Python numpy.union1d() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.union1d().
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Example #1
Source File: From AmpliGraph with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_yago_3_10(): yago_3_10 = load_yago3_10() assert len(yago_3_10['train']) == 1079040 assert len(yago_3_10['valid']) == 5000 - 22 assert len(yago_3_10['test']) == 5000 - 18 # ent_train = np.union1d(np.unique(yago_3_10["train"][:,0]), np.unique(yago_3_10["train"][:,2])) # ent_valid = np.union1d(np.unique(yago_3_10["valid"][:,0]), np.unique(yago_3_10["valid"][:,2])) # ent_test = np.union1d(np.unique(yago_3_10["test"][:,0]), np.unique(yago_3_10["test"][:,2])) # assert len(set(ent_valid) - set(ent_train)) == 22 # assert len (set(ent_test) - ((set(ent_valid) & set(ent_train)) | set(ent_train))) == 18 # distinct_ent = np.union1d(np.union1d(ent_train, ent_valid), ent_test) # distinct_rel = np.union1d(np.union1d(np.unique(yago_3_10["train"][:,1]), np.unique(yago_3_10["train"][:,1])), # np.unique(yago_3_10["train"][:,1])) # assert len(distinct_ent) == 123182 # assert len(distinct_rel) == 37
Example #2
Source File: From Pointnet2.ScanNet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compute_miou(coords, preds, targets, weights): coords, preds, targets, weights = filter_points(coords, preds, targets, weights) seen_classes = np.unique(targets) mask = np.zeros(CONF.NUM_CLASSES) mask[seen_classes] = 1 pointmiou = np.zeros(CONF.NUM_CLASSES) voxmiou = np.zeros(CONF.NUM_CLASSES) uvidx, uvlabel, _ = point_cloud_label_to_surface_voxel_label_fast(coords, np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(targets,1),np.expand_dims(preds,1)),axis=1), res=0.02) for l in seen_classes: target_label = np.arange(targets.shape[0])[targets==l] pred_label = np.arange(preds.shape[0])[preds==l] num_intersection_label = np.intersect1d(pred_label, target_label).shape[0] num_union_label = np.union1d(pred_label, target_label).shape[0] pointmiou[l] = num_intersection_label / (num_union_label + 1e-8) target_label_vox = uvidx[(uvlabel[:, 0] == l)] pred_label_vox = uvidx[(uvlabel[:, 1] == l)] num_intersection_label_vox = np.intersect1d(pred_label_vox, target_label_vox).shape[0] num_union_label_vox = np.union1d(pred_label_vox, target_label_vox).shape[0] voxmiou[l] = num_intersection_label_vox / (num_union_label_vox + 1e-8) return pointmiou, voxmiou, mask
Example #3
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cov_params_wo_det(self): # rows & cols to be dropped (related to deterministic terms inside the # cointegration relation) start_i = self.neqs**2 # first elements belong to alpha @ beta.T end_i = start_i + self.neqs * self.det_coef_coint.shape[0] to_drop_i = np.arange(start_i, end_i) # rows & cols to be dropped (related to deterministic terms outside of # the cointegration relation) cov = self.cov_params_default cov_size = len(cov) to_drop_o = np.arange(cov_size-self.det_coef.size, cov_size) to_drop = np.union1d(to_drop_i, to_drop_o) mask = np.ones(cov.shape, dtype=bool) mask[to_drop] = False mask[:, to_drop] = False cov_size_new = mask.sum(axis=0)[0] return cov[mask].reshape((cov_size_new, cov_size_new)) # standard errors:
Example #4
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_list_batch_source(self): # Make sure that with enough epochs we sample everything. stream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(self.batch_stream, (5, 4), which_sources=('source2',)) seen_indices = numpy.array([], dtype='uint8') for i in range(30): for batch in stream.get_epoch_iterator(): for example in batch[1]: assert example.shape == (2, 5, 4) seen_indices = numpy.union1d(seen_indices, example.flatten()) assert len(batch[1]) in (1, 2) if self.source2_biggest == len(seen_indices): break else: assert False
Example #5
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testUnion1dExecution(self): rs = np.random.RandomState(0) raw1 = rs.random(10) raw2 = rs.random(9) t1 = tensor(raw1, chunk_size=3) t2 = tensor(raw2, chunk_size=4) t = union1d(t1, t2, aggregate_size=1) res = self.executor.execute_tensor(t, concat=True)[0] expected = np.union1d(raw1, raw2) np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, expected) t = union1d(t1, t2) res = self.executor.execute_tensor(t, concat=True)[0] expected = np.union1d(raw1, raw2) np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, expected)
