Python numpy.full_like() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.full_like().
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Example #1
Source File: From pvlib-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_arrays_multi(): apparent_zenith = np.array([[10, 10], [10, 10]]) apparent_azimuth = np.array([[180, 180], [180, 180]]) # singleaxis should fail for num dim > 1 with pytest.raises(ValueError): tracking.singleaxis(apparent_zenith, apparent_azimuth, axis_tilt=0, axis_azimuth=0, max_angle=90, backtrack=True, gcr=2.0/7.0) # uncomment if we ever get singleaxis to support num dim > 1 arrays # assert isinstance(tracker_data, dict) # expect = {'tracker_theta': np.full_like(apparent_zenith, 0), # 'aoi': np.full_like(apparent_zenith, 10), # 'surface_azimuth': np.full_like(apparent_zenith, 90), # 'surface_tilt': np.full_like(apparent_zenith, 0)} # for k, v in expect.items(): # assert_allclose(tracker_data[k], v)
Example #2
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_power_transformer_nans(method): # Make sure lambda estimation is not influenced by NaN values # and that transform() supports NaN silently X = np.abs(X_1col) pt = PowerTransformer(method=method) lmbda_no_nans = pt.lambdas_[0] # concat nans at the end and check lambda stays the same X = np.concatenate([X, np.full_like(X, np.nan)]) X = shuffle(X, random_state=0) lmbda_nans = pt.lambdas_[0] assert_almost_equal(lmbda_no_nans, lmbda_nans, decimal=5) X_trans = pt.transform(X) assert_array_equal(np.isnan(X_trans), np.isnan(X))
Example #3
Source File: From numcodecs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def decode(self, buf, out=None): # normalise input enc = ensure_ndarray(buf).view(self.astype) # flatten to simplify implementation enc = enc.reshape(-1, order='A') # setup output dec = np.full_like(enc, fill_value='', dtype=self.dtype) # apply decoding for i, l in enumerate(self.labels): dec[enc == (i + 1)] = l # handle output dec = ndarray_copy(dec, out) return dec
Example #4
Source File: From fastats with MIT License | 6 votes |
def windowed_pass_2d(x, win): """ The same as windowed pass, but explicitly iterates over the `value()` return array and allocates it in the `result`. This allows 2-dimensional arrays to be returned from `value()` functions, before we support the behaviour properly using AST transforms. This allows for extremely fast iteration for items such as OLS, and at the same time calculating t-stats / r^2. """ result = np.full_like(x, np.nan) for i in range(win, x.shape[0]+1): res = value(x[i-win:i]) for j, j_val in enumerate(res): result[i-1, j] = j_val return result
Example #5
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def as_strided_writeable(): arr = np.ones(10) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) assert_(not view.flags.writeable) # Check that writeable also is fine: view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(view.flags.writeable) view[...] = 3 assert_array_equal(arr, np.full_like(arr, 3)) # Test that things do not break down for readonly: arr.flags.writeable = False view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(not view.flags.writeable)
Example #6
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def full_like(a, fill_value, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,redefined-outer-name """order, subok and shape arguments mustn't be changed.""" if order != 'K': raise ValueError('Non-standard orders are not supported.') if not subok: raise ValueError('subok being False is not supported.') if shape: raise ValueError('Overriding the shape is not supported.') a = asarray(a).data dtype = dtype or utils.result_type(a) fill_value = asarray(fill_value, dtype=dtype) return arrays_lib.tensor_to_ndarray( tf.broadcast_to(, tf.shape(a))) # TODO(wangpeng): investigate whether we can make `copy` default to False. # TODO(wangpeng): utils.np_doc can't handle np.array because np.array is a # builtin function. Make utils.np_doc support builtin functions.
