_literal_to_model(tok, m) if not m: raise Exception("[BUG] Failed to convert %s to model" % tok) return m
Example #2
Source File: From schematizer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_primary_key(self, def_tokens): EXPECT_PRIMARY = 0 EXPECT_KEY = 1 EXPECT_COLUMN = 2 state = EXPECT_PRIMARY for token in def_tokens: if state == EXPECT_PRIMARY and token.match(T.Keyword, 'PRIMARY'): state = EXPECT_KEY elif state == EXPECT_KEY and token.value.upper() == 'KEY': state = EXPECT_COLUMN elif state == EXPECT_COLUMN and isinstance(token, sql.Parenthesis): return [ self._clean_identifier_quotes(t.value) for t in token.tokens[1:-1] if t.ttype in (T.Name, T.Literal.String.Symbol) ] return []
Example #3
Source File: From pgcli with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_cte_from_token(tok, pos0): cte_name = tok.get_real_name() if not cte_name: return None # Find the start position of the opening parens enclosing the cte body idx, parens = tok.token_next_by(Parenthesis) if not parens: return None start_pos = pos0 + token_start_pos(tok.tokens, idx) cte_len = len(str(parens)) # includes parens stop_pos = start_pos + cte_len column_names = extract_column_names(parens) return TableExpression(cte_name, column_names, start_pos, stop_pos)
Example #4
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def group_comparison(tlist): sqlcls = (sql.Parenthesis, sql.Function, sql.Identifier, sql.Operation) ttypes = T_NUMERICAL + T_STRING + T_NAME def match(token): return token.ttype == T.Operator.Comparison def valid(token): if imt(token, t=ttypes, i=sqlcls): return True elif token and token.is_keyword and token.normalized == 'NULL': return True else: return False def post(tlist, pidx, tidx, nidx): return pidx, nidx valid_prev = valid_next = valid _group(tlist, sql.Comparison, match, valid_prev, valid_next, post, extend=False)
Example #5
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def group_operator(tlist): ttypes = T_NUMERICAL + T_STRING + T_NAME sqlcls = (sql.SquareBrackets, sql.Parenthesis, sql.Function, sql.Identifier, sql.Operation) def match(token): return imt(token, t=(T.Operator, T.Wildcard)) def valid(token): return imt(token, i=sqlcls, t=ttypes) def post(tlist, pidx, tidx, nidx): tlist[tidx].ttype = T.Operator return pidx, nidx valid_prev = valid_next = valid _group(tlist, sql.Operation, match, valid_prev, valid_next, post, extend=False)
Example #6
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def parse(self): tok = sql = SQLToken.token2sql(tok, self.query) right_table = self.right_table = sql.table tok = if not tok.match(tokens.Keyword, 'ON'): raise SQLDecodeError tok = if isinstance(tok, Parenthesis): tok = tok[1] sql = SQLToken.token2sql(tok, self.query) if right_table == sql.right_table: self.left_table = sql.left_table self.left_column = sql.left_column self.right_column = sql.right_column else: self.left_table = sql.right_table self.left_column = sql.right_column self.right_column = sql.left_column
Example #7
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def group_functions(tlist): has_create = False has_table = False for tmp_token in tlist.tokens: if tmp_token.value == 'CREATE': has_create = True if tmp_token.value == 'TABLE': has_table = True if has_create and has_table: return tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(t=T.Name) while token: nidx, next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx) if isinstance(next_, sql.Parenthesis): tlist.group_tokens(sql.Function, tidx, nidx) tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(t=T.Name, idx=tidx)
Example #8
Source File: From mssql-cli with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_cte_from_token(tok, pos0): cte_name = tok.get_real_name() if not cte_name: return None # Find the start position of the opening parens enclosing the cte body idx, parens = tok.token_next_by(Parenthesis) if not parens: return None start_pos = pos0 + token_start_pos(tok.tokens, idx) cte_len = len(str(parens)) # includes parens stop_pos = start_pos + cte_len column_names = extract_column_names(parens) return TableExpression(cte_name, column_names, start_pos, stop_pos)
Example #9
