Python docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module docutils.nodes , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From python-rst2ansi with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document, termsize=None, **options):
    nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
    self.document = document
    self.output = ''
    self.lines = ['']
    self.line = 0
    self.indent_width = 2
    self.termsize = termsize or get_terminal_size((80,20))
    self.options = options
    self.references = []
    self.refcount = 0

    self.ctx = self.Context()
    self.ctx_stack = [] = self.StyleContext()
    self.style_stack = [] 
Example #2
Source File:    From sphinx-markdown-builder with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document, builder=None):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
        self.builder = builder
        self.settings = settings = document.settings
        lcode = settings.language_code
        self.language = languages.get_language(lcode, document.reporter)
        # Not-None here indicates Markdown should use HTTP for internal and
        # download links.
        self.markdown_http_base = (
            builder.markdown_http_base if builder else None
        # Warn only once per writer about unsupported elements
        self._warned = set()
        # Lookup table to get section list from name
        self._lists = OrderedDict((('head', []), ('body', []), ('foot', [])))
        # Reset attributes modified by reading
        # Attribute shortcuts
        self.head, self.body, self.foot = self._lists.values() 
Example #3
Source File:    From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) = os.linesep
        self.states = [[]]
        self.stateindent = [0]
        self.list_counter = []
        self.sectionlevel = 0
        self.table = None 
Example #4
Source File:    From python-rst2ansi with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
    nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
    self.level = 0
    self.widths = []
    self.heights = []
    self.rows = 0 
Example #5
Source File:    From python-rst2ansi with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document, cols, rows, width):
    nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
    self.cols = cols
    self.rows = rows
    self.width = width
    self.height = 0 
Example #6
Source File:    From releases with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) = os.linesep
        self.states = [[]]
        self.stateindent = [0]
        self.list_counter = []
        self.sectionlevel = 0
        self.lineblocklevel = 0
        self.table = None 
Example #7
Source File:    From python-rst2ansi with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, props, document, **options):
    nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
    self.props = props
    self.level = 0
    self.line = 0
    self.cursor = 0
    self.col = 0
    self.row = 0
    self.nb_rows = 0
    self.options = options 
Example #8
Source File:    From aws-extender with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) = os.linesep
        self.states = [[]]
        self.stateindent = [0]
        self.list_counter = []
        self.sectionlevel = 0
        self.table = None 
Example #9
Source File:    From redeem with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
    nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)

    self.states = [[]]
    self.stateindent = [0]
    self.sectionlevel = 0
    self.table = None 
Example #10
Source File:    From Tickeys-linux with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, *largs):
        self.toctree = self.current = []
        self.queue = []
        self.text = ''
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, *largs) 
Example #11
Source File:    From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) = os.linesep
        self.states = [[]]
        self.stateindent = [0]
        self.list_counter = []
        self.sectionlevel = 0
        self.table = None 
Example #12
Source File:    From Tickeys-linux with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, root, *largs):
        self.root = root
        self.title = None
        self.current_list = []
        self.current = None
        self.idx_list = None
        self.text = ''
        self.text_have_anchor = False
        self.section = 0
        self.do_strip_text = False
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, *largs) 
Example #13
Source File:    From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) = os.linesep
        self.states = [[]]
        self.stateindent = [0]
        self.list_counter = []
        self.sectionlevel = 0
        self.table = None 
Example #14
Source File:    From Tickeys-linux with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, *largs):
        self.toctree = self.current = []
        self.queue = []
        self.text = ''
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, *largs) 
Example #15
Source File:    From Tickeys-linux with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, root, *largs):
        self.root = root
        self.title = None
        self.current_list = []
        self.current = None
        self.idx_list = None
        self.text = ''
        self.text_have_anchor = False
        self.section = 0
        self.do_strip_text = False
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, *largs) 
Example #16
Source File:    From aws-builders-fair-projects with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) = os.linesep
        self.states = [[]]
        self.stateindent = [0]
        self.list_counter = []
        self.sectionlevel = 0
        self.table = None 
Example #17
Source File:    From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) = os.linesep
        self.states = [[]]
        self.stateindent = [0]
        self.list_counter = []
        self.sectionlevel = 0
        self.table = None 
Example #18
Source File:    From faces with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) = os.linesep
        self.states = [[]]
        self.stateindent = [0]
        self.list_counter = []
        self.sectionlevel = 0
        self.table = None 
Example #19
Source File:    From faces with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) = os.linesep
        self.states = [[]]
        self.stateindent = [0]
        self.list_counter = []
        self.sectionlevel = 0
        self.table = None 
Example #20
Source File:    From symbolator with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def man_visit_symbolator(self, node):
    # type: (nodes.NodeVisitor, symbolator) -> None
    if 'alt' in node.attributes:
        self.body.append(_('[symbol: %s]') % node['alt'])
    raise nodes.SkipNode 
Example #21
Source File:    From symbolator with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def text_visit_symbolator(self, node):
    # type: (nodes.NodeVisitor, symbolator) -> None
    if 'alt' in node.attributes:
        self.add_text(_('[symbol: %s]') % node['alt'])
    raise nodes.SkipNode 
Example #22
Source File:    From symbolator with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def texinfo_visit_symbolator(self, node):
    # type: (nodes.NodeVisitor, symbolator) -> None
    render_symbol_texinfo(self, node, node['code'], node['options']) 
Example #23
Source File:    From symbolator with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def latex_visit_symbolator(self, node):
    # type: (nodes.NodeVisitor, symbolator) -> None
    render_symbol_latex(self, node, node['code'], node['options']) 
Example #24
Source File:    From symbolator with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def render_symbol_latex(self, node, code, options, prefix='symbol'):
    # type: (nodes.NodeVisitor, symbolator, unicode, Dict, unicode) -> None
        fname, outfn = render_symbol(self, code, options, 'pdf', prefix)
    except SymbolatorError as exc:
        logger.warning('symbolator code %r: ' % code + str(exc))
        raise nodes.SkipNode

    is_inline = self.is_inline(node)
    if is_inline:
        para_separator = ''
        para_separator = '\n'

    if fname is not None:
        post = None  # type: unicode
        if not is_inline and 'align' in node:
            if node['align'] == 'left':
                post = '\\hspace*{\\fill}}'
            elif node['align'] == 'right':
                post = '}'
        self.body.append('%s\\includegraphics{%s}%s' %
                         (para_separator, fname, para_separator))
        if post:

    raise nodes.SkipNode 
Example #25
Source File:    From symbolator with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def html_visit_symbolator(self, node):
    # type: (nodes.NodeVisitor, symbolator) -> None
    render_symbol_html(self, node, node['code'], node['options']) 
Example #26
Source File:    From symbolator with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def render_symbol_html(self, node, code, options, prefix='symbol',
                    imgcls=None, alt=None):
    # type: (nodes.NodeVisitor, symbolator, unicode, Dict, unicode, unicode, unicode) -> Tuple[unicode, unicode]  # NOQA
    format = self.builder.config.symbolator_output_format
        if format not in ('png', 'svg'):
            raise SymbolatorError("symbolator_output_format must be one of 'png', "
                                "'svg', but is %r" % format)
        fname, outfn = render_symbol(self, code, options, format, prefix)
    except SymbolatorError as exc:
        logger.warning('symbolator code %r: ' % code + str(exc))
        raise nodes.SkipNode

    if fname is None:
        if alt is None:
            alt = node.get('alt', self.encode(code).strip())
        imgcss = imgcls and 'class="%s"' % imgcls or ''
        if format == 'svg':
            svgtag = '''<object data="%s" type="image/svg+xml">
            <p class="warning">%s</p></object>\n''' % (fname, alt)
            if 'align' in node:
                self.body.append('<div align="%s" class="align-%s">' %
                                 (node['align'], node['align']))
            self.body.append('<img src="%s" alt="%s" %s/>\n' %
                             (fname, alt, imgcss))
            if 'align' in node:

