Python pymel.core.selected() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pymel.core.selected().
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Example #1
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def export_shader_attributes(cls): """exports the selected shader attributes to a JSON file """ # get data data = [] nodes = for node in nodes: node_attr_data = {} attrs = node.listAttr() for attr in attrs: try: value = attr.get() if not isinstance(value, pm.PyNode): node_attr_data[attr.shortName()] = value except TypeError: continue data.append(node_attr_data) # write data import json with open(cls.node_attr_info_temp_file_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f)
Example #2
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def controllerWalkUp(node, add=False): """Walk up in the hierachy using the controller tag Arguments: node (dagNode or list of dagNode): Node with controller tag add (bool, optional): If true add to selection """ oParent = [] if not isinstance(node, list): node = [node] for n in node: tag = getWalkTag(n) if tag: cnx = tag.parent.connections() if cnx: oParent.append(cnx[0]) else: pm.displayWarning("The selected object: %s without Controller tag " "will be skipped" % if oParent:, add=add) else: pm.displayWarning("No parent to walk Up.")
Example #3
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _event_cbSys_selChanged(self, _iIdx): """ Manage the system change with the combo box. select the node related to the system selected in the combo box """ # Prevent a node selection when the comboBox index changed during selection changed callback if not self.bInSelChanged: if _iIdx > 0: pCurSys = self.aSceneSpaceSwitch[_iIdx - 1] else: # If the no system index is selected, but a node is selected in the scene, put back the selected system for i, pSp in enumerate(self.aSceneSpaceSwitch): if pSp.nDriven == self.nSelDriven: # Change the index, but prevent the event to select back the node self.bInSelChanged = True self.ui.cbSysList.setCurrentIndex(i + 1) self.bInSelChanged = False break
Example #4
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _update_lstParent(self, pSpData): """ Update the parent list for the selected system """ self.createModel.clear() if pSpData: self.ui.lstParent.setEnabled(True) self.createModel.appendRow(self.parentItem) for iIdx, nParentInfo in enumerate(pSpData.aDrivers): newParentItem = QtGui.QStandardItem( newParentItem.setEditable(False) # Prevent any delete action when the sysem is referenced if pymel.referenceQuery(self.pSelSpSys.nSwConst, isNodeReferenced=True): newParentItem.setCheckable(False) else: newParentItem.setCheckable(True) self.createModel.appendRow(newParentItem) else: self.ui.lstParent.setEnabled(False) self.createModel.appendRow(self.parentItem)
Example #5
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def randomize_light_intensity(cls, min_field, max_field): """Randomizes the intensities of selected lights :param min: :param max: :return: """ min = pm.floatField(min_field, q=1, v=1) max = pm.floatField(max_field, q=1, v=1) cls.randomize_attr( [node.getShape() for node in], 'aiExposure', min, max, 0.1 )
Example #6
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def randomize_light_color_temp(cls, min_field, max_field): """Randomizes the color temperature of selected lights :param min: :param max: :return: """ min = pm.floatField(min_field, q=1, v=1) max = pm.floatField(max_field, q=1, v=1) cls.randomize_attr( [node.getShape() for node in], 'aiColorTemperature', min, max, 1 )
Example #7
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def smooth_selected_keyframes(cls, iteration=10): """smooths the selected keyframes :param iteration: :return: """ from anima.utils import smooth_array node = pm.keyframe(q=1, sl=1, n=1)[0] keyframe_indices = pm.keyframe(q=1, sl=1, iv=1) keyframe_values = pm.keyframe(q=1, sl=1, vc=1) for i in range(iteration): keyframe_values = smooth_array(keyframe_values) # restore the keyframe values for i, v in zip(keyframe_indices, keyframe_values): pm.keyframe(node, e=1, index=i, vc=v)
Example #8
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def smart_reset(*args): """Reset the SRT or the selected channels Checks first if we have channels selected. If not, will try to reset SRT Args: *args: Dummy """ attributes = getSelectedChannels() if attributes: reset_selected_channels_value(objects=None, attributes=attributes) else: reset_SRT() ########################################################## # GETTERS ##########################################################
Example #9
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getSelectedChannels(userDefine=False): """Get the selected channels on the channel box Arguments: userDefine (bool, optional): If True, will return only the user defined channels. Other channels will be skipped. Returns: list: The list of selected channels names """ # fetch core's main channelbox attrs = pm.channelBox(get_channelBox(), q=True, sma=True) if userDefine: oSel = pm.selected()[0] uda = oSel.listAttr(ud=True) if attrs: attrs = [x for x in attrs if oSel.attr(x) in uda] else: return None return attrs
Example #10
