Python matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection().
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Example #1
Source File: From nusa with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self,xcoord,ycoord,**kwargs): collections.PatchCollection.__init__(self,[],**kwargs) tol = 0.02 _xdata1 = np.array([xcoord-tol,xcoord,xcoord+tol]) _ydata1 = np.array([ycoord-tol,ycoord,ycoord-tol]) _xdata2 = np.array([xcoord-tol,xcoord,xcoord-tol]) _ydata2 = np.array([ycoord-tol,ycoord,ycoord+tol]) # Polygons p1 = patches.Polygon(zip(_xdata1,_ydata1)) p1.set_color("r") p2 = patches.Polygon(zip(_xdata2,_ydata2)) #print p1,p2 #p2.set_color("g") # Set data self.set_paths((p1,p2)) self.set_color("k") #self.set_marker("-") #self.set_mfc('r') #self.set_ms(10)
Example #2
Source File: From FRETBursts with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _plot_bursts(d, i, tmin_clk, tmax_clk, pmax=1e3, pmin=0, color="#999999", ytext=20): """Highlights bursts in a timetrace plot.""" b = d.mburst[i] if b.num_bursts == 0: return burst_mask = (tmin_clk < b.start) * (b.start < tmax_clk) bs = b[burst_mask] burst_indices = np.where(burst_mask)[0] start = bs.start * d.clk_p end = bs.stop * d.clk_p R = [] width = end - start ax = gca() for b, bidx, s, w, sign, va in zip(bs, burst_indices, start, width, cycle([-1, 1]), cycle(['top', 'bottom'])): r = Rectangle(xy=(s, pmin), height=pmax - pmin, width=w) r.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) r.set_zorder(0) R.append(r) ax.text(s, sign * ytext, _burst_info(d, i, bidx), fontsize=6, rotation=45, horizontalalignment='center', va=va) ax.add_artist(PatchCollection(R, lw=0, color=color))
Example #3
Source File: From COCO-Style-Dataset-Generator-GUI with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def submit(self, event): if not self.right_click: print ('Right click before submit is a must!!') else:'\n'+'%.2f'%self.find_poly_area()+'\n'+self.print_points()+'\n\n' self.right_click = False #print (self.points) self.lines, self.circles = [], [] self.click_id = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onclick) self.polys.append(Polygon(self.points_to_polygon(), closed=True, color=np.random.rand(3), alpha=0.4, fill=True)) if self.submit_p: self.submit_p.remove() self.submit_p = PatchCollection(self.polys,, alpha=0.4) self.points = []
Example #4
Source File: From COCO-Style-Dataset-Generator-GUI with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def onclick_release(self, event): if any([x.in_axes(event) for x in self.button_axes]) or self.selected_poly: return if hasattr(self, 'r_x') and hasattr(self, 'r_y') and None not in [self.r_x, self.r_y, event.xdata, event.ydata]: if np.abs(event.xdata - self.r_x)>10 and np.abs(event.ydata - self.r_y)>10: # 10 pixels limit for rectangle creation if len(self.points)<4: self.right_click=True self.fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.click_id) self.click_id = None bbox = [np.min([event.xdata, self.r_x]), np.min([event.ydata, self.r_y]), np.max([event.xdata, self.r_x]), np.max([event.ydata, self.r_y])] self.r_x = self.r_y = None self.points = [bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[1]] self.p = PatchCollection([Polygon(self.points_to_polygon(), closed=True)], facecolor='red', linewidths=0, alpha=0.4) self.fig.canvas.draw()
Example #5
Source File: From LSDMappingTools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_filled_polygons(self,polygons, facecolour='green', edgecolour='black', linewidth=1, alpha=0.5): """ This function plots a series of shapely polygons but fills them in Args: ax_list: list of axes polygons: list of shapely polygons Author: FJC """ from shapely.geometry import Polygon from descartes import PolygonPatch from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection print('Plotting the polygons...') #patches = [] for key, poly in polygons.items(): this_patch = PolygonPatch(poly, fc=facecolour, ec=edgecolour, alpha=alpha) self.ax_list[0].add_patch(this_patch)
Example #6
