Python numpy.diag_indices_from() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of numpy.diag_indices_from(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module numpy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From q2mm with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def do_levenberg(ma, vb, factor):
    Lagrange multipliers.

    ma : NumPy matrix
    vb : NumPy vector
    factor : float
    mac = copy.deepcopy(ma)
    ind = np.diag_indices_from(mac)
    mac[ind] = mac[ind] + factor
    logger.log(5, 'A:\n{}'.format(mac))
    changes = solver(mac, vb)
    return [('LM {}'.format(factor), changes)] 
Example #2
Source File:    From q2mm with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def do_lagrange(ma, vb, factor):
    Lagrange multipliers.

    ma : NumPy matrix
    vb : NumPy vector
    factor : float
    mac = copy.deepcopy(ma)
    ind = np.diag_indices_from(mac)
    logger.log(5, 'A:\n{}'.format(mac))
    mac[ind] = mac[ind] + factor
    logger.log(5, 'A:\n{}'.format(mac))
    changes = solver(mac, vb)
    return [('LAGRANGE F{}'.format(factor), changes)] 
Example #3
Source File:    From nni with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def first_fit(self, train_x, train_y):
        """ Fit the regressor for the first time. """
        train_x, train_y = np.array(train_x), np.array(train_y)

        self._x = np.copy(train_x)
        self._y = np.copy(train_y)

        self._distance_matrix = edit_distance_matrix(self._x)
        k_matrix = bourgain_embedding_matrix(self._distance_matrix)
        k_matrix[np.diag_indices_from(k_matrix)] += self.alpha

        self._l_matrix = cholesky(k_matrix, lower=True)  # Line 2

        self._alpha_vector = cho_solve(
            (self._l_matrix, True), self._y)  # Line 3

        self._first_fitted = True
        return self 
Example #4
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def corr_equi(k_vars, rho):
    '''create equicorrelated correlation matrix with rho on off diagonal

    k_vars : int
        number of variables, correlation matrix will be (k_vars, k_vars)
    rho : float
        correlation between any two random variables

    corr : ndarray (k_vars, k_vars)
        correlation matrix

    corr = np.empty((k_vars, k_vars))
    corr[np.diag_indices_from(corr)] = 1
    return corr 
Example #5
Source File:    From enspara with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_symmetrical_mi_nonzero_int_shape_spec():
    # test that when we use an integer (rather than a list of integers)
    # that we correctly assume that the integer is just repeated for all
    # of the various features.

    nonzero_mi_funcs = [nonzero_mi_np, nonzero_mi_ra, nonzero_mi_list]
    for a, n_states in (f() for f in nonzero_mi_funcs):

        mi = mutual_info.mi_matrix(a, a, 5, 5)

        assert_almost_equal(mi[-1, -2], 0.86114, decimal=3)
        mi[-1, -2] = mi[-2, -1] = 0

        assert_almost_equal(np.diag(mi), 0.86114, decimal=2)
        mi[np.diag_indices_from(mi)] = 0

        assert_allclose(mi, 0, atol=1e-3) 
Example #6
Source File:    From enspara with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_symmetrical_mi_nonzero():
    # test that the MI matrix for sets of uncorrelated things results
    # in zero MI

    nonzero_mi_funcs = [nonzero_mi_np, nonzero_mi_ra, nonzero_mi_list]
    for a, n_states in (f() for f in nonzero_mi_funcs):

        mi = mutual_info.mi_matrix(a, a, n_states, n_states)

        assert_almost_equal(mi[-1, -2], 0.86114, decimal=3)
        mi[-1, -2] = mi[-2, -1] = 0

        assert_almost_equal(np.diag(mi), 0.86114, decimal=2)
        mi[np.diag_indices_from(mi)] = 0

        assert_allclose(mi, 0, atol=1e-3) 
Example #7
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def corr_equi(k_vars, rho):
    '''create equicorrelated correlation matrix with rho on off diagonal

