Python horizon.tables.Column() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of horizon.tables.Column().
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Example #1
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_table_column_inheritance(self): class TempTable(MyTable): extra = tables.Column('extra') class Meta: name = "temp_table" table_actions = (MyFilterAction, MyAction,) row_actions = (MyAction, MyLinkAction,) self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA) self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.table.columns.values(), ['<Column: multi_select>', '<Column: id>', '<Column: name>', '<Column: value>', '<Column: status>', '<Column: optional>', '<Column: excluded>', '<Column: extra>', '<Column: actions>'])
Example #2
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_table_construction(self): self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA) # Verify we retrieve the right columns for headers columns = self.table.get_columns() self.assertQuerysetEqual(columns, ['<MyColumn: multi_select>', '<Column: id>', '<Column: name>', '<Column: value>', '<Column: optional>', '<Column: status>', '<MyColumn: actions>']) # Verify we retrieve the right rows from our data rows = self.table.get_rows() self.assertQuerysetEqual(rows, ['<MyRow: my_table__row__1>', '<MyRow: my_table__row__2>', '<MyRow: my_table__row__3>']) # Verify each row contains the right cells self.assertQuerysetEqual(rows[0].get_cells(), ['<Cell: multi_select, my_table__row__1>', '<Cell: id, my_table__row__1>', '<Cell: name, my_table__row__1>', '<Cell: value, my_table__row__1>', '<Cell: optional, my_table__row__1>', '<Cell: status, my_table__row__1>', '<Cell: actions, my_table__row__1>'])
Example #3
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_table_force_no_multiselect(self): class TempTable(MyTable): class Meta: columns = ('id',) table_actions = (MyFilterAction, MyAction,) row_actions = (MyAction, MyLinkAction,) multi_select = False self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA) self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.table.columns.values(), ['<Column: id>', '<Column: actions>'])
Example #4
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_table_force_no_actions_column(self): class TempTable(MyTable): class Meta: columns = ('id',) table_actions = (MyFilterAction, MyAction,) row_actions = (MyAction, MyLinkAction,) actions_column = False self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA) self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.table.columns.values(), ['<Column: multi_select>', '<Column: id>'])
Example #5
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_table_natural_no_inline_editing(self): class TempTable(MyTable): name = tables.Column(get_name, verbose_name="Verbose Name", sortable=True) class Meta: name = "my_table" columns = ('id', 'name', 'value', 'optional', 'status') self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA_2) name_column = self.table.columns['name'] self.assertIsNone(name_column.update_action) self.assertIsNone(name_column.form_field) self.assertEqual({}, name_column.form_field_attributes)
Example #6
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_table_natural_no_actions_column(self): class TempTable(MyTable): class Meta: columns = ('id',) table_actions = (MyFilterAction, MyAction,) self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA) self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.table.columns.values(), ['<Column: multi_select>', '<Column: id>'])
Example #7
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_inline_edit_mod_checkbox_with_label(self): class TempTable(MyTable): name = tables.Column(get_name, verbose_name="Verbose Name", sortable=True, form_field=forms.BooleanField( required=True, label="Verbose Name"), form_field_attributes={'class': 'test'}, update_action=MyUpdateAction) class Meta: name = "my_table" columns = ('id', 'name', 'value', 'optional', 'status') self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA_2) name_col = self.table.columns['name'] = "form_field" row = self.table.get_rows()[0] name_cell = row.cells['name'] name_cell.inline_edit_mod = True # Check if is cell is rendered correctly. name_cell_rendered = name_cell.render() resp = http.HttpResponse(name_cell_rendered) self.assertContains(resp, '<input checked="checked" class="test" ' 'id="name__1" name="name__1" type="checkbox" ' 'value="custom object_1" />', count=1, html=True) self.assertContains(resp, '<label class="inline-edit-label" for="name__1">' 'Verbose Name</label>', count=1, html=True)
Example #8
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_inline_edit_mod_textarea(self): class TempTable(MyTable): name = tables.Column(get_name, verbose_name="Verbose Name", sortable=True, form_field=forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea(), required=False), form_field_attributes={'class': 'test'}, update_action=MyUpdateAction) class Meta: name = "my_table" columns = ('id', 'name', 'value', 'optional', 'status') self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA_2) name_col = self.table.columns['name'] = "form_field" row = self.table.get_rows()[0] name_cell = row.cells['name'] name_cell.inline_edit_mod = True # Check if is cell is rendered correctly. name_cell_rendered = name_cell.render() resp = http.HttpResponse(name_cell_rendered) self.assertContains(resp, '<textarea class="test" cols="40" id="name__1" ' 'name="name__1" rows="10">\r\ncustom object_1' '</textarea>', count=1, html=True)
Example #9
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_broken_filter(self): class MyTableBrokenFilter(MyTable): value = tables.Column('value', filters=(defaultfilters.timesince,)) value = "not_a_date" data = TEST_DATA[0] data.value = value table = MyTableBrokenFilter(self.request, [data]) resp = http.HttpResponse(table.render()) self.assertContains(resp, value)
Example #10
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def test_table_instantiation(self): """Tests everything that happens when the table is instantiated.""" self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA) # Properties defined on the table self.assertEqual(TEST_DATA, self.assertEqual("my_table", # Verify calculated options that weren't specified explicitly self.assertTrue(self.table._meta.actions_column) self.assertTrue(self.table._meta.multi_select) # Test for verbose_name self.assertEqual(u"My Table", unicode(self.table)) # Column ordering and exclusion. # This should include auto-columns for multi_select and actions, # but should not contain the excluded column. # Additionally, auto-generated columns should use the custom # column class specified on the table. self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.table.columns.values(), ['<MyColumn: multi_select>', '<Column: id>', '<Column: name>', '<Column: value>', '<Column: optional>', '<Column: status>', '<MyColumn: actions>']) # Actions (these also test ordering) self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.table.base_actions.values(), ['<MyBatchAction: batch>', '<MyAction: delete>', '<MyFilterAction: filter>', '<MyLinkAction: login>', '<MyToggleAction: toggle>']) self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.table.get_table_actions(), ['<MyFilterAction: filter>', '<MyAction: delete>', '<MyBatchAction: batch>']) self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.table.get_row_actions(TEST_DATA[0]), ['<MyAction: delete>', '<MyLinkAction: login>', '<MyBatchAction: batch>', '<MyToggleAction: toggle>']) # Auto-generated columns multi_select = self.table.columns['multi_select'] self.assertEqual("multi_select", self.assertEqual("multi_select_column", multi_select.get_final_attrs().get('class', "")) actions = self.table.columns['actions'] self.assertEqual("actions", self.assertEqual("actions_column", actions.get_final_attrs().get('class', "")) # In-line edit action on column. name_column = self.table.columns['name'] self.assertEqual(MyUpdateAction, name_column.update_action) self.assertEqual(forms.CharField, name_column.form_field.__class__) self.assertEqual({'class': 'test'}, name_column.form_field_attributes)