Example #7
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testFullLike(self): # List of 2-tuples of fill value and shape. data = [ (5, ()), (5, (7,)), (5., (7,)), ([5, 8], (2,)), ([5, 8], (3, 2)), ([[5], [8]], (2, 3)), ([[5], [8]], (3, 2, 5)), ([[5.], [8.]], (3, 2, 5)), ] zeros_builders = [array_ops.zeros, np.zeros] for f, s in data: for fn1, fn2, arr_dtype in itertools.product( self.array_transforms, zeros_builders, self.all_types): fill_value = fn1(f) arr = fn2(s, arr_dtype) self.match( array_ops.full_like(arr, fill_value), np.full_like(arr, fill_value)) for dtype in self.all_types: self.match( array_ops.full_like(arr, fill_value, dtype=dtype), np.full_like(arr, fill_value, dtype=dtype))
Example #8
Source File: From gridfinder with MIT License | 6 votes |
def estimate_mem_use(targets, costs): """Estimate memory usage in GB, probably not very accurate. Parameters ---------- targets : numpy array 2D array of targets. costs : numpy array 2D array of costs. Returns ------- est_mem : float Estimated memory requirement in GB. """ # make sure these match the ones used in optimise below visited = np.zeros_like(targets, dtype=np.int8) dist = np.full_like(costs, np.nan, dtype=np.float32) prev = np.full_like(costs, np.nan, dtype=object) est_mem_arr = [targets, costs, visited, dist, prev] est_mem = len(pickle.dumps(est_mem_arr, -1)) return est_mem / 1e9
Example #9
Source File: From kite with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def setLOS(self, phi, theta): """Set the sandbox's LOS vector :param phi: phi in degree :type phi: int :param theta: theta in degree :type theta: int """ if self.reference is not None: self._log.warning('Cannot change a referenced model!') return self._log.debug( 'Changing model LOS to %d phi and %d theta', phi, theta) self.theta = num.full_like(self.theta, theta*r2d) self.phi = num.full_like(self.phi, phi*r2d) self.frame.updateExtent() self._clearModel() self.evChanged.notify()
Example #10
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def as_strided_writeable(): arr = np.ones(10) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) assert_(not view.flags.writeable) # Check that writeable also is fine: view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(view.flags.writeable) view[...] = 3 assert_array_equal(arr, np.full_like(arr, 3)) # Test that things do not break down for readonly: arr.flags.writeable = False view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(not view.flags.writeable)
Example #11
Source File: From glc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_C_hat_transpose(): probs = [] net.eval() for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_gold_deterministic_loader): # we subtract 10 because we added 10 to gold so we could identify which example is gold in train_phase2 data, target = torch.autograd.Variable(data.cuda(), volatile=True),\ torch.autograd.Variable((target - num_classes).cuda(), volatile=True) # forward output = net(data) pred = F.softmax(output) probs.extend(list( probs = np.array(probs, dtype=np.float32) preds = np.argmax(probs, axis=1) C_hat = np.zeros([num_classes, num_classes]) for i in range(len(train_data_gold.train_labels)): C_hat[int(np.rint(train_data_gold.train_labels[i] - num_classes)), preds[i]] += 1 C_hat /= (np.sum(C_hat, axis=1, keepdims=True) + 1e-7) C_hat = C_hat * 0.99 + np.full_like(C_hat, 1/num_classes) * 0.01 # smoothing return C_hat.T.astype(np.float32)
Example #12
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def as_strided_writeable(): arr = np.ones(10) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) assert_(not view.flags.writeable) # Check that writeable also is fine: view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(view.flags.writeable) view[...] = 3 assert_array_equal(arr, np.full_like(arr, 3)) # Test that things do not break down for readonly: arr.flags.writeable = False view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(not view.flags.writeable)
Example #13
Source File: From ip-nonlinear-solver with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _is_feasible(kind, enforce_feasibility, f0): keyword = kind[0] if keyword == "equals": lb = np.asarray(kind[1], dtype=float) ub = np.asarray(kind[1], dtype=float) elif keyword == "greater": lb = np.asarray(kind[1], dtype=float) ub = np.full_like(lb, np.inf, dtype=float) elif keyword == "less": ub = np.asarray(kind[1], dtype=float) lb = np.full_like(ub, -np.inf, dtype=float) elif keyword == "interval": lb = np.asarray(kind[1], dtype=float) ub = np.asarray(kind[2], dtype=float) else: raise RuntimeError("Never be here.") return ((lb[enforce_feasibility] <= f0[enforce_feasibility]).all() and (f0[enforce_feasibility] <= ub[enforce_feasibility]).all())
Example #14
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def as_strided_writeable(): arr = np.ones(10) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) assert_(not view.flags.writeable) # Check that writeable also is fine: view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(view.flags.writeable) view[...] = 3 assert_array_equal(arr, np.full_like(arr, 3)) # Test that things do not break down for readonly: arr.flags.writeable = False view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(not view.flags.writeable)
Example #15