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def tokens2sql(token: Token, query: 'query_module.BaseQuery' ) -> Iterator[all_token_types]: from .functions import SQLFunc if isinstance(token, Identifier): # Bug fix for sql parse if isinstance(token[0], Parenthesis): try: int(token[0][1].value) except ValueError: raise else: yield SQLConstIdentifier(token, query) elif isinstance(token[0], Function): yield SQLFunc.token2sql(token, query) else: yield SQLIdentifier(token, query) elif isinstance(token, Function): yield SQLFunc.token2sql(token, query) elif isinstance(token, Comparison): yield SQLComparison(token, query) elif isinstance(token, IdentifierList): for tok in token.get_identifiers(): yield from SQLToken.tokens2sql(tok, query) elif isinstance(token, Parenthesis): yield SQLPlaceholder(token, query) else: raise SQLDecodeError(f'Unsupported: {token.value}')
Example #10
Source File: From django-perf-rec with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sql_recursively_strip(node): for sub_node in node.get_sublists(): sql_recursively_strip(sub_node) if isinstance(node, Comment): return node sql_strip(node) # strip duplicate whitespaces between parenthesis if isinstance(node, Parenthesis): sql_trim(node, 1) sql_trim(node, -2) return node
Example #11
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def is_parenthesis(token): """ 括弧判定 """ return isinstance(token, sql.Parenthesis)
Example #12
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def group_functions(tlist): [group_functions(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists() if not isinstance(sgroup, sql.Function)] idx = 0 token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Name) while token: next_ = tlist.token_next(token) if not isinstance(next_, sql.Parenthesis): idx = tlist.token_index(token) + 1 else: func = tlist.group_tokens(sql.Function, tlist.tokens_between(token, next_)) idx = tlist.token_index(func) + 1 token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Name)
Example #13
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def group_comparison(tlist): def _parts_valid(token): return (token.ttype in (T.String.Symbol, T.String.Single, T.Name, T.Number, T.Number.Float, T.Number.Integer, T.Literal, T.Literal.Number.Integer, T.Name.Placeholder) or isinstance(token, (sql.Identifier, sql.Parenthesis)) or (token.ttype is T.Keyword and token.value.upper() in ['NULL', ])) _group_left_right(tlist, T.Operator.Comparison, None, sql.Comparison, check_left=_parts_valid, check_right=_parts_valid)
Example #14
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_comparison_with_parenthesis(): # issue23 p = sqlparse.parse('(3 + 4) = 7')[0] assert len(p.tokens) == 1 assert isinstance(p.tokens[0], sql.Comparison) comp = p.tokens[0] assert isinstance(comp.left, sql.Parenthesis) assert comp.right.ttype is T.Number.Integer
Example #15
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_function_not_in(self): # issue183 p = sqlparse.parse('in(1, 2)')[0] self.assertEqual(len(p.tokens), 2) self.assertEqual(p.tokens[0].ttype, T.Keyword) self.assert_(isinstance(p.tokens[1], sql.Parenthesis))
Example #16
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_parenthesis(self): s = 'select (select (x3) x2) and (y2) bar' parsed = sqlparse.parse(s)[0] self.ndiffAssertEqual(s, str(parsed)) self.assertEqual(len(parsed.tokens), 7) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[2], sql.Parenthesis)) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[-1], sql.Identifier)) self.assertEqual(len(parsed.tokens[2].tokens), 5) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[2].tokens[3], sql.Identifier)) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[2].tokens[3].tokens[0], sql.Parenthesis)) self.assertEqual(len(parsed.tokens[2].tokens[3].tokens), 3)
Example #17
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_issue9(self): # make sure where doesn't consume parenthesis p = sqlparse.parse('(where 1)')[0] self.assert_(isinstance(p, sql.Statement)) self.assertEqual(len(p.tokens), 1) self.assert_(isinstance(p.tokens[0], sql.Parenthesis)) prt = p.tokens[0] self.assertEqual(len(prt.tokens), 3) self.assertEqual(prt.tokens[0].ttype, T.Punctuation) self.assertEqual(prt.tokens[-1].ttype, T.Punctuation)
Example #18
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def group_functions(tlist): [group_functions(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists() if not isinstance(sgroup, sql.Function)] idx = 0 token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Name) while token: next_ = tlist.token_next(token) if not isinstance(next_, sql.Parenthesis): idx = tlist.token_index(token) + 1 else: func = tlist.group_tokens(sql.Function, tlist.tokens_between(token, next_)) idx = tlist.token_index(func) + 1 token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Name)
Example #19