Example #6
Source File: From unyt with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def uunion1d(arr1, arr2): """Find the union of two arrays. A wrapper around numpy.intersect1d that preserves units. All input arrays must have the same units. See the documentation of numpy.intersect1d for full details. Examples -------- >>> from unyt import cm >>> A = [1, 2, 3]*cm >>> B = [2, 3, 4]*cm >>> uunion1d(A, B) unyt_array([1, 2, 3, 4], 'cm') """ v = np.union1d(arr1, arr2) v = _validate_numpy_wrapper_units(v, [arr1, arr2]) return v
Example #7
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_stratified_shuffle_split_overlap_train_test_bug(): # See for # the original bug report y = [0, 1, 2, 3] * 3 + [4, 5] * 5 X = np.ones_like(y) sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.5, random_state=0) train, test = next(sss.split(X=X, y=y)) # no overlap assert_array_equal(np.intersect1d(train, test), []) # complete partition assert_array_equal(np.union1d(train, test), np.arange(len(y)))
Example #8
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_stratified_shuffle_split_multilabel(): # fix for issue 9037 for y in [np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]]), np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 1]])]: X = np.ones_like(y) sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.5, random_state=0) train, test = next(sss.split(X=X, y=y)) y_train = y[train] y_test = y[test] # no overlap assert_array_equal(np.intersect1d(train, test), []) # complete partition assert_array_equal(np.union1d(train, test), np.arange(len(y))) # correct stratification of entire rows # (by design, here y[:, 0] uniquely determines the entire row of y) expected_ratio = np.mean(y[:, 0]) assert_equal(expected_ratio, np.mean(y_train[:, 0])) assert_equal(expected_ratio, np.mean(y_test[:, 0]))
Example #9
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _optimize_2D(nodes, triangles, stay=[]): ''' Optimize the locations of the points by moving them towards the center of their patch. This is done iterativally for all points for a number of iterations and using a .05 step length''' edges, tr_edges, adjacency_list = _edge_list(triangles) boundary = edges[adjacency_list[:, 1] == -1].reshape(-1) stay = np.union1d(boundary, stay) stay = stay.astype(int) n_iter = 5 step_length = .05 mean_bar = np.zeros_like(nodes) new_nodes = np.copy(nodes) k = np.bincount(triangles.reshape(-1), minlength=len(nodes)) for n in range(n_iter): bar = np.mean(new_nodes[triangles], axis=1) for i in range(2): mean_bar[:, i] = np.bincount(triangles.reshape(-1), weights=np.repeat(bar[:, i], 3), minlength=len(nodes)) mean_bar /= k[:, None] new_nodes += step_length * (mean_bar - new_nodes) new_nodes[stay] = nodes[stay] return new_nodes
Example #10
Source File: From Fly-LSH with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compute_recall(self,n_points,nnn,sr): sample_indices=np.random.choice(self.numsamples,n_points) recalls=[] elapsed=[] numpredicted=[] for qidx in sample_indices: start=time.time() #preds=np.array([m.query_bins(qidx,sr) for m in self.models]) predicted=self.firstmodel.query_bins(qidx,sr)#reduce(np.union1d,preds) if len(predicted)<nnn: raise ValueError('Not a good search radius') numpredicted.append(len(predicted)) l1distances=np.array([np.sum((m.hashes[predicted,:]^m.hashes[qidx,:]),axis=1) for m in self.models]) rankings=l1distances.mean(axis=0).argsort() #trusted_model=self.models[np.argmax([len(p) for p in preds])] #rankings=np.sum((trusted_model.hashes[predicted,:]^trusted_model.hashes[qidx,:]),axis=1).argsort() predicted=predicted[rankings][:nnn] elapsed.append(time.time()-start) trueNNs=self.firstmodel.true_nns(qidx,nnn) recalls.append(len(set(predicted)&set(trueNNs))/nnn) return [np.mean(recalls),np.std(recalls),np.mean(elapsed),np.std(elapsed),np.mean(numpredicted),np.std(numpredicted)]
