Python pymel.core.objExists() Examples

The following are 15 code examples of pymel.core.objExists(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module pymel.core , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From anima with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def create_arnold_stand_in(path=None):
    """A fixed version of original arnold script of SolidAngle Arnold core API
    if not pm.objExists('ArnoldStandInDefaultLightSet'):

    stand_in = pm.createNode('aiStandIn', n='ArnoldStandInShape')
    # temp fix until we can correct in c++ plugin
    stand_in.setAttr('visibleInReflections', True)
    stand_in.setAttr('visibleInRefractions', True)

    pm.sets('ArnoldStandInDefaultLightSet', add=stand_in)
    if path:
        stand_in.setAttr('dso', path)

    return stand_in 
Example #2
Source File:    From metanode with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def update_metanodes(cls):
        Call .update() on all metanodes in cls.update and return update messages.
        update_message = ''
        for metanode in reversed(cls.update):
            if pm.objExists(metanode.node):
                new, missing, could_not_set = metanode.update()
                if new:
                    update_message += 'Updating Metanode: {0}\n'.format(new)
                if missing:
                    update_message += 'New Metanode lacks previous attributes: {0}'.format(missing)
                if could_not_set:
                    update_message += 'Could not set attributes: {0}'.format(could_not_set)

        return update_message

Example #3
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _processAttr(plug, dups, forceKeys, staticValues, start, end):
    Used by `save`

    crvs = cmds.listConnections( plug, type='animCurve' )
    if not crvs:
        if forceKeys:
            setKeyframe( plug, t=start )
            setKeyframe( plug, t=end )
            crvs = cmds.listConnections( plug, type='animCurve' )
            if not cmds.getAttr(plug, lock=True) and not cmds.listConnections(plug, s=True, d=False):
                staticValues[plug] = cmds.getAttr(plug)
    if crvs:
        dup = cmds.duplicate(crvs)[0]
        if not objExists(dup + '.' + TAGGING_ATTR):
            cmds.addAttr( dup, ln=TAGGING_ATTR, dt='string' )
        cmds.setAttr( dup + '.' + TAGGING_ATTR, plug, type='string' )
        dups.append( dup ) 
Example #4
Source File:    From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def fetch_all_ctrls_shapes():
    Restore the snapshots of all shapes of all ctrls.
    aSources = get_all_ctrlsnapshots()

    for oSource in aSources:
        sTargetName =[:-8]
        if pymel.objExists(sTargetName):
            oTarget = pymel.PyNode(str(sTargetName))

            fetch_ctrl_shapes(oSource, oTarget)
            pymel.warning("Can't find {0}".format(sTargetName)) 
Example #5
Source File:    From mgear_core with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def getRootNode():
    """Returns the root node from a selected node

        PyNode: The root top node

    root = None

    current =
    if not current:
        raise RuntimeError("You need to select at least one rig node")

    if pm.objExists("{}.is_rig".format(current[0])):
        root = current[0]
        holder = current[0]
        while pm.listRelatives(holder, parent=True) and not root:
            if pm.objExists("{}.is_rig".format(holder)):
                root = holder
                holder = pm.listRelatives(holder, parent=True)[0]

    if not root:
        raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find root node from your selection")

    return root 
Example #6
Source File:    From DynRigBuilder with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def addBreakLine(ctrl, contentString):
    add a breakline to object's channelbox, usually for ctrlers
    :param ctrl: `PyNode` object to add breakline to
    :param contentString: `string` breakline content
    attrName = "_"
    while pm.objExists("{0}.{1}".format(, attrName)):
        attrName = attrName + "_"
    pm.addAttr(ctrl, ln=attrName, at="enum", en=contentString)
    pm.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(, attrName), e=1, channelBox=1) 
Example #7
Source File:    From metanode with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def instance(cls):
        Controls access to the metanode type by returning one common instance of the node
        nodes = cls.scene_metanodes()
        if nodes:
            if pm.objExists(cls.__name__):
                metanode = cls(pm.PyNode(cls.__name__))
                metanode = nodes[0]
            metanode = cls.create(cls.__name__)
        return metanode 
Example #8
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def find(obj):
    If there is a shared shape, returns it.  If not, returns None.
    shapes = cmds.listRelatives(, type='nurbsCurve', f=True)
    if not shapes:
        return None
    for shape in shapes:
        if objExists( shape + '.sharedShape' ):
            return shape
    return None 
Example #9
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def pruneUnused():
    if not objExists('|main'):

    shape = get()

    groups = existingGroups()
    for g in groups:
        attr = shape + '.' + g
        if not listConnections(attr):
Example #10
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def deserializeAllConnections(connections=None):
    if connections is None:
        connections = json.loads( core.text.clipboard.get() )

    for obj, data in connections.items():
        if objExists(obj):
            connect(PyNode(obj), data) 
Example #11
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def getRoot(nodes=None, make=None):
    Returns the root bone, trying to account for case and namespaces or None if
    not found.  `make` should be either 'root' or 'weaponRoot', specifying which
    to make (always top level) if a root is not found.
    Can be given a list of nodes to search for the root,

    names = [ 'b_root', 'b_Root', 'Rig:b_root', 'Rig:b_Root', 'b_weaponRoot', 'Rig:b_weaponRoot' ]

    if not nodes:
        # Check if any exist top level first
        top = ls(assemblies=True)
        for name in names:
            if name in top:
                return PyNode('|' + name)
    # See if there is a top level obj in a namespace named b_root of any casing.
    searchNodes = nodes if nodes else ls( assemblies=True )
    nodes = [obj for obj in searchNodes if simpleName( obj ).lower() == 'b_root' or simpleName(obj).lower() == 'b_weaponroot']
    if len(nodes) == 1:
        return nodes[0]

