Python sklearn.preprocessing() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of sklearn.preprocessing(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module sklearn , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From HumanRecognition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def convert_inst_scores_to_cls_scores(similarity, testset0, testset1, num_identity, lbl_map):
    cls_scores1 = []
    for i in range(len(similarity)):
        cls_score = np.zeros(num_identity)
        for j in range(len(similarity[i])):
            id = lbl_map[testset1[j].identity_id]
            cls_score[id] = max(cls_score[id], similarity[i][j])
    cls_scores1 = np.array(cls_scores1)
    cls_scores1 = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(cls_scores1)

    similarity = np.transpose(similarity)
    cls_scores2 = []
    for i in range(len(similarity)):
        cls_score = np.zeros(num_identity)
        for j in range(len(similarity[i])):
            id = lbl_map[testset0[j].identity_id]
            cls_score[id] = max(cls_score[id], similarity[i][j])
    cls_scores2 = np.array(cls_scores2)
    cls_scores2 = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(cls_scores2)

    return cls_scores1, cls_scores2 
Example #2
Source File:    From qlik-py-tools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_scaler(df, missing="zeros", scaler="standard", **kwargs):
        Fit a sklearn scaler on a Data Frame and return the scaler.
        Valid options for the scaler are: standard, minmax, maxabs, robust, quantile
        Missing values must be dealt with before the scaling is applied. 
        Valid options specified through the missing parameter are: zeros, mean, median, mode

        scalers = {'standard':'StandardScaler', 'minmax':'MinMaxScaler', 'maxabs':'MaxAbsScaler',\
                   'robust':'RobustScaler', 'quantile':'QuantileTransformer'}

        s = getattr(preprocessing, scalers[scaler])
        s = s(**kwargs)

        df = Preprocessor.fillna(df, missing=missing)
Example #3
Source File:    From Rasa_NLU_Chi with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self,
                 component_config=None,  # type: Dict[Text, Any]
                 clf=None,  # type: sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV
                 le=None  # type: sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder
        # type: (...) -> None
        """Construct a new intent classifier using the sklearn framework."""
        from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

        super(SklearnIntentClassifier, self).__init__(component_config)

        if le is not None:
            self.le = le
            self.le = LabelEncoder()
        self.clf = clf

Example #4
Source File:    From RUscripts with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def squiggle_search2_old(squiggle,kmerhash,seqlen):

    for ref in kmerhash:
        #print "ss2",ref
        queryarray = sklearn.preprocessing.scale(np.array(squiggle),axis=0,with_mean=True,with_std=True,copy=True)

        dist, cost, path = mlpy.dtw_subsequence(queryarray,kmerhash[ref]['Fprime'])
        dist, cost, path = mlpy.dtw_subsequence(queryarray,kmerhash[ref]['Rprime'])

    #('J02459', 41.017514495176989, 'F', 10003, 'J02459', 10198)
    #distanceR,seqmatchnameR,frR,rsR,reR,qsR,qeR=sorted(result,key=lambda result: result[0])[0]
    #return seqmatchnameR,distanceR,frR,rsR,reR,qsR,qeR
    return sorted(result,key=lambda result: result[0])[0][1],sorted(result,key=lambda result: result[0])[0][0],sorted(result,key=lambda result: result[0])[0][2],sorted(result,key=lambda result: result[0])[0][3],sorted(result,key=lambda result: result[0])[0][4],sorted(result,key=lambda result: result[0])[0][5]


