Python pymel.core.createNode() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pymel.core.createNode().
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Example #1
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def getConditionNode(plug, level): ''' ''' conditions = PyNode(plug).listConnections(type='condition', p=True, d=True, s=False) for condition in conditions: if condition.attrName() == 'ft' and condition.node().secondTerm.get() == level: return condition.node() condition = createNode('condition', n=plug.split('.')[1] + '_%i' % level) condition.secondTerm.set(level) condition.operation.set(3) connectAttr( plug, condition.firstTerm, f=True ) condition.colorIfTrue.set(1, 1, 1) condition.colorIfFalse.set(0, 0, 0) return condition
Example #2
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_shot(self, name='', handle=default_handle_count): """Creates a new shot. :param str name: A string value for the newly created shot name, if skipped or given empty, the next empty shot name will be generated. :param int handle: An integer value for the handle attribute. Default is 10. :returns: The created :class:`~pm.nt.Shot` instance """ shot = pm.createNode('shot') shot.shotName.set(name) shot.set_handle(handle=handle) shot.set_output('') # connect to the sequencer shot.message >> self.shots.next_available return shot
Example #3
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_arnold_stand_in(path=None): """A fixed version of original arnold script of SolidAngle Arnold core API """ if not pm.objExists('ArnoldStandInDefaultLightSet'): pm.createNode( "objectSet", name="ArnoldStandInDefaultLightSet", shared=True ) pm.lightlink( object='ArnoldStandInDefaultLightSet', light='defaultLightSet' ) stand_in = pm.createNode('aiStandIn', n='ArnoldStandInShape') # temp fix until we can correct in c++ plugin stand_in.setAttr('visibleInReflections', True) stand_in.setAttr('visibleInRefractions', True) pm.sets('ArnoldStandInDefaultLightSet', add=stand_in) if path: stand_in.setAttr('dso', path) return stand_in
Example #4
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def createVertexPositionNode(inShape, vId=0, output=None, name="mgear_vertexPosition"): """Creates a mgear_vertexPosition node""" node = pm.createNode("mgear_vertexPosition", n=name) inShape.worldMesh.connect(node.inputShape) node.vertex.set(vId) if output: pm.connectAttr(output.parentInverseMatrix, node.drivenParentInverseMatrix) pm.connectAttr(node.output, output.translate) return node ############################################# # CREATE MULTI NODES #############################################
Example #5
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setup_stretchy_spline_ik_curve(cls): """ """ selection = curve = selection[0] curve_info = pm.createNode("curveInfo") mult_div = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide") curve_shape = pm.listRelatives(curve, s=1) curve_shape[0].worldSpace >> curve_info.ic curve_info.arcLength >> mult_div.input1X curve_length = curve_info.arcLength.get() mult_div.input2X.set(curve_length) mult_div.operation.set(2), curve_info, curve_shape[0], add=True)
Example #6
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def createCurveInfoNode(crv): """Create and connect a curveInfo node. Arguments: crv (dagNode): The curve. Returns: pyNode: the newly created node. >>> crv_node = nod.createCurveInfoNode(self.slv_crv) """ node = pm.createNode("curveInfo") shape = pm.listRelatives(crv, shapes=True)[0] pm.connectAttr(shape + ".local", node + ".inputCurve") return node # TODO: update using plusMinusAverage node
Example #7
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def createDecomposeMatrixNode(m): """ Create and connect a decomposeMatrix node. Arguments: m(str or attr): The matrix attribute name. Returns: pyNode: the newly created node. >>> dm_node = nod.createDecomposeMatrixNode(mulmat_node+".output") """ node = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") pm.connectAttr(m, node + ".inputMatrix") return node
Example #8
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def gear_inverseRotorder_op(out_obj, in_obj): """ Apply a sn_inverseRotorder_op operator Arguments: out_obj (dagNode): Output object. in_obj (dagNode): Input object. Returns: pyNode: The newly created operator. """ node = pm.createNode("mgear_inverseRotOrder") pm.connectAttr(in_obj + ".ro", node + ".ro") pm.connectAttr(node + ".output", out_obj + ".ro") return node
Example #9
