Python horizon.tables.Row() Examples

The following are 3 code examples of horizon.tables.Row(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module horizon.tables , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From manila-ui with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def allowed(self, request, share=None):
        if share:
            # Row button
            return (share.status.upper() in DELETABLE_STATES and
                    not getattr(share, 'has_snapshot', False))
        # Table button. Always return 'True'.
        return True 
Example #2
Source File:    From manila-ui with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def allowed(self, request, share_group=None):
        if share_group:
            # Row button
            return (share_group.status.lower() in ('available', 'error'))
        # Table button. Always return 'True'
        return True 
Example #3
Source File:    From avos with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_table_rendering(self):
        self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
        # Table actions
        table_actions = self.table.render_table_actions()
        resp = http.HttpResponse(table_actions)
        self.assertContains(resp, "table_search", 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, "my_table__filter__q", 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, "my_table__delete", 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__action_delete"', 1)
        # Row actions
        row_actions = self.table.render_row_actions(TEST_DATA[0])
        resp = http.HttpResponse(row_actions)
        self.assertContains(resp, "<li", 3)
        self.assertContains(resp, "my_table__delete__1", 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, "my_table__toggle__1", 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, "/auth/login/", 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, "ajax-modal", 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__row_1__action_delete"', 1)
        # Whole table
        resp = http.HttpResponse(self.table.render())
        self.assertContains(resp, '<table id="my_table"', 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, '<th ', 8)
        self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__row__1"', 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__row__2"', 1)
        self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__row__3"', 1)
        update_string = "action=row_update&amp;table=my_table&amp;obj_id="
        self.assertContains(resp, update_string, 3)
        self.assertContains(resp, "data-update-interval", 3)
        # Verify no table heading
        self.assertNotContains(resp, "<h3 class='table_title'")
        # Verify our XSS protection
        self.assertContains(resp, '<a href="" '
                                  'data-tip="click for dialog" '
                                  'data-type="modal dialog" '
                                  '&lt;strong&gt;evil&lt;/strong&gt;</a>', 1)
        # Hidden Title = False shows the table title
        self.table._meta.hidden_title = False
        resp = http.HttpResponse(self.table.render())
        self.assertContains(resp, "<h3 class='table_title'", 1)

        # Filter = False hides the search box
        self.table._meta.filter = False
        table_actions = self.table.render_table_actions()
        resp = http.HttpResponse(table_actions)
        self.assertContains(resp, "table_search", 0)