Python numpy.isneginf() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.isneginf().
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Example #1
Source File: From scattertext with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def scale_neg_1_to_1_with_zero_mean_log_abs_max(v): ''' !!! not working ''' df = pd.DataFrame({'v':v, 'sign': (v > 0) * 2 - 1}) df['lg'] = np.log(np.abs(v)) / np.log(1.96) df['exclude'] = (np.isinf(df.lg) | np.isneginf(df.lg)) for mask in [(df['sign'] == -1) & (df['exclude'] == False), (df['sign'] == 1) & (df['exclude'] == False)]: df[mask]['lg'] = df[mask]['lg'].max() - df[mask]['lg'] df['lg'] *= df['sign'] df['lg'] = df['lg'].fillna(0) print(df[df['exclude']]['lg'].values) #to_rescale = convention_df['lg'].reindex(v.index) df['to_out'] = scale_neg_1_to_1_with_zero_mean_abs_max(df['lg']) print('right') print(df.sort_values(by='lg').iloc[:5]) print(df.sort_values(by='lg').iloc[-5:]) print('to_out') print(df.sort_values(by='to_out').iloc[:5]) print(df.sort_values(by='to_out').iloc[-5:]) print(len(df), len(df.dropna())) return df['to_out']
Example #2
Source File: From sparse with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def isneginf(x, out=None): """ Test element-wise for negative infinity, return result as sparse ``bool`` array. Parameters ---------- x Input out, optional Output array Examples -------- >>> import sparse >>> x = sparse.as_coo(np.array([-np.inf])) >>> sparse.isneginf(x).todense() array([ True]) See Also -------- numpy.isneginf : The NumPy equivalent """ from .core import elemwise return elemwise(lambda x, out=None, dtype=None: np.isneginf(x, out=out), x, out=out)
Example #3
Source File: From factorized with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_covarep(truth_dict): for video_index in truth_dict: file_name = covarep_path + video_index + '.mat' fts = sio.loadmat(file_name)['features'] #print fts.shape for seg_index in truth_dict[video_index]: for w in truth_dict[video_index][seg_index]['data']: start_frame = int(w['start_time_clip']*100) end_frame = int(w['end_time_clip']*100) ft = fts[start_frame:end_frame] if ft.shape[0] == 0: avg_ft = np.zeros(ft.shape[1]) else: #print np.array(ft).shape #print ft[0] avg_ft = np.mean(ft,0) avg_ft[np.isnan(avg_ft)] = 0 avg_ft[np.isneginf(avg_ft)] = 0 w['covarep'] = avg_ft
Example #4
Source File: From cooltools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fill_inf(arr, pos_value=0, neg_value=0, copy=True): """Replaces positive and negative infinity entries in an array with the provided values. Parameters ---------- arr : np.array pos_value : float Fill value for np.inf neg_value : float Fill value for -np.inf copy : bool, optional If True, creates a copy of x, otherwise replaces values in-place. By default, True. """ if copy: arr = arr.copy() arr[np.isposinf(arr)] = pos_value arr[np.isneginf(arr)] = neg_value return arr
Example #5
Source File: From DNGR-Keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def PPMI_matrix(M): M = scale_sim_mat(M) nm_nodes = len(M) col_s = np.sum(M, axis=0).reshape(1,nm_nodes) row_s = np.sum(M, axis=1).reshape(nm_nodes,1) D = np.sum(col_s) rowcol_s =,col_s) PPMI = np.log(np.divide(D*M,rowcol_s)) PPMI[np.isnan(PPMI)] = 0.0 PPMI[np.isinf(PPMI)] = 0.0 PPMI[np.isneginf(PPMI)] = 0.0 PPMI[PPMI<0] = 0.0 return PPMI
Example #6
Source File: From MFN with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_covarep(truth_dict): for video_index in truth_dict: file_name = covarep_path + video_index + '.mat' fts = sio.loadmat(file_name)['features'] #print fts.shape for seg_index in truth_dict[video_index]: for w in truth_dict[video_index][seg_index]['data']: start_frame = int(w['start_time_clip']*100) end_frame = int(w['end_time_clip']*100) ft = fts[start_frame:end_frame] if ft.shape[0] == 0: avg_ft = np.zeros(ft.shape[1]) else: #print np.array(ft).shape #print ft[0] avg_ft = np.mean(ft,0) avg_ft[np.isnan(avg_ft)] = 0 avg_ft[np.isneginf(avg_ft)] = 0 w['covarep'] = avg_ft
Example #7
Source File: From onnx-tensorflow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_is_inf(self): if legacy_opset_pre_ver(10): raise unittest.SkipTest("ONNX version {} doesn't support IsInf.".format( defs.onnx_opset_version())) input = np.array([-1.2, np.nan, np.inf, 2.8, np.NINF, np.inf], dtype=np.float32) expected_output = { "node_def": np.isinf(input), "node_def_neg_false": np.isposinf(input), "node_def_pos_false": np.isneginf(input) } node_defs = { "node_def": helper.make_node("IsInf", ["X"], ["Y"]), "node_def_neg_false": helper.make_node("IsInf", ["X"], ["Y"], detect_negative=0), "node_def_pos_false": helper.make_node("IsInf", ["X"], ["Y"], detect_positive=0) } for key in node_defs: output = run_node(node_defs[key], [input]) np.testing.assert_equal(output["Y"], expected_output[key])
