Python pandas.read_hdf() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pandas.read_hdf().
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Example #1
Source File: From CityEnergyAnalyst with MIT License | 6 votes |
def write_to_hdf5(self, list_buildings, locator): """read in the temporary results files and append them to the Totals.csv file.""" df = None for name in list_buildings: temporary_file = locator.get_temporary_file('%(name)sT.hdf' % locals()) if df is None: df = pd.read_hdf(temporary_file, key='dataset') else: df = df.append(pd.read_hdf(temporary_file, key='dataset')) df.to_hdf(locator.get_total_demand('hdf'), key='dataset') """read saved data of monthly values and return as totals""" monthly_data_buildings = [pd.read_hdf(locator.get_demand_results_file(building_name, 'hdf'), key=building_name) for building_name in list_buildings] return df, monthly_data_buildings
Example #2
Source File: From pyziabm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def tradesrets_to_list(h5in, outlist): indf = pd.read_hdf(h5in, 'trades') trades = indf.price.count() minprice = indf.price.min() maxprice = indf.price.max() indf = indf.assign(ret = 100*indf.price.pct_change()) indf = indf.assign(abs_ret = np.abs(indf.ret)) lags = [] autocorr = [] abs_autocorr = [] for i in range(1,51): ac = indf.ret.autocorr(lag = i) aac = indf.abs_ret.autocorr(lag = i) lags.append(i) autocorr.append(ac) abs_autocorr.append(aac) ar_df = pd.DataFrame({'lag': lags, 'autocorrelation': autocorr, 'autocorrelation_abs': abs_autocorr}) ar_df.set_index('lag', inplace=True) clustering_constant = np.abs(ar_df.autocorrelation_abs.sum()/ar_df.autocorrelation.sum()) returns_dict = {'Trades': trades, 'MinPrice': minprice, 'MaxPrice': maxprice, 'ClusteringConstant': clustering_constant, 'MeanRet': indf.ret.mean(), 'StdRet': indf.ret.std(), 'SkewRet': indf.ret.skew(), 'KurtosisRet': indf.ret.kurtosis(), 'MCRun': j} outlist.append(returns_dict)
Example #3
Source File: From pyziabm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def participation_to_list(h5in, outlist): trade_df = pd.read_hdf(h5in, 'trades') trade_df = trade_df.assign(trader_id = trade_df.resting_order_id.str.split('_').str[0]) lt_df = pd.DataFrame(trade_df.groupby(['trader_id']).quantity.count()) lt_df.rename(columns={'quantity': 'trade'}, inplace=True) if 'p999999' in lt_df.index: lt_df.drop('p999999', inplace=True) ltsum_df = pd.DataFrame(trade_df.groupby(['trader_id']).quantity.sum()) ltsum_df.rename(columns={'quantity': 'trade_vol'}, inplace=True) ltsum_df = ltsum_df.assign(Participation = 100*ltsum_df.trade_vol/ltsum_df.trade_vol.sum()) providers = ltsum_df.index.unique() market_makers = [x for x in providers if x.startswith('m')] market_makers.append('j0') ltsum_df = ltsum_df.ix[market_makers] part_dict = {'MCRun': j, 'MM_Participation': ltsum_df.loc['m0', 'Participation']} if 'j0' in providers: part_dict.update({'PJ_Participation': ltsum_df.loc['j0', 'Participation']}) outlist.append(part_dict)
Example #4
Source File: From pyziabm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def profit_to_list(h5in, outlist): trade_df = pd.read_hdf(h5in, 'trades') trade_df = trade_df.assign(trader_id = trade_df.resting_order_id.str.split('_').str[0]) buy_trades = trade_df[trade_df.side=='buy'] buy_trades = buy_trades.assign(BuyCashFlow = buy_trades.price*buy_trades.quantity) buy_trades = buy_trades.assign(BuyVol = buy_trades.groupby('trader_id').quantity.cumsum(), CumulBuyCF = buy_trades.groupby('trader_id').BuyCashFlow.cumsum() ) buy_trades.rename(columns={'timestamp': 'buytimestamp'}, inplace=True) sell_trades = trade_df[trade_df.side=='sell'] sell_trades = sell_trades.assign(SellCashFlow = -sell_trades.price*sell_trades.quantity) sell_trades = sell_trades.assign(SellVol = sell_trades.groupby('trader_id').quantity.cumsum(), CumulSellCF = sell_trades.groupby('trader_id').SellCashFlow.cumsum() ) sell_trades.rename(columns={'timestamp': 'selltimestamp'}, inplace=True) buy_trades = buy_trades[['trader_id', 'BuyVol', 'CumulBuyCF', 'buytimestamp']] sell_trades = sell_trades[['trader_id', 'SellVol', 'CumulSellCF', 'selltimestamp']] cash_flow = pd.merge(buy_trades, sell_trades, left_on=['trader_id', 'BuyVol'], right_on=['trader_id', 'SellVol']) cash_flow = cash_flow.assign(NetCashFlow = cash_flow.CumulBuyCF + cash_flow.CumulSellCF) temp_df = cash_flow.groupby('trader_id')['NetCashFlow', 'BuyVol'].last() temp_df = temp_df.assign(NetCFPerShare = temp_df.NetCashFlow/temp_df.BuyVol) temp_df = temp_df[['NetCashFlow', 'NetCFPerShare']] outlist.append(temp_df)
Example #5
Source File: From gcr-catalogs with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _iter_native_dataset(self, native_filters=None): current_fname = None for meta_tract in self._metadata: for meta_patch in meta_tract['patches']: tract_patch = {'tract': meta_tract['tract'], 'patch': meta_patch['patch']} if native_filters and not native_filters.check_scalar(tract_patch): continue if current_fname != meta_tract['filename']: current_fname = meta_tract['filename'] df = pd.read_hdf(os.path.join(self.base_dir, current_fname), 'df') slice_this = slice(*meta_patch['slice']) def native_quantity_getter(native_quantity): # pylint: disable=W0640 # variables (df and slice_this) intentionally defined in loop if native_quantity == '_FULL_PDF': return df.iloc[slice_this, :self._n_pdf_bins].values return df[native_quantity].values[slice_this] yield native_quantity_getter # Native quantity names in the photo-z catalog are too uninformative # Since native quantities will become regular quantities in composite catalog, # let us hide them all.
Example #6
Source File: From pyziabm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def participation_to_list(h5in, outlist): trade_df = pd.read_hdf(h5in, 'trades') trade_df = trade_df.assign(trader_id = trade_df.resting_order_id.str.split('_').str[0]) lt_df = pd.DataFrame(trade_df.groupby(['trader_id']).quantity.count()) lt_df.rename(columns={'quantity': 'trade'}, inplace=True) if 'p999999' in lt_df.index: lt_df.drop('p999999', inplace=True) ltsum_df = pd.DataFrame(trade_df.groupby(['trader_id']).quantity.sum()) ltsum_df.rename(columns={'quantity': 'trade_vol'}, inplace=True) ltsum_df = ltsum_df.assign(Participation = 100*ltsum_df.trade_vol/ltsum_df.trade_vol.sum()) providers = ltsum_df.index.unique() market_makers = [x for x in providers if x.startswith('m')] market_makers.append('j0') ltsum_df = ltsum_df.ix[market_makers] part_dict = {'MCRun': j, 'MM_Participation': ltsum_df.loc['m0', 'Participation']} if 'j0' in providers: part_dict.update({'PJ_Participation': ltsum_df.loc['j0', 'Participation']}) outlist.append(part_dict)
Example #7
Source File: From RGAN with MIT License | 6 votes |
def resample_eICU_patient(pid, resample_factor_in_min, variables, upto_in_minutes): """ Resample a *single* patient. """ pat_df = pd.read_hdf(paths.eICU_hdf_dir + '/vitalPeriodic.h5', where='patientunitstayid = ' + str(pid), columns=['observationoffset', 'patientunitstayid'] + variables, mode='r') # sometimes it's empty if pat_df.empty: return None if not upto_in_minutes is None: pat_df = pat_df.loc[0:upto_in_minutes*60] # convert the offset to a TimedeltaIndex (necessary for resampling) pat_df.observationoffset = pd.TimedeltaIndex(pat_df.observationoffset, unit='m') pat_df.set_index('observationoffset', inplace=True) pat_df.sort_index(inplace=True) # resample by time pat_df_resampled = pat_df.resample(str(resample_factor_in_min) + 'T').median() # pandas ignores NA in median by default # rename pid, cast to int pat_df_resampled.rename(columns={'patientunitstayid': 'pid'}, inplace=True) pat_df_resampled['pid'] = np.int32(pat_df_resampled['pid']) # get offsets in minutes from index pat_df_resampled['offset'] = np.int32(pat_df_resampled.index.total_seconds()/60) return pat_df_resampled
