Python pymel.core.deleteUI() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of pymel.core.deleteUI().
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Example #1
Source File: From mgear_dist with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create(menuId=menuId): """Create mGear main menu Args: menuId (str, optional): Main menu name Returns: str: main manu name """ if, exists=True): pm.deleteUI(menuId), parent="MayaWindow", tearOff=True, allowOptionBoxes=True, label=menuId) return menuId
Example #2
Source File: From spore with MIT License | 5 votes |
def remove_menu(self): """ remove the spore main menu """ self.logger.debug('Delete menu...') pm.deleteUI(
Example #3
Source File: From onionSkinRenderer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def deleteControl(self, control): if kDebugAll: print 'delete Control' if pm.workspaceControl(control, q=True, exists=True): pm.workspaceControl(control, e=True, close=True) pm.deleteUI(control, control=True) #
Example #4
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def close(self, value): """closes the UI """ core.deleteUI(self.window_name, window=True) ### learning Scene Version
Example #5
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def delete_button(self): """delete rows """ pm.deleteUI(self.layout, layout=True)
Example #6
Source File: From PythonForMayaSamples with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, dock=False): # First lets delete a dock if we have one so that we aren't creating more than we neec deleteDock() # Then if we have a UI called lightingManager, we'll delete it so that we can only have one instance of this # A try except is a very important part of programming when we don't want an error to stop our code # We first try to do something and if we fail, then we do something else. try: pm.deleteUI('lightingManager') except: logger.debug('No previous UI exists') # <=Maya2016: For Maya 2016 and below we always put it inside a QDialog and only dock at the end of this __init__ # Then we create a new dialog and give it the main maya window as its parent # we also store it as the parent for our current UI to be put inside parent = QtWidgets.QDialog(parent=getMayaMainWindow()) # We set its name so that we can find and delete it later # <=Maya2016: This also lets us attach the light manager to our dock control parent.setObjectName('lightingManager') # Then we set the title parent.setWindowTitle('Lighting Manager') # Finally we give it a layout dlgLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(parent) # Now we are on to our actual widget # We've figured out our parent, so lets send that to the QWidgets initialization method super(LightingManager, self).__init__(parent=parent) # We call our buildUI method to construct our UI self.buildUI() # Now we can tell it to populate with widgets for every light self.populate() # We then add ourself to our parents layout self.parent().layout().addWidget(self) # Finally if we're not docked, then we show our parent # <=Maya2016: For Maya 2016 and below we need to create the dock after we create our widget's parent window if dock: getDock()
Example #7
Source File: From PythonForMayaSamples with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def deleteDock(name='LightingManagerDock'): """ A simple function to delete the given dock Args: name: the name of the dock """ # We use the dockControl to see if the dock exists if pm.dockControl(name, query=True, exists=True): # If it does we delete it pm.deleteUI(name)
Example #8
Source File: From PythonForMayaSamples with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def deleteDock(name='LightingManagerDock'): """ A simple function to delete the given dock Args: name: the name of the dock """ # We use the workspaceControl to see if the dock exists if pm.workspaceControl(name, query=True, exists=True): # If it does we delete it pm.deleteUI(name)
Example #9
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 4 votes |
def showDialog(dialog, dInst=True, dockable=False, *args): """ Show the defined dialog window Attributes: dialog (QDialog): The window to show. """ if dInst: try: for c in maya_main_window().children(): if isinstance(c, dialog): c.deleteLater() except Exception: pass # Create minimal dialog object # if versions.current() >= 20180000: # windw = dialog(maya_main_window()) # else: windw = dialog() # ensure clean workspace name if hasattr(windw, "toolName") and dockable: control = windw.toolName + "WorkspaceControl" if pm.workspaceControl(control, q=True, exists=True): pm.workspaceControl(control, e=True, close=True) pm.deleteUI(control, control=True) desktop = QtWidgets.QApplication.desktop() screen = desktop.screen() screen_center = screen.rect().center() windw_center = windw.rect().center() windw.move(screen_center - windw_center) # Delete the UI if errors occur to avoid causing winEvent # and event errors (in Maya 2014) try: if dockable: else: return windw except Exception: windw.deleteLater() traceback.print_exc()
Example #10
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 4 votes |
def UI(): """The UI of the script """ window_width = 153 window_height = 80 window_name = "oyFixBoundJoint_Window" if pm.window(window_name, ex=True): pm.deleteUI(window_name, window=True) window = pm.window( window_name, tlb=True, title="fixBoundJoint " + __version__, widthHeight=(window_width, window_height) ) pm.columnLayout("FBJ_columnLayout1", adj=True) pm.checkBox( "FBJ_checkBox1", l="Freeze transformations", al="left", v=1 ) pm.checkBox( "FBJ_checkBox2", l="Apply to children", al="left" ) pm.button( "FBJ_button1", l="Apply", c=get_check_box_states_and_run ) pm.setParent() window.setWidthHeight(val=(window_width, window_height))
Example #11
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 4 votes |
def UI(): """The UI """ if pm.window("selectionManagerWindow", ex=True): pm.deleteUI("selectionManagerWindow", wnd=True) selection_manager_window = pm.window( 'selectionManagerWindow', wh=(300, 200), title=("Selection Manager %s" % __version__) ) form_layout1 = pm.formLayout("selectionManager_formLayout1", nd=100) with form_layout1: button1 = pm.button(l="Add selection to List") scroll_layout1 = pm.scrollLayout("selectionManager_scrollLayout1", cr=True) with scroll_layout1: pm.gridLayout( "selectionManager_gridLayout1", nc=1, cwh=(((17 * 4) + 204), 22), aec=False, cr=False ) pm.formLayout( form_layout1, edit=True, attachForm=[ (button1, "left", 0), (button1, "right", 0), (button1, "top", 0), (scroll_layout1, "left", 0), (scroll_layout1, "right", 0), (scroll_layout1, "bottom", 0) ], attachControl=[(scroll_layout1, "top", 0, button1)], attachNone=[(button1, "bottom")]) def create_row(parent): row = SelectionRowFactory.create_row(parent) row._draw() button1.setCommand(pm.Callback(create_row, scroll_layout1)) # restore rows from Maya scene for row in SelectionRowFactory.restore_rows(scroll_layout1): row._draw() pm.showWindow(selection_manager_window)
Example #12
Source File: From PythonForMayaSamples with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, dock=False): # So first we check if we want this to be able to dock if dock: # If we should be able to dock, then we'll use this function to get the dock parent = getDock() else: # Otherwise, lets remove all instances of the dock incase it's already docked deleteDock() # Then if we have a UI called lightingManager, we'll delete it so that we can only have one instance of this # A try except is a very important part of programming when we don't want an error to stop our code # We first try to do something and if we fail, then we do something else. try: pm.deleteUI('lightingManager') except: logger.debug('No previous UI exists') # Then we create a new dialog and give it the main maya window as its parent # we also store it as the parent for our current UI to be put inside parent = QtWidgets.QDialog(parent=getMayaMainWindow()) # We set its name so that we can find and delete it later parent.setObjectName('lightingManager') # Then we set the title parent.setWindowTitle('Lighting Manager') # Finally we give it a layout dlgLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(parent) # Now we are on to our actual widget # We've figured out our parent, so lets send that to the QWidgets initialization method super(LightingManager, self).__init__(parent=parent) # We call our buildUI method to construct our UI self.buildUI() # Now we can tell it to populate with widgets for every light self.populate() # We then add ourself to our parents layout self.parent().layout().addWidget(self) # Finally if we're not docked, then we show our parent if not dock: