Python functools.singledispatch() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of functools.singledispatch().
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Example #1
Source File: From tornado-zh with MIT License | 6 votes |
def convert_yielded(yielded): """Convert a yielded object into a `.Future`. The default implementation accepts lists, dictionaries, and Futures. If the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available, this function may be extended to support additional types. For example:: @convert_yielded.register(asyncio.Future) def _(asyncio_future): return tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future(asyncio_future) .. versionadded:: 4.1 """ # Lists and dicts containing YieldPoints were handled earlier. if isinstance(yielded, (list, dict)): return multi(yielded) elif is_future(yielded): return yielded elif isawaitable(yielded): return _wrap_awaitable(yielded) else: raise BadYieldError("yielded unknown object %r" % (yielded,))
Example #2
Source File: From graphene-mongo with MIT License | 6 votes |
def import_single_dispatch(): try: from functools import singledispatch except ImportError: singledispatch = None if not singledispatch: try: from singledispatch import singledispatch except ImportError: pass if not singledispatch: raise Exception( "It seems your python version does not include " "functools.singledispatch. Please install the 'singledispatch' " "package. More information here: " "" ) return singledispatch # noqa
Example #3
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_c_classes(self): @functools.singledispatch def g(obj): return "base" @g.register(decimal.DecimalException) def _(obj): return obj.args subn = decimal.Subnormal("Exponent < Emin") rnd = decimal.Rounded("Number got rounded") self.assertEqual(g(subn), ("Exponent < Emin",)) self.assertEqual(g(rnd), ("Number got rounded",)) @g.register(decimal.Subnormal) def _(obj): return "Too small to care." self.assertEqual(g(subn), "Too small to care.") self.assertEqual(g(rnd), ("Number got rounded",))
Example #4
Source File: From enaml-native with MIT License | 6 votes |
def convert_yielded(yielded): """Convert a yielded object into a `.Future`. The default implementation accepts lists, dictionaries, and Futures. If the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available, this function may be extended to support additional types. For example:: @convert_yielded.register(asyncio.Future) def _(asyncio_future): return tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future(asyncio_future) .. versionadded:: 4.1 """ # Lists and dicts containing YieldPoints were handled earlier. if yielded is None: return moment elif isinstance(yielded, (list, dict)): return multi(yielded) elif is_future(yielded): return yielded elif isawaitable(yielded): return _wrap_awaitable(yielded) else: raise BadYieldError("yielded unknown object %r" % (yielded,))
Example #5
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_mro(self): @functools.singledispatch def g(obj): return "base" class A: pass class C(A): pass class B(A): pass class D(C, B): pass def g_A(a): return "A" def g_B(b): return "B" g.register(A, g_A) g.register(B, g_B) self.assertEqual(g(A()), "A") self.assertEqual(g(B()), "B") self.assertEqual(g(C()), "A") self.assertEqual(g(D()), "B")
Example #6
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_mro(self): @functools.singledispatch def g(obj): return "base" class A: pass class C(A): pass class B(A): pass class D(C, B): pass def g_A(a): return "A" def g_B(b): return "B" g.register(A, g_A) g.register(B, g_B) self.assertEqual(g(A()), "A") self.assertEqual(g(B()), "B") self.assertEqual(g(C()), "A") self.assertEqual(g(D()), "B")
Example #7
Source File: From graphene-django with MIT License | 6 votes |
def import_single_dispatch(): try: from functools import singledispatch except ImportError: singledispatch = None if not singledispatch: try: from singledispatch import singledispatch except ImportError: pass if not singledispatch: raise Exception( "It seems your python version does not include " "functools.singledispatch. Please install the 'singledispatch' " "package. More information here: " "" ) return singledispatch
Example #8
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_c_classes(self): @functools.singledispatch def g(obj): return "base" @g.register(decimal.DecimalException) def _(obj): return obj.args subn = decimal.Subnormal("Exponent < Emin") rnd = decimal.Rounded("Number got rounded") self.assertEqual(g(subn), ("Exponent < Emin",)) self.assertEqual(g(rnd), ("Number got rounded",)) @g.register(decimal.Subnormal) def _(obj): return "Too small to care." self.assertEqual(g(subn), "Too small to care.") self.assertEqual(g(rnd), ("Number got rounded",))
Example #9
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_c_classes(self): @functools.singledispatch def g(obj): return "base" @g.register(decimal.DecimalException) def _(obj): return obj.args subn = decimal.Subnormal("Exponent < Emin") rnd = decimal.Rounded("Number got rounded") self.assertEqual(g(subn), ("Exponent < Emin",)) self.assertEqual(g(rnd), ("Number got rounded",)) @g.register(decimal.Subnormal) def _(obj): return "Too small to care." self.assertEqual(g(subn), "Too small to care.") self.assertEqual(g(rnd), ("Number got rounded",))
