Python numpy.unicode_() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.unicode_().
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Example #1
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_join(self): if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # NOTE: list(b'123') == [49, 50, 51] # so that b','.join(b'123') results to an error on Py3 A0 = self.A.decode('ascii') else: A0 = self.A A = np.char.join([',', '#'], A0) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.unicode_)) else: assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.string_)) tgt = np.array([[' ,a,b,c, ', ''], ['1,2,3,4,5', 'M#i#x#e#d#C#a#s#e'], ['1,2,3, ,\t, ,3,4,5, ,\x00, ', 'U#P#P#E#R']]) assert_array_equal(np.char.join([',', '#'], A0), tgt)
Example #2
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_rstrip(self): assert_(issubclass(self.A.rstrip().dtype.type, np.string_)) tgt = asbytes_nested([[' abc', ''], ['12345', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']]) assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip(), tgt) tgt = asbytes_nested([[' abc ', ''], ['1234', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345 \x00', 'UPP'] ]) assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip(asbytes_nested(['5', 'ER'])), tgt) tgt = [[sixu(' \u03a3'), ''], ['12345', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.B.rstrip().dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(self.B.rstrip(), tgt)
Example #3
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_lstrip(self): tgt = asbytes_nested([['abc ', ''], ['12345', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'UPPER']]) assert_(issubclass(self.A.lstrip().dtype.type, np.string_)) assert_array_equal(self.A.lstrip(), tgt) tgt = asbytes_nested([[' abc', ''], ['2345', 'ixedCase'], ['23 \t 345 \x00', 'UPPER']]) assert_array_equal(self.A.lstrip(asbytes_nested(['1', 'M'])), tgt) tgt = [[sixu('\u03a3 '), ''], ['12345', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.B.lstrip().dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(self.B.lstrip(), tgt)
Example #4
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_replace(self): R = self.A.replace(asbytes_nested(['3', 'a']), asbytes_nested(['##########', '@'])) tgt = asbytes_nested([[' abc ', ''], ['12##########45', 'MixedC@se'], ['12########## \t ##########45 \x00', 'UPPER']]) assert_(issubclass(R.dtype.type, np.string_)) assert_array_equal(R, tgt) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # NOTE: b'abc'.replace(b'a', 'b') is not allowed on Py3 R = self.A.replace(asbytes('a'), sixu('\u03a3')) tgt = [[sixu(' \u03a3bc '), ''], ['12345', sixu('MixedC\u03a3se')], ['123 \t 345 \x00', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(R.dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(R, tgt)
Example #5
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_char_radd(self): # GH issue 9620, reached gentype_add and raise TypeError np_s = np.string_('abc') np_u = np.unicode_('abc') s = b'def' u = u'def' assert_(np_s.__radd__(np_s) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_s.__radd__(np_u) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_s.__radd__(s) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_s.__radd__(u) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_u.__radd__(np_s) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_u.__radd__(np_u) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_u.__radd__(s) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_u.__radd__(u) is NotImplemented) assert_(s + np_s == b'defabc') assert_(u + np_u == u'defabc') class Mystr(str, np.generic): # would segfault pass ret = s + Mystr('abc') assert_(type(ret) is type(s))
Example #6
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_void_scalar_structured_data(self): dt = np.dtype([('name', np.unicode_, 16), ('grades', np.float64, (2,))]) x = np.array(('ndarray_scalar', (1.2, 3.0)), dtype=dt)[()] assert_(isinstance(x, np.void)) mv_x = memoryview(x) expected_size = 16 * np.dtype((np.unicode_, 1)).itemsize expected_size += 2 * np.dtype((np.float64, 1)).itemsize assert_equal(mv_x.itemsize, expected_size) assert_equal(mv_x.ndim, 0) assert_equal(mv_x.shape, ()) assert_equal(mv_x.strides, ()) assert_equal(mv_x.suboffsets, ()) # check scalar format string against ndarray format string a = np.array([('Sarah', (8.0, 7.0)), ('John', (6.0, 7.0))], dtype=dt) assert_(isinstance(a, np.ndarray)) mv_a = memoryview(a) assert_equal(mv_x.itemsize, mv_a.itemsize) assert_equal(mv_x.format, mv_a.format)
Example #7
