Python numpy.RandomState() Examples
The following are 24
code examples of numpy.RandomState().
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Example #1
Source File: From D-VAE with MIT License | 6 votes |
def randomstate_constructor(value, name=None, strict=False, allow_downcast=None, borrow=False): """ SharedVariable Constructor for RandomState. """ if not isinstance(value, numpy.random.RandomState): raise TypeError if not borrow: value = copy.deepcopy(value) return RandomStateSharedVariable( type=raw_random.random_state_type, value=value, name=name, strict=strict, allow_downcast=allow_downcast)
Example #2
Source File: From D-VAE with MIT License | 6 votes |
def seed(self, seed=None): """ Re-initialize each random stream. Parameters ---------- seed : None or integer in range 0 to 2**30 Each random stream will be assigned a unique state that depends deterministically on this value. Returns ------- None """ if seed is None: seed = self.default_instance_seed seedgen = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) for old_r, new_r in self.state_updates: old_r_seed = seedgen.randint(2 ** 30) old_r.set_value(numpy.random.RandomState(int(old_r_seed)), borrow=True)
Example #3
Source File: From D-VAE with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __getitem__(self, item): """ Retrieve the numpy RandomState instance associated with a particular stream. Parameters ---------- item A variable of type RandomStateType, associated with this RandomStream. Returns ------- numpy RandomState (or None, before initialize) Notes ----- This is kept for compatibility with `tensor.randomstreams.RandomStreams`. The simpler syntax ``item.rng.get_value()`` is also valid. """ return item.get_value(borrow=True)
Example #4
Source File: From D-VAE with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __setitem__(self, item, val): """ Set the numpy RandomState instance associated with a particular stream. Parameters ---------- item A variable of type RandomStateType, associated with this RandomStream. val : numpy RandomState The new value. Returns ------- None Notes ----- This is kept for compatibility with `tensor.randomstreams.RandomStreams`. The simpler syntax ``item.rng.set_value(val)`` is also valid. """ item.set_value(val, borrow=True)
Example #5
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 6 votes |
def randomstate_constructor(value, name=None, strict=False, allow_downcast=None, borrow=False): """ SharedVariable Constructor for RandomState. """ if not isinstance(value, numpy.random.RandomState): raise TypeError if not borrow: value = copy.deepcopy(value) return RandomStateSharedVariable( type=raw_random.random_state_type, value=value, name=name, strict=strict, allow_downcast=allow_downcast)
Example #6
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 6 votes |
def seed(self, seed=None): """ Re-initialize each random stream. Parameters ---------- seed : None or integer in range 0 to 2**30 Each random stream will be assigned a unique state that depends deterministically on this value. Returns ------- None """ if seed is None: seed = self.default_instance_seed seedgen = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) for old_r, new_r in self.state_updates: old_r_seed = seedgen.randint(2 ** 30) old_r.set_value(numpy.random.RandomState(int(old_r_seed)), borrow=True)
Example #7
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __getitem__(self, item): """ Retrieve the numpy RandomState instance associated with a particular stream. Parameters ---------- item A variable of type RandomStateType, associated with this RandomStream. Returns ------- numpy RandomState (or None, before initialize) Notes ----- This is kept for compatibility with `tensor.randomstreams.RandomStreams`. The simpler syntax ``item.rng.get_value()`` is also valid. """ return item.get_value(borrow=True)
Example #8
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __setitem__(self, item, val): """ Set the numpy RandomState instance associated with a particular stream. Parameters ---------- item A variable of type RandomStateType, associated with this RandomStream. val : numpy RandomState The new value. Returns ------- None Notes ----- This is kept for compatibility with `tensor.randomstreams.RandomStreams`. The simpler syntax ``item.rng.set_value(val)`` is also valid. """ item.set_value(val, borrow=True)
Example #9