Example #8
Source File: From gluon-ts with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def jsonify_floats(json_object): """ Traverses through the JSON object and converts non JSON-spec compliant floats(nan, -inf, inf) to their string representations. Parameters ---------- json_object JSON object """ if isinstance(json_object, dict): return {k: jsonify_floats(v) for k, v in json_object.items()} elif isinstance(json_object, list): return [jsonify_floats(item) for item in json_object] elif isinstance(json_object, float): if np.isnan(json_object): return "NaN" elif np.isposinf(json_object): return "Infinity" elif np.isneginf(json_object): return "-Infinity" return json_object return json_object
Example #9
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def output(self, value, mask): if mask: return self._null_output if np.isfinite(value): if not np.isscalar(value): value = value.dtype.type(value) result = self._output_format.format(value) if result.startswith('array'): raise RuntimeError() if (self._output_format[2] == 'r' and result.endswith('.0')): result = result[:-2] return result elif np.isnan(value): return 'NaN' elif np.isposinf(value): return '+InF' elif np.isneginf(value): return '-InF' # Should never raise vo_raise(f"Invalid floating point value '{value}'")
Example #10
Source File: From neural_wfst with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_invalid(arr): return any([f(arr).any() for f in [numpy.isinf, numpy.isnan, numpy.isneginf]])
Example #11
Source File: From cogdl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_ppmi_matrix(self, mat): # Get Positive Pairwise Mutual Information(PPMI) matrix mat = self.random_surfing(mat) M = self.scale_matrix(mat) col_s = np.sum(M, axis=0).reshape(1, self.num_node) row_s = np.sum(M, axis=1).reshape(self.num_node, 1) D = np.sum(col_s) rowcol_s =, col_s) PPMI = np.log(np.divide(D * M, rowcol_s)) PPMI[np.isnan(PPMI)] = 0.0 PPMI[np.isinf(PPMI)] = 0.0 PPMI[np.isneginf(PPMI)] = 0.0 PPMI[PPMI < 0] = 0.0 return PPMI
Example #12
Source File: From neural_wfst with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tolerant_eq(a, b): return (True if (numpy.isinf(a) and numpy.isinf(b)) or (numpy.isneginf(a) and numpy.isneginf(b)) or abs(a-b) < 1e-10 else False)
Example #13
Source File: From Neuraxle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_sum_starting_info(limits): if np.isinf(limits[0]) and np.isinf(limits[1]): raise ValueError("Cannot calculate a sum on infinite terms.") if np.isposinf(limits[0]): starting_value = limits[1] stop_value = limits[0] method = "increasing" elif np.isposinf(limits[1]): starting_value = limits[0] stop_value = limits[1] method = "increasing" elif np.isneginf(limits[0]): starting_value = limits[1] stop_value = limits[0] method = "decreasing" elif np.isneginf(limits[1]): starting_value = limits[0] stop_value = limits[1] method = "decreasing" elif np.greater(limits[1], limits[0]): starting_value = limits[0] stop_value = limits[1] method = "increasing" else: starting_value = limits[1] stop_value = limits[0] method = "increasing" return method, starting_value, stop_value
Example #14
Source File: From Neuraxle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def min(self): """ Calculate minimum value that can be sampled in the quanitzed version of the distribution. :return: minimal value return from distribution. """ hd_min = self.hd.min() if np.isneginf(hd_min): return hd_min return round(hd_min)
Example #15
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_isneginf(self): self.check(np.isneginf)
Example #16