    raise nodes.SkipNode 
Example #27
Source File:    From aws-builders-fair-projects with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
        self.settings = settings = document.settings
        lcode = settings.language_code
        self.language = languages.get_language(lcode, document.reporter)
        self.meta = [self.generator % docutils.__version__]
        self.head_prefix = []
        self.html_prolog = []
        if settings.xml_declaration:
                                    % settings.output_encoding)
            # self.content_type = ""
            # encoding not interpolated:
        self.head = self.meta[:]
        self.stylesheet = [self.stylesheet_call(path)
                           for path in utils.get_stylesheet_list(settings)]
        self.body_prefix = ['</head>\n<body>\n']
        # document title, subtitle display
        self.body_pre_docinfo = []
        # author, date, etc.
        self.docinfo = []
        self.body = []
        self.fragment = []
        self.body_suffix = ['</body>\n</html>\n']
        self.section_level = 0
        self.initial_header_level = int(settings.initial_header_level)

        self.math_output = settings.math_output.split()
        self.math_output_options = self.math_output[1:]
        self.math_output = self.math_output[0].lower()

        self.context = []
        """Heterogeneous stack.

        Used by visit_* and depart_* functions in conjunction with the tree
        traversal. Make sure that the pops correspond to the pushes."""

        self.topic_classes = [] # TODO: replace with self_in_contents
        self.colspecs = []
        self.compact_p = True
        self.compact_simple = False
        self.compact_field_list = False
        self.in_docinfo = False
        self.in_sidebar = False
        self.in_footnote_list = False
        self.title = []
        self.subtitle = []
        self.header = []
        self.footer = []
        self.html_head = [self.content_type] # charset not interpolated
        self.html_title = []
        self.html_subtitle = []
        self.html_body = []
        self.in_document_title = 0   # len(self.body) or 0
        self.in_mailto = False
        self.author_in_authors = False # for html4css1
        self.math_header = [] 
Example #28
Source File:    From symbolator with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def render_symbol(self, code, options, format, prefix='symbol'):
    # type: (nodes.NodeVisitor, unicode, Dict, unicode, unicode) -> Tuple[unicode, unicode]
    """Render symbolator code into a PNG or SVG output file."""

    symbolator_cmd = options.get('symbolator_cmd', self.builder.config.symbolator_cmd)
    hashkey = (code + str(options) + str(symbolator_cmd) +

    # Use name option if present otherwise fallback onto SHA-1 hash
    name = options.get('name', sha1(hashkey).hexdigest())
    fname = '%s-%s.%s' % (prefix, name, format)
    relfn = posixpath.join(self.builder.imgpath, fname)
    outfn = path.join(self.builder.outdir, self.builder.imagedir, fname)

    if path.isfile(outfn):
        return relfn, outfn

    if (hasattr(self.builder, '_symbolator_warned_cmd') and
        return None, None


    # Symbolator expects UTF-8 by default
    if isinstance(code, text_type):
        code = code.encode('utf-8')

    cmd_args = [symbolator_cmd]
    cmd_args.extend(['-i', '-', '-f', format, '-o', outfn])
        p = Popen(cmd_args, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    except OSError as err:
        if err.errno != ENOENT:   # No such file or directory
        logger.warning('symbolator command %r cannot be run (needed for symbolator '
                       'output), check the symbolator_cmd setting', symbolator_cmd)
        if not hasattr(self.builder, '_symbolator_warned_cmd'):
            self.builder._symbolator_warned_cmd = {}
        self.builder._symbolator_warned_cmd[symbolator_cmd] = True
        return None, None
        # Symbolator may close standard input when an error occurs,
        # resulting in a broken pipe on communicate()
        stdout, stderr = p.communicate(code)
    except (OSError, IOError) as err:
        if err.errno not in (EPIPE, EINVAL):
        # in this case, read the standard output and standard error streams
        # directly, to get the error message(s)
        stdout, stderr =,
    if p.returncode != 0:
        raise SymbolatorError('symbolator exited with error:\n[stderr]\n%s\n'
                            '[stdout]\n%s' % (stderr, stdout))
    if not path.isfile(outfn):
        raise SymbolatorError('symbolator did not produce an output file:\n[stderr]\n%s\n'
                            '[stdout]\n%s' % (stderr, stdout))
    return relfn, outfn 
Example #29
Source File:    From python-rst2ansi with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, props, document, **options):
    nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
    self.props = props
    self.level = 0
    self.lines = ['']
    self.line = 0
    self.cursor = 0
    self.col = 0
    self.row = 0
    self.nb_rows = 0
    self.options = options