Example #5
Source File:    From ibeis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def encoded_1d(samples):
        """ Returns a unique label for each combination of samples """
        # from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer
        encoded_2d = samples.encoded_2d()
        class_space = [v.n_classes for k, v in samples.items()]
        offsets = np.array([1] + np.cumprod(class_space).tolist()[:-1])[None, :]
        encoded_1d = (offsets * encoded_2d).sum(axis=1)
        # e = MultiLabelBinarizer()
        # bin_coeff = e.fit_transform(encoded_2d)
        # bin_basis = (2 ** np.arange(bin_coeff.shape[1]))[None, :]
        # # encoded_1d = (bin_coeff * bin_basis).sum(axis=1)
        # encoded_1d = (bin_coeff * bin_basis[::-1]).sum(axis=1)
        # # vt.unique_rows(sklearn.preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer().fit_transform(encoded_2d))
        # [v.encoded_df.values for k, v in samples.items()]
        # encoded_df_1d = pd.concat([v.encoded_df for k, v in samples.items()], axis=1)
        return encoded_1d 
Example #6
Source File:    From qlik-py-tools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def scale(df, missing="zeros", scaler="robust", **kwargs):
    Scale values in a Data Frame using the relevant sklearn preprocessing method.
    Valid options for the scaler are: standard, minmax, maxabs, robust, quantile
    Missing values must be dealt with before the scaling is applied. 
    Valid options specified through the missing parameter are: zeros, mean, median, mode
    scalers = {'standard':'StandardScaler', 'minmax':'MinMaxScaler', 'maxabs':'MaxAbsScaler',\
               'robust':'RobustScaler', 'quantile':'QuantileTransformer'}
    s = getattr(preprocessing, scalers[scaler])
    s = s(**kwargs)
    df = fillna(df, method=missing)
    df = pd.DataFrame(s.fit_transform(df), index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
    return df 
Example #7
Source File:    From rasa_nlu with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self,
                 component_config: Dict[Text, Any] = None,
                 clf: 'sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV' = None,
                 le: Optional['sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder'] = None
                 ) -> None:
        """Construct a new intent classifier using the sklearn framework."""
        from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

        super(SklearnIntentClassifier, self).__init__(component_config)

        if le is not None:
            self.le = le
            self.le = LabelEncoder()
        self.clf = clf

Example #8
Source File:    From rasa-for-botfront with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def load(
        meta: Dict[Text, Any],
        model_dir: Optional[Text] = None,
        model_metadata: Optional[Metadata] = None,
        cached_component: Optional["SklearnIntentClassifier"] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> "SklearnIntentClassifier":
        from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

        classifier_file = os.path.join(model_dir, meta.get("classifier"))
        encoder_file = os.path.join(model_dir, meta.get("encoder"))

        if os.path.exists(classifier_file):
            classifier = io_utils.json_unpickle(classifier_file)
            classes = io_utils.json_unpickle(encoder_file)
            encoder = LabelEncoder()
            encoder.classes_ = classes
            return cls(meta, classifier, encoder)
            return cls(meta) 
Example #9
Source File:    From rasa-for-botfront with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(
        component_config: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]] = None,
        clf: "sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV" = None,
        le: Optional["sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder"] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Construct a new intent classifier using the sklearn framework."""
        from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder


        if le is not None:
            self.le = le
            self.le = LabelEncoder()
        self.clf = clf 
Example #10
Source File:    From EliteQuant_Python with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def normalize_data(df):
    min_max_scaler = sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
    df['open'] = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(,1))
    df['high'] = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(df.high.values.reshape(-1,1))
    df['low'] = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(df.low.values.reshape(-1,1))
    df['close'] = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(df['close'].values.reshape(-1,1))
    return df

# function to create train, validation, test data given stock data and sequence length
# use previous 19 days to predict today 
Example #11
Source File:    From lale with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, categories='auto', dtype='float64', handle_unknown='ignore', encode_unknown_with='auto'):
        self._hyperparams = {
            'categories': categories,
            'dtype': dtype}
        self.handle_unknown = handle_unknown
        self.encode_unknown_with = encode_unknown_with
        self._wrapped_model = sklearn.preprocessing.OrdinalEncoder(**self._hyperparams)
        self.unknown_categories_mapping = [] #used during inverse transform to keep track of mapping of unknown categories 
Example #12
Source File:    From qlik-py-tools with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_scaler(df, missing="zeros", scaler="StandardScaler", **kwargs):
    Fit a sklearn scaler on a Data Frame and return the scaler.
    Valid options for the scaler are: StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler, MaxAbsScaler, RobustScaler, QuantileTransformer
    Missing values must be dealt with before the scaling is applied. 
    Valid options specified through the missing parameter are: zeros, mean, median, mode