Source File: From pymer4 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _check_random_state(seed): """Turn seed into a np.random.RandomState instance. Note: credit for this code goes entirely to sklearn.utils.check_random_state. Using the source here simply avoids an unecessary dependency. Args: seed (None, int, np.RandomState): iff seed is None, return the RandomState singleton used by np.random. If seed is an int, return a new RandomState instance seeded with seed. If seed is already a RandomState instance, return it. Otherwise raise ValueError. """ import numbers if seed is None or seed is np.random: return np.random.mtrand._rand if isinstance(seed, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)): return np.random.RandomState(seed) if isinstance(seed, np.random.RandomState): return seed raise ValueError( "%r cannot be used to seed a numpy.random.RandomState" " instance" % seed )
Example #10
Source File: From vessel-classification with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def np_zero_pad_slice(slice, window_size, random_state): """ Pads slice to the specified window size. Series that are shorter than window_size are repeated into unfilled space. Args: slice: np.array. window_size: int Size the array must be padded to. random_state: np.RandomState Returns: a numpy array of length window_size in the first dimension. TODO: this function has an inaccurate name, really this is doing pad_repeat_slice with a random offset for data augmentation. Rename or remove at next cleanup since it doesn't appear to be used.. """ slice_length = len(slice) delta = window_size - slice_length assert delta >= 0 offset = random_state.randint(0, delta + 1) return np.concatenate([slice] * reps, axis=0)[offset:offset+window_size]
Example #11
Source File: From D-VAE with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, seed=None): super(RandomStreams, self).__init__() # A list of pairs of the form (input_r, output_r). This will be # over-ridden by the module instance to contain stream generators. self.state_updates = [] # Instance variable should take None or integer value. Used to seed the # random number generator that provides seeds for member streams. self.default_instance_seed = seed # numpy.RandomState instance that gen() uses to seed new streams. self.gen_seedgen = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
Example #12
Source File: From pymer4 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _permute_sign(data, seed, return_stat="mean"): """Given a list/array of data, randomly sign flip the values and compute a new mean. For use in one-sample permutation test. Returns a 'mean' or 't-stat'.""" random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed) new_dat = data * random_state.choice([1, -1], len(data)) if return_stat == "ceof": return np.mean(new_dat) elif return_stat == "t-stat": return np.mean(new_dat) / (np.std(new_dat, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(len(new_dat)))
Example #13
Source File: From vessel-classification with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def np_pad_repeat_slice_2(slice, window_size, random_state): """ Pads slice to the specified window size then rolls them. Series that are shorter than window_size are repeated into unfilled space, then the series is randomly rolled along the time axis to generate more training diversity. This has the side effect of adding a non-physical seam in the data, but in practice seems to work better than not rolling. Similar to `np_pad_repeat_slice` except for rolling the sequence along the time axis. Args: slice: a numpy array. window_size: the size the array must be padded to. random_state: a numpy RandomState object. Returns: a numpy array of length window_size in the first dimension. """ slice_length = len(slice) delta = window_size - slice_length assert delta >= 0 slice = slice.copy() GAP_LOGDT = 100 slice[0, 1] = GAP_LOGDT reps = int(np.ceil(window_size / float(slice_length))) repeated = np.concatenate([slice] * reps, axis=0) offset = random_state.randint(0, window_size) return np.roll(repeated, offset, axis=0)[:window_size]
Example #14
Source File: From BayesianOptimization with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ensure_rng(random_state=None): """ Creates a random number generator based on an optional seed. This can be an integer or another random state for a seeded rng, or None for an unseeded rng. """ if random_state is None: random_state = np.random.RandomState() elif isinstance(random_state, int): random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state) else: assert isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState) return random_state
Example #15
