Python win32service.CloseServiceHandle() Examples
The following are 20
code examples of win32service.CloseServiceHandle().
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Example #1
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def OnStartCmd(self, id, code): service = self.GetSelService() if not service: return s = win32service.OpenService(self.scm, service[1], win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) win32service.StartService(s, None) win32service.CloseServiceHandle(s) self.ReloadData()
Example #2
Source File: From EventGhost with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def Stop(self): """ This will be called to stop the thread. """ if self.file: writeOvlap = win32file.OVERLAPPED() writeOvlap.hEvent = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None) msg = "q".encode("ascii") win32file.WriteFile(self.file, msg, writeOvlap) win32file.CloseHandle(self.file) self.file = None self.keepRunning = False if self.service: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(self.service) #eg.PrintNotice("MCE_Vista: stopping thread")
Example #3
Source File: From EventGhost with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self,plugin): """ This initializes the class, and saves the plugin reference for use in the new thread. """ self.plugin = plugin self.file = None self.connecting = False self.receiving = False self.sentMessageOnce = True self.receivingTimeout = None try: scmanager = win32service.OpenSCManager(None, None, win32service.SC_MANAGER_CONNECT) self.service = win32service.OpenService(scmanager, MCE_SERVICE_NAME, win32service.SERVICE_START | win32service.SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS) win32service.CloseServiceHandle(scmanager) except: self.service = None
Example #4
Source File: From cloudbase-init with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_service(self, service_name, display_name, path, start_mode, username=None, password=None): LOG.debug('Creating service %s', service_name) start_type = self._get_win32_start_type(start_mode) with WindowsUtils._get_service_control_manager( scm_access=win32service.SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE) as hscm: hs = win32service.CreateService( hscm, service_name, display_name, win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, win32service.SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, start_type, win32service.SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, path, None, False, None, username, password) win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs)
Example #5
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def StopServiceWithDeps(serviceName, machine = None, waitSecs = 30): # Stop a service recursively looking for dependant services hscm = win32service.OpenSCManager(machine,None,win32service.SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS) try: deps = __FindSvcDeps(serviceName) for dep in deps: hs = win32service.OpenService(hscm, dep, win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) try: __StopServiceWithTimeout(hs, waitSecs) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs) # Now my service! hs = win32service.OpenService(hscm, serviceName, win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) try: __StopServiceWithTimeout(hs, waitSecs) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hscm)
Example #6
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def RemoveService(serviceName): try: import perfmon perfmon.UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings("python.exe "+serviceName) except (ImportError, win32api.error): pass hscm = win32service.OpenSCManager(None,None,win32service.SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS) try: hs = SmartOpenService(hscm, serviceName, win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) win32service.DeleteService(hs) win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hscm) import win32evtlogutil try: win32evtlogutil.RemoveSourceFromRegistry(serviceName) except win32api.error: pass
Example #7
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ControlService(serviceName, code, machine = None): hscm = win32service.OpenSCManager(machine,None,win32service.SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS) try: hs = SmartOpenService(hscm, serviceName, win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) try: status = win32service.ControlService(hs, code) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hscm) return status
Example #8
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def QueryServiceStatus(serviceName, machine=None): hscm = win32service.OpenSCManager(machine,None,win32service.SC_MANAGER_CONNECT) try: hs = SmartOpenService(hscm, serviceName, win32service.SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS) try: status = win32service.QueryServiceStatus(hs) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hscm) return status
Example #9
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __del__(self): win32service.CloseServiceHandle(self.service)
Example #10
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __del__(self): win32service.CloseServiceHandle(self.scm)
Example #11
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ReloadData(self): service = self.GetSelService() self.listCtrl.SetRedraw(0) self.listCtrl.ResetContent() svcs = win32service.EnumServicesStatus(self.scm) i = 0 = [] for svc in svcs: try: status = ('Unknown', 'Stopped', 'Starting', 'Stopping', 'Running', 'Continuing', 'Pausing', 'Paused')[svc[2][1]] except: status = 'Unknown' s = win32service.OpenService(self.scm, svc[0], win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) cfg = win32service.QueryServiceConfig(s) try: startup = ('Boot', 'System', 'Automatic', 'Manual', 'Disabled')[cfg[1]] except: startup = 'Unknown' win32service.CloseServiceHandle(s) # svc[2][2] control buttons pos = self.listCtrl.AddString(str(svc[1]) + '\t' + status + '\t' + startup) self.listCtrl.SetItemData(pos, i)[2]) + (svc[1], svc[0], )) i = i + 1 if service and service[1] == svc[0]: self.listCtrl.SetCurSel(pos) self.OnListEvent(self.IDC_LIST, win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE) self.listCtrl.SetRedraw(1)
Example #12
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def OnPauseCmd(self, id, code): service = self.GetSelService() if not service: return s = win32service.OpenService(self.scm, service[1], win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) win32service.ControlService(s, win32service.SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE) win32service.CloseServiceHandle(s) self.ReloadData()
Example #13
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def OnContinueCmd(self, id, code): service = self.GetSelService() if not service: return s = win32service.OpenService(self.scm, service[1], win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) win32service.ControlService(s, win32service.SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE) win32service.CloseServiceHandle(s) self.ReloadData()
Example #14
Source File: From cloudbase-init with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_service_control_manager( scm_access=win32service.SC_MANAGER_CONNECT): hscm = win32service.OpenSCManager(None, None, scm_access) try: yield hscm finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hscm)
Example #15
