Python PyQt5.QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest() Examples
The following are 20
code examples of PyQt5.QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest().
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Example #1
Source File: From PyQt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpencvWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.httpRequestAborted = False self.fps = 24 self.resize(800, 600) if not os.path.exists("Data/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"): self.setText("正在下载数据文件。。。") self.outFile = QFile( "Data/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2") if not QMessageBox.critical(self, '错误', '无法写入文件') return self.qnam = QNetworkAccessManager(self) self._reply = self.qnam.get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(URL))) self._reply.finished.connect(self.httpFinished) self._reply.readyRead.connect(self.httpReadyRead) self._reply.downloadProgress.connect(self.updateDataReadProgress) else: self.startCapture()
Example #2
Source File: From Uranium with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def addHeaders(request: QNetworkRequest, header_dict: Dict) -> None: for key, value in header_dict.items(): request.setRawHeader(key.encode("utf-8"), value.encode("utf-8"))
Example #3
Source File: From RepetierIntegration with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self) -> None: self.stop() # Ensure that previous requests (if any) are stopped. if not self._source_url: Logger.log("w", "Unable to start camera stream without target!") return self._started = True Logger.log("w", "MJPEG starting stream...") self._image_request = QNetworkRequest(self._source_url) if self._network_manager is None: self._network_manager = QNetworkAccessManager() self._image_reply = self._network_manager.get(self._image_request) self._image_reply.downloadProgress.connect(self._onStreamDownloadProgress)
Example #4
Source File: From RepetierIntegration with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stream_buffer = QByteArray() self._stream_buffer_start_index = -1 self._network_manager = None # type: QNetworkAccessManager self._image_request = None # type: QNetworkRequest self._image_reply = None # type: QNetworkReply self._image = QImage() self._image_rect = QRect() self._source_url = QUrl() self._started = False self._mirror = False self.setAntialiasing(True) ## Ensure that close gets called when object is destroyed
Example #5
Source File: From Mastering-GUI-Programming-with-Python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, url): super().__init__() self.manager = qtn.QNetworkAccessManager( finished=self.on_finished) self.request = qtn.QNetworkRequest(qtc.QUrl(url)) self.manager.get(self.request)
Example #6
Source File: From Mastering-GUI-Programming-with-Python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_request(self, url, data, filename): print(f"Making request to {url}") # Create the request object self.request = qtn.QNetworkRequest(url) # create the multipart object self.multipart = qtn.QHttpMultiPart(qtn.QHttpMultiPart.FormDataType) # Write the key-value data to the multipart json_string = json.dumps(data) http_part = qtn.QHttpPart() http_part.setHeader( qtn.QNetworkRequest.ContentTypeHeader, 'text/json' ) http_part.setBody(json_string.encode('utf-8')) self.multipart.append(http_part) # Write the file data to the multipart if filename: file_part = qtn.QHttpPart() filedata = open(filename, 'rb').read() file_part.setHeader( qtn.QNetworkRequest.ContentDispositionHeader, f'form-data; name="attachment"; filename="{filename}"' ) file_part.setBody(filedata) self.multipart.append(file_part) # Post the request with the form data, self.multipart)
Example #7
Source File: From Mastering-GUI-Programming-with-Python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_request(self, url, data, filename): print(f"Making request to {url}") # Create the request object self.request = qtn.QNetworkRequest(url) # create the multipart object self.multipart = qtn.QHttpMultiPart(qtn.QHttpMultiPart.FormDataType) # Write the key-value data to the multipart for key, value in (data or {}).items(): http_part = qtn.QHttpPart() http_part.setHeader( qtn.QNetworkRequest.ContentDispositionHeader, f'form-data; name="{key}"' ) http_part.setBody(value.encode('utf-8')) self.multipart.append(http_part) # Write the file data to the multipart if filename: file_part = qtn.QHttpPart() filedata = open(filename, 'rb').read() file_part.setHeader( qtn.QNetworkRequest.ContentDispositionHeader, f'form-data; name="attachment"; filename="{filename}"' ) file_part.setBody(filedata) self.multipart.append(file_part) # Post the request with the form data, self.multipart)
Example #8
Source File: From Uranium with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def requestHook(self, request: QNetworkRequest) -> None: # not calling super().request_hook() because base will do that. self.base.requestHook(request) self.addHeaders(request, self.header_dict)
Example #9
Source File: From Uranium with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def requestHook(self, request: QNetworkRequest) -> None: super().requestHook(request) self.addHeaders(request, self.header_dict)
Example #10
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_dir(self, tmpdir): url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(str(tmpdir)) req = QNetworkRequest(url) reply = filescheme.handler(req, None, None) # The URL will always use /, even on Windows - so we force this here # too. tmpdir_path = str(tmpdir).replace(os.sep, '/') assert reply.readAll() == filescheme.dirbrowser_html(tmpdir_path)
Example #11
Source File: From Uranium with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def requestHook(self, request: QNetworkRequest) -> None: """Invoked after request-specific headers are set and before HttpRequestData is created""" pass
Example #12
Source File: From Cura with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self) -> None: self.stop() # Ensure that previous requests (if any) are stopped. if not self._source_url: Logger.log("w", "Unable to start camera stream without target!") return self._started = True self._image_request = QNetworkRequest(self._source_url) if self._network_manager is None: self._network_manager = QNetworkAccessManager() self._image_reply = self._network_manager.get(self._image_request) self._image_reply.downloadProgress.connect(self._onStreamDownloadProgress)
Example #13
