Python keras.datasets.cifar10.load_data() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of keras.datasets.cifar10.load_data().
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Example #1
Source File: From DeepFashion with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def load_and_preprocess_data_3(): # The data, shuffled and split between train and test sets: (X_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() logging.debug('X_train shape: {}'.format(X_train.shape)) logging.debug('train samples: {}'.format(X_train.shape[0])) logging.debug('test samples: {}'.format(x_test.shape[0])) # Convert class vectors to binary class matrices. y_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes) y_test = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes) X_train = X_train.astype('float32') x_test = x_test.astype('float32') X_train /= 255 x_test /= 255 input_shape = X_train[0].shape logging.debug('input_shape {}'.format(input_shape)) input_shape = X_train.shape[1:] logging.debug('input_shape {}'.format(input_shape)) return X_train, x_test, y_train, y_test, input_shape
Example #2
Source File: From super-simple-distributed-keras with MIT License | 7 votes |
def get_mnist(): """Retrieve the MNIST dataset and process the data.""" # Set defaults. nb_classes = 10 batch_size = 128 input_shape = (784,) # Get the data. (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() x_train = x_train.reshape(60000, 784) x_test = x_test.reshape(10000, 784) x_train = x_train.astype('float32') x_test = x_test.astype('float32') x_train /= 255 x_test /= 255 # convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = to_categorical(y_train, nb_classes) y_test = to_categorical(y_test, nb_classes) return (nb_classes, batch_size, input_shape, x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test)
Example #3
Source File: From RelativisticGAN-Tensorflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_cifar10(size=64) : (train_data, train_labels), (test_data, test_labels) = cifar10.load_data() train_data = normalize(train_data) test_data = normalize(test_data) x = np.concatenate((train_data, test_data), axis=0) # y = np.concatenate((train_labels, test_labels), axis=0).astype( seed = 777 np.random.seed(seed) np.random.shuffle(x) # np.random.seed(seed) # np.random.shuffle(y) x = np.asarray([scipy.misc.imresize(x_img, [size, size]) for x_img in x]) return x
Example #4
Source File: From neural-network-genetic-algorithm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_mnist(): """Retrieve the MNIST dataset and process the data.""" # Set defaults. nb_classes = 10 batch_size = 128 input_shape = (784,) # Get the data. (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() x_train = x_train.reshape(60000, 784) x_test = x_test.reshape(10000, 784) x_train = x_train.astype('float32') x_test = x_test.astype('float32') x_train /= 255 x_test /= 255 # convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = to_categorical(y_train, nb_classes) y_test = to_categorical(y_test, nb_classes) return (nb_classes, batch_size, input_shape, x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test)
Example #5
Source File: From neural-network-genetic-algorithm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_cifar10(): """Retrieve the CIFAR dataset and process the data.""" # Set defaults. nb_classes = 10 batch_size = 64 input_shape = (3072,) # Get the data. (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() x_train = x_train.reshape(50000, 3072) x_test = x_test.reshape(10000, 3072) x_train = x_train.astype('float32') x_test = x_test.astype('float32') x_train /= 255 x_test /= 255 # convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = to_categorical(y_train, nb_classes) y_test = to_categorical(y_test, nb_classes) return (nb_classes, batch_size, input_shape, x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test)
Example #6
Source File: From Multi-level-DCNet with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def load_dataset(): # Load the dataset from Keras from keras.datasets import cifar10 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() # Preprocessing the dataset x_train = x_train.astype('float32') x_test = x_test.astype('float32') x_train= preprocess_input(x_train) x_test= preprocess_input(x_test) x_train = x_train.reshape(-1, 32, 32, 3).astype('float32') x_test = x_test.reshape(-1, 32, 32, 3).astype('float32') y_train = to_categorical(y_train.astype('float32')) y_test = to_categorical(y_test.astype('float32')) return (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)
Example #7
Source File: From Pseudo-Label-Keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, model, n_labeled_sample, batch_size): self.n_labeled_sample = n_labeled_sample self.batch_size = batch_size self.model = model self.n_classes = 10 # labeled_unlabeledの作成 (X_train, y_train), (self.X_test, self.y_test) = cifar10.load_data() indices = np.arange(X_train.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(indices) self.X_train_labeled = X_train[indices[:n_labeled_sample]] self.y_train_labeled = y_train[indices[:n_labeled_sample]] self.X_train_unlabeled = X_train[indices[n_labeled_sample:]] self.y_train_unlabeled_groundtruth = y_train[indices[n_labeled_sample:]] # unlabeledの予測値 self.y_train_unlabeled_prediction = np.random.randint( 10, size=(self.y_train_unlabeled_groundtruth.shape[0], 1)) # steps_per_epoch self.train_steps_per_epoch = X_train.shape[0] // batch_size self.test_stepes_per_epoch = self.X_test.shape[0] // batch_size # unlabeledの重み self.alpha_t = 0.0 # labeled/unlabeledの一致率推移 self.unlabeled_accuracy = [] self.labeled_accuracy = []
Example #8
