Python numpy.nanargmax() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.nanargmax().
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Example #1
Source File: From traffic with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _split( data: pd.DataFrame, value: Union[str, int], unit: Optional[str] ) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]: # This method helps splitting a flight into several. if data.shape[0] < 2: return diff = data.timestamp.diff().values if unit is None: delta = pd.Timedelta(value).to_timedelta64() else: delta = np.timedelta64(value, unit) # There seems to be a change with numpy >= 1.18 # max() now may return NaN, therefore the following fix max_ = np.nanmax(diff) if max_ > delta: # np.nanargmax seems bugged with timestamps argmax = np.where(diff == max_)[0][0] yield from _split(data.iloc[:argmax], value, unit) yield from _split(data.iloc[argmax:], value, unit) # noqa else: yield data # flake B008
Example #2
Source File: From pyclustering with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __get_next_center(self, centers): """! @brief Calculates the next center for the data. @param[in] centers (array_like): Current initialized centers represented by indexes. @return (array_like) Next initialized center.<br> (uint) Index of next initialized center if return_index is True. """ distances = self.__calculate_shortest_distances(self.__data, centers) if self.__candidates == kmeans_plusplus_initializer.FARTHEST_CENTER_CANDIDATE: for index_point in centers: distances[index_point] = numpy.nan center_index = numpy.nanargmax(distances) else: probabilities = self.__calculate_probabilities(distances) center_index = self.__get_probable_center(distances, probabilities) return center_index
Example #3
Source File: From tensorqtl with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def calculate_cis_permutations(genotypes_t, phenotype_t, permutation_ix_t, residualizer=None): """Calculate nominal and empirical correlations""" permutations_t = phenotype_t[permutation_ix_t] r_nominal_t, genotype_var_t, phenotype_var_t = calculate_corr(genotypes_t, phenotype_t.reshape(1,-1), residualizer=residualizer, return_var=True) std_ratio_t = torch.sqrt(phenotype_var_t.reshape(1,-1) / genotype_var_t.reshape(-1,1)) r_nominal_t = r_nominal_t.squeeze(dim=-1) std_ratio_t = std_ratio_t.squeeze(dim=-1) corr_t = calculate_corr(genotypes_t, permutations_t, residualizer=residualizer).pow(2) # genotypes x permutations corr_t = corr_t[~torch.isnan(corr_t).any(1),:] if corr_t.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError('All correlations resulted in NaN. Please check phenotype values.') r2_perm_t,_ = corr_t.max(0) # maximum correlation across permutations r2_nominal_t = r_nominal_t.pow(2) r2_nominal_t[torch.isnan(r2_nominal_t)] = -1 # workaround for nanargmax() ix = r2_nominal_t.argmax() return r_nominal_t[ix], std_ratio_t[ix], ix, r2_perm_t, genotypes_t[ix]
Example #4
Source File: From caml-mimic with MIT License | 6 votes |
def save_everything(args, metrics_hist_all, model, model_dir, params, criterion, evaluate=False): """ Save metrics, model, params all in model_dir """ save_metrics(metrics_hist_all, model_dir) params['model_dir'] = model_dir save_params_dict(params) if not evaluate: #save the model with the best criterion metric if not np.all(np.isnan(metrics_hist_all[0][criterion])): if criterion == 'loss_dev': eval_val = np.nanargmin(metrics_hist_all[0][criterion]) else: eval_val = np.nanargmax(metrics_hist_all[0][criterion]) if eval_val == len(metrics_hist_all[0][criterion]) - 1: #save state dict sd = model.cpu().state_dict(), model_dir + "/model_best_%s.pth" % criterion) if args.gpu: model.cuda() print("saved metrics, params, model to directory %s\n" % (model_dir))
Example #5
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nanfunctions_matrices_general(): # Check that it works and that type and # shape are preserved # 2018-04-29: moved here from core.tests.test_nanfunctions mat = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) for f in (np.nanargmin, np.nanargmax, np.nansum, np.nanprod, np.nanmean, np.nanvar, np.nanstd): res = f(mat, axis=0) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (1, 3)) res = f(mat, axis=1) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 1)) res = f(mat) assert_(np.isscalar(res)) for f in np.nancumsum, np.nancumprod: res = f(mat, axis=0) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 3)) res = f(mat, axis=1) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 3)) res = f(mat) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (1, 3*3))
Example #6
Source File: From lightkurve with MIT License | 5 votes |
def duration_at_max_power(self): """Returns the duration corresponding to the highest peak in the periodogram.""" return self.duration[np.nanargmax(self.power)]
Example #7
Source File: From lightkurve with MIT License | 5 votes |
def transit_time_at_max_power(self): """Returns the transit time corresponding to the highest peak in the periodogram.""" return self.transit_time[np.nanargmax(self.power)]
Example #8
Source File: From lightkurve with MIT License | 5 votes |
def frequency_at_max_power(self): """Returns the frequency corresponding to the highest peak in the periodogram.""" return self.frequency[np.nanargmax(self.power)]