Example #8
Source File: From pyziabm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def profit_to_list(h5in, outlist): trade_df = pd.read_hdf(h5in, 'trades') trade_df = trade_df.assign(trader_id = trade_df.resting_order_id.str.split('_').str[0]) buy_trades = trade_df[trade_df.side=='buy'] buy_trades = buy_trades.assign(BuyCashFlow = buy_trades.price*buy_trades.quantity) buy_trades = buy_trades.assign(BuyVol = buy_trades.groupby('trader_id').quantity.cumsum(), CumulBuyCF = buy_trades.groupby('trader_id').BuyCashFlow.cumsum() ) buy_trades.rename(columns={'timestamp': 'buytimestamp'}, inplace=True) sell_trades = trade_df[trade_df.side=='sell'] sell_trades = sell_trades.assign(SellCashFlow = -sell_trades.price*sell_trades.quantity) sell_trades = sell_trades.assign(SellVol = sell_trades.groupby('trader_id').quantity.cumsum(), CumulSellCF = sell_trades.groupby('trader_id').SellCashFlow.cumsum() ) sell_trades.rename(columns={'timestamp': 'selltimestamp'}, inplace=True) buy_trades = buy_trades[['trader_id', 'BuyVol', 'CumulBuyCF', 'buytimestamp']] sell_trades = sell_trades[['trader_id', 'SellVol', 'CumulSellCF', 'selltimestamp']] cash_flow = pd.merge(buy_trades, sell_trades, left_on=['trader_id', 'BuyVol'], right_on=['trader_id', 'SellVol']) cash_flow = cash_flow.assign(NetCashFlow = cash_flow.CumulBuyCF + cash_flow.CumulSellCF) temp_df = cash_flow.groupby('trader_id')['NetCashFlow', 'BuyVol'].last() temp_df = temp_df.assign(NetCFPerShare = temp_df.NetCashFlow/temp_df.BuyVol) temp_df = temp_df[['NetCashFlow', 'NetCFPerShare']] outlist.append(temp_df)
Example #9
Source File: From pyziabm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def tradesrets_to_list(h5in, outlist): indf = pd.read_hdf(h5in, 'trades') trades = indf.price.count() minprice = indf.price.min() maxprice = indf.price.max() indf = indf.assign(ret = 100*indf.price.pct_change()) indf = indf.assign(abs_ret = np.abs(indf.ret)) lags = [] autocorr = [] abs_autocorr = [] for i in range(1,51): ac = indf.ret.autocorr(lag = i) aac = indf.abs_ret.autocorr(lag = i) lags.append(i) autocorr.append(ac) abs_autocorr.append(aac) ar_df = pd.DataFrame({'lag': lags, 'autocorrelation': autocorr, 'autocorrelation_abs': abs_autocorr}) ar_df.set_index('lag', inplace=True) clustering_constant = np.abs(ar_df.autocorrelation_abs.sum()/ar_df.autocorrelation.sum()) returns_dict = {'Trades': trades, 'MinPrice': minprice, 'MaxPrice': maxprice, 'ClusteringConstant': clustering_constant, 'MeanRet': indf.ret.mean(), 'StdRet': indf.ret.std(), 'SkewRet': indf.ret.skew(), 'KurtosisRet': indf.ret.kurtosis(), 'MCRun': j} outlist.append(returns_dict)
Example #10
Source File: From pyziabm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def participation_to_list(h5in, outlist): trade_df = pd.read_hdf(h5in, 'trades') trade_df = trade_df.assign(trader_id = trade_df.resting_order_id.str.split('_').str[0]) lt_df = pd.DataFrame(trade_df.groupby(['trader_id']).quantity.count()) lt_df.rename(columns={'quantity': 'trade'}, inplace=True) if 'p999999' in lt_df.index: lt_df.drop('p999999', inplace=True) ltsum_df = pd.DataFrame(trade_df.groupby(['trader_id']).quantity.sum()) ltsum_df.rename(columns={'quantity': 'trade_vol'}, inplace=True) ltsum_df = ltsum_df.assign(Participation = 100*ltsum_df.trade_vol/ltsum_df.trade_vol.sum()) providers = ltsum_df.index.unique() market_makers = [x for x in providers if x.startswith('m')] market_makers.append('j0') ltsum_df = ltsum_df.ix[market_makers] part_dict = {'MCRun': j, 'MM_Participation': ltsum_df.loc['m0', 'Participation']} if 'j0' in providers: part_dict.update({'PJ_Participation': ltsum_df.loc['j0', 'Participation']}) outlist.append(part_dict)