Example #11
Source File: From AmpliGraph with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_evaluate_performance_too_many_entities_warning(): X = load_yago3_10() model = TransE(batches_count=200, seed=0, epochs=1, k=5, eta=1, verbose=True)['train']) # no entity list declared with pytest.warns(UserWarning): evaluate_performance(X['test'][::100], model, verbose=True, corrupt_side='o') # with larger than threshold entity list with pytest.warns(UserWarning): # TOO_MANY_ENT_TH threshold is set to 50,000 entities. Using explicit value to comply with linting # and thus avoiding exporting unused global variable. entities_subset = np.union1d(np.unique(X["train"][:, 0]), np.unique(X["train"][:, 2]))[:50000] evaluate_performance(X['test'][::100], model, verbose=True, corrupt_side='o', entities_subset=entities_subset) # with small entity list (no exception expected) evaluate_performance(X['test'][::100], model, verbose=True, corrupt_side='o', entities_subset=entities_subset[:10]) # with smaller dataset, no entity list declared (no exception expected) X_wn18rr = load_wn18rr() model_wn18 = TransE(batches_count=200, seed=0, epochs=1, k=5, eta=1, verbose=True)['train']) evaluate_performance(X_wn18rr['test'][::100], model_wn18, verbose=True, corrupt_side='o')
Example #12
Source File: From pax with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def transform_event(self, event): for peak in event.peaks: # check that there is a position if not len(peak.reconstructed_positions): continue try: # Get x,y position from peak xy = peak.get_position_from_preferred_algorithm(self.config['xy_posrec_preference']) except ValueError: self.log.debug("Could not find any position from the chosen algorithms") continue try: peak.s2_saturation_correction *= saturation_correction( peak=peak, channels_in_pattern=self.config['channels_top'], expected_pattern=self.s2_patterns.expected_pattern((xy.x, xy.y)), confused_channels=np.union1d(peak.saturated_channels, self.zombie_pmts_s2), log=self.log) except exceptions.CoordinateOutOfRangeException: self.log.debug("Expected light pattern at coordinates " "(%f, %f) consists of only zeros!" % (xy.x, xy.y)) return event
Example #13
Source File: From AmpliGraph with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_wn18rr(): wn18rr = load_wn18rr() ent_train = np.union1d(np.unique(wn18rr["train"][:, 0]), np.unique(wn18rr["train"][:, 2])) ent_valid = np.union1d(np.unique(wn18rr["valid"][:, 0]), np.unique(wn18rr["valid"][:, 2])) ent_test = np.union1d(np.unique(wn18rr["test"][:, 0]), np.unique(wn18rr["test"][:, 2])) distinct_ent = np.union1d(np.union1d(ent_train, ent_valid), ent_test) distinct_rel = np.union1d(np.union1d(np.unique(wn18rr["train"][:, 1]), np.unique(wn18rr["train"][:, 1])), np.unique(wn18rr["train"][:, 1])) assert len(wn18rr['train']) == 86835 # - 210 because 210 triples containing unseen entities are removed assert len(wn18rr['valid']) == 3034 - 210 # - 210 because 210 triples containing unseen entities are removed assert len(wn18rr['test']) == 3134 - 210
Example #14
Source File: From Discretization-MDLPC with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def feature_boundary_points(self, values): ''' Given an attribute, find all potential cut_points (boundary points) :param feature: feature of interest :param partition_index: indices of rows for which feature value falls whithin interval of interest :return: array with potential cut_points ''' missing_mask = np.isnan(values) data_partition = np.concatenate([values[:, np.newaxis], self._class_labels], axis=1) data_partition = data_partition[~missing_mask] #sort data by values data_partition = data_partition[data_partition[:, 0].argsort()] #Get unique values in column unique_vals = np.unique(data_partition[:, 0]) # each of this could be a bin boundary #Find if when feature changes there are different class values boundaries = [] for i in range(1, unique_vals.size): # By definition first unique value cannot be a boundary previous_val_idx = np.where(data_partition[:, 0] == unique_vals[i-1])[0] current_val_idx = np.where(data_partition[:, 0] == unique_vals[i])[0] merged_classes = np.union1d(data_partition[previous_val_idx, 1], data_partition[current_val_idx, 1]) if merged_classes.size > 1: boundaries += [unique_vals[i]] boundaries_offset = np.array([previous_item(unique_vals, var) for var in boundaries]) return (np.array(boundaries) + boundaries_offset) / 2