    k_vars : int
        number of variables, correlation matrix will be (k_vars, k_vars)
    rho : float
        correlation between any two random variables

    corr : ndarray (k_vars, k_vars)
        correlation matrix

    corr = np.empty((k_vars, k_vars))
    corr[np.diag_indices_from(corr)] = 1
    return corr 
Example #8
Source File:    From meanderpy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def order_cl_pixels(x_pix,y_pix):
    dist = distance.cdist(np.array([x_pix,y_pix]).T,np.array([x_pix,y_pix]).T)
    ind = np.argmin(x_pix) # select starting point on left side of image
    clinds = [ind]
    count = 0
    while count<len(x_pix):
        t = dist[ind,:].copy()
        if len(clinds)>2:
        ind = np.argmin(t)
    x_pix = x_pix[clinds]
    y_pix = y_pix[clinds]
    return x_pix,y_pix 
Example #9
Source File:    From cupy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def diag_indices_from(arr):
    Return the indices to access the main diagonal of an n-dimensional array.
    See `diag_indices` for full details.

        arr (cupy.ndarray): At least 2-D.

     .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.diag_indices_from`

    if not isinstance(arr, cupy.ndarray):
        raise TypeError("Argument must be cupy.ndarray")

    if not arr.ndim >= 2:
        raise ValueError("input array must be at least 2-d")
    # For more than d=2, the strided formula is only valid for arrays with
    # all dimensions equal, so we check first.
    if not cupy.all(cupy.diff(arr.shape) == 0):
        raise ValueError("All dimensions of input must be of equal length")

    return diag_indices(arr.shape[0], arr.ndim) 
Example #10
Source File:    From pyGeoStatistics with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def block_covariance(self):
        "return average covariance within block"
        if self._block_covariance is None:
            if self.ndb <= 1:  # point kriging
                self._block_covariance = self.unbias
                cov = list()
                for x1, y1, z1 in zip(self.xdb, self.ydb, self.zdb):
                    for x2, y2, z2 in zip(self.xdb, self.ydb, self.zdb):
                        # cov.append(self._cova3((x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)))
                            (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2),
                            self.rotmat, self.maxcov, self.nst,
                  ,, self.aa_hmax))
                cov = np.array(cov).reshape((self.ndb, self.ndb))
                cov[np.diag_indices_from(cov)] -= self.c0
                self._block_covariance = np.mean(cov)
        return self._block_covariance 
Example #11
Source File:    From pyins with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _kalman_correct(x, P, z, H, R, gain_factor, gain_curve):
    PHT =, H.T)

    S =, PHT) + R
    e = z -
    L = cholesky(S, lower=True)
    inn = solve_triangular(L, e, lower=True)

    if gain_curve is not None:
        q = (, inn) / inn.shape[0]) ** 0.5
        f = gain_curve(q)
        if f == 0:
            return inn
        L *= (q / f) ** 0.5

    K = cho_solve((L, True), PHT.T, overwrite_b=True).T
    if gain_factor is not None:
        K *= gain_factor[:, None]

    U =
    U[np.diag_indices_from(U)] += 1
    x += -
    P[:] = +

    return inn 
Example #12
Source File:    From qml with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def bkf_solve(A, y):
    """ Solves the equation

            :math:`A x = y`

        for x using a Cholesky decomposition  via calls to LAPACK dpotrf and dpotrs in the F2PY module. Preserves the input matrix A.