Example #9
Source File: From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): tgt = np.argmax(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)
Example #10
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): tgt = np.argmax(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)
Example #11
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): tgt = np.argmax(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)
Example #12
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): tgt = np.argmax(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)
Example #13
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_nanfunctions_matrices_general(): # Check that it works and that type and # shape are preserved # 2018-04-29: moved here from core.tests.test_nanfunctions mat = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) for f in (np.nanargmin, np.nanargmax, np.nansum, np.nanprod, np.nanmean, np.nanvar, np.nanstd): res = f(mat, axis=0) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (1, 3)) res = f(mat, axis=1) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 1)) res = f(mat) assert_(np.isscalar(res)) for f in np.nancumsum, np.nancumprod: res = f(mat, axis=0) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 3)) res = f(mat, axis=1) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 3)) res = f(mat) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (1, 3*3))
Example #14
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): tgt = np.argmax(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)
Example #15
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): tgt = np.argmax(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)
Example #16
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nanfunctions_matrices_general(): # Check that it works and that type and # shape are preserved # 2018-04-29: moved here from core.tests.test_nanfunctions mat = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) for f in (np.nanargmin, np.nanargmax, np.nansum, np.nanprod, np.nanmean, np.nanvar, np.nanstd): res = f(mat, axis=0) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (1, 3)) res = f(mat, axis=1) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 1)) res = f(mat) assert_(np.isscalar(res)) for f in np.nancumsum, np.nancumprod: res = f(mat, axis=0) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 3)) res = f(mat, axis=1) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 3)) res = f(mat) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (1, 3*3))
Example #17
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): tgt = np.argmax(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)
Example #18
Source File: From lightkurve with MIT License | 5 votes |
def depth_at_max_power(self): """Returns the depth corresponding to the highest peak in the periodogram.""" return self.depth[np.nanargmax(self.power)]
Example #19
Source File: From GroundedTranslation with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def log_performance(self): ''' Record model performance so far, based on validation loss. ''' handle = open("checkpoints/%s/summary" % self.args.run_string, "w") for epoch in range(len(self.val_loss)): handle.write("Checkpoint %d | val loss: %.5f bleu %.2f\n" % (epoch+1, self.val_loss[epoch], self.val_metric[epoch]))"---") # break up the presentation for clarity # BLEU is the quickest indicator of performance for our task # but loss is our objective function best_bleu = np.nanargmax(self.val_metric) best_loss = np.nanargmin(self.val_loss)"Best Metric: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f", best_bleu+1, self.val_loss[best_bleu], self.val_metric[best_bleu]) handle.write("Best Metric: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f\n" % (best_bleu+1, self.val_loss[best_bleu], self.val_metric[best_bleu]))"Best loss: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f", best_loss+1, self.val_loss[best_loss], self.val_metric[best_loss]) handle.write("Best loss: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f\n" % (best_loss+1, self.val_loss[best_loss], self.val_metric[best_loss]))"Early stopping marker: wait/patience: %d/%d\n", self.wait, self.patience) handle.write("Early stopping marker: wait/patience: %d/%d\n" % (self.wait, self.patience)) handle.close()
Example #20
Source File: From sdc with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): def ref_impl(a): return np.nanargmax(a) def sdc_impl(a): return numpy_like.nanargmax(a) sdc_func = self.jit(sdc_impl) cases = [[np.nan, np.nan, np.inf, np.nan], [5, 2, -9, 333, -4], [3.3, 5.4, np.nan, 7.9]] for case in cases: a = np.array(case) with self.subTest(data=case): np.testing.assert_array_equal(sdc_func(a), ref_impl(a))
Example #21