Source File: From pyFTS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def plot_density_rectange(ax, cmap, density, fig, resolution, time_from, time_to): """ Auxiliar function to plot_compared_intervals_ahead """ from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection patches = [] colors = [] for x in density.index: for y in density.columns: s = Rectangle((time_from + x, y), 1, resolution, fill=True, lw = 0) patches.append(s) colors.append(density[y][x]*5) pc = PatchCollection(patches=patches, match_original=True) pc.set_clim([0, 1]) pc.set_cmap(cmap) pc.set_array(np.array(colors)) ax.add_collection(pc) cb = fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax) cb.set_label('Density')
Example #7
Source File: From spm1d with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def plot_cloud(self, Y, facecolor='0.8', edgecolor='0.8', alpha=0.5, edgelinestyle='-'): ### create patches: y0,y1 = Y x,y0,y1 = self.x.tolist(), y0.tolist(), y1.tolist() x = [x[0]] + x + [x[-1]] y0 = [y0[0]] + y0 + [y0[-1]] y1 = [y1[0]] + y1 + [y1[-1]] y1.reverse() ### concatenate: x1 = np.copy(x).tolist() x1.reverse() x,y = x + x1, y0 + y1 patches = PatchCollection( [ Polygon( np.array([x,y]).T ) ], edgecolors=None) ### plot: pyplot.setp(patches, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, linestyle=edgelinestyle) return patches
Example #8
Source File: From SpaceNetExploration with MIT License | 6 votes |
def visualize_poly(poly_list, mask, out_path): """ Visualizes the polygons produced by mask_to_poly() and save them at the specified path Args: poly_list: list of shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon on this image mask: the predicted mask, needed for laying out the axes out_path: path at which the visualization of the list of polygons is to be saved """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(mask, alpha=0) # don't show the mask, but need this to be added to the axes for polygons to show up patch_list = [] for poly in poly_list: x, y = poly.exterior.coords.xy xy = np.column_stack((x, y)) polygon = matplotlib.patches.Polygon(xy, linewidth=1, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none') patch_list.append(polygon) p = PatchCollection(patch_list,, alpha=1) ax.add_collection(p) fig.savefig(out_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
Example #9
Source File: From kvae with MIT License | 6 votes |
def construct_ball_trajectory(var, r=1., cmap='Blues', start_color=0.4, shape='c'): # patches = [] for pos in var: if shape == 'c': patches.append(mpatches.Circle(pos, r)) elif shape == 'r': patches.append(mpatches.RegularPolygon(pos, 4, r)) elif shape == 's': patches.append(mpatches.RegularPolygon(pos, 6, r)) colors = np.linspace(start_color, .9, len(patches)) collection = PatchCollection(patches, cmap=cm.get_cmap(cmap), alpha=1.) collection.set_array(np.array(colors)) collection.set_clim(0, 1) return collection
Example #10
Source File: From DenseVideoCaptioning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def showAnns(self, anns): """ Display the specified annotations. :param anns (array of object): annotations to display :return: None """ if len(anns) == 0: return 0 if self.dataset['type'] == 'instances': ax = plt.gca() polygons = [] color = [] for ann in anns: c = np.random.random((1, 3)).tolist()[0] if type(ann['segmentation']) == list: # polygon for seg in ann['segmentation']: poly = np.array(seg).reshape((len(seg)/2, 2)) polygons.append(Polygon(poly, True,alpha=0.4)) color.append(c) else: # mask mask = COCO.decodeMask(ann['segmentation']) img = np.ones( (mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1], 3) ) if ann['iscrowd'] == 1: color_mask = np.array([2.0,166.0,101.0])/255 if ann['iscrowd'] == 0: color_mask = np.random.random((1, 3)).tolist()[0] for i in range(3): img[:,:,i] = color_mask[i] ax.imshow(np.dstack( (img, mask*0.5) )) p = PatchCollection(polygons, facecolors=color, edgecolors=(0,0,0,1), linewidths=3, alpha=0.4) ax.add_collection(p) if self.dataset['type'] == 'captions': for ann in anns: print(ann['caption'])
Example #11
Source File: From pyFTS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_distribution(ax, cmap, probabilitydist, fig, time_from, reference_data=None): """ Plot forecasted ProbabilityDistribution objects on a matplotlib axis :param ax: matplotlib axis :param cmap: matplotlib colormap name :param probabilitydist: list of ProbabilityDistribution objects :param fig: matplotlib figure :param time_from: starting time (on x axis) to begin the plots :param reference_data: :return: """ from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection patches = [] colors = [] for ct, dt in enumerate(probabilitydist): disp = 0.0 if reference_data is not None: disp = reference_data[time_from+ct] for y in dt.bins: s = Rectangle((time_from+ct, y+disp), 1, dt.resolution, fill=True, lw = 0) patches.append(s) colors.append(dt.density(y)) scale = Transformations.Scale() colors = scale.apply(colors) pc = PatchCollection(patches=patches, match_original=True) pc.set_clim([0, 1]) pc.set_cmap(cmap) pc.set_array(np.array(colors)) ax.add_collection(pc) cb = fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax) cb.set_label('Density')