        :param A: Matrix (symmetric and positive definite, left-hand side).
        :type A: numpy array
        :param y: Vector (right-hand side of the equation).
        :type y: numpy array

        :return: The solution vector.
        :rtype: numpy array

    if len(A.shape) != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('expected square matrix')

    if len(y.shape) != 1 or y.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('expected matrix and vector of same stride size')

    n = A.shape[0]

    # Backup diagonal before Cholesky-decomposition
    A_diag = A[np.diag_indices_from(A)]

    x = np.zeros(n)
    fbkf_solve(A, y, x)

    # Reset diagonal after Cholesky-decomposition
    A[np.diag_indices_from(A)] = A_diag

    # Copy lower triangle to upper
    i_lower = np.tril_indices_from(A)
    A.T[i_lower] = A[i_lower]

    return x 
Example #13
Source File:    From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def energy_nuc(mol, charges=None, coords=None):
    '''Compute nuclear repulsion energy (AU) or static Coulomb energy

    if charges is None: charges = mol.atom_charges()
    if len(charges) <= 1:
        return 0
    #e = 0
    #for j in range(len(mol._atm)):
    #    q2 = charges[j]
    #    r2 = coords[j]
    #    for i in range(j):
    #        q1 = charges[i]
    #        r1 = coords[i]
    #        r = numpy.linalg.norm(r1-r2)
    #        e += q1 * q2 / r
    rr = inter_distance(mol, coords)
    rr[numpy.diag_indices_from(rr)] = 1e200
    if CHECK_GEOM and numpy.any(rr < 1e-5):
        for atm_idx in numpy.argwhere(rr<1e-5):
            logger.warn(mol, 'Atoms %s have the same coordinates', atm_idx)
        raise RuntimeError('Ill geometry')
    e = numpy.einsum('i,ij,j->', charges, 1./rr, charges) * .5
    return e 
Example #14
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def cosine_distances(X, Y=None):
    """Compute cosine distance between samples in X and Y.

    Cosine distance is defined as 1.0 minus the cosine similarity.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`.

    X : array_like, sparse matrix
        with shape (n_samples_X, n_features).

    Y : array_like, sparse matrix (optional)
        with shape (n_samples_Y, n_features).

    distance matrix : array
        An array with shape (n_samples_X, n_samples_Y).

    See also
    scipy.spatial.distance.cosine (dense matrices only)
    # 1.0 - cosine_similarity(X, Y) without copy
    S = cosine_similarity(X, Y)
    S *= -1
    S += 1
    np.clip(S, 0, 2, out=S)
    if X is Y or Y is None:
        # Ensure that distances between vectors and themselves are set to 0.0.
        # This may not be the case due to floating point rounding errors.
        S[np.diag_indices_from(S)] = 0.0
    return S

# Paired distances 
Example #15
Source File:    From tape with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __getitem__(self, index):
        item =[index]

        msa = item['msa']
        dist = item['dist6d']
        omega = item['omega6d']
        theta = item['theta6d']
        phi = item['phi6d']

        if self._split == 'train':
            msa = self._subsample_msa(msa)
        elif self._split == 'valid':
            msa = msa[:20000]  # runs out of memory if msa is way too big
        msa, dist, omega, theta, phi = self._slice_long_sequences(
            msa, dist, omega, theta, phi)

        mask = dist == 0

        dist_bins = np.digitize(dist, self._dist_bins)
        omega_bins = np.digitize(omega, self._dihedral_bins) + 1
        theta_bins = np.digitize(theta, self._dihedral_bins) + 1
        phi_bins = np.digitize(phi, self._planar_bins) + 1

        dist_bins[mask] = 0
        omega_bins[mask] = 0
        theta_bins[mask] = 0
        phi_bins[mask] = 0

        dist_bins[np.diag_indices_from(dist_bins)] = -1

        # input_mask = np.ones_like(msa[0])

        return msa, dist_bins, omega_bins, theta_bins, phi_bins 
Example #16
Source File:    From snfpy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_n_clusters(arr, n_clusters=range(2, 6)):
    Finds optimal number of clusters in `arr` via eigengap method

    arr : (N, N) array_like
        Input array (e.g., the output of :py:func`snf.compute.snf`)
    n_clusters : array_like
        Numbers of clusters to choose between

    opt_cluster : int
        Optimal number of clusters
    second_opt_cluster : int
        Second best number of clusters