Example #15
Source File: From Fly-LSH with MIT License | 5 votes |
def compute_ens_mAP(self,n_points,nnn,sr): sample_indices=np.random.choice(self.numsamples,n_points) allAPs=[] elapsed=[] numpredicted=[] ms = lambda l:(np.mean(l),np.std(l)) for qidx in sample_indices: start=time.time() preds=np.array([m.query_bins(qidx,sr) for m in self.models]) predicted=reduce(np.union1d,preds) if len(predicted)<nnn: #raise ValueError('Not a good search radius') continue numpredicted.append(len(predicted)) l1distances=np.array([np.sum((m.hashes[predicted,:]^m.hashes[qidx,:]),axis=1) for m in self.models]) rankings=l1distances.mean(axis=0).argsort() #trusted_model=self.models[np.argmax([len(p) for p in preds])] #rankings=np.sum((trusted_model.hashes[predicted,:]^trusted_model.hashes[qidx,:]),axis=1).argsort() predicted=predicted[rankings][:nnn] elapsed.append(time.time()-start) trueNNs=self.firstmodel.true_nns(qidx,nnn) allAPs.append(self.firstmodel.AP(predicted,trueNNs)) if len(allAPs)<0.8*n_points: raise ValueError('Not a good search radius') return [*ms(allAPs),*ms(elapsed),*ms(numpredicted)]
Example #16
Source File: From nupic.fluent with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def trainModel(self, samples, labels): """ Train the classifier on the input sample and label. Use's keyword extraction to get the most relevant terms then get the intersection of those bitmaps @param samples (dictionary) Dictionary, containing text, sparsity, and bitmap @param labels (int) Reference index for the classification of this sample. """ for sample, sample_labels in zip(samples, labels): keywords = self.client.extractKeywords(sample["text"]) # No keywords were found if len(keywords) == 0: # Get each token in the sample so the union is not empty keywords = sample["text"].split(" ") union = numpy.zeros(0) for word in keywords: bitmap = self._encodeText(word) union = numpy.union1d(bitmap, union).astype(int) for label in sample_labels: if label not in self.categoryBitmaps: self.categoryBitmaps[label] = union intersection = numpy.intersect1d(union, self.categoryBitmaps[label]) if intersection.size == 0: # Don't want to lose all the old information union = numpy.union1d(union, self.categoryBitmaps[label]).astype(int) # Need to sample to stay sparse count = len(union) sampleIndices = random.sample(xrange(count), min(count, self.w)) intersection = numpy.sort(union[sampleIndices]) self.categoryBitmaps[label] = intersection
Example #17
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def union1d(ar1, ar2): """ Find the union of two arrays. Return the unique, sorted array of values that are in either of the two input arrays. Parameters ---------- ar1, ar2 : array_like Input arrays. They are flattened if they are not already 1D. Returns ------- union1d : ndarray Unique, sorted union of the input arrays. See Also -------- numpy.lib.arraysetops : Module with a number of other functions for performing set operations on arrays. Examples -------- >>> np.union1d([-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2]) array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) To find the union of more than two arrays, use functools.reduce: >>> from functools import reduce >>> reduce(np.union1d, ([1, 3, 4, 3], [3, 1, 2, 1], [6, 3, 4, 2])) array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6]) """ return unique(np.concatenate((ar1, ar2)))
Example #18
Source File: From reveal-graph-embedding with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def jaccard(c_1, c_2): """ Calculates the Jaccard similarity between two sets of nodes. Called by mroc. Inputs: - c_1: Community (set of nodes) 1. - c_2: Community (set of nodes) 2. Outputs: - jaccard_similarity: The Jaccard similarity of these two communities. """ nom = np.intersect1d(c_1, c_2).size denom = np.union1d(c_1, c_2).size return nom/denom