Source File: From tslearn with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def gamma_soft_dtw(dataset, n_samples=100, random_state=None): r"""Compute gamma value to be used for GAK/Soft-DTW. This method was originally presented in [1]_. Parameters ---------- dataset A dataset of time series n_samples : int (default: 100) Number of samples on which median distance should be estimated random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState or None (default: None) The generator used to draw the samples. If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator. Returns ------- float Suggested :math:`\gamma` parameter for the Soft-DTW Examples -------- >>> dataset = [[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]] >>> gamma_soft_dtw(dataset=dataset, ... n_samples=200, ... random_state=0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 8.0... See Also -------- sigma_gak : Compute sigma parameter for Global Alignment kernel References ---------- .. [1] M. Cuturi, "Fast global alignment kernels," ICML 2011. """ return 2. * sigma_gak(dataset=dataset, n_samples=n_samples, random_state=random_state) ** 2
Example #16
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, seed=None): super(RandomStreams, self).__init__() # A list of pairs of the form (input_r, output_r). This will be # over-ridden by the module instance to contain stream generators. self.state_updates = [] # Instance variable should take None or integer value. Used to seed the # random number generator that provides seeds for member streams. self.default_instance_seed = seed # numpy.RandomState instance that gen() uses to seed new streams. self.gen_seedgen = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
Example #17
Source File: From tslearn with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def random_walk_blobs(n_ts_per_blob=100, sz=256, d=1, n_blobs=2, noise_level=1., random_state=None): """Blob-based random walk time series generator. Generate n_ts_per_blobs * n_blobs time series of size sz and dimensionality d. Generated time series follow the model: .. math:: ts[t] = ts[t - 1] + a where :math:`a` is drawn from a normal distribution of mean mu and standard deviation std. Each blob contains time series derived from a same seed time series with added white noise. Parameters ---------- n_ts_per_blob : int (default: 100) Number of time series in each blob sz : int (default: 256) Length of time series (number of time instants) d : int (default: 1) Dimensionality of time series n_blobs : int (default: 2) Number of blobs noise_level : float (default: 1.) Standard deviation of white noise added to time series in each blob random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState or None (default: None) Generator used to draw the time series. If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A dataset of random walk time series numpy.ndarray Labels associated to random walk time series (blob id) Examples -------- >>> X, y = random_walk_blobs(n_ts_per_blob=100, sz=256, d=5, n_blobs=3) >>> X.shape (300, 256, 5) >>> y.shape (300,) """ rs = check_random_state(random_state) base_ts = random_walks(n_ts=n_blobs, sz=sz, d=d, std=1.0, random_state=rs) rnd = rs.randn(n_ts_per_blob * n_blobs, sz, d) * noise_level ts = numpy.repeat(base_ts, repeats=n_ts_per_blob, axis=0) y = numpy.repeat(range(n_blobs), repeats=n_ts_per_blob) return ts + rnd, y
Example #18
Source File: From tensorlib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def cp(X, n_components=None, tol=1E-4, max_iter=500, init_type="hosvd", random_state=None): """ CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition using an alternating least squares algorithm. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input data to decompose n_components : int The number of components in the decomposition. Note that unlike PCA or SVD, the decomposition of n_components + 1 DOES NOT contain the basis from the decomposition of n_components. tol : float, optional (default=1E-4) Stopping tolerance for reconstruction error. max_iter : int, optional (default=500) Maximum number of iterations to perform before exiting. init_type : string, optional (default="hosvd") How to initialize the decomposition. Choices are "random" or "hosvd", where "random" is initialized with uniform random values, and "hosvd" is initialized by the high order SVD of the dataset. random_state : int, None, or np.RandomState instance Random seed information to use when ``init_type`` == "random" Returns ------- components : list, length = X.ndim Basis functions for X, each of shape [X.shape[idx], n_components] where idx is the index into ``components``. References ---------- Kolda, T. G. & Bader, B. W. Tensor Decompositions and Applications. SIAM Rev. 51, 455-500 (2009). J.M. Landsberg, Tensors: Geometry and Applications. American Mathematical Society (2011). G. Golub and C. Van Loan. Matrix Computations, Third Edition, Chapter 5, Section 5.4.4, pp. 252-253. """ if n_components is None: raise ValueError("n_components is a required argument!") check_tensor(X) return _cpN(X, n_components, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, init_type=init_type, random_state=random_state)
Example #19