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_join(self): if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # NOTE: list(b'123') == [49, 50, 51] # so that b','.join(b'123') results to an error on Py3 A0 = self.A.decode('ascii') else: A0 = self.A A = np.char.join([',', '#'], A0) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.unicode_)) else: assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.string_)) assert_array_equal(np.char.join([',', '#'], A0), [ [' ,a,b,c, ', ''], ['1,2,3,4,5', 'M#i#x#e#d#C#a#s#e'], ['1,2,3, ,\t, ,3,4,5, ,\x00, ', 'U#P#P#E#R']])
Example #8
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def _ensure_supported_dtypes(array): # We only support these types for now, as we need to read them in Java if array.dtype.kind == 'i': array = array.astype('<i8') elif array.dtype.kind == 'f': array = array.astype('<f8') elif array.dtype.kind in ('O', 'U', 'S'): if array.dtype.kind == 'O' and infer_dtype(array) not in ['unicode', 'string', 'bytes']: # `string` in python2 and `bytes` in python3 raise UnhandledDtypeException("Casting object column to string failed") try: array = array.astype(np.unicode_) except (UnicodeDecodeError, SystemError): # `UnicodeDecodeError` in python2 and `SystemError` in python3 array = np.array([s.decode('utf-8') for s in array]) except: raise UnhandledDtypeException("Only unicode and utf8 strings are supported.") else: raise UnhandledDtypeException("Unsupported dtype '%s' - only int64, float64 and U are supported" % array.dtype) # Everything is little endian in tickstore if array.dtype.byteorder != '<': array = array.astype(array.dtype.newbyteorder('<')) return array
Example #9
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_join(self): if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # NOTE: list(b'123') == [49, 50, 51] # so that b','.join(b'123') results to an error on Py3 A0 = self.A.decode('ascii') else: A0 = self.A A = np.char.join([',', '#'], A0) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.unicode_)) else: assert_(issubclass(A.dtype.type, np.string_)) tgt = np.array([[' ,a,b,c, ', ''], ['1,2,3,4,5', 'M#i#x#e#d#C#a#s#e'], ['1,2,3, ,\t, ,3,4,5, ,\x00, ', 'U#P#P#E#R']]) assert_array_equal(np.char.join([',', '#'], A0), tgt)
Example #10
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_lstrip(self): tgt = [[b'abc ', b''], [b'12345', b'MixedCase'], [b'123 \t 345 \0 ', b'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.A.lstrip().dtype.type, np.string_)) assert_array_equal(self.A.lstrip(), tgt) tgt = [[b' abc', b''], [b'2345', b'ixedCase'], [b'23 \t 345 \x00', b'UPPER']] assert_array_equal(self.A.lstrip([b'1', b'M']), tgt) tgt = [[u'\u03a3 ', ''], ['12345', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.B.lstrip().dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(self.B.lstrip(), tgt)
Example #11
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_replace(self): R = self.A.replace([b'3', b'a'], [b'##########', b'@']) tgt = [[b' abc ', b''], [b'12##########45', b'MixedC@se'], [b'12########## \t ##########45 \x00', b'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(R.dtype.type, np.string_)) assert_array_equal(R, tgt) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # NOTE: b'abc'.replace(b'a', 'b') is not allowed on Py3 R = self.A.replace(b'a', u'\u03a3') tgt = [[u' \u03a3bc ', ''], ['12345', u'MixedC\u03a3se'], ['123 \t 345 \x00', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(R.dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(R, tgt)
Example #12
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_strip(self): tgt = [[b'abc', b''], [b'12345', b'MixedCase'], [b'123 \t 345', b'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.A.strip().dtype.type, np.string_)) assert_array_equal(self.A.strip(), tgt) tgt = [[b' abc ', b''], [b'234', b'ixedCas'], [b'23 \t 345 \x00', b'UPP']] assert_array_equal(self.A.strip([b'15', b'EReM']), tgt) tgt = [[u'\u03a3', ''], ['12345', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.B.strip().dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(self.B.strip(), tgt)
Example #13
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_select_dtypes_str_raises(self): df = DataFrame({'a': list('abc'), 'g': list(u('abc')), 'b': list(range(1, 4)), 'c': np.arange(3, 6).astype('u1'), 'd': np.arange(4.0, 7.0, dtype='float64'), 'e': [True, False, True], 'f': pd.date_range('now', periods=3).values}) string_dtypes = set((str, 'str', np.string_, 'S1', 'unicode', np.unicode_, 'U1')) try: string_dtypes.add(unicode) except NameError: pass for dt in string_dtypes: with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'string dtypes are not allowed'): df.select_dtypes(include=[dt]) with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'string dtypes are not allowed'): df.select_dtypes(exclude=[dt])
Example #14