Source File: From Pseudo-Label-Keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, model, n_labeled_sample, batch_size): self.n_labeled_sample = n_labeled_sample self.batch_size = batch_size self.model = model self.n_classes = 10 # labeled_unlabeledの作成 (X_train, y_train), (self.X_test, self.y_test) = cifar10.load_data() indices = np.arange(X_train.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(indices) self.X_train_labeled = X_train[indices[:n_labeled_sample]] self.y_train_labeled = y_train[indices[:n_labeled_sample]] self.X_train_unlabeled = X_train[indices[n_labeled_sample:]] self.y_train_unlabeled_groundtruth = y_train[indices[n_labeled_sample:]] # unlabeledの予測値 self.y_train_unlabeled_prediction = np.random.randint( 10, size=(self.y_train_unlabeled_groundtruth.shape[0], 1)) # steps_per_epoch self.train_steps_per_epoch = X_train.shape[0] // batch_size self.test_stepes_per_epoch = self.X_test.shape[0] // batch_size # unlabeledの重み self.alpha_t = 0.05 # labeled/unlabeledの一致率推移 self.unlabeled_accuracy = [] self.labeled_accuracy = []
Example #9
Source File: From Pseudo-Label-Keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, model, n_labeled_sample, batch_size): self.n_labeled_sample = n_labeled_sample self.batch_size = batch_size self.model = model self.n_classes = 10 # labeled_unlabeledの作成 (X_train, y_train), (self.X_test, self.y_test) = cifar10.load_data() indices = np.arange(X_train.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(indices) self.X_train_labeled = X_train[indices[:n_labeled_sample]] self.y_train_labeled = y_train[indices[:n_labeled_sample]] self.X_train_unlabeled = X_train[indices[n_labeled_sample:]] self.y_train_unlabeled_groundtruth = y_train[indices[n_labeled_sample:]] # unlabeledの予測値 self.y_train_unlabeled_prediction = np.random.randint( 10, size=(self.y_train_unlabeled_groundtruth.shape[0], 1)) # steps_per_epoch self.train_steps_per_epoch = X_train.shape[0] // batch_size self.test_stepes_per_epoch = self.X_test.shape[0] // batch_size # unlabeledの重み self.alpha_t = 0.0 # labeled/unlabeledの一致率推移 self.unlabeled_accuracy = [] self.labeled_accuracy = []
Example #10
Source File: From super-simple-distributed-keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_cifar10(): """Retrieve the CIFAR dataset and process the data.""" # Set defaults. nb_classes = 10 batch_size = 64 input_shape = (3072,) # Get the data. (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() x_train = x_train.reshape(50000, 3072) x_test = x_test.reshape(10000, 3072) x_train = x_train.astype('float32') x_test = x_test.astype('float32') x_train /= 255 x_test /= 255 # convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = to_categorical(y_train, nb_classes) y_test = to_categorical(y_test, nb_classes) return (nb_classes, batch_size, input_shape, x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test)
Example #11
Source File: From Pseudo-Label-Keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, model, n_labeled_sample, batch_size): self.n_labeled_sample = n_labeled_sample self.batch_size = batch_size self.model = model self.n_classes = 10 # labeled_unlabeledの作成 (X_train, y_train), (self.X_test, self.y_test) = cifar10.load_data() indices = np.arange(X_train.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(indices) self.X_train_labeled = X_train[indices[:n_labeled_sample]] self.y_train_labeled = y_train[indices[:n_labeled_sample]] self.X_train_unlabeled = X_train[indices[n_labeled_sample:]] self.y_train_unlabeled_groundtruth = y_train[indices[n_labeled_sample:]] # unlabeledの予測値 self.y_train_unlabeled_prediction = np.random.randint( 10, size=(self.y_train_unlabeled_groundtruth.shape[0], 1)) # steps_per_epoch self.train_steps_per_epoch = X_train.shape[0] // batch_size self.test_stepes_per_epoch = self.X_test.shape[0] // batch_size # unlabeledの重み self.alpha_t = 0.0 # labeled/unlabeledの一致率推移 self.unlabeled_accuracy = [] self.labeled_accuracy = []
Example #12
Source File: From Self-Attention-GAN-Tensorflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_mnist(size=64): (train_data, train_labels), (test_data, test_labels) = mnist.load_data() train_data = normalize(train_data) test_data = normalize(test_data) x = np.concatenate((train_data, test_data), axis=0) # y = np.concatenate((train_labels, test_labels), axis=0).astype( seed = 777 np.random.seed(seed) np.random.shuffle(x) # np.random.seed(seed) # np.random.shuffle(y) # x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=-1) x = np.asarray([scipy.misc.imresize(x_img, [size, size]) for x_img in x]) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=-1) return x
Example #13
Source File: From CAPTCHA-breaking with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_cifar(self): print('cifar10') (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() print(X_train.shape) print(X_test.shape) print(y_train.shape) print(y_test.shape) print('cifar100 fine') (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = cifar100.load_data('fine') print(X_train.shape) print(X_test.shape) print(y_train.shape) print(y_test.shape) print('cifar100 coarse') (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = cifar100.load_data('coarse') print(X_train.shape) print(X_test.shape) print(y_train.shape) print(y_test.shape)
Example #14
Source File: From Self-Attention-GAN-Tensorflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_cifar10(size=64) : (train_data, train_labels), (test_data, test_labels) = cifar10.load_data() train_data = normalize(train_data) test_data = normalize(test_data) x = np.concatenate((train_data, test_data), axis=0) # y = np.concatenate((train_labels, test_labels), axis=0).astype( seed = 777 np.random.seed(seed) np.random.shuffle(x) # np.random.seed(seed) # np.random.shuffle(y) x = np.asarray([scipy.misc.imresize(x_img, [size, size]) for x_img in x]) return x