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getSelectedObjectChannels(oSel=None, userDefine=False, animatable=False): """Get the selected object channels. Arguments: oSel (None, optional): The pynode with channels to get userDefine (bool, optional): If True, will return only the user defined channels. Other channels will be skipped. animatable (bool, optional): If True, only animatable parameters will be return Returns: list: The list of the selected object channels names """ if not oSel: oSel = pm.selected()[0] channels = [".", 1)[1] for x in oSel.listAttr(ud=userDefine, k=animatable)] return channels ########################################################## # UTIL ##########################################################
Example #11
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def open_node_in_browser(cls): # get selected nodes node_attrs = { 'file': 'fileTextureName', 'aiImage': 'filename', 'aiStandIn': 'dso', } import os from anima.utils import open_browser_in_location for node in type_ = pm.objectType(node) # special case: if transform use shape if type_ == 'transform': node = node.getShape() type_ = pm.objectType(node) attr_name = node_attrs.get(type_) if attr_name: # if any how it contains a "#" character use the path path = node.getAttr(attr_name) if "#" in path: path = os.path.dirname(path) open_browser_in_location(path)
Example #12
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def assign_random_material_color(cls): """assigns a lambert with a random color to the selected object """ selected = pm.selected() # create the lambert material lambert = pm.shadingNode('lambert', asShader=1) # create the shading engine shading_engine = pm.nt.ShadingEngine() lambert.outColor >> shading_engine.surfaceShader # randomize the lambert color import random h = random.random() # 0-1 s = random.random() * 0.5 + 0.25 # 0.25-0.75 v = random.random() * 0.5 + 0.5 # 0.5 - 1 from anima.utils import hsv_to_rgb r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) lambert.color.set(r, g, b) pm.sets(shading_engine, fe=selected)
Example #13
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create(self): # reverse_foot_controller = pm.selected()[0] # foot_ik_ankle_joint = pm.selected()[0] # foot_ik_ball_joint = pm.selected()[0] # foot_ik_tip_joint = pm.selected()[0] # # attrs = [ # 'tipHeading', # 'tipRoll', # 'tipBank', # 'ballRoll', # 'ballBank' # ] # # # for attr in attrs: # pm.addAttr(reverse_foot_controller, ln=attr, at='float', k=1) # # reverse_foot_controller.tipHeading >> foot_ik_tip_joint.ry # reverse_foot_controller.tipRoll >> foot_ik_tip_joint.rx # reverse_foot_controller.tipBank >> foot_ik_tip_joint.rz # # reverse_foot_controller.ballRoll >> foot_ik_ball_joint.rx # reverse_foot_controller.ballBank >> foot_ik_ball_joint.rz pass
Example #14
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def rivet_per_face(): """creates hair follicles per selected face """ sel_list =, fl=1) follicles = [] locators = [] for face in sel_list: # use the center of the face as the follicle position p = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, face.getPoints()) / face.numVertices() obj = pm.spaceLocator(p=p) locators.append(obj) shape = face.node() uv = face.getUVAtPoint(p, space='world') follicle_transform, follicle = create_follicle(shape, uv) pm.parent(obj, follicle_transform) follicles.append(follicle) return follicles, locators
Example #15
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_bbox(nodes, per_selection=False): """creates bounding boxes for the selected objects :param bool per_selection: If True will create a BBox for each given object """ if per_selection: for node in nodes: return cube_from_bbox(node.boundingBox()) else: bbox = pm.dt.BoundingBox() for node in nodes: bbox.expand(node.boundingBox().min()) bbox.expand(node.boundingBox().max()) return cube_from_bbox(bbox)
Example #16
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def reset_tweaks(cls): """Resets the tweaks on the selected deformed objects """ for obj in for tweak_node in, type=pm.nt.Tweak): try: for i in[0].cp.get(mi=1):[0].cv[i].vx.set(0)[0].cv[i].vy.set(0)[0].cv[i].vz.set(0) except TypeError: try: for i in tweak_node.vl[0].vt.get(mi=1): tweak_node.vl[0].vt[i].vx.set(0) tweak_node.vl[0].vt[i].vy.set(0) tweak_node.vl[0].vt[i].vz.set(0) except TypeError: pass
Example #17
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def import_gpu_content(self): """imports the selected GPU content """ import os imported_nodes = [] for node in gpu_node = node.getShape() gpu_path = gpu_node.getAttr('cacheFileName') new_nodes = pm.mel.eval( 'AbcImport -mode import -reparent "%s" "%s";' % (node.fullPath(), os.path.expandvars(gpu_path)) ) # get imported nodes new_nodes = node.getChildren() new_nodes.remove(gpu_node) imported_node = None # filter material node for n in new_nodes: if != 'materials': imported_node = n else: pm.delete(n) if imported_node: imported_node.t.set(0, 0, 0) imported_node.r.set(0, 0, 0) imported_node.s.set(1, 1, 1) pm.parent(imported_node, world=1) imported_nodes.append(imported_node)
Example #18
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect_placement2d_to_file(cls): """connects the selected placement node to the selected file textures """ attr_lut = [ 'coverage', 'translateFrame', 'rotateFrame', 'mirrorU', 'mirrorV', 'stagger', 'wrapU', 'wrapV', 'repeatUV', 'offset', 'rotateUV', 'noiseUV', 'vertexUvOne', 'vertexUvTwo', 'vertexUvThree', 'vertexCameraOne', ('outUV', 'uvCoord'), ('outUvFilterSize', 'uvFilterSize') ] # get placement and file nodes placement_node =, type=pm.nt.Place2dTexture)[0] file_nodes =, type=pm.nt.File) for file_node in file_nodes: for attr in attr_lut: if isinstance(attr, str): source_attr_name = attr target_attr_name = attr elif isinstance(attr, tuple): source_attr_name = attr[0] target_attr_name = attr[1] placement_node.attr(source_attr_name) >> \ file_node.attr(target_attr_name)