Source File: From cloudbase-init with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_service_handle(service_name, service_access=win32service.SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG, scm_access=win32service.SC_MANAGER_CONNECT): with WindowsUtils._get_service_control_manager(scm_access) as hscm: hs = win32service.OpenService(hscm, service_name, service_access) try: yield hs finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs)
Example #16
Source File: From Fastir_Collector with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def stop_and_delete_driver_service(h_svc): """Stops the winpmem service and delete it""" try: win32service.ControlService(h_svc, win32service.SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP) except win32service.error: pass win32service.DeleteService(h_svc) win32service.CloseServiceHandle(h_svc)
Example #17
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def InstallService(pythonClassString, serviceName, displayName, startType = None, errorControl = None, bRunInteractive = 0, serviceDeps = None, userName = None, password = None, exeName = None, perfMonIni = None, perfMonDll = None, exeArgs = None, description = None): # Handle the default arguments. if startType is None: startType = win32service.SERVICE_DEMAND_START serviceType = win32service.SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS if bRunInteractive: serviceType = serviceType | win32service.SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS if errorControl is None: errorControl = win32service.SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL exeName = '"%s"' % LocatePythonServiceExe(exeName) # None here means use default PythonService.exe commandLine = _GetCommandLine(exeName, exeArgs) hscm = win32service.OpenSCManager(None,None,win32service.SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS) try: hs = win32service.CreateService(hscm, serviceName, displayName, win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, # desired access serviceType, # service type startType, errorControl, # error control type commandLine, None, 0, serviceDeps, userName, password) if description is not None: try: win32service.ChangeServiceConfig2(hs,win32service.SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION,description) except NotImplementedError: pass ## ChangeServiceConfig2 and description do not exist on NT win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hscm) InstallPythonClassString(pythonClassString, serviceName) # If I have performance monitor info to install, do that. if perfMonIni is not None: InstallPerfmonForService(serviceName, perfMonIni, perfMonDll)
Example #18
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def remove_service(self, also_close_as=True): self.session.logging.debug("Removing service %s", self.plugin_args.service_name) # Make sure the handle is closed. if also_close_as: self.session.physical_address_space.close() # Stop the service if it's running. if not self.hSvc: try: self.hSvc = win32service.OpenService( self.hScm, self.plugin_args.service_name, win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) except win32service.error: self.session.logging.debug("%s service does not exist.", self.plugin_args.service_name) if self.hSvc: self.session.logging.debug("Stopping service: %s", self.plugin_args.service_name) try: win32service.ControlService( self.hSvc, win32service.SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP) except win32service.error as e: self.session.logging.debug("Error stopping service: %s", e) self.session.logging.debug("Deleting service: %s", self.plugin_args.service_name) try: win32service.DeleteService(self.hSvc) except win32service.error as e: self.session.logging.debug("Error deleting service: %s", e) win32service.CloseServiceHandle(self.hSvc)
Example #19
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def ChangeServiceConfig(pythonClassString, serviceName, startType = None, errorControl = None, bRunInteractive = 0, serviceDeps = None, userName = None, password = None, exeName = None, displayName = None, perfMonIni = None, perfMonDll = None, exeArgs = None, description = None): # Before doing anything, remove any perfmon counters. try: import perfmon perfmon.UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings("python.exe "+serviceName) except (ImportError, win32api.error): pass # The EXE location may have changed exeName = '"%s"' % LocatePythonServiceExe(exeName) # Handle the default arguments. if startType is None: startType = win32service.SERVICE_NO_CHANGE if errorControl is None: errorControl = win32service.SERVICE_NO_CHANGE hscm = win32service.OpenSCManager(None,None,win32service.SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS) serviceType = win32service.SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS if bRunInteractive: serviceType = serviceType | win32service.SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS commandLine = _GetCommandLine(exeName, exeArgs) try: hs = SmartOpenService(hscm, serviceName, win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) try: win32service.ChangeServiceConfig(hs, serviceType, # service type startType, errorControl, # error control type commandLine, None, 0, serviceDeps, userName, password, displayName) if description is not None: try: win32service.ChangeServiceConfig2(hs,win32service.SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION,description) except NotImplementedError: pass ## ChangeServiceConfig2 and description do not exist on NT finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs) finally: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hscm) InstallPythonClassString(pythonClassString, serviceName) # If I have performance monitor info to install, do that. if perfMonIni is not None: InstallPerfmonForService(serviceName, perfMonIni, perfMonDll)
Example #20
Source File: From scalyr-agent-2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def is_agent_running(self, fail_if_running=False, fail_if_not_running=False): """Returns true if the agent service is running, as determined by this platform implementation. This will optionally raise an Exception with an appropriate error message if the agent is running or not runnning. @param fail_if_running: True if the method should raise an Exception with a platform-specific error message explaining how it determined the agent is running. @param fail_if_not_running: True if the method should raise an Exception with a platform-specific error message explaining how it determined the agent is not running. @type fail_if_running: bool @type fail_if_not_running: bool @return: True if the agent process is already running. @rtype: bool @raise AgentAlreadyRunning @raise AgentNotRunning """ hscm = None hs = None try: hscm = win32service.OpenSCManager( None, None, win32service.SC_MANAGER_CONNECT ) hs = win32serviceutil.SmartOpenService( hscm, _SCALYR_AGENT_SERVICE_, win32service.SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS ) status = win32service.QueryServiceStatusEx(hs) state = status["CurrentState"] is_running = state in ( win32service.SERVICE_RUNNING, win32service.SERVICE_START_PENDING, ) if fail_if_running and is_running: pid = status["ProcessId"] raise AgentAlreadyRunning( "The operating system reports the Scalyr Agent Service is running with " "pid=%d" % pid ) if fail_if_not_running and not is_running: raise AgentNotRunning( "The operating system reports the Scalyr Agent Service is not running" ) return state in ( win32service.SERVICE_RUNNING, win32service.SERVICE_START_PENDING, ) finally: if hs is not None: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hs) if hscm is not None: win32service.CloseServiceHandle(hscm)