    s = getattr(preprocessing, scaler)
    s = s(**kwargs)

    df = fillna(df, method=missing)
Example #13
Source File:    From fathom with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def mfcc_features(filename):
  """Preprocessing per CTC paper.

  (These are not the simpler linear spectrogram features alone as in Deep

  - 10ms frames with 5ms overlap
  - 12 MFCCs with 26 filter banks
  - replace first MFCC with energy (TODO: log-energy)
  - add first-order derivatives for all of the above
  - total: 26 coefficients
  d, sr = librosa.load(filename)

  frame_length_seconds = 0.010
  frame_overlap_seconds = 0.005

  mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(d, sr, n_mfcc=1+12, n_fft=int(frame_overlap_seconds*sr), hop_length=int(frame_overlap_seconds*sr))

  # energy (TODO: log?)
  energy = librosa.feature.rmse(d, n_fft=int(frame_overlap_seconds*sr), hop_length=int(frame_overlap_seconds*sr))

  mfccs[0] = energy # replace first MFCC with energy, per convention

  deltas =, order=1)
  mfccs_plus_deltas = np.vstack([mfccs, deltas])

  coeffs = sklearn.preprocessing.scale(mfccs_plus_deltas, axis=1)

  return coeffs 
Example #14
Source File:    From lale with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, **hyperparams):
        self._hyperparams = hyperparams
        self._wrapped_model = sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(
Example #15
Source File:    From RUscripts with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def process_ref_fasta_orig(ref_fasta,model_kmer_means,seqlen,kmerlen):
    print "processing the reference fasta."
    for record in SeqIO.parse(ref_fasta, 'fasta'):
        print "ID",
        print "length", len(record.seq)
        print "FORWARD STRAND"

        seq = record.seq
        for x in range(len(seq)+1-kmer_len):
            kmer = str(seq[x:x+kmer_len])
            #if model_kmer_means[kmer]:
                #print x, kmer, model_kmer_means[kmer]

        print "REVERSE STRAND"
        seq = revcomp = record.seq.reverse_complement()
        for x in range(len(seq)+1-kmer_len):
            kmer = str(seq[x:x+kmer_len])

        kmer_means[]["Fprime"]=sklearn.preprocessing.scale(kmer_means[]["F"], axis=0, with_mean=True, with_std=True, copy=True)
        kmer_means[]["Rprime"]=sklearn.preprocessing.scale(kmer_means[]["R"], axis=0, with_mean=True, with_std=True, copy=True)
    return kmer_means

Example #16
Source File:    From HumanRecognition with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def cal_feature_similarity(detections_0, detections_1, feature_name):
    features_0 = get_features(detections_0, feature_name)    
    features_1 = get_features(detections_1, feature_name)
    features_0 = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(features_0)
    features_1 = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(features_1)
    similarity = sklearn.metrics.pairwise.cosine_similarity(features_0, features_1)
    similarity = 1.0/(1+np.exp(-(config.beta0 + config.beta1 * similarity)))
    return similarity 
Example #17
Source File:    From HumanRecognition with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def cal_feature_similarity(detections_0, detections_1, feature_name):
    features_0 = get_features(detections_0, feature_name)    
    features_1 = get_features(detections_1, feature_name)
    features_0 = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(features_0)
    features_1 = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(features_1)
    similarity = sklearn.metrics.pairwise.cosine_similarity(features_0, features_1)
    similarity = 1.0/(1+np.exp(-(config.beta0 + config.beta1 * similarity)))
    return similarity 
Example #18
Source File:    From lale with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def partial_fit(self, X, y=None):
      if not hasattr(self, "_wrapped_model"):
        self._wrapped_model = sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(
      return self 
Example #19
Source File:    From lale with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, **hyperparams):
        self._hyperparams = hyperparams
        self._wrapped_model = sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder(**self._hyperparams) 
Example #20
Source File:    From pynisher with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def svc_example(n_samples = 10000, n_features = 4):
	from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
	from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
	from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
	X,Y = make_classification(n_samples, n_features)
	#pp = PolynomialFeatures(degree=3)
	#X = pp.fit_transform(X)
	m = LinearSVC(),Y) 
Example #21
Source File:    From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_feature(buffer):
  global emb_size
  input_count = len(buffer)
  if use_flip:
    input_count *= 2
  network_count = input_count
  if input_count%ctx_num!=0:
    network_count = (input_count//ctx_num+1)*ctx_num