    def unicode_intersection(char, next):
      switch = {
          ('─', '│'): '┬',
          ('┐', '│'): '┐',
          ('┘', '│'): '┤',
          ('┘', '─'): '┴',
          ('┴', '│'): '┼',
          ('│', '─'): '├',
          ('┤', '─'): '┼',
          (' ', '─'): '┘',
          ('└', '─'): '└',

          ('═', '│'): '╤',
          ('╕', '│'): '╕',
          ('╛', '│'): '╡',
          ('╛', '═'): '╧',
          ('╧', '│'): '╪',
          ('│', '═'): '╞',
          ('╡', '═'): '╪',
          (' ', '═'): '╛',
          ('╘', '═'): '╘',
      return switch[(u(char), u(next))]

    if options.get('unicode', False):
      self.char_single_rule = '─'
      self.char_double_rule = '═'
      self.char_vertical_rule = '│'
      self.get_intersection = unicode_intersection
      self.top_left = '┌'
      self.top_right = '┐'
      self.bottom_left = '╘'
      self.char_single_rule = '-'
      self.char_double_rule = '='
      self.char_vertical_rule = '|'
      self.get_intersection = lambda *args: '+'
      self.top_left = self.bottom_left = self.top_right = '+' 
Example #30
Source File:    From aws-extender with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, document):
        nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
        self.settings = settings = document.settings
        lcode = settings.language_code
        self.language = languages.get_language(lcode, document.reporter)
        self.meta = [self.generator % docutils.__version__]
        self.head_prefix = []
        self.html_prolog = []
        if settings.xml_declaration:
                                    % settings.output_encoding)
            # self.content_type = ""
            # encoding not interpolated:
        self.head = self.meta[:]
        self.stylesheet = [self.stylesheet_call(path)
                           for path in utils.get_stylesheet_list(settings)]
        self.body_prefix = ['</head>\n<body>\n']
        # document title, subtitle display
        self.body_pre_docinfo = []
        # author, date, etc.
        self.docinfo = []
        self.body = []
        self.fragment = []
        self.body_suffix = ['</body>\n</html>\n']
        self.section_level = 0
        self.initial_header_level = int(settings.initial_header_level)

        self.math_output = settings.math_output.split()
        self.math_output_options = self.math_output[1:]
        self.math_output = self.math_output[0].lower()

        self.context = []
        """Heterogeneous stack.

        Used by visit_* and depart_* functions in conjunction with the tree
        traversal. Make sure that the pops correspond to the pushes."""

        self.topic_classes = [] # TODO: replace with self_in_contents
        self.colspecs = []
        self.compact_p = True
        self.compact_simple = False
        self.compact_field_list = False
        self.in_docinfo = False
        self.in_sidebar = False
        self.in_footnote_list = False
        self.title = []
        self.subtitle = []
        self.header = []
        self.footer = []
        self.html_head = [self.content_type] # charset not interpolated
        self.html_title = []
        self.html_subtitle = []
        self.html_body = []
        self.in_document_title = 0   # len(self.body) or 0
        self.in_mailto = False
        self.author_in_authors = False # for html4css1
        self.math_header = []