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_next_available_with_all_connected_attribute(self): """testing if the next available attribute will be returned when no empty plugs are present """ sequence_manager =[0] # connect new sequences seq1 = pm.createNode('sequence') seq2 = pm.createNode('sequence') seq3 = pm.createNode('sequence') seq1.message >> sequence_manager.sequences[0] seq2.message >> sequence_manager.sequences[1] seq3.message >> sequence_manager.sequences[2] attr = sequence_manager.sequences.next_available self.assertIsInstance( attr, pm.general.Attribute ) self.assertEqual( 3, sequence_manager.sequences.next_available.index() )
Example #10
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 6 votes |
def createFollicle(target=None, param=[0.5,0.5], name="follicle"): """ Create follicle. :param target: `PyNode` target that the follicle connected to :param param: `list` [u, v] follicle uv parameter :param name: `string` follicle name :return: `PyNode` follicle ransform node """ follicle = pm.createNode("follicle") follicle.parameterU.set(param[0]) follicle.parameterV.set(param[1]) if target: targetShape = target.getShape() targetShape.worldMatrix.connect(follicle.inputWorldMatrix) if targetShape.nodeType() == "nurbsSurface": targetShape.local.connect(follicle.inputSurface) elif targetShape.nodeType() == "mesh": targetShape.outMesh.connect(follicle.inputMesh) folTransform = follicle.getParent() follicle.outRotate.connect(folTransform.rotate) follicle.outTranslate.connect(folTransform.translate) pm.rename(folTransform, name) return folTransform
Example #11
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def gear_intmatrix_op(mA, mB, blend=0): """ create mGear interpolate Matrix node. Arguments: mA (matrix): Input matrix A. mB (matrix): Input matrix A. blend (float or connection): Blending value. Returns: pyNode: Newly created mGear_intMatrix node """ node = pm.createNode("mgear_intMatrix") pm.connectAttr(mA, node + ".matrixA") pm.connectAttr(mB, node + ".matrixB") if (isinstance(blend, str) or isinstance(blend, unicode) or isinstance(blend, pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(blend, node + ".blend") else: pm.setAttr(node + ".blend", blend) return node
Example #12
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 6 votes |
def createParentTransform(suffix="grp", targetNode=None): """ Create a parent transform of the node that matches the node position. :param suffix: `string` parent node name :param targetNode: `PyNode` node to add parent transform :return: `PyNode` result transform node """ if not targetNode: try: targetNode =[0] except: print "No target node is specified." return None grpNode = pm.createNode("transform", n="{0}_{1}".format(,suffix)) pm.delete(pm.parentConstraint(targetNode, grpNode, mo=False)) grpNode.setParent(targetNode.getParent()) targetNode.setParent(grpNode) return grpNode
Example #13
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get(create=True): ''' Returns the shared shape if it exists and makes it if it doesn't if create=True (default). ''' obj = core.findNode.mainGroup() if not obj: return None shape = find(obj) if shape: return shape if create: return _makeSharedShape(obj, 'sharedShape', 'sharedShape') else: return None ''' shape = cmds.createNode( 'nurbsCurve', p=obj.longName() ) cmds.addAttr( shape, ln='sharedShape', at='message' ) cmds.rename( shape, 'sharedShape' ) return obj.longName() + '|sharedShape' '''
Example #14
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _duplicate_shape(old_shape): new_shape = pymel.createNode('nurbsCurve') # Transfert various attributes mel_dst = '{0}.create'.format(new_shape) # prevent annoying pymel warning pymel.connectAttr(old_shape.local, mel_dst) new_shape.create.evaluate() # Force maya to cache the shape before unconnecting pymel.disconnectAttr(old_shape.local, mel_dst) # Transfert various attributes for att_name in transferable_shape_attrs: att_old = old_shape.attr(att_name) att_new = new_shape.attr(att_name) att_new.set(att_old.get()) return new_shape
Example #15
Source File: From metanode with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def create(cls, name): """ Create a new Metanode. :param string name: The name for the created node. :return: Metanode class wrapping the newly created node. """ network_node = pm.createNode(NODE_TYPE) network_node.rename(name) for coreAttrName, coreAttrArgs in cls.attr_core().iteritems(): value = coreAttrArgs.pop('value') network_node.addAttr(coreAttrName, **coreAttrArgs) network_node.attr(coreAttrName).set(value) network_node.attr(coreAttrName).setLocked(True) for coreAttrName, coreAttrArgs in cls.attr_class().iteritems(): network_node.addAttr(coreAttrName, **coreAttrArgs) return cls(network_node)