Source File: From tensorlib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def tucker(X, n_components=None, tol=1E-6, max_iter=500, init_type="hosvd", random_state=None): """ Tucker decomposition using an alternating least squares algorithm. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input data to decompose n_components : int The number of components in the decomposition. Note that unlike PCA or SVD, the decomposition of n_components + 1 DOES NOT contain the basis from the decomposition of n_components. tol : float, optional (default=1E-4) Stopping tolerance for reconstruction error. max_iter : int, optional (default=500) Maximum number of iterations to perform before exiting. init_type : string, optional (default="hosvd") How to initialize the decomposition. Choices are "random" or "hosvd", where "random" is initialized with uniform random values, and "hosvd" is initialized by the high order SVD of the dataset. random_state : int, None, or np.RandomState instance Random seed information to use when ``init_type`` == "random" Returns ------- components : list, length = X.ndim Basis functions for X, each of shape [X.shape[idx], n_components] where idx is the index into ``components``. First component is a multiplier G, followed by components for each mode. References ---------- Kolda, T. G. & Bader, B. W. Tensor Decompositions and Applications. SIAM Rev. 51, 455-500 (2009). J.M. Landsberg, Tensors: Geometry and Applications. American Mathematical Society (2011). G. Golub and C. Van Loan. Matrix Computations, Third Edition, Chapter 5, Section 5.4.4, pp. 252-253. """ if n_components is None: raise ValueError("n_components is a required argument!") check_tensor(X) return _tuckerN(X, n_components, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, init_type=init_type, random_state=random_state)
Example #20
Source File: From tslearn with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def random_walks(n_ts=100, sz=256, d=1, mu=0., std=1., random_state=None): """Random walk time series generator. Generate n_ts time series of size sz and dimensionality d. Generated time series follow the model: .. math:: ts[t] = ts[t - 1] + a where :math:`a` is drawn from a normal distribution of mean mu and standard deviation std. Parameters ---------- n_ts : int (default: 100) Number of time series. sz : int (default: 256) Length of time series (number of time instants). d : int (default: 1) Dimensionality of time series. mu : float (default: 0.) Mean of the normal distribution from which random walk steps are drawn. std : float (default: 1.) Standard deviation of the normal distribution from which random walk steps are drawn. random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState or None (default: None) Generator used to draw the time series. If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A dataset of random walk time series Examples -------- >>> random_walks(n_ts=100, sz=256, d=5, mu=0., std=1.).shape (100, 256, 5) """ rs = check_random_state(random_state) ts = numpy.empty((n_ts, sz, d)) rnd = rs.randn(n_ts, sz, d) * std + mu ts[:, 0, :] = rnd[:, 0, :] for t in range(1, sz): ts[:, t, :] = ts[:, t - 1, :] + rnd[:, t, :] return ts
Example #21
Source File: From tslearn with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def sigma_gak(dataset, n_samples=100, random_state=None): r"""Compute sigma value to be used for GAK. This method was originally presented in [1]_. Parameters ---------- dataset A dataset of time series n_samples : int (default: 100) Number of samples on which median distance should be estimated random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState or None (default: None) The generator used to draw the samples. If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator. Returns ------- float Suggested bandwidth (:math:`\sigma`) for the Global Alignment kernel Examples -------- >>> dataset = [[1, 2, 2, 3], [1., 2., 3., 4.]] >>> sigma_gak(dataset=dataset, ... n_samples=200, ... random_state=0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 2.0... See Also -------- gak : Compute Global Alignment kernel cdist_gak : Compute cross-similarity matrix using Global Alignment kernel References ---------- .. [1] M. Cuturi, "Fast global alignment kernels," ICML 2011. """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) dataset = to_time_series_dataset(dataset) n_ts, sz, d = dataset.shape if not check_equal_size(dataset): sz = numpy.min([ts_size(ts) for ts in dataset]) if n_ts * sz < n_samples: replace = True else: replace = False sample_indices = random_state.choice(n_ts * sz, size=n_samples, replace=replace) dists = pdist(dataset[:, :sz, :].reshape((-1, d))[sample_indices], metric="euclidean") return numpy.median(dists) * numpy.sqrt(sz)
Example #22
