Python numpy.min_scalar_type() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.min_scalar_type().
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Example #1
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _scalar_to_format(value): """ Given a scalar value or string, returns the minimum FITS column format that can represent that value. 'minimum' is defined by the order given in FORMATORDER. """ # First, if value is a string, try to convert to the appropriate scalar # value for type_ in (int, float, complex): try: value = type_(value) break except ValueError: continue numpy_dtype_str = np.min_scalar_type(value).str numpy_dtype_str = numpy_dtype_str[1:] # Strip endianness try: fits_format = NUMPY2FITS[numpy_dtype_str] return FITSUPCONVERTERS.get(fits_format, fits_format) except KeyError: return "A" + str(len(value))
Example #2
Source File: From openprescribing with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _random_matrix(self, minimum, maximum, floor): """ Return an integer matrix with random values between `minimum` and `maximum` with at least one being larger than `floor` and at least one being negative if `minimum` is negative """ value = self.random.randint(floor + 1, maximum) if minimum < 0: small_value = self.random.randint(minimum, -1) else: small_value = 0 # Ensure that the dtype is big enough to hold the maximum value (int_ # will do for all cases apart from uint64) dtype = numpy.promote_types(numpy.int_, numpy.min_scalar_type(maximum)) matrix = numpy.zeros((2, 2), dtype=dtype) matrix[0, 0] = value matrix[0, 1] = small_value return matrix
Example #3
Source File: From SERT with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create(predict_fn, word_representations, batch_size, window_size, vocabulary_size, result_callback): assert result_callback is not None instance_dtype = np.min_scalar_type(vocabulary_size - 1)'Instance elements will be stored using %s.', instance_dtype) if result_callback.should_average_input(): batcher = EmbeddingMapper( predict_fn, word_representations, result_callback) else: batcher = WordBatcher( predict_fn, batch_size, window_size, instance_dtype, result_callback) return batcher
Example #4
Source File: From polara with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build_rank_matrix(recommendations, shape): # handle singletone case for a single user recommendations = np.array(recommendations, copy=False, ndmin=2) n_keys, topn = recommendations.shape rank_arr = np.arange(1, topn+1, dtype=np.min_scalar_type(topn)) recs_rnk = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(rank_arr, (n_keys, topn), (0, rank_arr.itemsize)) # support models that may generate < top-n recommendations # such models generate self._pad_const, which is negative by convention valid_recommendations = recommendations >= 0 if not valid_recommendations.all(): data = recs_rnk[valid_recommendations] indices = recommendations[valid_recommendations] indptr = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(valid_recommendations.sum(axis=1))] else: data = recs_rnk.ravel() indices = recommendations.ravel() indptr = np.arange(0, n_keys*topn+1, topn) rank_matrix = no_copy_csr_matrix(data, indices, indptr, shape, rank_arr.dtype) return rank_matrix
Example #5
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_object(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**64) wanted = np.dtype('O') assert_equal(wanted, dt)
Example #6
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_value(value): """ Homogenize the input *value* for easy and efficient normalization. *value* can be a scalar or sequence. Returns *result*, *is_scalar*, where *result* is a masked array matching *value*. Float dtypes are preserved; integer types with two bytes or smaller are converted to np.float32, and larger types are converted to np.float64. Preserving float32 when possible, and using in-place operations, can greatly improve speed for large arrays. Experimental; we may want to add an option to force the use of float32. """ is_scalar = not cbook.iterable(value) if is_scalar: value = [value] dtype = np.min_scalar_type(value) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) or dtype.type is np.bool_: # bool_/int8/int16 -> float32; int32/int64 -> float64 dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, np.float32) # ensure data passed in as an ndarray subclass are interpreted as # an ndarray. See issue #6622. mask = data = np.asarray( result =, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, copy=True) return result, is_scalar
Example #7