  input_blob = np.zeros( (network_count, 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2]), dtype=np.float32)
  idx = 0
  for item in buffer:
    img = cv2.imread(item)[:,:,::-1] #to rgb
    img = np.transpose( img, (2,0,1) )
    attempts = [0,1] if use_flip else [0]
    for flipid in attempts:
      _img = np.copy(img)
      if flipid==1:
      input_blob[idx] = _img
  data = mx.nd.array(input_blob)
  db =,))
  net.model.forward(db, is_train=False)
  _embedding = net.model.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
  _embedding = _embedding[0:input_count]
  if emb_size==0:
    emb_size = _embedding.shape[1]
    print('set emb_size to ', emb_size)
  embedding = np.zeros( (len(buffer), emb_size), dtype=np.float32 )
  if use_flip:
    embedding1 = _embedding[0::2]
    embedding2 = _embedding[1::2]
    embedding = embedding1+embedding2
    embedding = _embedding
  embedding = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embedding)
  return embedding 
Example #22
Source File:    From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_feature(buffer):
  global emb_size
  if use_flip:
    input_blob = np.zeros( (len(buffer)*2, 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2] ) )
    input_blob = np.zeros( (len(buffer), 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2] ) )
  idx = 0
  for item in buffer:
    img = cv2.imread(item)[:,:,::-1] #to rgb
    img = np.transpose( img, (2,0,1) )
    attempts = [0,1] if use_flip else [0]
    for flipid in attempts:
      _img = np.copy(img)
      if flipid==1:
      input_blob[idx] = _img
  data = mx.nd.array(input_blob)
  db =,))
  net.model.forward(db, is_train=False)
  _embedding = net.model.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
  if emb_size==0:
    emb_size = _embedding.shape[1]
    print('set emb_size to ', emb_size)
  embedding = np.zeros( (len(buffer), emb_size), dtype=np.float32 )
  if use_flip:
    embedding1 = _embedding[0::2]
    embedding2 = _embedding[1::2]
    embedding = embedding1+embedding2
    embedding = _embedding
  embedding = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embedding)
  return embedding 
Example #23
Source File:    From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_feature(buffer):
  global emb_size
  if use_flip:
    input_blob = np.zeros( (len(buffer)*2, 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2] ) )
    input_blob = np.zeros( (len(buffer), 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2] ) )
  idx = 0
  for item in buffer:
    img = face_preprocess.read_image(item[0], mode='rgb')
    img = face_preprocess.preprocess(img, bbox=None, landmark=item[1], image_size='%d,%d'%(image_shape[1], image_shape[2]))
    img = np.transpose( img, (2,0,1) )
    attempts = [0,1] if use_flip else [0]
    for flipid in attempts:
      _img = np.copy(img)
      if flipid==1:
      input_blob[idx] = _img
  data = mx.nd.array(input_blob)
  db =,))
  net.model.forward(db, is_train=False)
  _embedding = net.model.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
  if emb_size==0:
    emb_size = _embedding.shape[1]
    print('set emb_size to ', emb_size)
  embedding = np.zeros( (len(buffer), emb_size), dtype=np.float32 )
  if use_flip:
    embedding1 = _embedding[0::2]
    embedding2 = _embedding[1::2]
    embedding = embedding1+embedding2
    embedding = _embedding
  embedding = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embedding)
  return embedding 
Example #24
Source File:    From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_feature(imgs, nets):
  count = len(imgs)
  data = mx.nd.zeros(shape = (count*2, 3, imgs[0].shape[0], imgs[0].shape[1]))
  for idx, img in enumerate(imgs):
    img = img[:,:,::-1] #to rgb
    img = np.transpose( img, (2,0,1) )
    for flipid in [0,1]:
      _img = np.copy(img)
      if flipid==1:
        _img = _img[:,:,::-1]
      _img = nd.array(_img)
      data[count*flipid+idx] = _img