Example #11
Source File: From vivarium with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_write_data_frame(hdf_file_path): key = hdf.EntityKey('cause.test.prevalence') data = build_table([lambda *args, **kwargs: random.choice([0, 1]), "Kenya", 1], 2005, 2010, columns=('age', 'year', 'sex', 'draw', 'location', 'value')) non_val_columns = data.columns.difference({'value'}) data = data.set_index(list(non_val_columns)) hdf._write_pandas_data(hdf_file_path, key, data) written_data = pd.read_hdf(hdf_file_path, key.path) assert written_data.equals(data) filter_terms = ['draw == 0'] written_data = pd.read_hdf(hdf_file_path, key.path, where=filter_terms) assert written_data.equals(data.xs(0, level='draw', drop_level=False))
Example #12
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_write_fspath_hdf5(self): # Same test as write_fspath_all, except HDF5 files aren't # necessarily byte-for-byte identical for a given dataframe, so we'll # have to read and compare equality pytest.importorskip('tables') df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]}) p1 = tm.ensure_clean('string') p2 = tm.ensure_clean('fspath') with p1 as string, p2 as fspath: mypath = CustomFSPath(fspath) df.to_hdf(mypath, key='bar') df.to_hdf(string, key='bar') result = pd.read_hdf(fspath, key='bar') expected = pd.read_hdf(string, key='bar') tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
Example #13
Source File: From auto_ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_twitter_sentiment_multilabel_classification_dataset(): file_name = os.path.join('tests', 'twitter_sentiment.h5') try: df_twitter = pd.read_hdf(file_name) except Exception as e: print('Error') print(e) dataset_url = '' df_twitter = pd.read_csv(dataset_url, encoding='latin-1') # Do not write the index that pandas automatically creates df_twitter.to_hdf(file_name, key='df', format='fixed') # Grab only 10% of the dataset- runs much faster this way df_twitter = df_twitter.sample(frac=0.1) df_twitter['tweet_created'] = pd.to_datetime(df_twitter.tweet_created) df_twitter_train, df_twitter_test = train_test_split(df_twitter, test_size=0.33, random_state=42) return df_twitter_train, df_twitter_test
Example #14
Source File: From teneto with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_hdf5(): df = pd.DataFrame({'i': [0, 0], 'j': [1, 2], 't': [0, 1]}) tnet = teneto.TemporalNetwork(from_df=df, hdf5=True) if not == './teneto_temporalnetwork.h5': raise AssertionError() df2 = pd.read_hdf('./teneto_temporalnetwork.h5') if not (df == df2).all().all(): raise AssertionError() tnet.add_edge([0, 2, 2]) df3 = pd.read_hdf('./teneto_temporalnetwork.h5') if not (df3.iloc[2].values == [0, 2, 2]).all(): raise AssertionError() tnet.drop_edge([0, 2, 2]) df4 = pd.read_hdf('./teneto_temporalnetwork.h5') if not (df == df4).all().all(): raise AssertionError()
Example #15
Source File: From picasso with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _hdf2csv(path): from glob import glob import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm as _tqdm from os.path import isdir if isdir(path): paths = glob(path + "/*.hdf5") else: paths = glob(path) if paths: import os.path for path in _tqdm(paths): base, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext == ".hdf5": print("Converting {}".format(path)) out_path = base + ".csv" locs = pd.read_hdf(path) print("A total of {} rows loaded".format(len(locs))) locs.to_csv(out_path, sep=",", encoding="utf-8") print("Complete.")
