Python pandas.read_sql_table() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pandas.read_sql_table().
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Example #1
Source File: From PowerGenome with MIT License | 7 votes |
def load_ownership_eia860(pudl_engine, data_years=[2017]): cols = [ "report_date", "utility_id_eia", "plant_id_eia", "generator_id", # "operational_status_code", "owner_utility_id_eia", "owner_name", "owner_state", "fraction_owned", ] ownership = pd.read_sql_table( "ownership_eia860", pudl_engine, columns=cols, parse_dates=["report_date"] ) ownership = ownership.loc[ownership["report_date"].dt.year.isin(data_years)] return ownership
Example #2
Source File: From mikado with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def serialize(self): """ This method performs the parsing of the ORF file and the loading into the SQL database. """ self.load_fasta() self.query_cache = pd.read_sql_table("query", self.engine, index_col="query_name", columns=["query_name", "query_id"]) self.query_cache = self.query_cache.to_dict()["query_id"] self.initial_cache = (len(self.query_cache) > 0) if self.procs == 1: self.__serialize_single_thread() else: try: self.__serialize_multiple_threads() finally: pass
Example #3
Source File: From pudl with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plants_small_ferc1(pudl_engine): """Pull a useful dataframe related to the FERC Form 1 small plants.""" plants_small_df = ( pd.read_sql_table("plants_small_ferc1", pudl_engine) .drop(['id'], axis="columns") .merge(pd.read_sql_table("utilities_ferc1", pudl_engine), on="utility_id_ferc1") .pipe(pudl.helpers.organize_cols, ['report_year', 'utility_id_ferc1', 'utility_id_pudl', 'utility_name_ferc1', "plant_name_original", 'plant_name_ferc1', "record_id"]) ) return plants_small_df
Example #4
Source File: From thewarden with MIT License | 6 votes |
def tradedetails(): if request.method == "GET": id = request.args.get("id") # if tradesonly is true then only look for buy and sells tradesonly = request.args.get("trades") df = pd.read_sql_table("trades", db.engine) # Filter only the trades for current user df = df[(df.user_id == current_user.username)] df = df[(df.trade_reference_id == id)] # Filter only buy and sells, ignore deposit / withdraw if tradesonly: df = df[(df.trade_operation == "B") | (df.trade_operation == "S")] # df['trade_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['trade_date']) df.set_index("trade_reference_id", inplace=True) df.drop("user_id", axis=1, inplace=True) details = df.to_json() return details
Example #5
Source File: From PowerGenome with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fetch_atb_heat_rates(pudl_engine): """Get heat rate projections for power plants Data is originally from AEO, NREL does a linear interpolation between current and final years. Parameters ---------- pudl_engine : sqlalchemy.Engine A sqlalchemy connection for use by pandas Returns ------- DataFrame Power plant heat rate data by year with columns: ['technology', 'tech_detail', 'basis_year', 'heat_rate'] """ heat_rates = pd.read_sql_table("technology_heat_rates_nrelatb", pudl_engine) return heat_rates
Example #6
Source File: From PowerGenome with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_ipm_plant_region_map(pudl_engine): """Load the table associating each power plant to an IPM region Parameters ---------- pudl_engine : sqlalchemy.Engine A sqlalchemy connection for use by pandas Returns ------- dataframe All plants in the NEEDS database and their associated IPM region. Columns are plant_id_eia and region. """ region_map_df = pd.read_sql_table( "plant_region_map_epaipm", con=pudl_engine, columns=["plant_id_eia", "region"] ) return region_map_df
Example #7
Source File: From modin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def read_sql_table( cls, table_name, con, schema=None, index_col=None, coerce_float=True, parse_dates=None, columns=None, chunksize=None, ): ErrorMessage.default_to_pandas("`read_sql_table`") return cls.from_pandas( pandas.read_sql_table( table_name, con, schema=schema, index_col=index_col, coerce_float=coerce_float, parse_dates=parse_dates, columns=columns, chunksize=chunksize, ) )
Example #8
Source File: From stock with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def download_all_stock_history_k_line(): print('download all stock k-line start') try: engine = db.get_w_engine() df = pd.read_sql_table(STOCK_BASIC_TABLE, engine) codes = df[KEY_CODE].tolist() print('total stocks:{0}'.format(len(codes))) for code in codes: download_stock_kline_by_code(code) # codes = codes[::-1] #codes = r.lrange(INDEX_STOCK_BASIC, 0, -1) # pool = ThreadPool(processes=10) #, codes) # pool.close() # pool.join() except Exception as e: print(str(e)) print('download all stock k-line finish')
Example #9
Source File: From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_readonly_axis_zlib_to_sql(self): # GH11880 if not _ZLIB_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no zlib') if not self._SQLALCHEMY_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no sqlalchemy') expected = DataFrame({'A': list('abcd')}) df = self.encode_decode(expected, compress='zlib') eng = self._create_sql_engine("sqlite:///:memory:") df.to_sql('test', eng, if_exists='append') result = pandas.read_sql_table('test', eng, index_col='index') result.index.names = [None] assert_frame_equal(expected, result)
