Python pymel.core.setAttr() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pymel.core.setAttr().
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Example #1
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _processAttr(plug, dups, forceKeys, staticValues, start, end): ''' Used by `save` ''' crvs = cmds.listConnections( plug, type='animCurve' ) if not crvs: if forceKeys: setKeyframe( plug, t=start ) setKeyframe( plug, t=end ) crvs = cmds.listConnections( plug, type='animCurve' ) else: if not cmds.getAttr(plug, lock=True) and not cmds.listConnections(plug, s=True, d=False): staticValues[plug] = cmds.getAttr(plug) if crvs: dup = cmds.duplicate(crvs)[0] if not objExists(dup + '.' + TAGGING_ATTR): cmds.addAttr( dup, ln=TAGGING_ATTR, dt='string' ) cmds.setAttr( dup + '.' + TAGGING_ATTR, plug, type='string' ) dups.append( dup )
Example #2
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_sequence_name(self): """checks sequence name and asks the user to set one if maya is in UI mode and there is no sequence name set """ sequencer ='sequencer')[0] sequence_name = sequencer.getAttr('sequence_name') if sequence_name == '' and not pm.general.about(batch=1) \ and not self.batch_mode: result = pm.promptDialog( title='Please enter a Sequence Name', message='Sequence Name:', button=['OK', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='OK', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel' ) if result == 'OK': sequencer.setAttr( 'sequence_name', pm.promptDialog(query=True, text=True) )
Example #3
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setInvertMirror(node, invList=None): """Set invert mirror pose values Arguments: node (dagNode): The object to set invert mirror Values """ aDic = {"tx": "invTx", "ty": "invTy", "tz": "invTz", "rx": "invRx", "ry": "invRy", "rz": "invRz", "sx": "invSx", "sy": "invSy", "sz": "invSz"} for axis in invList: if axis not in aDic: mgear.log("Invalid Invert Axis : " + axis, mgear.sev_error) return False node.setAttr(aDic[axis], True)
Example #4
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setNotKeyableAttributes(nodes, attributes=["tx", "ty", "tz", "ro", "rx", "ry", "rz", "sx", "sy", "sz", "v"]): """Set not keyable attributes of a node. By defaul will set not keyable the rotation, scale and translation. Arguments: node(dagNode): The node with the attributes to set keyable. attributes (list of str): The list of the attributes to set not keyable """ if not isinstance(nodes, list): nodes = [nodes] for attr_name in attributes: for node in nodes: node.setAttr(attr_name, lock=False, keyable=False, cb=True)
Example #5
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getFCurveValues(fcv_node, division, factor=1): """Get X values evenly spaced on the FCurve. Arguments: fcv_node (pyNode or str): The FCurve to evaluate. division (int): The number of division you want to evaluate on the FCurve. factor (float): Multiplication factor. Default = 1. (optional) Returns: list of float: The values in a list float. >>> self.st_value = fcu.getFCurveValues(self.settings["st_profile"], self.divisions) """ incr = 1 / (division - 1.0) values = [] for i in range(division): pm.setAttr(fcv_node + ".input", i * incr) values.append(pm.getAttr(fcv_node + ".output") * factor) return values
Example #6
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def set_zero_joint(self): #Removes Zero Joint from Joint Chain pm.joint(self.jointChain[0], e=True, zso=True, oj='xyz', sao='xup') self.zeroJoint = self.jointChain[0] self._zeroPos = pm.dt.Point(pm.getAttr(self._zeroJoint.translate)) self.jointChain.remove(self.jointChain[0]) self.jointPos.remove(self.jointPos[0]) pm.joint(self.jointChain[1], e=True, zso=True, oj='xyz', sao='yup') for i in range(1, len(self.jointChain)): pm.joint(self.jointChain[i], e=True, zso=True, oj='xyz', sao='yup') #sets Start End Num Of Joints again self._numOfJoints = len(self._jointChain) #Orient Zero Joint temporalGroup = DrawNode(Shape.transform, 'temporalGroup') pm.parent(self.startJoint, temporalGroup.drawnNode) print(pm.getAttr(self.zeroJoint.jointOrient)) pm.setAttr(self.zeroJoint.jointOrientX, 0) pm.parent(self.startJoint, self.zeroJoint) temporalGroup.delete()
Example #7