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def process_value(value): """ Homogenize the input *value* for easy and efficient normalization. *value* can be a scalar or sequence. Returns *result*, *is_scalar*, where *result* is a masked array matching *value*. Float dtypes are preserved; integer types with two bytes or smaller are converted to np.float32, and larger types are converted to np.float64. Preserving float32 when possible, and using in-place operations, can greatly improve speed for large arrays. Experimental; we may want to add an option to force the use of float32. """ is_scalar = not cbook.iterable(value) if is_scalar: value = [value] dtype = np.min_scalar_type(value) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) or dtype.type is np.bool_: # bool_/int8/int16 -> float32; int32/int64 -> float64 dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, np.float32) # ensure data passed in as an ndarray subclass are interpreted as # an ndarray. See issue #6622. mask = data = np.asarray( result =, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, copy=True) return result, is_scalar
Example #8
Source File: From napari with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def process_value(value): """ Homogenize the input *value* for easy and efficient normalization. *value* can be a scalar or sequence. Returns *result*, *is_scalar*, where *result* is a masked array matching *value*. Float dtypes are preserved; integer types with two bytes or smaller are converted to np.float32, and larger types are converted to np.float64. Preserving float32 when possible, and using in-place operations, can greatly improve speed for large arrays. Experimental; we may want to add an option to force the use of float32. """ is_scalar = not np.iterable(value) if is_scalar: value = [value] dtype = np.min_scalar_type(value) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) or dtype.type is np.bool_: # bool_/int8/int16 -> float32; int32/int64 -> float64 dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, np.float32) # ensure data passed in as an ndarray subclass are interpreted as # an ndarray. See issue #6622. mask = data = np.asarray( result =, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, copy=True) return result, is_scalar
Example #9
Source File: From dm_env with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, num_values, dtype=np.int32, name=None): """Initializes a new `DiscreteArray` spec. Args: num_values: Integer specifying the number of possible values to represent. dtype: The dtype of the array. Must be an integral type large enough to hold `num_values` without overflow. name: Optional string specifying the name of the array. Raises: ValueError: If `num_values` is not positive, if `dtype` is not integral, or if `dtype` is not large enough to hold `num_values` without overflow. """ if num_values <= 0 or not np.issubdtype(type(num_values), np.integer): raise ValueError(_NUM_VALUES_NOT_POSITIVE.format(num_values)) if not np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): raise ValueError(_DTYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL.format(dtype)) num_values = int(num_values) maximum = num_values - 1 dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if np.min_scalar_type(maximum) > dtype: raise ValueError(_DTYPE_OVERFLOW.format(dtype, num_values)) super(DiscreteArray, self).__init__( shape=(), dtype=dtype, minimum=0, maximum=maximum, name=name) self._num_values = num_values
Example #10
Source File: From catalyst with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def safely_reduce_dtype(ser): # pandas.Series or numpy.array orig_dtype = "".join( [x for x in if x.isalpha()]) # float/int mx = 1 for val in ser.values: new_itemsize = np.min_scalar_type(val).itemsize if mx < new_itemsize: mx = new_itemsize if orig_dtype == 'int': mx = max(mx, 4) new_dtype = orig_dtype + str(mx * 8) return ser.astype(new_dtype)
Example #11
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_usigned_shortshort(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**8-1) wanted = np.dtype('uint8') assert_equal(wanted, dt)
Example #12
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_usigned_short(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**16-1) wanted = np.dtype('uint16') assert_equal(wanted, dt)
Example #13
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_usigned_int(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**32-1) wanted = np.dtype('uint32') assert_equal(wanted, dt)
Example #14
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_usigned_longlong(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**63-1) wanted = np.dtype('uint64') assert_equal(wanted, dt)
Example #15
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bin_target_counts(self, target_counts): maxcount = max(target_counts) self._bin_target_counts = numpy.array(target_counts, dtype=numpy.min_scalar_type(maxcount))
Example #16