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def as_strided_writeable(): arr = np.ones(10) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) assert_(not view.flags.writeable) # Check that writeable also is fine: view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(view.flags.writeable) view[...] = 3 assert_array_equal(arr, np.full_like(arr, 3)) # Test that things do not break down for readonly: arr.flags.writeable = False view = as_strided(arr, writeable=False) view = as_strided(arr, writeable=True) assert_(not view.flags.writeable)
Example #16
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_old_wminkowski(self): with suppress_warnings() as wrn: wrn.filter(message="`wminkowski` is deprecated") w = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 0.5]) for x, y in self.cases: dist1 = old_wminkowski(x, y, p=1, w=w) assert_almost_equal(dist1, 3.0) dist1p5 = old_wminkowski(x, y, p=1.5, w=w) assert_almost_equal(dist1p5, (2.0**1.5+1.0)**(2./3)) dist2 = old_wminkowski(x, y, p=2, w=w) assert_almost_equal(dist2, np.sqrt(5)) # test weights Issue #7893 arr = np.arange(4) w = np.full_like(arr, 4) assert_almost_equal(old_wminkowski(arr, arr + 1, p=2, w=w), 8.0) assert_almost_equal(wminkowski(arr, arr + 1, p=2, w=w), 4.0)
Example #17
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_3d_properties(self, zs=0, zdir='z'): xs = self.get_xdata() ys = self.get_ydata() try: # If *zs* is a list or array, then this will fail and # just proceed to juggle_axes(). zs = np.full_like(xs, fill_value=float(zs)) except TypeError: pass self._verts3d = juggle_axes(xs, ys, zs, zdir) self.stale = True
Example #18
Source File: From chainer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _setup_test_copyparams(self):, 3)) gx = gy = gu = l = chainer.Link() with l.init_scope(): l.x = chainer.Parameter(shape=(2, 3)) l.y = chainer.Parameter(shape=2) l.u = chainer.Parameter(shape=(2, 3)) l.v = chainer.Parameter(shape=(3, 2)) l.x.grad.fill(3) l.y.grad.fill(5) l.u.grad.fill(7) l.v.grad.fill(9) l.add_persistent('p', numpy.full_like(, 10)) return l, (gx, gy, gu)
Example #19
Source File: From chainer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def forward_chainer(self, inputs): x, = inputs y = chainer.functions.max_pooling_nd( x, ksize=self.ksize, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all) # Convert -inf to finite numbers. y = chainer.functions.maximum(y, numpy.full_like(y.array, -1e4)) return y,
Example #20
Source File: From pvlib-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_horizon_tilted(): # GH 569 solar_azimuth = np.array([0, 180, 359]) solar_zenith = np.full_like(solar_azimuth, 45) solar_azimuth = pd.Series(solar_azimuth) solar_zenith = pd.Series(solar_zenith) out = tracking.singleaxis(solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, axis_tilt=90, axis_azimuth=180, backtrack=False, max_angle=180) expected = pd.DataFrame(np.array( [[ 180., 45., 0., 90.], [ 0., 45., 180., 90.], [ 179., 45., 359., 90.]]), columns=['tracker_theta', 'aoi', 'surface_azimuth', 'surface_tilt']) assert_frame_equal(out, expected)
Example #21
Source File: From mmcv with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def iminvert(img): """Invert (negate) an image. Args: img (ndarray): Image to be inverted. Returns: ndarray: The inverted image. """ return np.full_like(img, 255) - img
Example #22
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def roots_chebyt(n, mu=False): r"""Gauss-Chebyshev (first kind) quadrature. Computes the sample points and weights for Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature. The sample points are the roots of the n-th degree Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind, :math:`T_n(x)`. These sample points and weights correctly integrate polynomials of degree :math:`2n - 1` or less over the interval :math:`[-1, 1]` with weight function :math:`f(x) = 1/\sqrt{1 - x^2}`. Parameters ---------- n : int quadrature order mu : bool, optional If True, return the sum of the weights, optional. Returns ------- x : ndarray Sample points w : ndarray Weights mu : float Sum of the weights See Also -------- scipy.integrate.quadrature scipy.integrate.fixed_quad numpy.polynomial.chebyshev.chebgauss """ m = int(n) if n < 1 or n != m: raise ValueError('n must be a positive integer.') x = _ufuncs._sinpi(np.arange(-m + 1, m, 2) / (2*m)) w = np.full_like(x, pi/m) if mu: return x, w, pi else: return x, w
Example #23
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def full(shape, fill_value, dtype=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Returns an array with given shape and dtype filled with `fill_value`. Args: shape: A valid shape object. Could be a native python object or an object of type ndarray, numpy.ndarray or tf.TensorShape. fill_value: array_like. Could be an ndarray, a Tensor or any object that can be converted to a Tensor using `tf.convert_to_tensor`. dtype: Optional, defaults to dtype of the `fill_value`. The type of the resulting ndarray. Could be a python type, a NumPy type or a TensorFlow `DType`. Returns: An ndarray. Raises: ValueError: if `fill_value` can not be broadcast to shape `shape`. """ fill_value = asarray(fill_value, dtype=dtype) if utils.isscalar(shape): shape = tf.reshape(shape, [1]) return arrays_lib.tensor_to_ndarray(tf.broadcast_to(, shape)) # Using doc only here since np full_like signature doesn't seem to have the # shape argument (even though it exists in the documentation online).