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _buildBaseCtrls(self): # create global ctrl self.globalCtrl = mayautils.createCtrl("{0}_all_ctrl".format(self.prefix), "crossArrow", 1, "yellow") globalCtrlAttr = [ {"ln":"globalScale", "at":"float", "dv":1, "k":1}, {"ln":self.RIG_TOP_TAG, "dt":"string"} ] mayautils.addAttributes(self.globalCtrl, globalCtrlAttr) # create meta ctrl self.metaCtrl = mayautils.createCtrl("{0}_meta_ctrl".format(self.prefix), "fatCross", 1, "yellow", None, [0,0,90]) pm.xform(self.metaCtrl, t=self.metaPos, ws=1) mayautils.aimObject(self.endPos, self.metaCtrl) mayautils.createParentTransform("org", self.metaCtrl).setParent(self.globalCtrl) # build globalScale connections for ch in 'xyz': pm.connectAttr(self.globalCtrl.globalScale, "{0}.s{1}".format(, ch)) pm.setAttr("{0}.s{1}".format(, ch), cb=0, keyable=0, lock=1) pm.setAttr("{0}.s{1}".format(, ch), cb=0, keyable=0, lock=1)
Example #8
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def gear_intmatrix_op(mA, mB, blend=0): """ create mGear interpolate Matrix node. Arguments: mA (matrix): Input matrix A. mB (matrix): Input matrix A. blend (float or connection): Blending value. Returns: pyNode: Newly created mGear_intMatrix node """ node = pm.createNode("mgear_intMatrix") pm.connectAttr(mA, node + ".matrixA") pm.connectAttr(mB, node + ".matrixB") if (isinstance(blend, str) or isinstance(blend, unicode) or isinstance(blend, pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(blend, node + ".blend") else: pm.setAttr(node + ".blend", blend) return node
Example #9
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def store_data(self, data): """stores the given data """ if not self.light.hasAttr(self.custom_data_storage_attr_name): pm.addAttr( self.light, ln=self.custom_data_storage_attr_name, dt='string' ) self.light.setAttr(self.custom_data_storage_attr_name, data)
Example #10
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createAddNodeMulti(inputs=[]): """Create and connect multiple add nodes Arguments: inputs (list of attr): The list of attributes to add Returns: list: The output attributes list. >>> angle_outputs = nod.createAddNodeMulti(self.angles_att) """ outputs = [inputs[0]] for i, input in enumerate(inputs[1:]): node_name = pm.createNode("addDoubleLinear") if (isinstance(outputs[-1], str) or isinstance(outputs[-1], unicode) or isinstance(outputs[-1], pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(outputs[-1], node_name + ".input1", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input1", outputs[-1]) if (isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, unicode) or isinstance(input, pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(input, node_name + ".input2", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input2", input) outputs.append(node_name + ".output") return outputs
Example #11
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createMulNodeMulti(name, inputs=[]): """Create and connect multiple multiply nodes Arguments: name (str): The name for the new node. inputs (list of attr): The list of attributes to multiply Returns: list: The output attributes list. """ outputs = [inputs[0]] for i, input in enumerate(inputs[1:]): real_name = name + "_" + str(i) node_name = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide", n=real_name) pm.setAttr(node_name + ".operation", 1) if (isinstance(outputs[-1], str) or isinstance(outputs[-1], unicode) or isinstance(outputs[-1], pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(outputs[-1], node_name + ".input1X", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input1X", outputs[-1]) if (isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, unicode) or isinstance(input, pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(input, node_name + ".input2X", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input2X", input) outputs.append(node_name + ".output") return outputs
Example #12
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createDivNodeMulti(name, inputs1=[], inputs2=[]): """Create and connect multiple divide nodes Arguments: name (str): The name for the new node. inputs1 (list of attr): The list of attributes inputs2 (list of attr): The list of attributes Returns: list: The output attributes list. """ for i, input in enumerate(pm.inputs[1:]): real_name = name + "_" + str(i) node_name = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide", n=real_name) pm.setAttr(node_name + ".operation", 2) if (isinstance(pm.outputs[-1], str) or isinstance(pm.outputs[-1], unicode) or isinstance(pm.outputs[-1], pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(pm.outputs[-1], node_name + ".input1X", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input1X", pm.outputs[-1]) if (isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, unicode) or isinstance(input, pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(input, node_name + ".input2X", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input2X", input) pm.outputs.append(node_name + ".output") return pm.outputs