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_char_radd(self): # GH issue 9620, reached gentype_add and raise TypeError np_s = np.string_('abc') np_u = np.unicode_('abc') s = b'def' u = u'def' assert_(np_s.__radd__(np_s) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_s.__radd__(np_u) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_s.__radd__(s) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_s.__radd__(u) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_u.__radd__(np_s) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_u.__radd__(np_u) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_u.__radd__(s) is NotImplemented) assert_(np_u.__radd__(u) is NotImplemented) assert_(s + np_s == b'defabc') assert_(u + np_u == u'defabc') class Mystr(str, np.generic): # would segfault pass ret = s + Mystr('abc') assert_(type(ret) is type(s))
Example #15
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_from_unicode_array(self): A = np.array([['abc', u'Sigma \u03a3'], ['long ', '0123456789']]) assert_equal(A.dtype.type, np.unicode_) B = np.char.array(A) assert_array_equal(B, A) assert_equal(B.dtype, A.dtype) assert_equal(B.shape, A.shape) B = np.char.array(A, **kw_unicode_true) assert_array_equal(B, A) assert_equal(B.dtype, A.dtype) assert_equal(B.shape, A.shape) def fail(): np.char.array(A, **kw_unicode_false) assert_raises(UnicodeEncodeError, fail)
Example #16
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_from_unicode_array(self): A = np.array([['abc', sixu('Sigma \u03a3')], ['long ', '0123456789']]) assert_equal(A.dtype.type, np.unicode_) B = np.char.array(A) assert_array_equal(B, A) assert_equal(B.dtype, A.dtype) assert_equal(B.shape, A.shape) B = np.char.array(A, **kw_unicode_true) assert_array_equal(B, A) assert_equal(B.dtype, A.dtype) assert_equal(B.shape, A.shape) def fail(): np.char.array(A, **kw_unicode_false) self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, fail)
Example #17
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_strip(self): tgt = [[b'abc', b''], [b'12345', b'MixedCase'], [b'123 \t 345', b'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.A.strip().dtype.type, np.string_)) assert_array_equal(self.A.strip(), tgt) tgt = [[b' abc ', b''], [b'234', b'ixedCas'], [b'23 \t 345 \x00', b'UPP']] assert_array_equal(self.A.strip([b'15', b'EReM']), tgt) tgt = [[u'\u03a3', ''], ['12345', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.B.strip().dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(self.B.strip(), tgt)
Example #18
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_rstrip(self): assert_(issubclass(self.A.rstrip().dtype.type, np.string_)) tgt = [[b' abc', b''], [b'12345', b'MixedCase'], [b'123 \t 345', b'UPPER']] assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip(), tgt) tgt = [[b' abc ', b''], [b'1234', b'MixedCase'], [b'123 \t 345 \x00', b'UPP'] ] assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip([b'5', b'ER']), tgt) tgt = [[u' \u03a3', ''], ['12345', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.B.rstrip().dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(self.B.rstrip(), tgt)
Example #19
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_rstrip(self): assert_(issubclass(self.A.rstrip().dtype.type, np.string_)) tgt = [[b' abc', b''], [b'12345', b'MixedCase'], [b'123 \t 345', b'UPPER']] assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip(), tgt) tgt = [[b' abc ', b''], [b'1234', b'MixedCase'], [b'123 \t 345 \x00', b'UPP'] ] assert_array_equal(self.A.rstrip([b'5', b'ER']), tgt) tgt = [[u' \u03a3', ''], ['12345', 'MixedCase'], ['123 \t 345', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(self.B.rstrip().dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(self.B.rstrip(), tgt)
Example #20
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_replace(self): R = self.A.replace([b'3', b'a'], [b'##########', b'@']) tgt = [[b' abc ', b''], [b'12##########45', b'MixedC@se'], [b'12########## \t ##########45 \x00', b'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(R.dtype.type, np.string_)) assert_array_equal(R, tgt) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # NOTE: b'abc'.replace(b'a', 'b') is not allowed on Py3 R = self.A.replace(b'a', u'\u03a3') tgt = [[u' \u03a3bc ', ''], ['12345', u'MixedC\u03a3se'], ['123 \t 345 \x00', 'UPPER']] assert_(issubclass(R.dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(R, tgt)
Example #21
Source File: From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def nan_filter(self): """Populates Target List and filters out values which are nan """ # filter out nan values in numerical attributes for att in self.catalog_atts: if ('close' in att) or ('bright' in att): continue if getattr(self, att).shape[0] == 0: pass elif (type(getattr(self, att)[0]) == str) or (type(getattr(self, att)[0]) == bytes): # FIXME: intent here unclear: # note float('nan') is an IEEE NaN, getattr(.) is a str, and != on NaNs is special i = np.where(getattr(self, att) != float('nan'))[0] self.revise_lists(i) # exclude non-numerical types elif type(getattr(self, att)[0]) not in (np.unicode_, np.string_, np.bool_, bytes): if att == 'coords': i1 = np.where(~np.isnan('deg').value))[0] i2 = np.where(~np.isnan('deg').value))[0] i = np.intersect1d(i1,i2) else: i = np.where(~np.isnan(getattr(self, att)))[0] self.revise_lists(i)