Example #16
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_sequence(self, name=None): """Creates a new sequence :return: pm.nodetypes.Sequence """ sequencer = pm.createNode('sequencer') if not name: name = '' sequencer.set_sequence_name(name) sequencer.message >> self.sequences.next_available return sequencer
Example #17
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createNegateNodeMulti(name, inputs=[]): """Create and connect multiple negate nodes Arguments: name (str): The name for the new node. inputs (list of attr): The list of attributes to negate Returns: list: The output attributes list. """ s = "XYZ" count = 0 i = 0 outputs = [] for input in inputs: if count == 0: real_name = name + "_" + str(i) node_name = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide", n=real_name) i += 1 pm.connectAttr(input, node_name + ".input1" + s[count], f=True) pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input2" + s[count], -1) outputs.append(node_name + ".output" + s[count]) count = (count + 1) % 3 return outputs
Example #18
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_rs_proxy_node(path=None): """Creates Redshift Proxies showing a proxy object """ proxy_mesh_node = pm.createNode('RedshiftProxyMesh') proxy_mesh_node.fileName.set(path) proxy_mesh_shape = pm.createNode('mesh') proxy_mesh_node.outMesh >> proxy_mesh_shape.inMesh # assign default material pm.sets('initialShadingGroup', fe=proxy_mesh_shape) return proxy_mesh_node, proxy_mesh_shape
Example #19
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_barn_door(self): """creates the barn door node """ light_shape = self.light.getShape() inputs = light_shape.inputs(type='aiBarndoor') if inputs: self.barn_door = inputs[0] else: self.barn_door = pm.createNode('aiBarndoor') self.barn_door.attr('message') >> \ light_shape.attr('aiFilters').next_available
Example #20
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _makeSharedShape(obj, name, shapeType): ''' shapeType should be either 'sharedShape' or 'kinematicSwitch' Returns a string of the shape, ex 'Foot_L|sharedShape' (to bypass pymel warnings) ''' shape = cmds.createNode( 'nurbsCurve', p=obj.longName() ) # 2017 added a bunch of keyable attrs so get rid of them if possible. for attr in cmds.listAttr(shape, k=True): try: cmds.setAttr(shape + '.' + attr, k=False, l=True) except Exception as e: # noqa #print( e ) pass # Make it a valid curve so it doesn't get deleted during optimize scene # but lock and hide it. mel.eval('''setAttr "" -type "nurbsCurve" 1 1 0 no 3 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;''' % shape ) setAttr(shape + '.visibility', False, l=True) # noqa addAttr(shape, ln=core.shape.sharedShapeTag, at='message') cmds.addAttr( shape, ln=shapeType, at='message' ) cmds.rename( shape, name ) return obj.longName() + '|' + name
Example #21
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_follicle(cls, component): """creates a follicle at given component """ follicle_shape = pm.createNode('follicle') geometry = component.node() uv = None if isinstance(geometry, pm.nt.Mesh): geometry.attr('outMesh') >> follicle_shape.attr('inputMesh') # get uv uv = component.getUV() elif isinstance(geometry, pm.nt.NurbsSurface): geometry.attr('local') >> follicle_shape.attr('inputSurface') # get uv # TODO: Fix this uv = [0, 0] geometry.attr('worldMatrix[0]') >> follicle_shape.attr( 'inputWorldMatrix') follicle_shape.setAttr('pu', uv[0]) follicle_shape.setAttr('pv', uv[1]) # set simulation to static follicle_shape.setAttr('simulationMethod', 0) # connect to its transform node follicle = follicle_shape.getParent() follicle_shape.attr('outTranslate') >> follicle.attr('t') follicle_shape.attr('outRotate') >> follicle.attr('r') return follicle
Example #22
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert_to_linear(cls): """adds a gamma_gain node in between the selected nodes outputs to make the result linear """ # # convert to linear # selection = for file_node in selection: # get the connections outputs = file_node.outputs(plugs=True) if not len(outputs): continue # and insert a mip_gamma_gain gamma_node = pm.createNode('mip_gamma_gain') gamma_node.setAttr('gamma', 2.2) gamma_node.setAttr('reverse', True) # connect the file_node to gamma_node try: file_node.outValue >> gamma_node.input file_node.outValueA >> gamma_node.inputA except AttributeError: file_node.outColor >> gamma_node.input # do all the connections from the output of the gamma for output in outputs: try: gamma_node.outValue >> output except RuntimeError: gamma_node.outValueA >> output