Example #12
Source File: From RoITransformer_DOTA with MIT License | 5 votes |
def showAnns(self, objects, imgId, range): """ :param catNms: category names :param objects: objects to show :param imgId: img to show :param range: display range in the img :return: """ img = self.loadImgs(imgId)[0] plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') ax = plt.gca() ax.set_autoscale_on(False) polygons = [] color = [] circles = [] r = 5 # pdb.set_trace() for obj in objects: if obj['difficult'] != '0': continue c = (np.random.random((1, 3)) * 0.6 + 0.4).tolist()[0] poly = obj['poly'] import pdb # pdb.set_trace() polygons.append(Polygon(poly)) color.append(c) point = poly[0] circle = Circle((point[0], point[1]), r) circles.append(circle) p = PatchCollection(polygons, facecolors=color, linewidths=0, alpha=0.4) ax.add_collection(p) p = PatchCollection(polygons, facecolors='none', edgecolors=color, linewidths=2) ax.add_collection(p) p = PatchCollection(circles, facecolors='red') ax.add_collection(p)
Example #13
Source File: From PyPSA with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def directed_flow(coords, flow, color, area_factor=1, cmap=None): """ Helper function to generate arrows from flow data. """ # this funtion is used for diplaying arrows representing the network flow data = pd.DataFrame( {'arrowsize': flow.abs().pipe(np.sqrt).clip(lower=1e-8), 'direction': np.sign(flow), 'linelength': (np.sqrt((coords.x1 - coords.x2)**2. + (coords.y1 - coords.y2)**2))}) data = data.join(coords) if area_factor: data['arrowsize']= data['arrowsize'].mul(area_factor) data['arrowtolarge'] = (1.5 * data.arrowsize > data.linelength) # swap coords for negativ directions data.loc[data.direction == -1., ['x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2']] = \ data.loc[data.direction == -1., ['x2', 'x1', 'y2', 'y1']].values if ((data.linelength > 0.) & (~data.arrowtolarge)).any(): data['arrows'] = ( data[(data.linelength > 0.) & (~data.arrowtolarge)] .apply(lambda ds: FancyArrow(ds.x1, ds.y1, 0.6*(ds.x2 - ds.x1) - ds.arrowsize * 0.75 * (ds.x2 - ds.x1) / ds.linelength, 0.6 * (ds.y2 - ds.y1) - ds.arrowsize * 0.75 * (ds.y2 - ds.y1)/ds.linelength, head_width=ds.arrowsize), axis=1)) data.loc[(data.linelength > 0.) & (data.arrowtolarge), 'arrows'] = \ (data[(data.linelength > 0.) & (data.arrowtolarge)] .apply(lambda ds: FancyArrow(ds.x1, ds.y1, 0.001*(ds.x2 - ds.x1), 0.001*(ds.y2 - ds.y1), head_width=ds.arrowsize), axis=1)) data = data.dropna(subset=['arrows']) arrowcol = PatchCollection(data.arrows, color=color, edgecolors='k', linewidths=0., zorder=4, alpha=1) return arrowcol
Example #14
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_mixed_collection(): from matplotlib import patches from matplotlib import collections x = list(xrange(10)) # First illustrate basic pyplot interface, using defaults where possible. fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) c = patches.Circle((8, 8), radius=4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='green') # PDF can optimize this one p1 = collections.PatchCollection([c], match_original=True) p1.set_offsets([[0, 0], [24, 24]]) p1.set_linewidths([1, 5]) # PDF can't optimize this one, because the alpha of the edge changes p2 = collections.PatchCollection([c], match_original=True) p2.set_offsets([[48, 0], [-32, -16]]) p2.set_linewidths([1, 5]) p2.set_edgecolors([[0, 0, 0.1, 1.0], [0, 0, 0.1, 0.5]]) ax.patch.set_color('0.5') ax.add_collection(p1) ax.add_collection(p2) ax.set_xlim(0, 16) ax.set_ylim(0, 16)
Example #15
Source File: From ArcPy with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def colored_bar(left, height, z=None, width=0.8, bottom=0, ax=None, **kwargs): """A bar plot colored by a scalar sequence.""" if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() width = itertools.cycle(np.atleast_1d(width)) bottom = itertools.cycle(np.atleast_1d(bottom)) rects = [] for x, y, h, w in zip(left, bottom, height, width): rects.append(Rectangle((x,y), w, h)) coll = PatchCollection(rects, array=z, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(coll) ax.autoscale() return coll