Example #16
Source File: From predictatops with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_prev_results_at_path(full_path_to_results_file, key="df"): """ A function used to return a dataframe of wells stored in an h5 file at a given path with a given key. Parameters ---------- full_path_to_results_file: string A path to a .h5 file that contains a wells dataframe. key: string A string representation of a key used to find the dataframe in the h5 file whose path is defined by the full_path_to_results_file argument. Returns ------- wells_df_from_wellsKNN: dataframe Returns a dataframe of wells that existed at the path defined in the full_path_to_results_file argument. """ wells_df_from_wellsKNN = pd.read_hdf(full_path_to_results_file, key=key) return wells_df_from_wellsKNN
Example #17
Source File: From pyziabm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def profit_to_list(h5in, outlist): trade_df = pd.read_hdf(h5in, 'trades') trade_df = trade_df.assign(trader_id = trade_df.resting_order_id.str.split('_').str[0]) buy_trades = trade_df[trade_df.side=='buy'] buy_trades = buy_trades.assign(BuyCashFlow = buy_trades.price*buy_trades.quantity) buy_trades = buy_trades.assign(BuyVol = buy_trades.groupby('trader_id').quantity.cumsum(), CumulBuyCF = buy_trades.groupby('trader_id').BuyCashFlow.cumsum() ) buy_trades.rename(columns={'timestamp': 'buytimestamp'}, inplace=True) sell_trades = trade_df[trade_df.side=='sell'] sell_trades = sell_trades.assign(SellCashFlow = -sell_trades.price*sell_trades.quantity) sell_trades = sell_trades.assign(SellVol = sell_trades.groupby('trader_id').quantity.cumsum(), CumulSellCF = sell_trades.groupby('trader_id').SellCashFlow.cumsum() ) sell_trades.rename(columns={'timestamp': 'selltimestamp'}, inplace=True) buy_trades = buy_trades[['trader_id', 'BuyVol', 'CumulBuyCF', 'buytimestamp']] sell_trades = sell_trades[['trader_id', 'SellVol', 'CumulSellCF', 'selltimestamp']] cash_flow = pd.merge(buy_trades, sell_trades, left_on=['trader_id', 'BuyVol'], right_on=['trader_id', 'SellVol']) cash_flow = cash_flow.assign(NetCashFlow = cash_flow.CumulBuyCF + cash_flow.CumulSellCF) temp_df = cash_flow.groupby('trader_id')['NetCashFlow', 'BuyVol'].last() temp_df = temp_df.assign(NetCFPerShare = temp_df.NetCashFlow/temp_df.BuyVol) temp_df = temp_df[['NetCashFlow', 'NetCFPerShare']] outlist.append(temp_df)
Example #18
Source File: From pyziabm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def tradesrets_to_list(h5in, outlist): indf = pd.read_hdf(h5in, 'trades') trades = indf.price.count() minprice = indf.price.min() maxprice = indf.price.max() indf = indf.assign(ret = 100*indf.price.pct_change()) indf = indf.assign(abs_ret = np.abs(indf.ret)) lags = [] autocorr = [] abs_autocorr = [] for i in range(1,51): ac = indf.ret.autocorr(lag = i) aac = indf.abs_ret.autocorr(lag = i) lags.append(i) autocorr.append(ac) abs_autocorr.append(aac) ar_df = pd.DataFrame({'lag': lags, 'autocorrelation': autocorr, 'autocorrelation_abs': abs_autocorr}) ar_df.set_index('lag', inplace=True) clustering_constant = np.abs(ar_df.autocorrelation_abs.sum()/ar_df.autocorrelation.sum()) returns_dict = {'Trades': trades, 'MinPrice': minprice, 'MaxPrice': maxprice, 'ClusteringConstant': clustering_constant, 'MeanRet': indf.ret.mean(), 'StdRet': indf.ret.std(), 'SkewRet': indf.ret.skew(), 'KurtosisRet': indf.ret.kurtosis(), 'MCRun': j} outlist.append(returns_dict)
Example #19
Source File: From age-gender-estimator-keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): args = get_args() input_path = args.input df = pd.read_hdf(input_path, "history") input_dir = os.path.dirname(input_path) plt.plot(df["gender_loss"], label="loss (gender)") plt.plot(df["age_loss"], label="loss (age)") plt.plot(df["val_gender_loss"], label="val_loss (gender)") plt.plot(df["val_age_loss"], label="val_loss (age)") plt.xlabel("number of epochs") plt.ylabel("loss") plt.legend() plt.savefig(os.path.join(input_dir, "loss.png")) plt.cla() plt.plot(df["gender_acc"], label="accuracy (gender)") plt.plot(df["age_acc"], label="accuracy (age)") plt.plot(df["val_gender_acc"], label="val_accuracy (gender)") plt.plot(df["val_age_acc"], label="val_accuracy (age)") plt.xlabel("number of epochs") plt.ylabel("accuracy") plt.legend() plt.savefig(os.path.join(input_dir, "accuracy.png"))