Example #13
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_anim_curve_color(anim_curve, color): """sets animCurve color to color """ anim_curve = get_valid_node(anim_curve) anim_curve.setAttr("useCurveColor", True) anim_curve.setAttr("curveColor", color, type="double3")
Example #14
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def go_home(node): """sets all the transformations to zero """ if node.attr('t').isSettable(): node.setAttr('t', (0, 0, 0)) if node.attr('r').isSettable(): node.setAttr('r', (0, 0, 0)) if node.attr('s').isSettable(): node.setAttr('s', (1, 1, 1))
Example #15
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def align_to_pole_vector(): """aligns the object to the pole vector of the selected ikHandle """ selection_list = ik_handle = "" control_object = "" for obj in selection_list: if pm.nodeType(obj) == 'ikHandle': ik_handle = obj else: control_object = obj temp = pm.listConnections((ik_handle + '.startJoint'), s=1) start_joint = temp[0] start_joint_pos = pm.xform(start_joint, q=True, ws=True, t=True) temp = pm.listConnections((ik_handle + '.endEffector'), s=1) end_effector = temp[0] pm.xform( control_object, ws=True, t=(start_joint_pos[0], start_joint_pos[1], start_joint_pos[2]) ) pm.parent(control_object, end_effector) pm.setAttr(control_object + '.r', 0, 0, 0) pm.parent(control_object, w=True)
Example #16
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cube_from_bbox(bbox): """creates a polyCube from the given bbox :param bbox: pymel.core.dt.BoundingBox instance """ cube = pm.polyCube( width=bbox.width(), height=bbox.height(), depth=bbox.depth(), ch=False ) cube[0].setAttr('t', return cube[0]
Example #17
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createNegateNodeMulti(name, inputs=[]): """Create and connect multiple negate nodes Arguments: name (str): The name for the new node. inputs (list of attr): The list of attributes to negate Returns: list: The output attributes list. """ s = "XYZ" count = 0 i = 0 outputs = [] for input in inputs: if count == 0: real_name = name + "_" + str(i) node_name = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide", n=real_name) i += 1 pm.connectAttr(input, node_name + ".input1" + s[count], f=True) pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input2" + s[count], -1) outputs.append(node_name + ".output" + s[count]) count = (count + 1) % 3 return outputs
Example #18
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def restore_user_options(self): """restores user options """ active_panel = self.get_active_panel() for flag, value in self.user_view_options['display_flags'].items(): try: pm.modelEditor(active_panel, **{'e': 1, flag: value}) except TypeError: pass # reassign original hud display options for hud, value in self.user_view_options['huds'].items(): if pm.headsUpDisplay(hud, q=1, ex=1): pm.headsUpDisplay(hud, e=1, vis=value) # reassign original camera options for camera in'camera'): camera_name = try: camera_flags = \ self.user_view_options['camera_flags'][camera_name] except KeyError: continue for attr, value in camera_flags.items(): try: camera.setAttr(attr, value) except RuntimeError: pass self.remove_hud(self.hud_name)
Example #19
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def duplicateJointChain(rootJoint, replace=None, suffix=None): """ Duplicate the given joint chain. :param rootJoint: `PyNode` root joint of the given joint chain :param replace: `tuple` or `list` (old string, new string) rename the duplicated joint chain by replacing string in given joint name :param suffix: `string` rename the duplicated joint chain by adding suffix to the given joint name :return: `list` list of joints in the duplicated joint chain. ordered by hierarchy """ srcJnts = getJointsInChain(rootJoint) dupJnts = [] if not replace and not suffix: raise ValueError("Please rename the duplicated joint chain.") for i, srcJnt in enumerate(srcJnts): newName = if replace: newName = newName.replace(replace[0], replace[1]) if suffix: newName = "{0}_{1}".format(newName, suffix) dupJnt = pm.duplicate(srcJnt, n=newName, po=1)[0] dupJnts.append(dupJnt) for attr in ['t', 'r', 's', 'jointOrient']: pm.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(, attr), pm.getAttr("{0}.{1}".format(, attr))) if i>0: dupJnt.setParent(dupJnts[i-1]) # # for i, srcJnt in enumerate(srcJnts): # if i==0: continue # srcPar = pm.listRelatives(srcJnt, p=1) # if srcPar: # dupJnts[i].setParent(srcPar[0].name().replace(replace[0], replace[1])) return dupJnts
Example #20