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def group_comparison(tlist): def _parts_valid(token): return (token.ttype in (T.String.Symbol, T.String.Single, T.Name, T.Number, T.Number.Float, T.Number.Integer, T.Literal, T.Literal.Number.Integer, T.Name.Placeholder) or isinstance(token, (sql.Identifier, sql.Parenthesis)) or (token.ttype is T.Keyword and token.value.upper() in ['NULL', ])) _group_left_right(tlist, T.Operator.Comparison, None, sql.Comparison, check_left=_parts_valid, check_right=_parts_valid)
Example #20
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def group_aliased(tlist): I_ALIAS = (sql.Parenthesis, sql.Function, sql.Case, sql.Identifier, sql.Operation) tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(i=I_ALIAS, t=T.Number) while token: nidx, next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx) if isinstance(next_, sql.Identifier): tlist.group_tokens(sql.Identifier, tidx, nidx, extend=True) tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(i=I_ALIAS, t=T.Number, idx=tidx)
Example #21
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def group_parenthesis(tlist): _group_matching(tlist, sql.Parenthesis)
Example #22
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def group_brackets(tlist): """Group parentheses () or square brackets [] This is just like _group_matching, but complicated by the fact that round brackets can contain square bracket groups and vice versa """ if isinstance(tlist, (sql.Parenthesis, sql.SquareBrackets)): idx = 1 else: idx = 0 # Find the first opening bracket token = tlist.token_next_match(idx, T.Punctuation, ['(', '[']) while token: start_val = token.value # either '(' or '[' if start_val == '(': end_val = ')' group_class = sql.Parenthesis else: end_val = ']' group_class = sql.SquareBrackets tidx = tlist.token_index(token) # Find the corresponding closing bracket end = _find_matching(tidx, tlist, T.Punctuation, start_val, T.Punctuation, end_val) if end is None: idx = tidx + 1 else: group = tlist.group_tokens(group_class, tlist.tokens_between(token, end)) # Check for nested bracket groups within this group group_brackets(group) idx = tlist.token_index(group) + 1 # Find the next opening bracket token = tlist.token_next_match(idx, T.Punctuation, ['(', '['])
Example #23
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 4 votes |
def group_brackets(tlist): """Group parentheses () or square brackets [] This is just like _group_matching, but complicated by the fact that round brackets can contain square bracket groups and vice versa """ if isinstance(tlist, (sql.Parenthesis, sql.SquareBrackets)): idx = 1 else: idx = 0 # Find the first opening bracket token = tlist.token_next_match(idx, T.Punctuation, ['(', '[']) while token: start_val = token.value # either '(' or '[' if start_val == '(': end_val = ')' group_class = sql.Parenthesis else: end_val = ']' group_class = sql.SquareBrackets tidx = tlist.token_index(token) # Find the corresponding closing bracket end = _find_matching(tidx, tlist, T.Punctuation, start_val, T.Punctuation, end_val) if end is None: idx = tidx + 1 else: group = tlist.group_tokens(group_class, tlist.tokens_between(token, end)) # Check for nested bracket groups within this group group_brackets(group) idx = tlist.token_index(group) + 1 # Find the next opening bracket token = tlist.token_next_match(idx, T.Punctuation, ['(', '['])
Example #24
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _token2op(self, tok: Token, statement: SQLStatement) -> '_Op': op = None kw = {'statement': statement, 'query': self.query} if tok.match(tokens.Keyword, 'AND'): op = AndOp(**kw) elif tok.match(tokens.Keyword, 'OR'): op = OrOp(**kw) elif tok.match(tokens.Keyword, 'IN'): op = InOp(**kw) elif tok.match(tokens.Keyword, 'NOT'): if statement.next_token.match(tokens.Keyword, 'IN'): op = NotInOp(**kw) statement.skip(1) else: op = NotOp(**kw) elif tok.match(tokens.Keyword, 'LIKE'): op = LikeOp(**kw) elif tok.match(tokens.Keyword, 'iLIKE'): op = iLikeOp(**kw) elif tok.match(tokens.Keyword, 'BETWEEN'): op = BetweenOp(**kw) statement.skip(3) elif tok.match(tokens.Keyword, 'IS'): op = IsOp(**kw) elif isinstance(tok, Comparison): op = CmpOp(tok, self.query) elif isinstance(tok, Parenthesis): if (tok[1].match(tokens.Name.Placeholder, '.*', regex=True) or tok[1].match(tokens.Keyword, 'Null') or isinstance(tok[1], IdentifierList) or tok[1].ttype == tokens.DML ): pass else: op = ParenthesisOp(SQLStatement(tok), self.query) elif tok.match(tokens.Punctuation, (')', '(')): pass elif isinstance(tok, Identifier): pass else: raise SQLDecodeError return op