Example #20
Source File: From batchflow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _load_table(self, src, fmt, dst=None, post=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Load a data frame from table formats: csv, hdf5, feather """ if fmt == 'csv': _data = pd.read_csv(src, *args, **kwargs) elif fmt == 'feather': _data = feather.read_dataframe(src, *args, **kwargs) elif fmt == 'hdf5': _data = pd.read_hdf(src, *args, **kwargs) # Put into this batch only part of it (defined by index) if isinstance(_data, pd.DataFrame): _data = _data.loc[self.indices] elif isinstance(_data, dd.DataFrame): # dask.DataFrame.loc supports advanced indexing only with lists _data = _data.loc[list(self.indices)].compute() if callable(post): _data = post(_data, src=src, fmt=fmt, dst=dst, **kwargs) self.load(src=_data, dst=dst)
Example #21
Source File: From OpenTrader with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def iMain(): """ Read an hdf file generated by us to make sure we can recover its content and structure. Give the name of an hdf5 file as a command-line argument. """ assert sys.argv, __doc__ sFile = sys.argv[1] assert os.path.isfile(sFile) oHdfStore = pandas.HDFStore(sFile, mode='r') print oHdfStore.groups() # bug - no return value # oSignals = pandas.read_hdf(oHdfStore, '/servings/signals') mSignals ='/recipe/servings/mSignals', auto_close=False) print mSignals print oHdfStore.get_node('/recipe')._v_attrs.metadata[0]['sUrl']
Example #22
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_write_fspath_hdf5(self): # Same test as write_fspath_all, except HDF5 files aren't # necessarily byte-for-byte identical for a given dataframe, so we'll # have to read and compare equality pytest.importorskip('tables') df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]}) p1 = tm.ensure_clean('string') p2 = tm.ensure_clean('fspath') with p1 as string, p2 as fspath: mypath = CustomFSPath(fspath) df.to_hdf(mypath, key='bar') df.to_hdf(string, key='bar') result = pd.read_hdf(fspath, key='bar') expected = pd.read_hdf(string, key='bar') tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
Example #23
Source File: From autodeepnet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_hdf5_data(file_path, **kwargs): key = kwargs.get('key', None) pandas_format = kwargs.get('pandas_format', True) mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'r')"Opening HDF5 file {} to read...".format(file_path)) try: if pandas_format: data = pd.read_hdf(file_path, key=key, mode=mode) else: with h5py.File(file_path, mode) as f: data = f[key][()] except KeyError as e: logger.exception("Dataset {} does not exist".format(dataset)) raise exceptions.FileLoadError("Dataset does not exist") except Exception as e: logger.exception("Problem loading dataset: {0}".format(e)) raise exceptions.FileLoadError"Successfully loaded HDF5 data") return data
Example #24
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_write_fspath_hdf5(self): # Same test as write_fspath_all, except HDF5 files aren't # necessarily byte-for-byte identical for a given dataframe, so we'll # have to read and compare equality pytest.importorskip('tables') df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]}) p1 = tm.ensure_clean('string') p2 = tm.ensure_clean('fspath') with p1 as string, p2 as fspath: mypath = CustomFSPath(fspath) df.to_hdf(mypath, key='bar') df.to_hdf(string, key='bar') result = pd.read_hdf(fspath, key='bar') expected = pd.read_hdf(string, key='bar') tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
Example #25