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _makeSharedShape(obj, name, shapeType): ''' shapeType should be either 'sharedShape' or 'kinematicSwitch' Returns a string of the shape, ex 'Foot_L|sharedShape' (to bypass pymel warnings) ''' shape = cmds.createNode( 'nurbsCurve', p=obj.longName() ) # 2017 added a bunch of keyable attrs so get rid of them if possible. for attr in cmds.listAttr(shape, k=True): try: cmds.setAttr(shape + '.' + attr, k=False, l=True) except Exception as e: # noqa #print( e ) pass # Make it a valid curve so it doesn't get deleted during optimize scene # but lock and hide it. mel.eval('''setAttr "" -type "nurbsCurve" 1 1 0 no 3 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;''' % shape ) setAttr(shape + '.visibility', False, l=True) # noqa addAttr(shape, ln=core.shape.sharedShapeTag, at='message') cmds.addAttr( shape, ln=shapeType, at='message' ) cmds.rename( shape, name ) return obj.longName() + '|' + name
Example #21
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def unique_spine_zero_controller(self): # Create Root Costrain Jnt Unde Hip cotrol # Duplicate zero Jnt tempConst = pm.duplicate(self.joints.zeroJoint, po=True, name=("Const_" + self.joints.zeroJoint )) rootConst_jnt = tempConst[0] pm.parent(rootConst_jnt, self.hipCtrl.drawnNode) pm.pointConstraint(rootConst_jnt, self.joints.zeroJoint) pm.orientConstraint(rootConst_jnt, self.joints.zeroJoint) pm.setAttr(rootConst_jnt.visibility, 0) self._stuff.append(rootConst_jnt)
Example #22
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def enableChannels(target, channels="trsv", operation="hl"): """ Unhide or unlock the specified object channels. :param target: `PyNode` object channels :param channels: `string` 'trsv' translate, rotate, scale, visibility :param operation: `string` 'hl' unhide or unlock or both :return: """ inChannelBox = 1 if "h" in operation else 0 lock = 0 if "l" in operation else 1 for channel in channels: attrList = [channel+x for x in "xyz"] if channel in "trs" else [channel] for attr in attrList: pm.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(target, attr), l=lock, k=inChannelBox)
Example #23
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def orient_joint(self, joint, aimAxis=[1, 0, 0], upAxis=[0, 0, 1], worldUpType="vector", worldUpVector=[0, 1, 0]): #joint should be pm.nt.Joint type if not isinstance(joint, pm.nt.Joint): raise TypeError("%s sholud be an instance of pm.nt.Joint Class" % joint) jointUnder = self.jointUnder(joint) if jointUnder is None: return 0 temporalGroup = DrawNode(Shape.transform, 'temporalGroup') pm.parent(jointUnder, temporalGroup.drawnNode) pm.setAttr(joint.jointOrient, (0, 0, 0)) if worldUpType == "object": aimConst = pm.aimConstraint(jointUnder, joint, aimVector=aimAxis, upVector=upAxis, worldUpType=worldUpType, worldUpObject=worldUpVector) elif worldUpType == "vector": aimConst = pm.aimConstraint(jointUnder, joint, aimVector=aimAxis, upVector=upAxis, worldUpType=worldUpType, worldUpVector=worldUpVector) pm.delete(aimConst) pm.parent(jointUnder, joint) pm.setAttr(joint.jointOrient, (pm.getAttr(joint.rotate))) pm.setAttr((joint.rotate), [0, 0, 0]) pm.delete(temporalGroup.drawnNode)
Example #24
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def jointUnder(self, joint): jointUnder = pm.listRelatives(joint, c=1, type="joint") if not len(jointUnder): pm.setAttr(joint.jointOrient, (0, 0, 0)) return None return jointUnder
Example #25
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def disableChannels(target, channels="trsv", operation="hl"): """ Hide or lock the specified object channels. :param target: `PyNode` object channels :param channels: `string` 'trsv' translate, rotate, scale, visibility :param operation: `string` 'hl' hide or lock or both :return: """ inChannelBox = 0 if "h" in operation else 1 lock = 1 if "l" in operation else 0 for channel in channels: attrList = [channel+x for x in "xyz"] if channel in "trs" else [channel] for attr in attrList: pm.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(target, attr), l=lock, cb=inChannelBox, k=inChannelBox)
Example #26
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def addAttributes(target, attrList): """ Add attributes to target. :param target: `PyNode` target node :param attrList: `list` list of dictionaries defining attribute properties [{ "ln": `string` - name of the attribtue, "at": `string` - type of the attribute, ... - other pm.addAttr funtion flags, "cb": `bool` - display in channelBox }, { } ... ] :return: """ if not isinstance(attrList, list): attrList = [attrList] for attrDict in attrList: paramDict = attrDict.copy() cb = 0 if "cb" in attrDict.keys(): cb = attrDict["cb"] del paramDict["cb"] pm.addAttr(target, **paramDict) if "cb" in attrDict.keys(): pm.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(, attrDict["ln"]), cb=cb)