Example #10
Source File: From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_readonly_axis_blosc_to_sql(self): # GH11880 if not _BLOSC_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no blosc') if not self._SQLALCHEMY_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no sqlalchemy') expected = DataFrame({'A': list('abcd')}) df = self.encode_decode(expected, compress='blosc') eng = self._create_sql_engine("sqlite:///:memory:") df.to_sql('test', eng, if_exists='append') result = pandas.read_sql_table('test', eng, index_col='index') result.index.names = [None] assert_frame_equal(expected, result)
Example #11
Source File: From apicheck with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(running_config: RunningConfig): target = HDFStore(running_config.fout) df = pd.read_sql_table( "proxy_logs", "sqlite:///mydatabase.sqlite3", index_col='id' ) request = json_to_columns(df, 'request') request["session"] = df["proxy_session_id"] response = json_to_columns(df, 'response') response["session"] = df["proxy_session_id"] request_headers = request['headers'].apply(pd.Series) response_headers = response['headers'].apply(pd.Series) request = request.drop("headers", 1) request_headers_norm = pd.melt( request_headers.reset_index(), id_vars=["id"], var_name="header" ) request_headers_norm = request_headers_norm.dropna() request_headers_norm["type"] = "request" response = response.drop("headers", 1) response_headers_norm = pd.melt( response_headers.reset_index(), id_vars=["id"], var_name="header" ) response_headers_norm = response_headers_norm.dropna() response_headers_norm["type"] = "response" headers_norm = pd.concat([request_headers_norm, response_headers_norm]) target.put("request", request, format="table", data_columns=True) target.put("response", response, format="table", data_columns=True) target.put("headers", headers_norm, format="table", data_columns=True) target.close()
Example #12
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_only_one_day(populated_test_data_table, run_task, all_tasks): """ Test that only data for the one day is returned even if other data is present. """ for task_id in all_tasks: return_code, result = run_task( dag_id="remote_table_dag", task_id=task_id, exec_date="2016-06-15" ) print( f"Dag: remote_table_dag, task: {task_id}, exec date: 2016-06-15.\n\n{result}\n\n" ) db_content = pd.read_sql_table( "calls_20160615", populated_test_data_table, "events" ) assert len(db_content) == 1
Example #13
Source File: From PowerGenome with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_utilities_eia(pudl_engine): utilities = pd.read_sql_table("utilities_eia", pudl_engine) return utilities
Example #14
Source File: From PowerGenome with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_plants_860(pudl_engine, data_years=[2017]): plants = pd.read_sql_table( "plants_eia860", pudl_engine, parse_dates=["report_date"] ) plants = plants.loc[plants["report_date"].dt.year.isin(data_years)] return plants
Example #15
Source File: From mikado with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_queries(engine): queries = pd.read_sql_table("query", engine, index_col="query_name") queries.columns = ["qid", "qlength"] queries["qid"] = queries["qid"].astype(int) assert queries.qid.drop_duplicates().shape[0] == queries.shape[0] return queries
Example #16
Source File: From ontask_b with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _load_df_from_sqlconnection( conn_item: models.SQLConnection, run_params: Dict, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Load a DF from a SQL connection. :param conn_item: SQLConnection object with the connection parameters. :param run_params: Dictionary with the execution parameters. :return: Data frame or raise an exception. """ if conn_item.db_password: password = conn_item.db_password else: password = run_params['db_password'] if conn_item.db_table: table_name = conn_item.db_table else: table_name = run_params['db_table'] db_engine = pandas.create_db_engine( conn_item.conn_type, conn_item.conn_driver, conn_item.db_user, password, conn_item.db_host, conn_item.db_name) # Try to fetch the data data_frame = pd.read_sql_table(table_name, db_engine) # Remove the engine db_engine.dispose() # Strip white space from all string columns and try to convert to # datetime just in case return pandas.detect_datetime_columns(data_frame)
Example #17
Source File: From ontask_b with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_table( table_name: str, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter_exp: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Load a Pandas data frame from the SQL DB. :param table_name: Table name :param columns: Optional list of columns to load (all if NOne is given) :param filter_exp: JSON expression to filter a subset of rows :return: data frame """ if table_name not in connection.introspection.table_names(): return None if settings.DEBUG: LOGGER.debug('Loading table %s', table_name) if columns or filter_exp: # A list of columns or a filter exp is given query, query_fields = sql.get_select_query_txt( table_name, column_names=columns, filter_formula=filter_exp) return pd.read_sql_query( query, OnTaskSharedState.engine, params=query_fields) # No special fields given, load the whole thing return pd.read_sql_table(table_name, OnTaskSharedState.engine)