Example #16
Source File: From opticspy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_collection3d(self, col, zs=0, zdir='z'): ''' Add a 3D collection object to the plot. 2D collection types are converted to a 3D version by modifying the object and adding z coordinate information. Supported are: - PolyCollection - LineColleciton - PatchCollection ''' zvals = np.atleast_1d(zs) if len(zvals) > 0 : zsortval = min(zvals) else : zsortval = 0 # FIXME: Fairly arbitrary. Is there a better value? # FIXME: use issubclass() (although, then a 3D collection # object would also pass.) Maybe have a collection3d # abstract class to test for and exclude? if type(col) is mcoll.PolyCollection: art3d.poly_collection_2d_to_3d(col, zs=zs, zdir=zdir) col.set_sort_zpos(zsortval) elif type(col) is mcoll.LineCollection: art3d.line_collection_2d_to_3d(col, zs=zs, zdir=zdir) col.set_sort_zpos(zsortval) elif type(col) is mcoll.PatchCollection: art3d.patch_collection_2d_to_3d(col, zs=zs, zdir=zdir) col.set_sort_zpos(zsortval) Axes.add_collection(self, col)
Example #17
Source File: From armi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plotConvertedBlock(self): """Render an image of the converted block.""" figName = + "_1D_cylinder.svg" runLog.extra( "Plotting equivalent cylindrical block of {} as {}".format( self._sourceBlock, figName ) ) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_visible(False) ax.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis("off") patches = [] colors = [] for circleComp in self.convertedBlock: innerR, outerR = ( circleComp.getDimension("id") / 2.0, circleComp.getDimension("od") / 2.0, ) runLog.debug( "Plotting {:40s} with {:10.3f} {:10.3f} ".format( circleComp, innerR, outerR ) ) circle = Wedge((0.0, 0.0), outerR, 0, 360.0, outerR - innerR) patches.append(circle) colors.append(circleComp.density()) colorMap = p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=1.0, linewidths=0.1, cmap=colorMap.rainbow) p.set_array(numpy.array(colors)) p.set_clim(0, 20) ax.add_collection(p) ax.autoscale_view(True, True, True) plt.savefig(figName) return figName
Example #18
Source File: From YAFS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_polygons_on_map(self): """ This functions display network endpoint on the map representation Returns: a list of matplotlib Polygons """ return PatchCollection(self.regions_to_map, facecolors=self.colors_cells, alpha=.25)
Example #19
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def init_artists(self, ax, plot_args, plot_kwargs): if 'c' in plot_kwargs: plot_kwargs['array'] = plot_kwargs.pop('c') if 'vmin' in plot_kwargs and 'vmax' in plot_kwargs: plot_kwargs['clim'] = plot_kwargs.pop('vmin'), plot_kwargs.pop('vmax') line_segments = PatchCollection(*plot_args, **plot_kwargs) ax.add_collection(line_segments) return {'artist': line_segments}
Example #20
Source File: From plotnine with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def draw_group(data, panel_params, coord, ax, **params): data = coord.transform(data, panel_params) fill = to_rgba(data['fill'], data['alpha']) color = to_rgba(data['color'], data['alpha']) ranges = coord.range(panel_params) # For perfect circles the width/height of the circle(ellipse) # should factor in the dimensions of axes bbox = ax.get_window_extent().transformed( ax.figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) ax_width, ax_height = bbox.width, bbox.height factor = ((ax_width/ax_height) * np.ptp(ranges.y)/np.ptp(ranges.x)) size = data.loc[0, 'binwidth'] * params['dotsize'] offsets = data['stackpos'] * params['stackratio'] if params['binaxis'] == 'x': width, height = size, size*factor xpos, ypos = data['x'], data['y'] + height*offsets elif params['binaxis'] == 'y': width, height = size/factor, size xpos, ypos = data['x'] + width*offsets, data['y'] circles = [] for xy in zip(xpos, ypos): patch = mpatches.Ellipse(xy, width=width, height=height) circles.append(patch) coll = mcoll.PatchCollection(circles, edgecolors=color, facecolors=fill) ax.add_collection(coll)
Example #21