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_value(value): """ Homogenize the input *value* for easy and efficient normalization. *value* can be a scalar or sequence. Returns *result*, *is_scalar*, where *result* is a masked array matching *value*. Float dtypes are preserved; integer types with two bytes or smaller are converted to np.float32, and larger types are converted to np.float64. Preserving float32 when possible, and using in-place operations, can greatly improve speed for large arrays. Experimental; we may want to add an option to force the use of float32. """ is_scalar = not cbook.iterable(value) if is_scalar: value = [value] dtype = np.min_scalar_type(value) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) or dtype.type is np.bool_: # bool_/int8/int16 -> float32; int32/int64 -> float64 dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, np.float32) # ensure data passed in as an ndarray subclass are interpreted as # an ndarray. See issue #6622. mask = data = np.asarray( result =, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, copy=True) return result, is_scalar
Example #17
Source File: From CogAlg with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_value(value): """ Homogenize the input *value* for easy and efficient normalization. *value* can be a scalar or sequence. Returns *result*, *is_scalar*, where *result* is a masked array matching *value*. Float dtypes are preserved; integer types with two bytes or smaller are converted to np.float32, and larger types are converted to np.float64. Preserving float32 when possible, and using in-place operations, can greatly improve speed for large arrays. Experimental; we may want to add an option to force the use of float32. """ is_scalar = not np.iterable(value) if is_scalar: value = [value] dtype = np.min_scalar_type(value) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) or dtype.type is np.bool_: # bool_/int8/int16 -> float32; int32/int64 -> float64 dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, np.float32) # ensure data passed in as an ndarray subclass are interpreted as # an ndarray. See issue #6622. mask = data = np.asarray( result =, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, copy=True) return result, is_scalar
Example #18
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_min_scalar_type(self): out = np.min_scalar_type(self.q[0]) expected = np.min_scalar_type(self.q.value[0]) assert out == expected
Example #19
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_value(value): """ Homogenize the input *value* for easy and efficient normalization. *value* can be a scalar or sequence. Returns *result*, *is_scalar*, where *result* is a masked array matching *value*. Float dtypes are preserved; integer types with two bytes or smaller are converted to np.float32, and larger types are converted to np.float64. Preserving float32 when possible, and using in-place operations, can greatly improve speed for large arrays. Experimental; we may want to add an option to force the use of float32. """ is_scalar = not cbook.iterable(value) if is_scalar: value = [value] dtype = np.min_scalar_type(value) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) or dtype.type is np.bool_: # bool_/int8/int16 -> float32; int32/int64 -> float64 dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, np.float32) # ensure data passed in as an ndarray subclass are interpreted as # an ndarray. See issue #6622. mask = data = np.asarray( result =, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, copy=True) return result, is_scalar
Example #20
Source File: From pysheds with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_accumulation(): # TODO: This breaks if clip_to's padding of dir is nonzero grid.clip_to('dir') grid.accumulation(data='dir', dirmap=dirmap, out_name='acc') assert(grid.acc.max() == acc_in_frame) # set nodata to 1 eff = grid.view("eff") eff[eff==grid.eff.nodata] = 1 grid.accumulation(data='dir', dirmap=dirmap, out_name='acc_eff', efficiency=eff) assert(abs(grid.acc_eff.max() - acc_in_frame_eff) < 0.001) assert(abs(grid.acc_eff[grid.acc==grid.acc.max()] - acc_in_frame_eff1) < 0.001) # TODO: Should eventually assert: grid.acc.dtype == np.min_scalar_type(grid.acc.max()) grid.clip_to('catch', pad=(1,1,1,1)) grid.accumulation(data='catch', dirmap=dirmap, out_name='acc') assert(grid.acc.max() == cells_in_catch) # Test accumulation on computed flowdirs grid.accumulation(data='d8_dir', dirmap=dirmap, out_name='d8_acc', routing='d8') grid.accumulation(data='dinf_dir', dirmap=dirmap, out_name='dinf_acc', routing='dinf') grid.accumulation(data='dinf_dir', dirmap=dirmap, out_name='dinf_acc', as_crs=new_crs, routing='dinf') assert(grid.d8_acc.max() > 11300) assert(grid.dinf_acc.max() > 11400) #set nodata to 1 eff = grid.view("dinf_eff") eff[eff==grid.dinf_eff.nodata] = 1 grid.accumulation(data='dinf_dir', dirmap=dirmap, out_name='dinf_acc_eff', routing='dinf', efficiency=eff) pos = np.where(grid.dinf_acc==grid.dinf_acc.max()) assert(np.round(grid.dinf_acc[pos] / grid.dinf_acc_eff[pos]) == 4.)