Example #18
Source File: From pudl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def purchased_power_ferc1(pudl_engine): """Pull a useful dataframe of FERC Form 1 Purchased Power data.""" purchased_power_df = ( pd.read_sql_table("purchased_power_ferc1", pudl_engine) .drop(['id'], axis="columns") .merge(pd.read_sql_table("utilities_ferc1", pudl_engine), on="utility_id_ferc1") .pipe(pudl.helpers.organize_cols, ["report_year", "utility_id_ferc1", "utility_id_pudl", "utility_name_ferc1", "seller_name", "record_id"]) ) return purchased_power_df
Example #19
Source File: From pudl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plants_pumped_storage_ferc1(pudl_engine): """Pull a dataframe of FERC Form 1 Pumped Storage plant data.""" pumped_storage_df = ( pd.read_sql_table("plants_pumped_storage_ferc1", pudl_engine) .drop(['id'], axis="columns") .merge(pudl.output.ferc1.plants_utils_ferc1(pudl_engine), on=["utility_id_ferc1", "plant_name_ferc1"]) .pipe(pudl.helpers.organize_cols, ["report_year", "utility_id_ferc1", "utility_id_pudl", "utility_name_ferc1", "plant_name_ferc1", "record_id"]) ) return pumped_storage_df
Example #20
Source File: From mikado with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_targets(engine): targets = pd.read_sql_table("target", engine, index_col="target_name") targets.columns = ["sid", "slength"] targets["sid"] = targets["sid"].astype(int) assert targets.sid.drop_duplicates().shape[0] == targets.shape[0] if targets[targets.slength.isna()].shape[0] > 0: raise KeyError("Unbound targets!") return targets
Example #21
Source File: From pudl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plants_hydro_ferc1(pudl_engine): """Pull a useful dataframe related to the FERC Form 1 hydro plants.""" plants_hydro_df = ( pd.read_sql_table("plants_hydro_ferc1", pudl_engine) .drop(['id'], axis="columns") .merge(plants_utils_ferc1(pudl_engine), on=["utility_id_ferc1", "plant_name_ferc1"]) .pipe(pudl.helpers.organize_cols, ["report_year", "utility_id_ferc1", "utility_id_pudl", "utility_name_ferc1", "plant_name_ferc1", "record_id"]) ) return plants_hydro_df
Example #22
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_readonly_axis_zlib_to_sql(self): # GH11880 if not _ZLIB_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no zlib') if not self._SQLALCHEMY_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no sqlalchemy') expected = DataFrame({'A': list('abcd')}) df = self.encode_decode(expected, compress='zlib') eng = self._create_sql_engine("sqlite:///:memory:") df.to_sql('test', eng, if_exists='append') result = pandas.read_sql_table('test', eng, index_col='index') result.index.names = [None] assert_frame_equal(expected, result)
Example #23
Source File: From thewarden with MIT License | 5 votes |
def portfolio_tickers_json(): if request.method == "GET": df = pd.read_sql_table("trades", db.engine) df = df[(df.user_id == current_user.username)] list_of_tickers = df.trade_asset_ticker.unique().tolist() try: list_of_tickers.remove(current_user.fx()) except ValueError: pass return jsonify(list_of_tickers)
Example #24
Source File: From thewarden with MIT License | 5 votes |
def transactions_fx(): # Gets the transaction table and fills with fx information # Note that it uses the currency exchange for the date of transaction # Get all transactions from db and format df = pd.read_sql_table('trades', db.engine) df = df[(df.user_id == current_user.username)] # df = df[(df.trade_operation == "B") | (df.trade_operation == "S")] df['trade_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['trade_date']) df = df.set_index('trade_date') # Ignore times in df to merge - keep only dates df.index = df.index.floor('d') df.index.rename('date', inplace=True) # The current fx needs no conversion, set to 1 df[current_user.fx()] = 1 # Need to get currencies into the df in order to normalize # let's load a list of currencies needed and merge list_of_fx = df.trade_currency.unique().tolist() # loop through currency list for currency in list_of_fx: if currency == current_user.fx(): continue # Make a price request df[currency] = df.apply(find_fx, axis=1) # Now create a cash value in the preferred currency terms df['fx'] = df.apply(lambda x: x[x['trade_currency']], axis=1) df['cash_value_fx'] = df['cash_value'].astype(float) / df['fx'].astype(float) df['trade_fees_fx'] = df['trade_fees'].astype(float) / df['fx'].astype(float) df['trade_price_fx'] = df['trade_price'].astype(float) / df['fx'].astype(float) return (df)
Example #25
Source File: From thewarden with MIT License | 5 votes |
def list_tickers(): df = pd.read_sql_table('trades', db.engine) df = df[(df.user_id == current_user.username)] # remove the currencies from tickers df['is_currency'] = df['trade_asset_ticker'].apply(is_currency) df = df[df['is_currency'] == False] return (df.trade_asset_ticker.unique().tolist()) # ---------------- PANDAS HELPER FUNCTION -------------------------- # This is a function to concatenate a function returning multiple columns into # a dataframe.