Example #23
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def vertex_aligned_locator(cls): """creates vertex aligned locator, select 3 vertices """ selection =, fl=1) # get the axises p0 = selection[0].getPosition(space='world') p1 = selection[1].getPosition(space='world') p2 = selection[2].getPosition(space='world') v1 = p0 - p1 v2 = p2 - p1 #v3 = p0 - p2 v1.normalize() v2.normalize() dcm = pm.createNode('decomposeMatrix') x = v1 z = v2 y = z ^ x y.normalize() dcm.inputMatrix.set( [x[0], x[1], x[2], 0, y[0], y[1], y[2], 0, z[0], z[1], z[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], type='matrix') loc = pm.spaceLocator() loc.t.set(p1) loc.r.set(dcm.outputRotate.get()) pm.delete(dcm)
Example #24
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def attach_follicle(cls): """attaches a follicle on selected mesh vertices """ pnts = for pnt in pnts: mesh = pnt.node() follicle = pm.createNode('follicle') mesh.worldMesh[0] >> follicle.inputMesh uv = pnts[0].getUV() follicle.parameterU.set(uv[0]) follicle.parameterV.set(uv[1]) follicle_t = follicle.getParent() follicle.outTranslate >> follicle_t.t follicle.outRotate >> follicle_t.r
Example #25
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def transform(cls, name=''): node = pm.createNode("transform") cls.rename(node, name) return node
Example #26
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _createNetwork(self): """creates a networkNode. This node holds all the limb nodes """ #creates a networkNode. This node holds all the maya nodes self._name = self._name + "_Network" pm.createNode("network", n=
Example #27
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def aimObject(toTarget, fromTarget): """ Aim object to the target. :param toTarget: `PyNode` or `list` object or world position to aim to :param fromTarget: `PyNode` object to transform :return: """ if isinstance(toTarget, list): targetObj = pm.createNode("transform") pm.xform(targetObj, t=toTarget, ws=1) pm.delete(pm.aimConstraint(targetObj, fromTarget, mo=0, wut=0)) pm.delete(targetObj) else: pm.delete(pm.aimConstraint(toTarget, fromTarget, mo=0, wut=0))
Example #28
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _create_curveInfo(self): #create a new CurveInfo Node self._curveInfo = pm.createNode("curveInfo", n= self._curveNode + "_curveInfo") pm.connectAttr(self._curveNode.worldSpace, self._curveInfo.inputCurve) return self._curveInfo
Example #29
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def buildJointChainFromCurve(curve, jointNum, prefix, suffix, rebuildCurve=False, orientJoint="xyz", saoType="yup"): """ Build joint chain along the curve. :param curve: `PyNode` curve that defines the joint position :param jointNum: `int` number of joints in the chain :param prefix: `string` prefix string in joint name :param suffix: `string` suffix string in joint name :param rebuildCurve: `bool` if true, rebuild the input curve to make sure the joints are evenly positioned, but can't guarantee the joints lands exacly on the input curve :param orientJoint: `string` orient joint flag :param saoType: `string` secondary axis orient flag :return: `list` list of joint nodes in the joint chain. sorted by hierarchy. """ if rebuildCurve: curve = pm.rebuildCurve(curve, rpo=0, end=1, kr=0, rt=0, d=7, ch=0, s=64)[0] poci = pm.createNode("pointOnCurveInfo") poci.turnOnPercentage.set(1) curve.worldSpace[0].connect(poci.inputCurve) joints = [] ratio = 1.0/(jointNum-1.0) for i in range(jointNum): poci.parameter.set(ratio*i) joint = pm.joint(n="{0}_{1:0>2d}_{2}".format(prefix, i, suffix), p=poci.position.get()) joints.append(joint) pm.joint(joints, oj=orientJoint, sao=saoType) return joints
Example #30
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_node_type_is_not_on_the_spec_sheet(self): """testing if no error will be raised when the given node type is not on the conversion spec sheet """ # create a surface node node = pm.createNode('surface') conversion_man = ai2rs.ConversionManager() rs_material = conversion_man.convert(node) self.assertIsNone(rs_material)