Example #21
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assign_to_bins(self): '''Assign WEST segment data to bins. Requires the DataReader mixin to be in the inheritance tree''' self.require_binning_group() n_iters = self.last_iter - self.first_iter + 1 max_n_segs = self.max_iter_segs_in_range(self.first_iter, self.last_iter) pcoord_len = self.get_pcoord_len(self.first_iter) assignments = numpy.zeros((n_iters, max_n_segs,pcoord_len), numpy.min_scalar_type(self.n_bins)) populations = numpy.zeros((n_iters, pcoord_len, self.n_bins), numpy.float64) westpa.rc.pstatus('Assigning to bins...') for (iiter, n_iter) in enumerate(range(self.first_iter, self.last_iter+1)): westpa.rc.pstatus('\r Iteration {:d}'.format(n_iter), end='') seg_index = self.get_seg_index(n_iter) pcoords = self.get_iter_group(n_iter)['pcoord'][...] weights = seg_index['weight'] for seg_id in range(len(seg_index)): assignments[iiter,seg_id,:] = self.mapper.assign(pcoords[seg_id,:,:]) for it in range(pcoord_len): populations[iiter, it, :] = numpy.bincount(assignments[iiter,:len(seg_index),it], weights, minlength=self.n_bins) westpa.rc.pflush() del pcoords, weights, seg_index assignments_ds = self.binning_h5group.create_dataset('bin_assignments', data=assignments, compression='gzip') populations_ds = self.binning_h5group.create_dataset('bin_populations', data=populations, compression='gzip') for h5object in (self.binning_h5group, assignments_ds, populations_ds): self.record_data_iter_range(h5object) self.record_data_iter_step(h5object, 1) self.record_data_binhash(h5object) westpa.rc.pstatus()
Example #22
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def go(self): pi = self.progress.indicator pi.operation = 'Initializing' with pi: self.duration = self.kinetics_file['durations'][self.iter_start-1:self.iter_stop-1] ##Only select transition events from specified istate to fstate mask = (self.duration['istate'] == self.istate) & (self.duration['fstate'] == self.fstate) self.duration_dsspec = DurationDataset(self.kinetics_file['durations']['duration'], mask, self.iter_start) self.wt_dsspec = DurationDataset(self.kinetics_file['durations']['weight'], mask, self.iter_start) self.output_file = h5py.File(self.output_filename, 'w') h5io.stamp_creator_data(self.output_file) # Construct bin boundaries self.construct_bins(self.parse_binspec(self.binspec)) for idim, (binbounds, midpoints) in enumerate(zip(self.binbounds, self.midpoints)): self.output_file['binbounds_{}'.format(idim)] = binbounds self.output_file['midpoints_{}'.format(idim)] = midpoints # construct histogram self.construct_histogram() # Record iteration range iter_range = numpy.arange(self.iter_start, self.iter_stop, 1, dtype=(numpy.min_scalar_type(self.iter_stop))) self.output_file['n_iter'] = iter_range self.output_file['histograms'].attrs['iter_start'] = self.iter_start self.output_file['histograms'].attrs['iter_stop'] = self.iter_stop self.output_file.close()
Example #23
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bin_target_counts(self, target_counts): maxcount = max(target_counts) self._bin_target_counts = numpy.array(target_counts, dtype=numpy.min_scalar_type(maxcount))
Example #24
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, functions): self.functions = functions self.nbins = len(functions) self.index_dtype = numpy.min_scalar_type(self.nbins) self.labels = [repr(func) for func in functions]
Example #25
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, func, nbins, args=None, kwargs=None): self.func = func self.args = args or () self.kwargs = kwargs or {} self.nbins = nbins self.index_dtype = numpy.min_scalar_type(self.nbins) self.labels = ['{!r} bin {:d}'.format(func, ibin) for ibin in range(nbins)]
Example #26
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_usigned_shortshort(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**8-1) wanted = np.dtype('uint8') assert_equal(wanted, dt)
Example #27
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_usigned_short(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**16-1) wanted = np.dtype('uint16') assert_equal(wanted, dt)
Example #28
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_usigned_int(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**32-1) wanted = np.dtype('uint32') assert_equal(wanted, dt)
Example #29
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_usigned_longlong(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**63-1) wanted = np.dtype('uint64') assert_equal(wanted, dt)
Example #30
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_object(self): dt = np.min_scalar_type(2**64) wanted = np.dtype('O') assert_equal(wanted, dt)