Example #27
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gear_spring_op(in_obj, goal=False): """Apply mGear spring node. Arguments: in_obj (dagNode): Constrained object. goal (dagNode): By default is False. Returns: pyNode: Newly created node """ if not goal: goal = in_obj node = pm.createNode("mgear_springNode") pm.connectAttr("time1.outTime", node + ".time") dm_node = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") pm.connectAttr(goal + ".parentMatrix", dm_node + ".inputMatrix") pm.connectAttr(dm_node + ".outputTranslate", node + ".goal") cm_node = pm.createNode("composeMatrix") pm.connectAttr(node + ".output", cm_node + ".inputTranslate") mm_node = pm.createNode("mgear_mulMatrix") pm.connectAttr(cm_node + ".outputMatrix", mm_node + ".matrixA") pm.connectAttr(in_obj + ".parentInverseMatrix", mm_node + ".matrixB") dm_node2 = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") pm.connectAttr(mm_node + ".output", dm_node2 + ".inputMatrix") pm.connectAttr(dm_node2 + ".outputTranslate", in_obj + ".translate") pm.setAttr(node + ".stiffness", 0.5) pm.setAttr(node + ".damping", 0.5) return node
Example #28
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gear_spinePointAtOp(cns, startobj, endobj, blend=.5, axis="-Z"): """ Apply a SpinePointAt operator Arguments: cns (Constraint): The constraint to apply the operator on (must be a curve, path or direction constraint). startobj (dagNode): Start Reference. endobj (dagNode): End Reference. blend (float): Blend influence value from 0 to 1. axis (string): Axis direction. Returns: pyNode: The newly created operator. """ node = pm.createNode("mgear_spinePointAt") # Inputs pm.setAttr(node + ".blend", blend) pm.setAttr(node + ".axe", ["X", "Y", "Z", "-X", "-Y", "-Z"].index(axis)) pm.connectAttr(startobj + ".rotate", node + ".rotA") pm.connectAttr(endobj + ".rotate", node + ".rotB") # Outputs pm.setAttr(cns + ".worldUpType", 3) pm.connectAttr(node + ".pointAt", cns + ".worldUpVector") return node
Example #29
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gear_spinePointAtOpWM(cns, startobj, endobj, blend=.5, axis="-Z"): """ Apply a SpinePointAt operator using world matrix Arguments: cns Constraint: The constraint to apply the operator on (must be a curve, path or direction constraint). startobj (dagNode): Start Reference. endobj (dagNode): End Reference. blend (float): Blend influence value from 0 to 1. axis (str): Axis direction. Returns: pyNode: The newly created operator. """ node = pm.createNode("mgear_spinePointAt") # Inputs pm.setAttr(node + ".blend", blend) pm.setAttr(node + ".axe", ["X", "Y", "Z", "-X", "-Y", "-Z"].index(axis)) dem_node1 = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") dem_node2 = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") pm.connectAttr(startobj + ".worldMatrix", dem_node1 + ".inputMatrix") pm.connectAttr(endobj + ".worldMatrix", dem_node2 + ".inputMatrix") pm.connectAttr(dem_node1 + ".outputRotate", node + ".rotA") pm.connectAttr(dem_node2 + ".outputRotate", node + ".rotB") # Outputs pm.setAttr(cns + ".worldUpType", 3) pm.connectAttr(node + ".pointAt", cns + ".worldUpVector") return node
Example #30
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gear_rollsplinekine_op(out, controlers=[], u=.5, subdiv=10): """Apply a sn_rollsplinekine_op operator Arguments: out (dagNode): onstrained Object. controlers (list of dagNodes): Objects that will act as controler of the bezier curve. Objects must have a parent that will be used as an input for the operator. u (float): Position of the object on the bezier curve (from 0 to 1). subdiv (int): spline subdivision precision. Returns: pyNode: The newly created operator. """ node = pm.createNode("mgear_rollSplineKine") # Inputs pm.setAttr(node + ".u", u) pm.setAttr(node + ".subdiv", subdiv) dm_node = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") pm.connectAttr(node + ".output", dm_node + ".inputMatrix") pm.connectAttr(dm_node + ".outputTranslate", out + ".translate") pm.connectAttr(dm_node + ".outputRotate", out + ".rotate") # connectAttr(dm_node+".outputScale", out+".scale") pm.connectAttr(out + ".parentMatrix", node + ".outputParent") for i, obj in enumerate(controlers): pm.connectAttr(obj + ".parentMatrix", node + ".ctlParent[%s]" % i) pm.connectAttr(obj + ".worldMatrix", node + ".inputs[%s]" % i) pm.connectAttr(obj + ".rx", node + ".inputsRoll[%s]" % i) return node