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_collection_transform_of_none(): # tests the behaviour of collections added to an Axes with various # transform specifications ax = plt.axes() ax.set_xlim([1, 3]) ax.set_ylim([1, 3]) # draw an ellipse over data coord (2,2) by specifying device coords xy_data = (2, 2) xy_pix = ax.transData.transform_point(xy_data) # not providing a transform of None puts the ellipse in data coordinates e = mpatches.Ellipse(xy_data, width=1, height=1) c = mcollections.PatchCollection([e], facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.5) ax.add_collection(c) # the collection should be in data coordinates assert c.get_offset_transform() + c.get_transform() == ax.transData # providing a transform of None puts the ellipse in device coordinates e = mpatches.Ellipse(xy_pix, width=120, height=120) c = mcollections.PatchCollection([e], facecolor='coral', alpha=0.5) c.set_transform(None) ax.add_collection(c) assert isinstance(c.get_transform(), mtransforms.IdentityTransform) # providing an IdentityTransform puts the ellipse in device coordinates e = mpatches.Ellipse(xy_pix, width=100, height=100) c = mcollections.PatchCollection([e], transform=mtransforms.IdentityTransform(), alpha=0.5) ax.add_collection(c) assert isinstance(c._transOffset, mtransforms.IdentityTransform)
Example #22
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def init_artists(self, ax, plot_args, plot_kwargs): # Draw edges color_opts = ['c', 'cmap', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'norm', 'array'] groups = [g for g in self._style_groups if g != 'annular'] edge_opts = filter_styles(plot_kwargs, 'annular', groups) annuli = plot_args['annular'] edge_opts.pop('interpolation', None) annuli = PatchCollection(annuli, transform=ax.transAxes, **edge_opts) ax.add_collection(annuli) artists = {'artist': annuli} paths = plot_args['xseparator'] if paths: groups = [g for g in self._style_groups if g != 'xmarks'] xmark_opts = filter_styles(plot_kwargs, 'xmarks', groups, color_opts) xmark_opts.pop('edgecolors', None) xseparators = LineCollection(paths, **xmark_opts) ax.add_collection(xseparators) artists['xseparator'] = xseparators paths = plot_args['yseparator'] if paths: groups = [g for g in self._style_groups if g != 'ymarks'] ymark_opts = filter_styles(plot_kwargs, 'ymarks', groups, color_opts) ymark_opts.pop('edgecolors', None) yseparators = PatchCollection(paths, facecolor='none', transform=ax.transAxes, **ymark_opts) ax.add_collection(yseparators) artists['yseparator'] = yseparators return artists
Example #23
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def init_artists(self, ax, plot_args, plot_kwargs): polys = PatchCollection(*plot_args, **plot_kwargs) ax.add_collection(polys) return {'artist': polys}
Example #24
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_mixed_collection(): from matplotlib import patches from matplotlib import collections x = list(range(10)) # First illustrate basic pyplot interface, using defaults where possible. fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) c = patches.Circle((8, 8), radius=4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='green') # PDF can optimize this one p1 = collections.PatchCollection([c], match_original=True) p1.set_offsets([[0, 0], [24, 24]]) p1.set_linewidths([1, 5]) # PDF can't optimize this one, because the alpha of the edge changes p2 = collections.PatchCollection([c], match_original=True) p2.set_offsets([[48, 0], [-32, -16]]) p2.set_linewidths([1, 5]) p2.set_edgecolors([[0, 0, 0.1, 1.0], [0, 0, 0.1, 0.5]]) ax.patch.set_color('0.5') ax.add_collection(p1) ax.add_collection(p2) ax.set_xlim(0, 16) ax.set_ylim(0, 16)
Example #25
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def make_error_boxes(ax, xdata, ydata, xerror, yerror, facecolor='r', edgecolor='None', alpha=0.5): # Create list for all the error patches errorboxes = [] # Loop over data points; create box from errors at each point for x, y, xe, ye in zip(xdata, ydata, xerror.T, yerror.T): rect = Rectangle((x - xe[0], y - ye[0]), xe.sum(), ye.sum()) errorboxes.append(rect) # Create patch collection with specified colour/alpha pc = PatchCollection(errorboxes, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha, edgecolor=edgecolor) # Add collection to axes ax.add_collection(pc) # Plot errorbars artists = ax.errorbar(xdata, ydata, xerr=xerror, yerr=yerror, fmt='None', ecolor='k') return artists # Create figure and axes