Source File: From PyTrendFollow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_symbol(symbol, q_type, provider): """ Read data from the corresponding HDF file """ if os.path.exists(fname(symbol, q_type, provider)): data = pd.read_hdf(fname(symbol, q_type, provider), 'quotes') return data else: # if symbol doesn't exist, an empty df is returned with only index columns c = ['contract', 'date'] if q_type == 'futures' else ['date'] return pd.DataFrame(columns=c).set_index(c)
Example #26
Source File: From gcr-catalogs with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def generate_metadata(self, write_to_yaml=False): """ generate metadata """ meta = list() for fname in sorted(os.listdir(self.base_dir)): if not self._filename_re.match(fname): continue file_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, fname) try: df = pd.read_hdf(file_path, 'df') except (IOError, OSError): warnings.warn('Cannot access {}; skipped'.format(file_path)) continue meta_tract = { 'tract': int(df['tract'].iloc[0]), 'filename': fname, } # Each file contains all patches in one tract, # but we want to be able to iterate over patches as well. # Here, we find the indices where the adjacent patch values differ, # and we record the slice indices for each patch. patches = df['patch'].values.astype('<U') indices = np.flatnonzero(np.concatenate(([True], patches[1:] != patches[:-1], [True]))) indices = np.vstack((indices[:-1], indices[1:])).T meta_tract['patches'] = [{'patch': str(patches[i]), 'slice': [int(i), int(j)]} for i, j in indices] meta.append(meta_tract) if write_to_yaml: if self._metadata_path and os.path.isfile(self._metadata_path): warnings.warn('Overwriting metadata file `{0}`, which is backed up at `{0}.bak`'.format(self._metadata_path)) shutil.copyfile(self._metadata_path, self._metadata_path + '.bak') with open(self._metadata_path, 'w') as meta_stream: yaml.dump(meta, meta_stream) return meta
Example #27
Source File: From PyTrendFollow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_contract(symbol, contract, provider): """ Read a single contract for a future instrument """ if os.path.exists(fname(symbol, 'futures', provider)): data = pd.read_hdf(fname(symbol, 'futures', provider), 'quotes') return data.loc[int(contract), :] else: c = ['contract', 'date'] return pd.DataFrame(columns=c).set_index(c)
Example #28
Source File: From ladder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_df(dirpath, filename, varname=None): varname = filename if varname is None else varname fn = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) return read_hdf(fn, varname)
Example #29
Source File: From traffic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_file( cls: Type[T], filename: Union[Path, str], **kwargs ) -> Optional[T]: """Read data from various formats. This class method dispatches the loading of data in various format to the proper ``pandas.read_*`` method based on the extension of the filename. - .pkl and .pkl.gz dispatch to ``pandas.read_pickle``; - .parquet and .parquet.gz dispatch to ``pandas.read_parquet``; - .json and .json.gz dispatch to ``pandas.read_json``; - .csv and .csv.gz dispatch to ``pandas.read_csv``; - .h5 dispatch to ``pandas.read_hdf``. Other extensions return ``None``. Specific arguments may be passed to the underlying ``pandas.read_*`` method with the kwargs argument. Example usage: >>> t = Traffic.from_file("data/sample_opensky.pkl") """ path = Path(filename) if path.suffixes in [[".pkl"], [".pkl", ".gz"]]: return cls(pd.read_pickle(path, **kwargs)) if path.suffixes in [[".parquet"], [".parquet", ".gz"]]: return cls(pd.read_parquet(path, **kwargs)) if path.suffixes in [[".json"], [".json", ".gz"]]: return cls(pd.read_json(path, **kwargs)) if path.suffixes in [[".csv"], [".csv", ".gz"]]: return cls(pd.read_csv(path, **kwargs)) if path.suffixes == [".h5"]: return cls(pd.read_hdf(path, **kwargs)) return None # --- Special methods ---
Example #30
Source File: From DCRNN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(args): traffic_reading_df = pd.read_hdf(args.traffic_reading_filename) eval_static(traffic_reading_df) eval_historical_average(traffic_reading_df, period=7 * 24 * 12) eval_var(traffic_reading_df, n_lags=3)