Example #10
Source File: From EventGhost with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def convert_yielded(yielded): """Convert a yielded object into a `.Future`. The default implementation accepts lists, dictionaries, and Futures. If the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available, this function may be extended to support additional types. For example:: @convert_yielded.register(asyncio.Future) def _(asyncio_future): return tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future(asyncio_future) .. versionadded:: 4.1 """ # Lists and dicts containing YieldPoints were handled earlier. if isinstance(yielded, (list, dict)): return multi(yielded) elif is_future(yielded): return yielded elif isawaitable(yielded): return _wrap_awaitable(yielded) else: raise BadYieldError("yielded unknown object %r" % (yielded,))
Example #11
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_mro(self): @functools.singledispatch def g(obj): return "base" class A: pass class C(A): pass class B(A): pass class D(C, B): pass def g_A(a): return "A" def g_B(b): return "B" g.register(A, g_A) g.register(B, g_B) self.assertEqual(g(A()), "A") self.assertEqual(g(B()), "B") self.assertEqual(g(C()), "A") self.assertEqual(g(D()), "B")
Example #12
Source File: From alibi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def methdispatch(func): """ A decorator that is used to support singledispatch style functionality for instance methods. By default, singledispatch selects a function to call from registered based on the type of args[0]: def wrapper(*args, **kw): return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw) This uses singledispatch to do achieve this but instead uses args[1] since args[0] will always be self. """ dispatcher = singledispatch(func) def wrapper(*args, **kw): return dispatcher.dispatch(args[1].__class__)(*args, **kw) wrapper.register = dispatcher.register update_wrapper(wrapper, dispatcher) return wrapper
Example #13
Source File: From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_mro(self): @functools.singledispatch def g(obj): return "base" class A: pass class C(A): pass class B(A): pass class D(C, B): pass def g_A(a): return "A" def g_B(b): return "B" g.register(A, g_A) g.register(B, g_B) self.assertEqual(g(A()), "A") self.assertEqual(g(B()), "B") self.assertEqual(g(C()), "A") self.assertEqual(g(D()), "B")
Example #14
Source File: From tornado-zh with MIT License | 6 votes |
def convert_yielded(yielded): """Convert a yielded object into a `.Future`. The default implementation accepts lists, dictionaries, and Futures. If the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available, this function may be extended to support additional types. For example:: @convert_yielded.register(asyncio.Future) def _(asyncio_future): return tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future(asyncio_future) .. versionadded:: 4.1 """ # Lists and dicts containing YieldPoints were handled earlier. if isinstance(yielded, (list, dict)): return multi(yielded) elif is_future(yielded): return yielded elif isawaitable(yielded): return _wrap_awaitable(yielded) else: raise BadYieldError("yielded unknown object %r" % (yielded,))
Example #15
Source File: From eventsourcing with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def applicationpolicy(arg: Callable) -> Callable: """ Decorator for application policy method. Allows policy to be built up from methods registered for different event classes. """ assert isfunction(arg), arg @no_type_check def _mutator(func): wrapped = singledispatch(func) @wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): event = kwargs.get("event") or args[-1] return wrapped.dispatch(type(event))(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.register = wrapped.register return wrapper return _mutator(arg)
Example #16
Source File: From eventsourcing with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def encoderpolicy(arg=None): """ Decorator for encoder policy. Allows default behaviour to be built up from methods registered for different types of things, rather than chain of isinstance() calls in a long if-else block. """ def _mutator(func): wrapped = singledispatch(func) @wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): obj = kwargs.get("obj") or args[-1] return wrapped.dispatch(type(obj))(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.register = wrapped.register return wrapper assert isfunction(arg), arg return _mutator(arg)
Example #17