  F = []
  for net in nets:
    db =,))
    net.model.forward(db, is_train=False)
    x = net.model.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
    embedding = x[0:count,:] + x[count:,:]
    embedding = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embedding)
    #print('emb', embedding.shape)
  F = np.concatenate(F, axis=1)
  F = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(F)
  #print('F', F.shape)
  return F 
Example #25
Source File:    From insightface with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_feature(imgs, nets):
  count = len(imgs)
  data = mx.nd.zeros(shape = (count*2, 3, imgs[0].shape[0], imgs[0].shape[1]))
  for idx, img in enumerate(imgs):
    img = img[:,:,::-1] #to rgb
    img = np.transpose( img, (2,0,1) )
    for flipid in [0,1]:
      _img = np.copy(img)
      if flipid==1:
        _img = _img[:,:,::-1]
      _img = nd.array(_img)
      data[count*flipid+idx] = _img

  F = []
  for net in nets:
    db =,))
    net.model.forward(db, is_train=False)
    x = net.model.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
    embedding = x[0:count,:] + x[count:,:]
    embedding = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embedding)
    #print('emb', embedding.shape)
  F = np.concatenate(F, axis=1)
  F = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(F)
  #print('F', F.shape)
  return F 
Example #26
Source File:    From seizure-prediction with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def predict_proba(self, X):
        predictions = self.predict(X)
        predictions = sklearn.preprocessing.scale(predictions)
        predictions = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-0.5 * predictions))
        return np.vstack((1.0 - predictions, predictions)).T 
Example #27
Source File:    From insightface with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_feature(buffer):
  global emb_size
  input_count = len(buffer)
  if use_flip:
    input_count *= 2
  network_count = input_count
  if input_count%ctx_num!=0:
    network_count = (input_count//ctx_num+1)*ctx_num