Example #15
Source File: From CAPTCHA-breaking with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_imdb(self): print('imdb') (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data()
Example #16
Source File: From RelativisticGAN-Tensorflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_mnist(size=64): (train_data, train_labels), (test_data, test_labels) = mnist.load_data() train_data = normalize(train_data) test_data = normalize(test_data) x = np.concatenate((train_data, test_data), axis=0) # y = np.concatenate((train_labels, test_labels), axis=0).astype( seed = 777 np.random.seed(seed) np.random.shuffle(x) # np.random.seed(seed) # np.random.shuffle(y) # x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=-1) x = np.asarray([scipy.misc.imresize(x_img, [size, size]) for x_img in x]) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=-1) return x
Example #17
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_reuters(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = reuters.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) assert len(x_train) + len(x_test) == 11228 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = reuters.load_data(maxlen=10) assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) word_index = reuters.get_word_index() assert isinstance(word_index, dict)
Example #18
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_boston_housing(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = boston_housing.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test)
Example #19
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_imdb(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data() (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data(maxlen=40) assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) word_index = imdb.get_word_index() assert isinstance(word_index, dict)
Example #20
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_mnist(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 60000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000
Example #21
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_boston_housing(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = boston_housing.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test)
Example #22
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_imdb(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data() (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data(maxlen=40) assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) word_index = imdb.get_word_index() assert isinstance(word_index, dict)
Example #23
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_mnist(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 60000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000
Example #24
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_mnist(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 60000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000
Example #25
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_cifar(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 50000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar100.load_data('fine') assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 50000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar100.load_data('coarse') assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 50000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000
Example #26
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_cifar(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 50000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar100.load_data('fine') assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 50000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar100.load_data('coarse') assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 50000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000
Example #27
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_reuters(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = reuters.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) assert len(x_train) + len(x_test) == 11228 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = reuters.load_data(maxlen=10) assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) word_index = reuters.get_word_index() assert isinstance(word_index, dict)
Example #28
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_reuters(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = reuters.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) assert len(x_train) + len(x_test) == 11228 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = reuters.load_data(maxlen=10) assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) word_index = reuters.get_word_index() assert isinstance(word_index, dict)
Example #29
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_mnist(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) == 60000 assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) == 10000
Example #30
Source File: From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_imdb(): # only run data download tests 20% of the time # to speed up frequent testing random.seed(time.time()) if random.random() > 0.8: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data() (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data(maxlen=40) assert len(x_train) == len(y_train) assert len(x_test) == len(y_test) word_index = imdb.get_word_index() assert isinstance(word_index, dict)