Source File: From eventsourcing with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def encoderpolicy(arg=None): """ Decorator for encoder policy. Allows default behaviour to be built up from methods registered for different types of things, rather than chain of isinstance() calls in a long if-else block. """ def _mutator(func): wrapped = singledispatch(func) @wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): obj = kwargs.get("obj") or args[-1] return wrapped.dispatch(type(obj))(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.register = wrapped.register return wrapper assert isfunction(arg), arg return _mutator(arg)
Example #18
Source File: From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_c_classes(self): @functools.singledispatch def g(obj): return "base" @g.register(decimal.DecimalException) def _(obj): return obj.args subn = decimal.Subnormal("Exponent < Emin") rnd = decimal.Rounded("Number got rounded") self.assertEqual(g(subn), ("Exponent < Emin",)) self.assertEqual(g(rnd), ("Number got rounded",)) @g.register(decimal.Subnormal) def _(obj): return "Too small to care." self.assertEqual(g(subn), "Too small to care.") self.assertEqual(g(rnd), ("Number got rounded",))
Example #19
Source File: From related with MIT License | 6 votes |
def to_dict(obj, **kwargs): """ Convert an object into dictionary. Uses singledispatch to allow for clean extensions for custom class types. Reference: :param obj: object instance :param kwargs: keyword arguments such as suppress_private_attr, suppress_empty_values, dict_factory :return: converted dictionary. """ # if is_related, then iterate attrs. if is_model(obj.__class__): return related_obj_to_dict(obj, **kwargs) # else, return obj directly. register a custom to_dict if you need to! # reference: else: return obj
Example #20
Source File: From V1EngineeringInc-Docs with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
def convert_yielded(yielded: _Yieldable) -> Future: """Convert a yielded object into a `.Future`. The default implementation accepts lists, dictionaries, and Futures. This has the side effect of starting any coroutines that did not start themselves, similar to `asyncio.ensure_future`. If the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available, this function may be extended to support additional types. For example:: @convert_yielded.register(asyncio.Future) def _(asyncio_future): return tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future(asyncio_future) .. versionadded:: 4.1 """ if yielded is None or yielded is moment: return moment elif yielded is _null_future: return _null_future elif isinstance(yielded, (list, dict)): return multi(yielded) # type: ignore elif is_future(yielded): return typing.cast(Future, yielded) elif isawaitable(yielded): return _wrap_awaitable(yielded) # type: ignore else: raise BadYieldError("yielded unknown object %r" % (yielded,))
Example #21
Source File: From ballistica with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dispatchmethod( func: Callable[[Any, TARG], TRET]) -> DispatchMethodWrapper[TARG, TRET]: """A variation of functools.singledispatch for methods.""" from functools import singledispatch, update_wrapper origwrapper: Any = singledispatch(func) # Pull this out so hopefully origwrapper can die, # otherwise we reference origwrapper in our wrapper. dispatch = origwrapper.dispatch # All we do here is recreate the end of functools.singledispatch # where it returns a wrapper except instead of the wrapper using the # first arg to the function ours uses the second (to skip 'self'). # This was made with Python 3.7; we should probably check up on # this in later versions in case anything has changed. # (or hopefully they'll add this functionality to their version) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kw: Any) -> Any: if not args or len(args) < 2: raise TypeError(f'{funcname} requires at least ' '2 positional arguments') return dispatch(args[1].__class__)(*args, **kw) funcname = getattr(func, '__name__', 'dispatchmethod method') wrapper.register = origwrapper.register # type: ignore wrapper.dispatch = dispatch # type: ignore wrapper.registry = origwrapper.registry # type: ignore # pylint: disable=protected-access wrapper._clear_cache = origwrapper._clear_cache # type: ignore update_wrapper(wrapper, func) # pylint: enable=protected-access return cast(DispatchMethodWrapper, wrapper)
Example #22
Source File: From sisl with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, func): if not callable(func) and not hasattr(func, "__get__"): raise TypeError("{!r} is not callable or a descriptor".format(func)) self.dispatcher = singledispatch(func) self.func = func
Example #23
Source File: From lightbus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def singledispatchmethod(func): dispatcher = singledispatch(func) def wrapper(*args, **kw): return dispatcher.dispatch(args[1].__class__)(*args, **kw) wrapper.register = dispatcher.register update_wrapper(wrapper, func) return wrapper
Example #24