Example #24
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_balanced_accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred): macro_recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro', labels=np.unique(y_true)) with ignore_warnings(): # Warnings are tested in test_balanced_accuracy_score_unseen balanced = balanced_accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) assert balanced == pytest.approx(macro_recall) adjusted = balanced_accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred, adjusted=True) chance = balanced_accuracy_score(y_true, np.full_like(y_true, y_true[0])) assert adjusted == (balanced - chance) / (1 - chance)
Example #25
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_derivatives_helper(loss): """Return get_gradients() and get_hessians() functions for a given loss. """ def get_gradients(y_true, raw_predictions): # create gradients and hessians array, update inplace, and return gradients = np.empty_like(raw_predictions, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) hessians = np.empty_like(raw_predictions, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) loss.update_gradients_and_hessians(gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions) return gradients def get_hessians(y_true, raw_predictions): # create gradients and hessians array, update inplace, and return gradients = np.empty_like(raw_predictions, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) hessians = np.empty_like(raw_predictions, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) loss.update_gradients_and_hessians(gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions) if loss.__class__.__name__ == 'LeastSquares': # hessians aren't updated because they're constant: # the value is 1 because the loss is actually an half # least squares loss. hessians = np.full_like(raw_predictions, fill_value=1) return hessians return get_gradients, get_hessians
Example #26
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_filled_like(self): self.check_like_function(np.full_like, 0, True) self.check_like_function(np.full_like, 1, True) self.check_like_function(np.full_like, 1000, True) self.check_like_function(np.full_like, 123.456, True) self.check_like_function(np.full_like, np.inf, True)
Example #27
Source File: From pymoo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _do(self, problem, X, **kwargs): # The input of has the following shape (n_parents, n_matings, n_var) _, n_matings, n_var = X.shape # The output owith the shape (n_offsprings, n_matings, n_var) # Because there the number of parents and offsprings are equal it keeps the shape of X Y = np.full_like(X, None, dtype=np.object) # for each mating provided for k in range(n_matings): # get the first and the second parent a, b = X[0, k, 0], X[1, k, 0] # prepare the offsprings off_a = ["_"] * problem.n_characters off_b = ["_"] * problem.n_characters for i in range(problem.n_characters): if np.random.random() < 0.5: off_a[i] = a[i] off_b[i] = b[i] else: off_a[i] = b[i] off_b[i] = a[i] # join the character list and set the output Y[0, k, 0], Y[1, k, 0] = "".join(off_a), "".join(off_b) return Y
Example #28
Source File: From fragile with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_safe_margin(self, bounds_fixture: Bounds): new_bounds = bounds_fixture.safe_margin() assert numpy.allclose(new_bounds.low, bounds_fixture.low) assert numpy.allclose(new_bounds.high, bounds_fixture.high) low = numpy.full_like(bounds_fixture.low, -10) new_bounds = bounds_fixture.safe_margin(low=low) assert numpy.allclose(new_bounds.high, bounds_fixture.high) assert numpy.allclose(new_bounds.low, low) new_bounds = bounds_fixture.safe_margin(low=low, scale=2) assert numpy.allclose(new_bounds.high, bounds_fixture.high * 2) assert numpy.allclose(new_bounds.low, low * 2)
Example #29
Source File: From fragile with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_points_in_bounds(self, bounds_fixture): zeros = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) assert all(bounds_fixture.points_in_bounds(zeros)) tens = numpy.full_like(zeros, 10) assert not any(bounds_fixture.points_in_bounds(tens)) tens = numpy.array([[-10, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [10, 10, 10]]) assert sum(bounds_fixture.points_in_bounds(tens)) == 1
Example #30
Source File: From susi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def modify_weight_matrix_batch(self, som_array, dist_weight_matrix, data): """Modify weight matrix of the SOM for the online algorithm. Parameters ---------- som_array : np.array Weight vectors of the SOM shape = (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, X.shape[1]) dist_weight_matrix : np.array of float Current distance weight of the SOM for the specific node data : np.array, optional True vector(s) learningrate : float Current learning rate of the SOM Returns ------- np.array Weight vector of the SOM after the modification """ # calculate numerator and divisor for the batch formula numerator = np.sum( [np.multiply(data[i], dist_weight_matrix[i].reshape( (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, 1))) for i in range(len(data))], axis=0) divisor = np.sum(dist_weight_matrix, axis=0).reshape( (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, 1)) # update weights old_som = np.copy(som_array) new_som = np.divide( numerator, divisor, out=np.full_like(numerator, np.nan), where=(divisor != 0)) # overwrite new nans with old entries new_som[np.isnan(new_som)] = old_som[np.isnan(new_som)] return new_som