    # confirm inputs are appropriate
    n_clusters = check_array(n_clusters, ensure_2d=False)
    n_clusters = n_clusters[n_clusters > 1]

    # don't overwrite provided array!
    graph = arr.copy()

    graph = (graph + graph.T) / 2
    graph[np.diag_indices_from(graph)] = 0
    degree = graph.sum(axis=1)
    degree[np.isclose(degree, 0)] += np.spacing(1)
    di = np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(degree))
    laplacian = di @ (np.diag(degree) - graph) @ di

    # perform eigendecomposition and find eigengap
    eigs = np.sort(np.linalg.eig(laplacian)[0])
    eigengap = np.abs(np.diff(eigs))
    eigengap = eigengap * (1 - eigs[:-1]) / (1 - eigs[1:])
    n = eigengap[n_clusters - 1].argsort()[::-1]

    return n_clusters[n[:2]] 
Example #17
Source File:    From domain_adversarial_neural_network with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def mda_fit(X, noise=0.5, eta=1e-5):
        X : d x n input (Transpose of the usual data-matrix)
        noise: corruption level
        eta: regularization 
        hx: d x n hidden representation
        W: d x (d+1) mapping
    d, n = np.shape(X)
    # adding bias
    Xb = np.vstack((X, np.ones(n)))
    # scatter matrix S
    S =, Xb.T)
    # corruption vector
    q = np.ones((d+1, 1)) * (1.-noise)
    q[-1] = 1
    # Q: (d+1)x(d+1)
    Q = S*,q.T)
    Q[np.diag_indices_from(Q)] = q.T[0] * np.diag(S)

    #P: dx(d+1)
    P = S[0:-1,:] * q.T 
    # final W = P*Q^-1, dx(d+1)
    reg = eta * np.eye(d+1)
    reg[-1,-1] = 0
    W = np.linalg.solve(Q.T + reg, P.T).T

    hx = np.tanh(, Xb))
    return hx, W 
Example #18
Source File:    From meanderpy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def kth_diag_indices(a,k):
    """function for finding diagonal indices with k offset
    rows, cols = np.diag_indices_from(a)
    if k<0:
        return rows[:k], cols[-k:]
    elif k>0:
        return rows[k:], cols[:-k]
        return rows, cols 
Example #19
Source File:    From enspara with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_symmetrical_mi_zero():

    zero_mi_funcs = [zero_mi_np, zero_mi_ra, zero_mi_list]

    for a, n_states in (f() for f in zero_mi_funcs):
        mi = mutual_info.mi_matrix(a, a, n_states, n_states)

        assert_allclose(np.diag(mi), 0.86114, atol=0.1)
        mi[np.diag_indices_from(mi)] = 0

        assert_allclose(mi, 0, atol=1e-3) 
Example #20
Source File:    From enspara with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_asymmetrical_mi_zero():

    zero_mi_funcs = [zero_mi_np, zero_mi_ra, zero_mi_list]

    for gen_f in zero_mi_funcs:
        a, n_a = gen_f()
        b, n_b = gen_f()

        mi = mutual_info.mi_matrix(a, b, n_a, n_b)
        assert_allclose(np.diag(mi), 0, atol=0.1)
        mi[np.diag_indices_from(mi)] = 0

        assert_allclose(mi, 0, atol=1e-3) 
Example #21
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_diag_indices_from(self):
Example #22
Source File:    From G-SchNet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_connectivity(mol, cutoff=2.0):
    Write code to obtain a connectivity matrix given a molecule from your database
    here. The simple default implementation calculates pairwise distances and then
    uses a radial cutoff (e.g. 2 angstrom) to determine which atoms are labeled as
    connected. The matrix only needs to be binary as it is only used to sample
    generation traces, i.e. an order of atom placement steps for training.
    However, one could for example also use chemoinformatics tools in order to obtain
    bond order information and check the valence of provided structures on the run if
    the structures allow this (we did this for our experiments with QM9 in order to
    allow for comparison to related work, but we think that using a radial cutoff is
    actually more robust and more general as it does not depend on usually unreliable
    bond order assignment algorithms and can be used for all kinds of materials or
        mol (ase.Atoms): one molecule from the database
        cutoff (float, optional): cutoff value in angstrom used to determine which
            atoms are connected