Source File: From ReAgent with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def discrete_planning(self, state: rlt.FeatureData) -> Tuple[int, np.ndarray]: # For discrete actions, we use random shoots to get the best next action random_action_seqs = list( itertools.product(range(self.action_dim), repeat=self.plan_horizon_length) ) random_action_seqs = random.choices(random_action_seqs, k=self.cem_pop_size) action_solutions = torch.zeros( self.cem_pop_size, self.plan_horizon_length, self.action_dim ) for i, action_seq in enumerate(random_action_seqs): for j, act_idx in enumerate(action_seq): action_solutions[i, j, act_idx] = 1 acc_rewards = self.acc_rewards_of_all_solutions(state, action_solutions) first_action_tally = np.zeros(self.action_dim) reward_tally = np.zeros(self.action_dim) # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Iterable[Variable[_T2]]` for 2nd param but got # `float`. for action_seq, acc_reward in zip(random_action_seqs, acc_rewards): first_action = action_seq[0] first_action_tally[first_action] += 1 reward_tally[first_action] += acc_reward best_next_action_idx = np.nanargmax(reward_tally / first_action_tally) best_next_action_one_hot = torch.zeros(self.action_dim).float() best_next_action_one_hot[best_next_action_idx] = 1 logger.debug( f"Choose action {best_next_action_idx}." f"Stats: {reward_tally} / {first_action_tally}" f" = {reward_tally/first_action_tally} " ) return best_next_action_idx, best_next_action_one_hot
Example #22
Source File: From caml-mimic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def early_stop(metrics_hist, criterion, patience): if not np.all(np.isnan(metrics_hist[criterion])): if len(metrics_hist[criterion]) >= patience: if criterion == 'loss_dev': return np.nanargmin(metrics_hist[criterion]) < len(metrics_hist[criterion]) - patience else: return np.nanargmax(metrics_hist[criterion]) < len(metrics_hist[criterion]) - patience else: #keep training if criterion results have all been nan so far return False
Example #23
Source File: From chumpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def argf(self, *args, **kwargs): return np.nanargmax(*args, **kwargs)
Example #24
Source File: From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): tgt = np.argmax(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)
Example #25
Source File: From vectorbt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def argmax(self, **kwargs): """Return index of max of non-NaN elements.""" return self.wrap_reduced(self.index[nanargmax(self.to_2d_array(), axis=0)], **kwargs)
Example #26
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get3MaxDerivatives(eda,num_max=3): deriv, second_deriv = getDerivatives(eda) d = copy.deepcopy(deriv) d2 = copy.deepcopy(second_deriv) max_indices = [] for i in range(num_max): maxd_idx = np.nanargmax(abs(d)) max_indices.append(maxd_idx) d[maxd_idx] = 0 max2d_idx = np.nanargmax(abs(d2)) max_indices.append(max2d_idx) d2[max2d_idx] = 0 return max_indices, abs(deriv), abs(second_deriv)
Example #27
Source File: From factor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def find_selfcal_tec_plots(direction): """ Returns the filenames of selfcal TEC plots """ selfcal_dir = os.path.join(direction.working_dir, 'results', 'facetselfcal', facetpeel_dir = os.path.join(direction.working_dir, 'results', 'facetpeel', peel_dir = os.path.join(direction.working_dir, 'results', 'outlierpeel', dirs = [selfcal_dir, facetpeel_dir, peel_dir] # Find most recently modified directory (if any) mtimes = [] for d in dirs: if os.path.exists(d): mtimes.append(os.path.getmtime(d)) else: mtimes.append(np.nan) try: latest_dir = dirs[np.nanargmax(mtimes)] except (ValueError, TypeError): # ValueError or TypeError indicates mtimes list is all NaNs return [] selfcal_plots = glob.glob(os.path.join(latest_dir, 'tec+scalarphase*.png')) selfcal_plots.sort() return selfcal_plots
Example #28
Source File: From factor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def find_selfcal_gain_plots(direction): """ Returns the filenames of selfcal Gain plots """ selfcal_dir = os.path.join(direction.working_dir, 'results', 'facetselfcal', facetpeel_dir = os.path.join(direction.working_dir, 'results', 'facetpeel', peel_dir = os.path.join(direction.working_dir, 'results', 'outlierpeel', dirs = [selfcal_dir, facetpeel_dir, peel_dir] # Find most recently modified directory (if any) mtimes = [] for d in dirs: if os.path.exists(d): mtimes.append(os.path.getmtime(d)) else: mtimes.append(np.nan) try: latest_dir = dirs[np.nanargmax(mtimes)] except (ValueError, TypeError): # ValueError or TypeError indicates mtimes list is all NaNs return [] selfcal_plots = glob.glob(os.path.join(latest_dir, 'slow-amplitude*.png')) selfcal_plots.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(latest_dir, 'slow-phases*.png'))) selfcal_plots.sort() return selfcal_plots
Example #29
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nanfunctions_matrices_general(): # Check that it works and that type and # shape are preserved # 2018-04-29: moved here from core.tests.test_nanfunctions mat = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) for f in (np.nanargmin, np.nanargmax, np.nansum, np.nanprod, np.nanmean, np.nanvar, np.nanstd): res = f(mat, axis=0) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (1, 3)) res = f(mat, axis=1) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 1)) res = f(mat) assert_(np.isscalar(res)) for f in np.nancumsum, np.nancumprod: res = f(mat, axis=0) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 3)) res = f(mat, axis=1) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (3, 3)) res = f(mat) assert_(isinstance(res, np.matrix)) assert_(res.shape == (1, 3*3))
Example #30
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nanargmax(self): tgt = np.argmax(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmax(mat), tgt)