Source File: From enspara with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def randind(local_array, random_state=None): """Given the local fragment of an assumed-larger array, give the location of a randomly chosen element of the array (uniformly distributed). Parameters ---------- local_array : ndarray An array that's striped across multiple nodes in an MPI swarm. random_state : int or np.RandomState State of the RNG to use for the randomized part of the choice. Returns ------- owner_rank : int Rank of the node that owns the element that's chosen. local_index : int Index within the owner node's local array. """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) # First thing, we need to find out how long all the local arrays are. n_states = np.array(mpi.comm.allgather(len(local_array))) assert np.all(n_states >= 0) if sum(n_states) < 1: raise DataInvalid( "Random choice requires a non-empty array. Got shapes: %s" % n_states) # Then, we select a random index from amongst the total lengths if mpi.rank() == 0: # this is modeled after numpy.random.choice, but for some reason # our formulation here gives the samer results. global_index = random_state.randint(sum(n_states)) else: global_index = None global_index = mpi.comm.bcast(global_index, root=0) # this computation is the same as finding global_index % mpi.size() and # global_index // mpi.size() iff our data are 'packed' on nodes, but not # otherwise. concat = np.concatenate([np.arange(sum(n_states))[r::mpi.size()] for r in range(mpi.size())]) a = ra.RaggedArray( concat, lengths=n_states, error_checking=False) owner_rank, local_index = ra.where(a == global_index) owner_rank, local_index = owner_rank[0], local_index[0] assert local_index >= 0 return (owner_rank, local_index)
Example #23
Source File: From ml-fairness-gym with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _threshold_from_tpr(roc, tpr_target, rng): """Returns a `RandomizedThreshold` that achieves `tpr_target`. For an arbitrary value of tpr_target in [0, 1], there may not be a single threshold that achieves that tpr_value on our data. In this case, we interpolate between the two closest achievable points on the discrete ROC curve. See e.g., Theorem 1 of Scott et al (1998) "Maximum realisable performance: a principled method for enhancing performance by using multiple classifiers in variable cost problem domains" Args: roc: A tuple (fpr, tpr, thresholds) as returned by sklearn's roc_curve function. tpr_target: A float between [0, 1], the target value of TPR that we would like to achieve. rng: A `np.RandomState` object that will be used in the returned RandomizedThreshold. Return: A RandomizedThreshold that achieves the target TPR value. """ # First filter out points that are not on the convex hull. _, tpr_list, thresh_list = convex_hull_roc(roc) idx = bisect.bisect_left(tpr_list, tpr_target) # TPR target is larger than any of the TPR values in the list. In this case, # take the highest threshold possible. if idx == len(tpr_list): return RandomizedThreshold( weights=[1], values=[thresh_list[-1]], rng=rng, tpr_target=tpr_target) # TPR target is exactly achievable by an existing threshold. In this case, # do not randomize between two different thresholds. Use a single threshold # with probability 1. if tpr_list[idx] == tpr_target: return RandomizedThreshold( weights=[1], values=[thresh_list[idx]], rng=rng, tpr_target=tpr_target) # Interpolate between adjacent thresholds. Since we are only considering # points on the convex hull of the roc curve, we only need to consider # interpolating between pairs of adjacent points. alpha = _interpolate(x=tpr_target, low=tpr_list[idx - 1], high=tpr_list[idx]) return RandomizedThreshold( weights=[alpha, 1 - alpha], values=[thresh_list[idx - 1], thresh_list[idx]], rng=rng, tpr_target=tpr_target)
Example #24
Source File: From cs-ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, learning_rate=1e-3, batch_size=256, loss_function=binary_crossentropy, epochs_drop=50, drop=0.01, random_state=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- learning_rate : float The learning rate used by the gradient descent optimizer. batch_size : int The size of the mini-batches used to train the Neural Network. loss_function The loss function to minimize when training the Neural Network. See the functions offered in the keras.losses module for more details. epochs_drop: int The amount of training epochs after which the learning rate is decreased by a factor of `drop`. drop: float The factor by which to decrease the learning rate every `epochs_drop` epochs. random_state: np.RandomState The random state to use in this object. """ self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.batch_size = batch_size self.random_state = random_state self.loss_function = loss_function self.epochs_drop = epochs_drop self.drop = drop self.current_lr = None self.weight1 = None self.bias1 = None self.weight2 = None self.bias2 = None self.w_out = None self.optimizer = None self.W_last = None