    # Then check if any exist at all (which will fail if several exist in separate groups).
    for name in names:
        if objExists( name ):
            return PyNode( name )

    if make:
        return joint(None, n='b_' + make)
        return None 
Example #12
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def mainGroup(nodePool=None):
    Returns the main group containing the rig, named "main", or an object tagged as the main.
    todo: This logic should mainly go into `mainControls`, and this just returns the first.
    if nodePool:
        for n in nodePool:
            if simpleName(n) == 'main' or n.hasAttr(MAIN_CONTROL_TAG):
                return n
    if objExists('|main'):
        return PyNode('|main')
        # A pymel bug is sometimes returning duplicate nodes
        main = list(set([ obj for obj in ls( 'main', r=True) if not obj.getParent() ]))
        if len(main) == 1:
            return main[0]
    # No "main" ojbect was found, looking for tags
    plugs = ls('*.' + MAIN_CONTROL_TAG)
    if plugs:
        return plugs[0].node()
    return None 
Example #13
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_basicBiped():
    #gui = main.RigTool()
    # Make the default biped
    # Make all the bones and test their existence
    for j in jointsToMake:
        assert objExists(j), 'Joint ' + j + ' was not made'
    root = core.findNode.getRoot()
    assert len(listRelatives(root, ad=True, type='joint')) == (len(jointsToMake) - 1), 'Too many bones were made'
    # Build the rig
    spine = PyNode('Spine_card')
    rigData = spine.rigData
    rigData['rigCmd'] = 'SplineChest'
    spine.rigData = rigData
Example #14
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def connect( obj, name_level ):
    Hook the given obj's visibility to the `name` attribute on the sharedShape.
    If the attr doesn't exist, it will be made.
    Optionanal `level` will determine when the `obj` will become visible.  For
    example, 2 will not be visible at 1, but will at 2 and higher.
    name, level = name_level # Probably should just update this eventually to be 3 params
    orig = obj
    zero =, apply=False, make=False)
    if zero:
        obj = zero
    shape = get()
    if not shape:
        warning('Unable to add vis control, no object exists named "main" or tagged with ".fossilMainControl"')
    log.debug('Applying vis control to {}, was given {} using {}'.format(obj, orig, shape))
    plug = shape + '.' + name
    if not cmds.objExists( plug ):
        cmds.addAttr( shape, ln=name, at='short', min=0, max=level, dv=1 )
        cmds.setAttr( shape + '.' + name, cb=True )
    elif cmds.getAttr( shape + '.' + name, type=True) not in ['bool', 'double', 'float', 'long', 'short']:
        warning( '{0} is not a good name for a vis group since the sharedShape has an attr already that is of the wrong type'.format(name) )
    if cmds.addAttr(plug, q=True, max=True) < level:
        cmds.addAttr(plug, e=True, max=level)
    if level == 1:
        connectAttr( plug,, f=True)
        connectAttr( getConditionNode(plug, level).outColorR, obj.visibility, f=True)
    # If we have a main controller, put the container in a subgroup to make
    # the main group more organized.
    visGroupName = '_vis_' + name
    if not find(orig):
    if isinstance(orig, nodeApi.RigController):
        if shortName(orig.container.getParent()) != visGroupName:
Example #15
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def rootMotion(main=None):
    Returns the root motion, optionally making one if it doesn't exist.

    If main is specified, search its descendents.
    ''' Timing test with Swift as main, re and split are about equal and 200x faster!
        re and split were almost identical, even on the whole scene.
        s = time.time()
        for child in listRelatives(main, ad=True, type='transform'):
        #for child in ls(type='transform'):
            if lib.dagObj.simpleName( child ) == 'rootMotion':
                #return child
        print( time.time() - s, 'orig')

        s = time.time()
        for child in cmds.listRelatives(, ad=True, type='transform'):
        #for child in'transform'):
            if child.rsplit('|',1)[-1].rsplit(':', 1)[-1] == 'rootMotion':
                #print( child)
        print( time.time() - s, 'split')

        s = time.time()
        simpleName = re.compile( '\w+$' )
        for child in cmds.listRelatives(, ad=True, type='transform'):
        #for child in'transform'):
            if == 'rootMotion':
                #print( child)
        print( time.time() - s, 're')
    if main:
        children = cmds.listRelatives(, ad=True, type='transform')
        if children:   # cmds returns None instead of emtpy list
            for child in children:
                if child.rsplit('|', 1)[-1].rsplit(':', 1)[-1] == 'rootMotion':
                    return PyNode(child)
        return None

    if objExists( 'rootMotion' ):
        return PyNode( 'rootMotion' )
        rms = ls( 'rootMotion', r=True )
        if len(rms) == 1:
            return rms[0]
    return None