Example #22
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_unicode_upconvert(self): A = np.char.array(['abc']) B = np.char.array([u'\u03a3']) assert_(issubclass((A + B).dtype.type, np.unicode_))
Example #23
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def GetNumpyAppendFn(dtype): # numpy dtype for strings are variable length. We can not compare # dtype with a single constant (np.string does not exist) to decide # dtype is a "string" type. We need to compare the dtype.type to be # sure it's a string type. if dtype.type == np.string_ or dtype.type == np.unicode_: if _FAST_TENSOR_UTIL_AVAILABLE: return fast_tensor_util.AppendObjectArrayToTensorProto else: return SlowAppendObjectArrayToTensorProto return GetFromNumpyDTypeDict(_NP_TO_APPEND_FN, dtype)
Example #24
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_pickle_py2_bytes_encoding(self): # Check that arrays and scalars pickled on Py2 are # unpickleable on Py3 using encoding='bytes' test_data = [ # (original, py2_pickle) (np.unicode_('\u6f2c'), asbytes("cnumpy.core.multiarray\nscalar\np0\n(cnumpy\ndtype\np1\n" "(S'U1'\np2\nI0\nI1\ntp3\nRp4\n(I3\nS'<'\np5\nNNNI4\nI4\n" "I0\ntp6\nbS',o\\x00\\x00'\np7\ntp8\nRp9\n.")), (np.array([9e123], dtype=np.float64), asbytes("cnumpy.core.multiarray\n_reconstruct\np0\n(cnumpy\nndarray\n" "p1\n(I0\ntp2\nS'b'\np3\ntp4\nRp5\n(I1\n(I1\ntp6\ncnumpy\ndtype\n" "p7\n(S'f8'\np8\nI0\nI1\ntp9\nRp10\n(I3\nS'<'\np11\nNNNI-1\nI-1\n" "I0\ntp12\nbI00\nS'O\\x81\\xb7Z\\xaa:\\xabY'\np13\ntp14\nb.")), (np.array([(9e123,)], dtype=[('name', float)]), asbytes("cnumpy.core.multiarray\n_reconstruct\np0\n(cnumpy\nndarray\np1\n" "(I0\ntp2\nS'b'\np3\ntp4\nRp5\n(I1\n(I1\ntp6\ncnumpy\ndtype\np7\n" "(S'V8'\np8\nI0\nI1\ntp9\nRp10\n(I3\nS'|'\np11\nN(S'name'\np12\ntp13\n" "(dp14\ng12\n(g7\n(S'f8'\np15\nI0\nI1\ntp16\nRp17\n(I3\nS'<'\np18\nNNNI-1\n" "I-1\nI0\ntp19\nbI0\ntp20\nsI8\nI1\nI0\ntp21\n" "bI00\nS'O\\x81\\xb7Z\\xaa:\\xabY'\np22\ntp23\nb.")), ] if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 4): # encoding='bytes' was added in Py3.4 for original, data in test_data: result = pickle.loads(data, encoding='bytes') assert_equal(result, original) if isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and result.dtype.names: for name in result.dtype.names: assert_(isinstance(name, str))
Example #25
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_char_repeat(self): np_s = np.string_('abc') np_u = np.unicode_('abc') np_i = res_np = np_s * np_i res_s = b'abc' * 5 assert_(res_np == res_s)
Example #26
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _getconv(dtype): """ Find the correct dtype converter. Adapted from matplotlib """ def floatconv(x): x.lower() if '0x' in x: return float.fromhex(x) return float(x) typ = dtype.type if issubclass(typ, np.bool_): return lambda x: bool(int(x)) if issubclass(typ, np.uint64): return np.uint64 if issubclass(typ, np.int64): return np.int64 if issubclass(typ, np.integer): return lambda x: int(float(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.longdouble): return np.longdouble elif issubclass(typ, np.floating): return floatconv elif issubclass(typ, complex): return lambda x: complex(asstr(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.bytes_): return asbytes elif issubclass(typ, np.unicode_): return asunicode else: return asstr # amount of lines loadtxt reads in one chunk, can be overriden for testing
Example #27
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setup(self): TestComparisons.setup(self) self.B = np.array([['efg', '123 '], ['051', 'tuv']], np.unicode_).view(np.chararray)
Example #28
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_unicode_string_comparison(self,level=rlevel): # Ticket #190 a = np.array('hello', np.unicode_) b = np.array('world') a == b
Example #29
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setup(self): TestComparisons.setup(self) self.A = np.array([['abc', '123'], ['789', 'xyz']], np.unicode_).view(np.chararray)
Example #30
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_lower(self): assert_(issubclass(self.A.lower().dtype.type, np.string_)) assert_array_equal(self.A.lower(), asbytes_nested([ [' abc ', ''], ['12345', 'mixedcase'], ['123 \t 345 \0 ', 'upper']])) assert_(issubclass(self.B.lower().dtype.type, np.unicode_)) assert_array_equal(self.B.lower(), [ [sixu(' \u03c3 '), sixu('')], [sixu('12345'), sixu('mixedcase')], [sixu('123 \t 345 \0 '), sixu('upper')]])