Example #19
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert_to_linear(cls): """adds a gamma_gain node in between the selected nodes outputs to make the result linear """ # # convert to linear # selection = for file_node in selection: # get the connections outputs = file_node.outputs(plugs=True) if not len(outputs): continue # and insert a mip_gamma_gain gamma_node = pm.createNode('mip_gamma_gain') gamma_node.setAttr('gamma', 2.2) gamma_node.setAttr('reverse', True) # connect the file_node to gamma_node try: file_node.outValue >> gamma_node.input file_node.outValueA >> gamma_node.inputA except AttributeError: file_node.outColor >> gamma_node.input # do all the connections from the output of the gamma for output in outputs: try: gamma_node.outValue >> output except RuntimeError: gamma_node.outValueA >> output
Example #20
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def standin_to_polywire(cls): """convert the selected stand-in nodes to bbox """ [node.mode.set(2) for node in if isinstance(node.getShape(), pm.nt.AiStandIn)]
Example #21
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def vertigo_setup_vertigo(cls): """sets up a Vertigo effect for the selected camera """ from anima.env.mayaEnv import vertigo cam =[0] vertigo.setup_vertigo(cam)
Example #22
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def vertigo_setup_look_at(cls): """sets up a the necessary locator for teh Vertigo effect for the selected camera """ from anima.env.mayaEnv import vertigo cam =[0] vertigo.setup_look_at(cam)
Example #23
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def rename_unique(cls): """renames the selected nodes with unique names """ import re [node.rename(re.sub('[\d]+', '#', for node in pm.selected()]
Example #24
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def select(self): """selects the joint that is selected in the list in the scene """, type="joint"), d=1) selected_item = self.get_selected_item_in_list(), add=1) # change the skin influence to current selection if selected_item != "": pm.mel.eval("setSmoothSkinInfluence %s" %
Example #25
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def transfer_uvs(cls, sample_space=4): """transfer uvs between selected objects. It can search for hierarchies both in source and target sides. :parm sample_space: The sampling space: 0: World 1: Local 2: UV 3: Component 4: Topology """ selection = source = selection[0] target = selection[1] # auxiliary.transfer_shaders(source, target) # lut = auxiliary.match_hierarchy(source, target) for source, target in lut['match']: pm.transferAttributes( source, target, transferPositions=0, transferNormals=0, transferUVs=2, transferColors=2, sampleSpace=sample_space, sourceUvSpace='map1', targetUvSpace="map1", searchMethod=0, flipUVs=0, colorBorders=1 ) # restore selection
Example #26
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def squash_stretch_bend_rigger(cls): """Creates Squash/Stretch/Bend rig for the selected geometry """ geo = pm.selected()[0] ssbr = SquashStretchBendRigger(geo) ssbr.setup()
Example #27
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mirror_transformation(cls): """Mirrors transformation from first selected object to the second selected object """ # TODO: This needs more generalization import math sel_list = pm.selected() source_node = sel_list[0] target_node = sel_list[1] m = source_node.worldMatrix.get() local_y_axis = pm.dt.Vector(m[1][0], m[1][1], m[1][2]) local_z_axis = pm.dt.Vector(m[2][0], m[2][1], m[2][2]) # reflection reflected_local_y_axis = local_y_axis.deepcopy() reflected_local_y_axis.x *= -1 reflected_local_z_axis = local_z_axis.deepcopy() reflected_local_z_axis.x *= -1 reflected_local_x_axis = reflected_local_y_axis.cross( reflected_local_z_axis) reflected_local_x_axis.normalize() wm = pm.dt.TransformationMatrix() wm[0, :3] = reflected_local_x_axis wm[1, :3] = reflected_local_y_axis wm[2, :3] = reflected_local_z_axis pm.xform(target_node, ws=1, ro=map(math.degrees, wm.eulerRotation())) # pm.makeIdentity( # target_node, apply=1, t=False, r=False, s=False, n=False, # jointOrient=True # )
Example #28
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_joints_on_curve_ui(cls): """Creates joints on selected curve """ from anima.env import mayaEnv main_window = mayaEnv.get_maya_main_window() jocd = JointOnCurveDialog(parent=main_window)
Example #29
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def enable_subdiv_on_selected(cls, fixed_tes=False, max_subdiv=3): """enables subdiv on selected objects :param fixed_tes: Uses fixed tessellation. :param max_subdiv: The max subdivision iteration. Default 3. """ # # Set SubDiv to CatClark on Selected nodes # for node in cls.enable_subdiv(node, fixed_tes=fixed_tes, max_subdiv=max_subdiv)
Example #30
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def remove_pasted(cls): """removes the string 'pasted__' from selected object names """ rmv_str = "pasted__" [ obj.rename('|')[-1].replace(rmv_str, '')) for obj in if rmv_str in ]