Source File: From Cura with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stream_buffer = QByteArray() self._stream_buffer_start_index = -1 self._network_manager = None # type: QNetworkAccessManager self._image_request = None # type: QNetworkRequest self._image_reply = None # type: QNetworkReply self._image = QImage() self._image_rect = QRect() self._source_url = QUrl() self._started = False self._mirror = False self.setAntialiasing(True)
Example #14
Source File: From Cura with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def requestHook(self, request: QNetworkRequest): super().requestHook(request) token = self._account.accessToken if not self._account.isLoggedIn or token is None: Logger.warning("Cannot add authorization to Cloud Api request") return header_dict = { "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token) } self.addHeaders(request, header_dict)
Example #15
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def acceptNavigationRequest(self, frame: QWebFrame, request: QNetworkRequest, typ: QWebPage.NavigationType) -> bool: """Override acceptNavigationRequest to handle clicked links. Setting linkDelegationPolicy to DelegateAllLinks and using a slot bound to linkClicked won't work correctly, because when in a frameset, we have no idea in which frame the link should be opened. Checks if it should open it in a tab (middle-click or control) or not, and then conditionally opens the URL here or in another tab/window. """ type_map = { QWebPage.NavigationTypeLinkClicked: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.link_clicked, QWebPage.NavigationTypeFormSubmitted: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.form_submitted, QWebPage.NavigationTypeFormResubmitted: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.form_resubmitted, QWebPage.NavigationTypeBackOrForward: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.back_forward, QWebPage.NavigationTypeReload: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.reloaded, QWebPage.NavigationTypeOther: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.other, } is_main_frame = frame is self.mainFrame() navigation = usertypes.NavigationRequest(url=request.url(), navigation_type=type_map[typ], is_main_frame=is_main_frame) if navigation.navigation_type == navigation.Type.reloaded: self.reloading.emit(navigation.url) self.navigation_request.emit(navigation) return navigation.accepted
Example #16
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def on_download_requested(self, request): """Called when the user wants to download a link. We need to construct a copy of the QNetworkRequest here as the download_manager needs it async and we'd get a segfault otherwise as soon as the user has entered the filename, as Qt seems to delete it after this slot returns. """ req = QNetworkRequest(request) download_manager = objreg.get('qtnetwork-download-manager') download_manager.get_request(req, qnam=self.networkAccessManager())
Example #17
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_unicode_encode_error(self, mocker): url = QUrl('file:///tmp/foo') req = QNetworkRequest(url) err = UnicodeEncodeError('ascii', '', 0, 2, 'foo') mocker.patch('os.path.isdir', side_effect=err) reply = filescheme.handler(req, None, None) assert reply is None
Example #18
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_file(self, tmpdir): filename = tmpdir / 'foo' filename.ensure() url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(str(filename)) req = QNetworkRequest(url) reply = filescheme.handler(req, None, None) assert reply is None
Example #19
Source File: From kawaii-player with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def createRequest(self, op, request, device = None ): global block_list try: urlLnk = (request.url().toString()) except UnicodeEncodeError: urlLnk = (request.url().path()) if self.get_link: if self.get_link in urlLnk: self.netS.emit(urlLnk) lower_case = urlLnk.lower() lst = [] if self.default_block: lst = [ "", 'adnxs', r"||", r"", "imagemapurl", "", "", "", "popup.js", "banner.htm", "_tribalfusion", "||^$third-party", "", "graphics.js", "", "", "", "||banzai/banner.$subdocument", "@@||^$document", "/pagead2.", "frugal.gif", "jriver_banner.png", "show_ads.js", '##a[href^=""]', "", "||^*.aframe?", "||^$third-party", ".gutter", ".iab", 'revcontent', ".ads", "ads.", ".bebi", "mgid" ] if self.block_request: lst = lst + self.block_request block = False for l in lst: if lower_case.find(l) != -1: block = True break if (self.select_request and self.select_request in urlLnk) or self.print_request: print(urlLnk) if block: return QNetworkAccessManager.createRequest(self, QNetworkAccessManager.GetOperation, QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest(QtCore.QUrl())) else: return QNetworkAccessManager.createRequest(self, op, request, device)
Example #20
Source File: From Uranium with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, request_id: str, http_method: str, request: "QNetworkRequest", manager_timeout_callback: Callable[["HttpRequestData"], None], data: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray]] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[["QNetworkReply"], None]] = None, error_callback: Optional[Callable[["QNetworkReply", "QNetworkReply.NetworkError"], None]] = None, download_progress_callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, upload_progress_callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, reply: Optional["QNetworkReply"] = None, parent: Optional["QObject"] = None) -> None: super().__init__(parent = parent) # Sanity checks if timeout is not None and timeout <= 0: raise ValueError("Timeout must be a positive value, but got [%s] instead." % timeout) self._request_id = request_id self.http_method = http_method self.request = request = data self.callback = callback self.error_callback = error_callback self.download_progress_callback = download_progress_callback self.upload_progress_callback = upload_progress_callback self._timeout = timeout self.reply = reply # For benchmarking. For calculating the time a request spent pending. self._create_time = time.time() # The timestamp when this request was initially issued to the QNetworkManager. This field to used to track and # manage timeouts (if set) for the requests. self._start_time = None # type: Optional[float] self.is_aborted_due_to_timeout = False self._last_response_time = float(0) self._timeout_timer = QTimer(parent = self) if self._timeout is not None: self._timeout_timer.setSingleShot(True) timeout_check_interval = self._timeout * 1000 * (1 + self.TIMEOUT_CHECK_TOLERANCE) self._timeout_timer.setInterval(timeout_check_interval) self._timeout_timer.timeout.connect(self._onTimeoutTimerTriggered) self._manager_timeout_callback = manager_timeout_callback