Example #26
Source File: From thewarden with MIT License | 5 votes |
def account_positions(): transactions = Trades.query.filter_by(user_id=current_user.username) if transactions.count() == 0: return render_template("empty.html") df = pd.read_sql_table("trades", db.engine) df = df[(df.user_id == current_user.username)] df["trade_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["trade_date"]) account_table = df.groupby(["trade_account", "trade_asset_ticker" ])[["trade_quantity"]].sum() # All accounts all_accounts = (account_table.query( "trade_asset_ticker != '" + current_user.fx() + "'").index.get_level_values("trade_account").unique().tolist()) # Trim the account list only for accounts that currently hold a position account_table = account_table[account_table.trade_quantity != 0] # Remove accounts with USD only Positions account_table = account_table.query("trade_asset_ticker != 'USD'") # account_table = account_table['trade_asset_ticker' != 'USD'] accounts = account_table.index.get_level_values( "trade_account").unique().tolist() tickers = (account_table.index.get_level_values( "trade_asset_ticker").unique().tolist()) # if 'USD' in tickers: # tickers.remove('USD') return render_template( "account_positions.html", title="Account Positions", accounts=accounts, tickers=tickers, account_table=account_table, all_accounts=all_accounts, )
Example #27
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_readonly_axis_blosc_to_sql(self): # GH11880 if not _BLOSC_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no blosc') if not self._SQLALCHEMY_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no sqlalchemy') expected = DataFrame({'A': list('abcd')}) df = self.encode_decode(expected, compress='blosc') eng = self._create_sql_engine("sqlite:///:memory:") df.to_sql('test', eng, if_exists='append') result = pandas.read_sql_table('test', eng, index_col='index') result.index.names = [None] assert_frame_equal(expected, result)
Example #28
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_readonly_axis_zlib_to_sql(self): # GH11880 if not _ZLIB_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no zlib') if not self._SQLALCHEMY_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no sqlalchemy') expected = DataFrame({'A': list('abcd')}) df = self.encode_decode(expected, compress='zlib') eng = self._create_sql_engine("sqlite:///:memory:") df.to_sql('test', eng, if_exists='append') result = pandas.read_sql_table('test', eng, index_col='index') result.index.names = [None] assert_frame_equal(expected, result)
Example #29
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_readonly_axis_blosc_to_sql(self): # GH11880 if not _BLOSC_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no blosc') if not self._SQLALCHEMY_INSTALLED: pytest.skip('no sqlalchemy') expected = DataFrame({'A': list('abcd')}) df = self.encode_decode(expected, compress='blosc') eng = self._create_sql_engine("sqlite:///:memory:") df.to_sql('test', eng, if_exists='append') result = pandas.read_sql_table('test', eng, index_col='index') result.index.names = [None] assert_frame_equal(expected, result)
Example #30
Source File: From pudl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fuel_by_plant_ferc1(pudl_engine, thresh=0.5): """Summarize FERC fuel data by plant for output. This is mostly a wrapper around :func:`pudl.transform.ferc1.fuel_by_plant_ferc1` which calculates some summary values on a per-plant basis (as indicated by ``utility_id_ferc1`` and ``plant_name_ferc1``) related to fuel consumption. Args: pudl_engine (sqlalchemy.engine.Engine): Engine for connecting to the PUDL database. thresh (float): Minimum fraction of fuel (cost and mmbtu) required in order for a plant to be assigned a primary fuel. Must be between 0.5 and 1.0. default value is 0.5. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame with fuel use summarized by plant. """ fbp_df = ( pd.read_sql_table('fuel_ferc1', pudl_engine) .drop(['id'], axis="columns") .pipe(pudl.transform.ferc1.fuel_by_plant_ferc1, thresh=thresh) .merge(plants_utils_ferc1(pudl_engine), on=['utility_id_ferc1', 'plant_name_ferc1']) .pipe(pudl.helpers.organize_cols, ['report_year', 'utility_id_ferc1', 'utility_id_pudl', 'utility_name_ferc1', 'plant_id_pudl', 'plant_name_ferc1']) ) return fbp_df