Python numpy.set_string_function() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.set_string_function().
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Example #1
Source File: From sms_wsj with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_dataset(dataset): """ >>> np.set_string_function(lambda a: f'array(shape={a.shape}, dtype={a.dtype})') >>> pprint(get_dataset('cv_dev93')[0]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'audio_path': ..., ..., 'example_id': '4k0c0301_4k6c030t_0', ..., 'kaldi_transcription': ..., ..., 'audio_data': {'speech_source': array(shape=(2, 103650), dtype=float64), 'rir': array(shape=(2, 6, 8192), dtype=float64), 'speech_image': array(shape=(2, 6, 103650), dtype=float64), 'speech_reverberation_early': array(shape=(2, 6, 103650), dtype=float64), 'speech_reverberation_tail': array(shape=(2, 6, 103650), dtype=float64), 'noise_image': array(shape=(1, 1), dtype=float64), 'observation': array(shape=(6, 103650), dtype=float64)}, 'snr': 29.749852569493584} """ db = SmsWsj() ds = db.get_dataset(dataset) ds = return ds
Example #2
Source File: From pb_bss with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reverberation_data(): """ >>> import numpy as np >>> np.set_string_function(lambda a: f'array(shape={a.shape}, dtype={a.dtype})') >>> from IPython.lib.pretty import pprint >>> pprint(reverberation_data()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'audio_path': ..., 'gender': ['m', 'm'], 'kaldi_transcription': ["NOR IS MISTER QUILTER'S MANNER LESS INTERESTING THAN HIS MATTER", 'MISTER QUILTER IS THE APOSTLE OF THE MIDDLE CLASSES AND WE ARE GLAD TO WELCOME HIS GOSPEL'], 'log_weights': [1.2027951449295022, -1.2027951449295022], 'num_samples': {'observation': 38520, 'speech_source': [38520, 46840]}, 'num_speakers': 2, 'offset': [0, 0], 'room_dimensions': ..., 'sensor_position': ..., 'snr': 29.749852569493584, 'sound_decay_time': 0.354, 'source_id': ['4k0c0301', '4k6c030t'], 'source_position': ..., 'speaker_id': ['1272-128104', '1272-128104'], 'example_id': 'reverberation', 'dataset': 'test', 'audio_data': ... >>> np.set_string_function(None) # needed for pytest. np.set_string_function is not properly reseted. """ return _get_data()['reverberation']
Example #3
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #4
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #5
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #6
Source File: From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #7
Source File: From sms_wsj with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_dataset(dataset, json_path): """ >>> from IPython.lib.pretty import pprint >>> np.set_string_function(lambda a: f'array(shape={a.shape}, dtype={a.dtype})') >>> pprint(get_dataset('cv_dev93')[0]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {... 'example_id': '0_4k6c0303_4k4c0319', ... 'snr': 23.287502642941252, 'dataset': 'cv_dev93', 'audio_data': {'observation': array(shape=(6, 93389), dtype=float64), 'speech_source': array(shape=(2, 93389), dtype=float64), 'speech_reverberation_early': array(shape=(2, 6, 93389), dtype=float64), 'speech_reverberation_tail': array(shape=(2, 6, 93389), dtype=float64), 'noise_image': array(shape=(6, 93389), dtype=float64), 'speech_image': array(shape=(2, 6, 93389), dtype=float64), 'Speech_source': array(shape=(2, 733, 257), dtype=complex128), 'Speech_reverberation_early': array(shape=(2, 6, 733, 257), dtype=complex128), 'Speech_reverberation_tail': array(shape=(2, 6, 733, 257), dtype=complex128), 'Speech_image': array(shape=(2, 6, 733, 257), dtype=complex128), 'Noise_image': array(shape=(6, 733, 257), dtype=complex128), 'Observation': array(shape=(6, 733, 257), dtype=complex128)}} """ db = SmsWsj(json_path=json_path) ds = db.get_dataset(dataset) ds = def calculate_stfts(ex): ex['audio_data']['Speech_source'] = stft(ex['audio_data']['speech_source']) ex['audio_data']['Speech_reverberation_early'] = stft(ex['audio_data']['speech_reverberation_early']) ex['audio_data']['Speech_reverberation_tail'] = stft(ex['audio_data']['speech_reverberation_tail']) ex['audio_data']['Speech_image'] = stft(ex['audio_data']['speech_image']) ex['audio_data']['Noise_image'] = stft(ex['audio_data']['noise_image']) ex['audio_data']['Observation'] = stft(ex['audio_data']['observation']) return ex return
Example #8
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #9
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #10
Source File: From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #11
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #12
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #13
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #14
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #15
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #16
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #17
Source File: From pb_bss with MIT License | 5 votes |
def low_reverberation_data(): """ >>> import numpy as np >>> np.set_string_function(lambda a: f'array(shape={a.shape}, dtype={a.dtype})') >>> from IPython.lib.pretty import pprint >>> pprint(low_reverberation_data()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'audio_path': ..., 'gender': ['m', 'm'], 'kaldi_transcription': ["NOR IS MISTER QUILTER'S MANNER LESS INTERESTING THAN HIS MATTER", 'MISTER QUILTER IS THE APOSTLE OF THE MIDDLE CLASSES AND WE ARE GLAD TO WELCOME HIS GOSPEL'], 'log_weights': [1.2027951449295022, -1.2027951449295022], 'num_samples': {'observation': 38520, 'speech_source': [38520, 46840]}, 'num_speakers': 2, 'offset': [0, 0], 'room_dimensions': [[8.196200148369396], [6.05928772400428], [3.1540068920818385]], 'sensor_position': ..., 'snr': 29.749852569493584, 'sound_decay_time': 0, 'source_id': ['4k0c0301', '4k6c030t'], 'source_position': ..., [1.6594772807620646, 1.6594772807620646]], 'speaker_id': ['1272-128104', '1272-128104'], 'example_id': 'low_reverberation', 'dataset': 'test', 'audio_data': {'noise_image': array(shape=(6, 38520), dtype=float64), 'observation': array(shape=(6, 38520), dtype=float64), 'speech_image': array(shape=(2, 6, 38520), dtype=float64), 'speech_reverberation_early': array(shape=(2, 6, 38520), dtype=float64), 'speech_reverberation_tail': array(shape=(2, 6, 38520), dtype=float64), 'speech_source': array(shape=(2, 38520), dtype=float64)}} >>> np.set_string_function(None) # needed for pytest. np.set_string_function is not properly reseted. """ return _get_data()['low_reverberation']
Example #18
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #19
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #20
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #21
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #22
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #23
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #24
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #25
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #26
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #27
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #28
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options. Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys - precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str - formatter : dict of callables - sign : str For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`. See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function """ return _format_options.copy()
Example #29
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")
Example #30
Source File: From keras-lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_string_function(self): a = np.array([1]) np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=True) assert_equal(repr(a), "array([1])") np.set_string_function(lambda x: "FOO", repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "FOO") np.set_string_function(None, repr=False) assert_equal(str(a), "[1]")