  input_blob = np.zeros( (network_count, 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2]), dtype=np.float32)
  idx = 0
  for item in buffer:
    img = cv2.imread(item)[:,:,::-1] #to rgb
    img = np.transpose( img, (2,0,1) )
    attempts = [0,1] if use_flip else [0]
    for flipid in attempts:
      _img = np.copy(img)
      if flipid==1:
      input_blob[idx] = _img
  data = mx.nd.array(input_blob)
  db =,))
  net.model.forward(db, is_train=False)
  _embedding = net.model.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
  _embedding = _embedding[0:input_count]
  if emb_size==0:
    emb_size = _embedding.shape[1]
    print('set emb_size to ', emb_size)
  embedding = np.zeros( (len(buffer), emb_size), dtype=np.float32 )
  if use_flip:
    embedding1 = _embedding[0::2]
    embedding2 = _embedding[1::2]
    embedding = embedding1+embedding2
    embedding = _embedding
  embedding = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embedding)
  return embedding 
Example #28
Source File:    From insightface with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_feature(buffer):
  global emb_size
  if use_flip:
    input_blob = np.zeros( (len(buffer)*2, 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2] ) )
    input_blob = np.zeros( (len(buffer), 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2] ) )
  idx = 0
  for item in buffer:
    img = cv2.imread(item)[:,:,::-1] #to rgb
    img = np.transpose( img, (2,0,1) )
    attempts = [0,1] if use_flip else [0]
    for flipid in attempts:
      _img = np.copy(img)
      if flipid==1:
      input_blob[idx] = _img
  data = mx.nd.array(input_blob)
  db =,))
  net.model.forward(db, is_train=False)
  _embedding = net.model.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
  if emb_size==0:
    emb_size = _embedding.shape[1]
    print('set emb_size to ', emb_size)
  embedding = np.zeros( (len(buffer), emb_size), dtype=np.float32 )
  if use_flip:
    embedding1 = _embedding[0::2]
    embedding2 = _embedding[1::2]
    embedding = embedding1+embedding2
    embedding = _embedding
  embedding = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embedding)
  return embedding 
Example #29
Source File:    From insightface with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_feature(buffer):
  global emb_size
  if use_flip:
    input_blob = np.zeros( (len(buffer)*2, 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2] ) )
    input_blob = np.zeros( (len(buffer), 3, image_shape[1], image_shape[2] ) )
  idx = 0
  for item in buffer:
    img = face_preprocess.read_image(item[0], mode='rgb')
    img = face_preprocess.preprocess(img, bbox=None, landmark=item[1], image_size='%d,%d'%(image_shape[1], image_shape[2]))
    img = np.transpose( img, (2,0,1) )
    attempts = [0,1] if use_flip else [0]
    for flipid in attempts:
      _img = np.copy(img)
      if flipid==1:
      input_blob[idx] = _img
  data = mx.nd.array(input_blob)
  db =,))
  net.model.forward(db, is_train=False)
  _embedding = net.model.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
  if emb_size==0:
    emb_size = _embedding.shape[1]
    print('set emb_size to ', emb_size)
  embedding = np.zeros( (len(buffer), emb_size), dtype=np.float32 )
  if use_flip:
    embedding1 = _embedding[0::2]
    embedding2 = _embedding[1::2]
    embedding = embedding1+embedding2
    embedding = _embedding
  embedding = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embedding)
  return embedding 
Example #30
Source File:    From netharn with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _make_est_func(self):
        import sklearn
        from sklearn import multiclass  # NOQA
        from sklearn import ensemble  # NOQA
        from sklearn import neural_network  # NOQA
        from sklearn import svm  # NOQA
        from sklearn import preprocessing  # NOQA
        from sklearn import pipeline  # NOQA
        from functools import partial

        wrap_type = self.wrap_type
        est_type = self.est_type

        multiclass_wrapper = {
            None: ub.identity,
            'OVR': sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier,
            'OVO': sklearn.multiclass.OneVsOneClassifier,
        est_class = {
            'RF': sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier,
            'SVC': sklearn.svm.SVC,
            'Logit': partial(sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression, solver='lbfgs'),
            'MLP': sklearn.neural_network.MLPClassifier,

        est_kw = self.est_kw
            from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
            Imputer = SimpleImputer
            import numpy as np
            NAN = np.nan
        except Exception:
            from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
            NAN = 'NaN'
        if est_type == 'MLP':
            def make_estimator():
                pipe = sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline([
                    ('inputer', Imputer(
                        missing_values=NAN, strategy='mean')),
                    # ('scale', sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler),
                    ('est', est_class(**est_kw)),
                return multiclass_wrapper(pipe)
        elif est_type == 'Logit':
            def make_estimator():
                pipe = sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline([
                    ('inputer', Imputer(
                        missing_values=NAN, strategy='mean')),
                    ('est', est_class(**est_kw)),
                return multiclass_wrapper(pipe)
            def make_estimator():
                return multiclass_wrapper(est_class(**est_kw))

        return make_estimator