Source File: From scvelo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_mean_var(X, ignore_zeros=False, perc=None): data = if issparse(X) else X mask_nans = np.isnan(data) | np.isinf(data) | np.isneginf(data) n_nonzeros = (X != 0).sum(0) n_counts = n_nonzeros if ignore_zeros else X.shape[0] if mask_nans.sum() > 0: if issparse(X): data[np.isnan(data) | np.isinf(data) | np.isneginf(data)] = 0 n_nans = n_nonzeros - (X != 0).sum(0) else: X[mask_nans] = 0 n_nans = mask_nans.sum(0) n_counts -= n_nans if perc is not None: if np.size(perc) < 2: perc = [perc, 100] if perc < 50 else [0, perc] lb, ub = np.percentile(data, perc) data = np.clip(data, lb, ub) if issparse(X): mean = (X.sum(0) / n_counts).A1 mean_sq = (X.multiply(X).sum(0) / n_counts).A1 else: mean = X.sum(0) / n_counts mean_sq = np.multiply(X, X).sum(0) / n_counts n_cells = np.clip(X.shape[0], 2, None) # to avoid division by zero var = (mean_sq - mean ** 2) * (n_cells / (n_cells - 1)) mean = np.nan_to_num(mean) var = np.nan_to_num(var) return mean, var
Example #17
Source File: From scvelo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_mean_var(X, ignore_zeros=False, perc=None): data = if issparse(X) else X mask_nans = np.isnan(data) | np.isinf(data) | np.isneginf(data) n_nonzeros = (X != 0).sum(0) n_counts = n_nonzeros if ignore_zeros else X.shape[0] if mask_nans.sum() > 0: if issparse(X): data[np.isnan(data) | np.isinf(data) | np.isneginf(data)] = 0 n_nans = n_nonzeros - (X != 0).sum(0) else: X[mask_nans] = 0 n_nans = mask_nans.sum(0) n_counts -= n_nans if perc is not None: if np.size(perc) < 2: perc = [perc, 100] if perc < 50 else [0, perc] lb, ub = np.percentile(data, perc) data = np.clip(data, lb, ub) if issparse(X): mean = (X.sum(0) / n_counts).A1 mean_sq = (X.multiply(X).sum(0) / n_counts).A1 else: mean = X.sum(0) / n_counts mean_sq = np.multiply(X, X).sum(0) / n_counts n_cells = np.clip(X.shape[0], 2, None) # to avoid division by zero var = (mean_sq - mean ** 2) * (n_cells / (n_cells - 1)) mean = np.nan_to_num(mean) var = np.nan_to_num(var) return mean, var
Example #18
Source File: From tensorprob with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_logp_to_neg_inf(X, logp, bounds): """Set `logp` to negative infinity when `X` is outside the allowed bounds. # Arguments X: tensorflow.Tensor The variable to apply the bounds to logp: tensorflow.Tensor The log probability corrosponding to `X` bounds: list of `Region` objects The regions corrosponding to allowed regions of `X` # Returns logp: tensorflow.Tensor The newly bounded log probability """ conditions = [] for l, u in bounds: lower_is_neg_inf = not isinstance(l, tf.Tensor) and np.isneginf(l) upper_is_pos_inf = not isinstance(u, tf.Tensor) and np.isposinf(u) if not lower_is_neg_inf and upper_is_pos_inf: conditions.append(tf.greater(X, l)) elif lower_is_neg_inf and not upper_is_pos_inf: conditions.append(tf.less(X, u)) elif not (lower_is_neg_inf or upper_is_pos_inf): conditions.append(tf.logical_and(tf.greater(X, l), tf.less(X, u))) if len(conditions) > 0: is_inside_bounds = conditions[0] for condition in conditions[1:]: is_inside_bounds = tf.logical_or(is_inside_bounds, condition) logp = is_inside_bounds, logp, tf.fill(tf.shape(X), config.dtype(-np.inf)) ) return logp
Example #19
Source File: From madminer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sanitize_array(array, replace_nan=0.0, replace_inf=0.0, replace_neg_inf=0.0, min_value=None, max_value=None): array[np.isneginf(array)] = replace_neg_inf array[np.isinf(array)] = replace_inf array[np.isnan(array)] = replace_nan if min_value is not None or max_value is not None: array = np.clip(array, min_value, max_value) return array
Example #20
Source File: From gordo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _fill_minmax(self, X: np.ndarray): """ Fill inf/-inf values in features of the array based on their min & max values. Compounded by the ``power`` value so long as the result doesn't exceed the current array's dtype's max/min. Otherwise it will use those. """ # For each feature fill inf/-inf with pre-calculate fill values for feature_idx, (posinf_fill, neginf_fill) in enumerate( zip(self._posinf_fill_values, self._neginf_fill_values) ): X[:, feature_idx][np.isposinf(X[:, feature_idx])] = posinf_fill X[:, feature_idx][np.isneginf(X[:, feature_idx])] = neginf_fill return X
Example #21
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_coint_identical_series(): nobs = 200 scale_e = 1 np.random.seed(123) y = scale_e * np.random.randn(nobs) warnings.simplefilter('always', ColinearityWarning) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: c = coint(y, y, trend="c", maxlag=0, autolag=None) assert_equal(len(w), 1) assert_equal(c[1], 0.0) assert_(np.isneginf(c[0]))
Example #22