Example #19
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def union1d(ar1, ar2): """ Find the union of two arrays. Return the unique, sorted array of values that are in either of the two input arrays. Parameters ---------- ar1, ar2 : array_like Input arrays. They are flattened if they are not already 1D. Returns ------- union1d : ndarray Unique, sorted union of the input arrays. See Also -------- numpy.lib.arraysetops : Module with a number of other functions for performing set operations on arrays. Examples -------- >>> np.union1d([-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2]) array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) """ return unique(np.concatenate((ar1, ar2)))
Example #20
Source File: From PhenoGraph with MIT License | 5 votes |
def graph2binary(filename, graph): """ Write (weighted) graph to binary file filename.bin :param filename: :param graph: :return None: graph is written to filename.bin """ tic = time.time() # Unpack values in graph i, j = graph.nonzero() s = # place i and j in single array as edge list ij = np.hstack((i[:, np.newaxis], j[:, np.newaxis])) # add dummy self-edges for vertices at the END of the list with no neighbors ijmax = np.union1d(i, j).max() n = graph.shape[0] missing = np.arange(ijmax+1, n) for q in missing: ij = np.append(ij, [[q, q]], axis=0) s = np.append(s, [0.], axis=0) # Check data types: int32 for indices, float64 for weights if ij.dtype != np.int32: ij = ij.astype('int32') if s.dtype != np.float64: s = s.astype('float64') # write to file (NB f.writelines is ~10x faster than np.tofile(f)) with open(filename + '.bin', 'w+b') as f: f.writelines([e for t in zip(ij, s) for e in t]) print("Wrote graph to binary file in {} seconds".format(time.time() - tic))
Example #21
Source File: From nupic.fluent with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def trainModel(self, samples, labels): """ Train the classifier on the input sample and label. Use's keyword extraction to get the most relevant terms then get the intersection of those bitmaps @param samples (dictionary) Dictionary, containing text, sparsity, and bitmap @param labels (int) Reference index for the classification of this sample. """ for sample, sample_labels in zip(samples, labels): bitmaps = [sample["bitmap"].tolist()] context = self.client.getContextFromText(bitmaps, maxResults=5, getFingerprint=True) if len(context) != 0: union = numpy.zeros(0) for c in context: bitmap = c["fingerprint"]["positions"] union = numpy.union1d(bitmap, union).astype(int) for label in sample_labels: # Haven't seen the label before if label not in self.categoryBitmaps: self.categoryBitmaps[label] = union intersection = numpy.intersect1d(union, self.categoryBitmaps[label]) if intersection.size == 0: # Don't want to lose all the old information union = numpy.union1d(union, self.categoryBitmaps[label]).astype(int) # Need to sample to stay sparse count = len(union) sampleIndices = random.sample(xrange(count), min(count, self.w)) intersection = numpy.sort(union[sampleIndices]) self.categoryBitmaps[label] = intersection
Example #22
Source File: From deepbgc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fit(self, X, y=None): self.unique_values = np.union1d(self.unique_values, X[self.column]) return self
Example #23
Source File: From napari with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _get_property_values(self): """Get the current property values from the Vectors layer Returns ------- property_values : np.ndarray array of all of the union of the property names (keys) in and Vectors._property_choices """ property_choices = [*self.layer._property_choices] properties = [*] property_values = np.union1d(property_choices, properties) return property_values
Example #24