Example #26
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_collection3d(self, col, zs=0, zdir='z'): ''' Add a 3D collection object to the plot. 2D collection types are converted to a 3D version by modifying the object and adding z coordinate information. Supported are: - PolyCollection - LineCollection - PatchCollection ''' zvals = np.atleast_1d(zs) if len(zvals) > 0 : zsortval = min(zvals) else : zsortval = 0 # FIXME: Fairly arbitrary. Is there a better value? # FIXME: use issubclass() (although, then a 3D collection # object would also pass.) Maybe have a collection3d # abstract class to test for and exclude? if type(col) is mcoll.PolyCollection: art3d.poly_collection_2d_to_3d(col, zs=zs, zdir=zdir) col.set_sort_zpos(zsortval) elif type(col) is mcoll.LineCollection: art3d.line_collection_2d_to_3d(col, zs=zs, zdir=zdir) col.set_sort_zpos(zsortval) elif type(col) is mcoll.PatchCollection: art3d.patch_collection_2d_to_3d(col, zs=zs, zdir=zdir) col.set_sort_zpos(zsortval) super().add_collection(col)
Example #27
Source File: From nusa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_mesh(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) _x,_y = [],[] patches = [] for k,elm in enumerate( _x,_y,_ux,_uy = [],[],[],[] for nd in elm: _x.append([nd,0]) _y.append([nd,1]) polygon = Polygon(list(zip(_x,_y)), True) patches.append(polygon) pc = PatchCollection(patches, color="#25CDCD", edgecolor="#435959", alpha=0.8, lw=0.5) ax.add_collection(pc) x0,x1,y0,y1 = self._rect_region() ax.set_xlim(x0,x1) ax.set_ylim(y0,y1) #~ ax.set_title("Model %s"%( ax.set_aspect("equal")
Example #28
Source File: From nusa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_esol(self,var="ux"): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) _x,_y = [],[] patches = [] for k,elm in enumerate(self.get_elements()): _x,_y,_ux,_uy = [],[],[],[] for nd in elm.nodes: _x.append(nd.x) _y.append(nd.y) polygon = Polygon(list(zip(_x,_y)), True) patches.append(polygon) pc = PatchCollection(patches, cmap="jet", alpha=1) solutions = { "sxx": [ for e in self.get_elements()], "syy": [ for e in self.get_elements()], "sxy": [e.sxy for e in self.get_elements()], "exx": [e.ex for e in self.get_elements()], "eyy": [e.ey for e in self.get_elements()], "exy": [e.exy for e in self.get_elements()] } fsol = np.array(solutions.get(var.lower())) pc.set_array(fsol) ax.add_collection(pc) plt.colorbar(pc) x0,x1,y0,y1 = self.rect_region() ax.set_xlim(x0,x1) ax.set_ylim(y0,y1) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax_title = "{0} (Max:{1}, Min:{2})".format(var,fsol.max(),fsol.min()) ax.set_title(ax_title)
Example #29
Source File: From nusa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_model(self): """ Plot the mesh model, including bcs """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) _x,_y = [],[] patches = [] for k,elm in enumerate(self.get_elements()): _x,_y,_ux,_uy = [],[],[],[] for nd in elm.nodes: if nd.fx != 0: self._draw_xforce(ax,nd.x,nd.y) if nd.fy != 0: self._draw_yforce(ax,nd.x,nd.y) if nd.ux == 0 and == 0: self._draw_xyconstraint(ax,nd.x,nd.y) _x.append(nd.x) _y.append(nd.y) polygon = Polygon(list(zip(_x,_y)), True) patches.append(polygon) pc = PatchCollection(patches, color="#7CE7FF", edgecolor="k", alpha=0.4) ax.add_collection(pc) x0,x1,y0,y1 = self.rect_region() ax.set_xlim(x0,x1) ax.set_ylim(y0,y1) ax.set_title("Model %s"%( ax.set_aspect("equal")
Example #30
Source File: From beat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_quadtree(ax, data, target, cmap, colim, alpha=0.8): """ Plot UnwrappedIFG displacements on the respective quadtree rectangle. """ rectangles = [] for E, N, sE, sN in target.quadtree.iter_leaves(): rectangles.append( Rectangle( (E / km, N / km), width=sE / km, height=sN / km, edgecolor='black')) patch_col = PatchCollection( rectangles, match_original=True, alpha=alpha, linewidth=0.5) patch_col.set(array=data, cmap=cmap) patch_col.set_clim((-colim, colim)) E = target.quadtree.east_shifts N = target.quadtree.north_shifts xmin = E.min() / km xmax = (E + target.quadtree.sizeE).max() / km ymin = N.min() / km ymax = (N + target.quadtree.sizeN).max() / km ax.add_collection(patch_col) ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) return patch_col