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_coint_perfect_collinearity(): # test uses nearly perfect collinearity nobs = 200 scale_e = 1 np.random.seed(123) x = scale_e * np.random.randn(nobs, 2) y = 1 + x.sum(axis=1) + 1e-7 * np.random.randn(nobs) warnings.simplefilter('always', ColinearityWarning) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: c = coint(y, x, trend="c", maxlag=0, autolag=None) assert_equal(c[1], 0.0) assert_(np.isneginf(c[0]))
Example #23
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_almost_equal_inf(x, y, decimal=6, msg=None): x = np.atleast_1d(x) y = np.atleast_1d(y) assert_equal(np.isposinf(x), np.isposinf(y)) assert_equal(np.isneginf(x), np.isneginf(y)) assert_equal(np.isnan(x), np.isnan(y)) assert_almost_equal(x[np.isfinite(x)], y[np.isfinite(y)])
Example #24
Source File: From gordo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_infimputer_fill_values(): """ InfImputer when fill values are provided """ base_x = np.random.random((100, 10)).astype(np.float32) flat_view = base_x.ravel() pos_inf_idxs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] neg_inf_idxs = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] flat_view[pos_inf_idxs] = np.inf flat_view[neg_inf_idxs] = -np.inf # Our base x should now be littered with pos/neg inf values assert np.isposinf(base_x).sum() > 0, "Expected some positive infinity values here" assert np.isneginf(base_x).sum() > 0, "Expected some negative infinity values here" imputer = InfImputer(inf_fill_value=9999.0, neg_inf_fill_value=-9999.0) X = imputer.fit_transform(base_x) np.equal( X.ravel()[[pos_inf_idxs]], np.array([9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0]) ) np.equal( X.ravel()[[neg_inf_idxs]], np.array([-9999.0, -9999.0, -9999.0, -9999.0, -9999.0]), )
Example #25
Source File: From gordo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def transform(self, X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y=None): # Ensure we're dealing with numpy array if it's a dataframe or similar X = X.values if hasattr(X, "values") else X # Apply specific fill values if provided. if self.inf_fill_value is not None: X[np.isposinf(X)] = self.inf_fill_value if self.neg_inf_fill_value is not None: X[np.isneginf(X)] = self.neg_inf_fill_value # May still be left over infs, if only one fill value was supplied for example if self.strategy is not None: return getattr(self, f"_fill_{self.strategy}")(X) return X
Example #26
Source File: From gordo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _fill_extremes(self, X: np.ndarray): """ Fill negative and postive infs with their dtype's min/max values """ X[np.isposinf(X)] = np.finfo(X.dtype).max X[np.isneginf(X)] = np.finfo(X.dtype).min return X
Example #27
Source File: From mljar-supervised with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_iteration_end(self, iter_cnt, data): loss_train = 0 if data.get("y_train_predicted") is not None: loss_train = self.metric( data.get("y_train_true"), data.get("y_train_predicted") ) loss_validation = self.metric( data.get("y_validation_true"), data.get("y_validation_predicted") ) for loss in [loss_train, loss_validation]: if np.isnan(loss) or np.isinf(loss) or np.isneginf(loss): self.learner.stop_training = True"Terminating learning, invalid loss value")
Example #28
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _has_infs(result): if isinstance(result, np.ndarray): if result.dtype == 'f8': return lib.has_infs_f8(result) elif result.dtype == 'f4': return lib.has_infs_f4(result) return False return np.isinf(result) or np.isneginf(result)
Example #29
Source File: From smooth-topk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_all_close(tensor_1, tensor_2, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4): tensor_1 = to_numpy(tensor_1).astype(np.float64) tensor_2 = to_numpy(tensor_2).astype(np.float64) np.testing.assert_equal(np.isposinf(tensor_1), np.isposinf(tensor_2)) np.testing.assert_equal(np.isneginf(tensor_1), np.isneginf(tensor_2)) indices = np.isfinite(tensor_1) if indices.sum(): tensor_1 = tensor_1[indices] tensor_2 = tensor_2[indices] err = np.max(np.abs(tensor_1 - tensor_2)) err_msg = "Max abs error: {0:.3g}".format(err) np.testing.assert_allclose(tensor_1, tensor_2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, err_msg=err_msg)
Example #30
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def isneginf(x): return x == array_ops.full_like(x, -np.inf)