        numpy.ndarray: the computed connectivity matrix (n_atoms x n_atoms, float)
        numpy.ndarray: the computed pairwise distances in a condensed format
            (length is n_atoms*(n_atoms-1)/2), see scipy.spatial.distance.pdist for
            more information
    # retrieve positions
    atom_positions = mol.get_positions()
    # get pairwise distances (condensed)
    pairwise_distances = pdist(atom_positions)
    # use cutoff to obtain connectivity matrix (condensed format)
    connectivity = np.array(pairwise_distances <= cutoff, dtype=float)
    # cast to redundant square matrix format
    connectivity = squareform(connectivity)
    # set diagonal entries to zero (as we do not assume atoms to be their own neighbors)
    connectivity[np.diag_indices_from(connectivity)] = 0
    return connectivity, pairwise_distances 
Example #23
Source File:    From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_cosine_distances():
    # Check the pairwise Cosine distances computation
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1337)
    x = np.abs(rng.rand(910))
    XA = np.vstack([x, x])
    D = cosine_distances(XA)
    assert_array_almost_equal(D, [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]])
    # check that all elements are in [0, 2]
    assert_true(np.all(D >= 0.))
    assert_true(np.all(D <= 2.))
    # check that diagonal elements are equal to 0
    assert_array_almost_equal(D[np.diag_indices_from(D)], [0., 0.])

    XB = np.vstack([x, -x])
    D2 = cosine_distances(XB)
    # check that all elements are in [0, 2]
    assert_true(np.all(D2 >= 0.))
    assert_true(np.all(D2 <= 2.))
    # check that diagonal elements are equal to 0 and non diagonal to 2
    assert_array_almost_equal(D2, [[0., 2.], [2., 0.]])

    # check large random matrix
    X = np.abs(rng.rand(1000, 5000))
    D = cosine_distances(X)
    # check that diagonal elements are equal to 0
    assert_array_almost_equal(D[np.diag_indices_from(D)], [0.] * D.shape[0])
    assert_true(np.all(D >= 0.))
    assert_true(np.all(D <= 2.))

# Paired distances 
Example #24
Source File:    From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def cosine_distances(X, Y=None):
    """Compute cosine distance between samples in X and Y.

    Cosine distance is defined as 1.0 minus the cosine similarity.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`.

    X : array_like, sparse matrix
        with shape (n_samples_X, n_features).

    Y : array_like, sparse matrix (optional)
        with shape (n_samples_Y, n_features).

    distance matrix : array
        An array with shape (n_samples_X, n_samples_Y).

    See also
    scipy.spatial.distance.cosine (dense matrices only)
    # 1.0 - cosine_similarity(X, Y) without copy
    S = cosine_similarity(X, Y)
    S *= -1
    S += 1
    np.clip(S, 0, 2, out=S)
    if X is Y or Y is None:
        # Ensure that distances between vectors and themselves are set to 0.0.
        # This may not be the case due to floating point rounding errors.
        S[np.diag_indices_from(S)] = 0.0
    return S

# Paired distances 
Example #25
Source File:    From qml with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def cho_solve(A, y):
    """ Solves the equation

            :math:`A x = y`

        for x using a Cholesky decomposition  via calls to LAPACK dpotrf and dpotrs in the F2PY module. Preserves the input matrix A.