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def union1d(ar1, ar2): """ Find the union of two arrays. Return the unique, sorted array of values that are in either of the two input arrays. Parameters ---------- ar1, ar2 : array_like Input arrays. They are flattened if they are not already 1D. Returns ------- union1d : ndarray Unique, sorted union of the input arrays. See Also -------- numpy.lib.arraysetops : Module with a number of other functions for performing set operations on arrays. Examples -------- >>> np.union1d([-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2]) array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) To find the union of more than two arrays, use functools.reduce: >>> from functools import reduce >>> reduce(np.union1d, ([1, 3, 4, 3], [3, 1, 2, 1], [6, 3, 4, 2])) array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6]) """ return unique(np.concatenate((ar1, ar2), axis=None))
Example #25
Source File: From muDIC with MIT License | 5 votes |
def find_inconsistent(ep, ny): rem1 = np.where(ep > 1.) rem2 = np.where(ep < 0.) rem3 = np.where(ny > 1.) rem4 = np.where(ny < 0.) return reduce(np.union1d, [rem1[0], rem2[0], rem3[0], rem4[0]])
Example #26
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def union1d(ar1, ar2): """ Find the union of two arrays. Return the unique, sorted array of values that are in either of the two input arrays. Parameters ---------- ar1, ar2 : array_like Input arrays. They are flattened if they are not already 1D. Returns ------- union1d : ndarray Unique, sorted union of the input arrays. See Also -------- numpy.lib.arraysetops : Module with a number of other functions for performing set operations on arrays. Examples -------- >>> np.union1d([-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2]) array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) To find the union of more than two arrays, use functools.reduce: >>> from functools import reduce >>> reduce(np.union1d, ([1, 3, 4, 3], [3, 1, 2, 1], [6, 3, 4, 2])) array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6]) """ return unique(np.concatenate((ar1, ar2), axis=None))
Example #27
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_ndarray_batch_source(self): # Make sure that with enough epochs we sample everything. stream = RandomFixedSizeCrop(self.batch_stream, (5, 4), which_sources=('source1',)) seen_indices = numpy.array([], dtype='uint8') for i in range(30): for batch in stream.get_epoch_iterator(): assert batch[0].shape[1:] == (3, 5, 4) assert batch[0].shape[0] in (1, 2) seen_indices = numpy.union1d(seen_indices, batch[0].flatten()) if 3 * 7 * 5 == len(seen_indices): break else: assert False
Example #28
Source File: From Fly-LSH with MIT License | 5 votes |
def query_highd_bins(self,qidx,order=False): if not hasattr(self,'highd_bins'): raise ValueError('high dimensional bins for model not created') valid_bins=self.highd_pointstobins[qidx] all_points=reduce(np.union1d,np.array([self.highd_binstopoints[idx] for idx in valid_bins])) if order: l1distances=(self.hashes[qidx,:]^self.hashes[all_points,:]).sum(axis=1) all_points=all_points[l1distances.argsort()] return all_points
Example #29
Source File: From Fly-LSH with MIT License | 5 votes |
def query_lowd_bins(self,qidx,search_radius=1,order=False): if not hasattr(self,'lowd_bins'): raise ValueError('low dimensional bins for model not created') query_bin=self.lowd_bins[self.lowd_pointstobins[qidx]] valid_bins=np.flatnonzero((query_bin[None,:]^self.lowd_bins).sum(axis=1)<=2*search_radius) all_points=reduce(np.union1d,np.array([self.lowd_binstopoints[idx] for idx in valid_bins])) if order: l1distances=(self.hashes[qidx,:]^self.hashes[all_points,:]).sum(axis=1) all_points=all_points[l1distances.argsort()] return all_points
Example #30
Source File: From Fly-LSH with MIT License | 5 votes |
def query_bins(self,qidx,search_radius=1,order=True): if not hasattr(self,'bins'): raise ValueError('Bins for model not created') query_bin=self.bins[self.pointstobins[qidx]] valid_bins=np.flatnonzero((query_bin[None,:]^self.bins).sum(axis=1)<=search_radius) all_points=reduce(np.union1d,np.array([self.binstopoints[idx] for idx in valid_bins])) if order: l1distances=(self.hashes[qidx,:]^self.hashes[all_points,:]).sum(axis=1) all_points=all_points[l1distances.argsort()] return all_points