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def symbolic_dispatch(f = None, cls = object): if f is None: return lambda f: symbolic_dispatch(f, cls) # TODO: don't use singledispatch if it has already been done dispatch_func = singledispatch(f) if cls is not object: dispatch_func.register(cls, f) dispatch_func.register(object, _dispatch_not_impl(dispatch_func.__name__)) @dispatch_func.register(Symbolic) def _dispatch_symbol(__data, *args, **kwargs): return create_sym_call(FuncArg(dispatch_func), strip_symbolic(__data), *args, **kwargs) @dispatch_func.register(Call) def _dispatch_call(__data, *args, **kwargs): # TODO: want to just create call, for now use hack of creating a symbolic # call and getting the source off of it... return strip_symbolic(create_sym_call(FuncArg(dispatch_func), __data, *args, **kwargs)) return dispatch_func # Do some gnarly method setting -----------------------------------------------
Example #25
Source File: From pyecore with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def dispatch(func): dispatcher = singledispatch(func) def wrapper(*args, **kw): return dispatcher.dispatch(args[1].__class__)(*args, **kw) def register(cls, func=None): if isinstance(cls, EObject): return dispatcher.register(cls.python_class) return dispatcher.register(cls) wrapper.register = register update_wrapper(wrapper, func) return wrapper # def install_issubclass_patch(): # old_issubclass = builtins.issubclass # # def pyecore_issubclass(self, cls): # if isinstance(self, EClass): # return old_issubclass(self.python_class, cls) # return old_issubclass(self, cls) # pyecore_issubclass.original = old_issubclass # builtins.issubclass = pyecore_issubclass # # # class original_issubclass(object): # def __init__(self): # self.pyecore_issubclass = builtins.issubclass # # def __enter__(self): # builtins.issubclass = self.pyecore_issubclass.original # # def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): # builtins.issubclass = self.pyecore_issubclass
Example #26
Source File: From pyGeoPressure with MIT License | 5 votes |
def methdispatch(func): dispatcher = singledispatch(func) def wrapper(*args, **kw): return dispatcher.dispatch(args[1].__class__)(*args, **kw) wrapper.register = dispatcher.register update_wrapper(wrapper, func) return wrapper
Example #27
Source File: From open_model_zoo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, data_source, config=None, **kwargs): self.config = config self.data_source = data_source self.read_dispatcher = singledispatch( self.read_dispatcher.register(list, self._read_list) self.read_dispatcher.register(ClipIdentifier, self._read_clip) self.read_dispatcher.register(MultiFramesInputIdentifier, self._read_frames_multi_input) self.validate_config() self.configure()
Example #28
Source File: From open_model_zoo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, value_differ, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.value_differ = value_differ self.calculate_diff = singledispatch(self._calculate_diff_regression_rep) self.calculate_diff.register(DepthEstimationAnnotation, self._calculate_diff_depth_estimation_rep)
Example #29
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def singledispatch2(cls, f = None): """Wrap singledispatch. Making sure to keep its attributes on the wrapper. This wrapper has three jobs: 1. strip symbols off of calls 2. pass NoArgs instance for calls like some_func(), so dispatcher can handle 3. return a Pipeable when the first arg of a call is a symbol """ # classic way of allowing args to a decorator if f is None: return lambda f: singledispatch2(cls, f) # initially registers func for object, so need to change to pd.DataFrame dispatch_func = singledispatch(f) if isinstance(cls, tuple): for c in cls: dispatch_func.register(c, f) else: dispatch_func.register(cls, f) # then, set the default object dispatcher to create a pipe register_pipe(dispatch_func, object) # register dispatcher for Call, and NoArgs pipe_call(dispatch_func) pipe_no_args(dispatch_func) @wraps(dispatch_func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): strip_args = map(strip_symbolic, args) strip_kwargs = {k: strip_symbolic(v) for k,v in kwargs.items()} if not args: return dispatch_func(NoArgs(), **strip_kwargs) return dispatch_func(*strip_args, **strip_kwargs) return wrapper
Example #30
Source File: From caluma with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_mutation_params(info): @singledispatch def _parse_ast_value(arg, info): # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown arg {arg}") @_parse_ast_value.register(ast.ObjectValue) def _(arg, info): return { _parse_ast_value(field.value, info) for field in arg.fields } @_parse_ast_value.register(ast.ListValue) def _(arg, info): return [_parse_ast_value(val, info) for val in arg.values] @_parse_ast_value.register(ast.StringValue) def _(arg, info): return arg.value @_parse_ast_value.register(ast.Variable) def _(arg, info): return info.variable_values[] # No need to keep the registered singledispatch implementation # in the namespace del _ current_sel = [ sel for sel in info.operation.selection_set.selections if == info.field_name # if aliases are used, we need to compare them as well and (sel.alias is None or sel.alias.value == info.path[0]) ][0] return { _parse_ast_value(arg.value, info) for arg in current_sel.arguments }