        :param A: Matrix (symmetric and positive definite, left-hand side).
        :type A: numpy array
        :param y: Vector (right-hand side of the equation).
        :type y: numpy array

        :return: The solution vector.
        :rtype: numpy array

    if len(A.shape) != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('expected square matrix')

    if len(y.shape) != 1 or y.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('expected matrix and vector of same stride size')

    n = A.shape[0]

    # Backup diagonal before Cholesky-decomposition
    A_diag = A[np.diag_indices_from(A)]

    x = np.zeros(n)
    fcho_solve(A, y, x)

    # Reset diagonal after Cholesky-decomposition
    A[np.diag_indices_from(A)] = A_diag

    # Copy lower triangle to upper
    i_lower = np.tril_indices_from(A)
    A.T[i_lower] = A[i_lower]

    return x 
Example #26
Source File:    From nni with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def incremental_fit(self, train_x, train_y):
        """ Incrementally fit the regressor. """
        if not self._first_fitted:
            raise ValueError(
                "The first_fit function needs to be called first.")

        train_x, train_y = np.array(train_x), np.array(train_y)

        # Incrementally compute K
        up_right_k = edit_distance_matrix(self._x, train_x)
        down_left_k = np.transpose(up_right_k)
        down_right_k = edit_distance_matrix(train_x)
        up_k = np.concatenate((self._distance_matrix, up_right_k), axis=1)
        down_k = np.concatenate((down_left_k, down_right_k), axis=1)
        temp_distance_matrix = np.concatenate((up_k, down_k), axis=0)
        k_matrix = bourgain_embedding_matrix(temp_distance_matrix)
        diagonal = np.diag_indices_from(k_matrix)
        diagonal = (diagonal[0][-len(train_x):], diagonal[1][-len(train_x):])
        k_matrix[diagonal] += self.alpha

            self._l_matrix = cholesky(k_matrix, lower=True)  # Line 2
        except LinAlgError:
            return self

        self._x = np.concatenate((self._x, train_x), axis=0)
        self._y = np.concatenate((self._y, train_y), axis=0)
        self._distance_matrix = temp_distance_matrix

        self._alpha_vector = cho_solve(
            (self._l_matrix, True), self._y)  # Line 3

        return self 
Example #27
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def grad(self, x):
        dx, dy, dz = self._compute_coordinate_deltas(x)

        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            dm3 = (dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2) ** -1.5
        dm3[np.diag_indices_from(dm3)] = 0

        grad_x = -np.sum(dx * dm3, axis=1)
        grad_y = -np.sum(dy * dm3, axis=1)
        grad_z = -np.sum(dz * dm3, axis=1)

        return np.hstack((grad_x, grad_y, grad_z)) 
Example #28
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fun(self, x):
        dx, dy, dz = self._compute_coordinate_deltas(x)
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            dm1 = (dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2) ** -0.5
        dm1[np.diag_indices_from(dm1)] = 0
        return 0.5 * np.sum(dm1) 
Example #29
Source File:    From kite with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_trim_matrix():
    arr = num.full((100, 100), num.nan)

    arr[-1, -1] = 1.
    assert util.trimMatrix(arr).shape == (1, 1)

    arr[-2, -2] = 1.
    assert util.trimMatrix(arr).shape == (2, 2)

    arr[num.diag_indices_from(arr)] = 1.
    assert util.trimMatrix(arr).shape == arr.shape 
Example #30
Source File:    From pyGeoStatistics with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def block_covariance(self):
        "return average covariance within block"
        if self._block_covariance is None:
            if self.ndb <= 1:  # point kriging
                self._block_covariance = self.unbias
                cov = list()
                for x1, y1, z1 in zip(self.xdb, self.ydb, self.zdb):
                    for x2, y2, z2 in zip(self.xdb, self.ydb, self.zdb):
                        cov.append(self._cova3((x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)))
                cov = np.array(cov).reshape((self.ndb, self.ndb))
                cov[np.diag_indices_from(cov)] -= self.c0
                self._block_covariance = np.mean(cov)
        return self._block_covariance