Python cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound().
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Example #1
Source File: From sslyze with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def extract_dns_subject_alternative_names(certificate: x509.Certificate) -> List[str]: """Retrieve all the DNS entries of the Subject Alternative Name extension. """ subj_alt_names: List[str] = [] try: san_ext = certificate.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME) san_ext_value = cast(x509.SubjectAlternativeName, san_ext.value) subj_alt_names = san_ext_value.get_values_for_type(DNSName) except ExtensionNotFound: pass except DuplicateExtension: # Fix for # Not sure how browsers behave in this case but having a duplicate extension makes the certificate invalid # so we just return no SANs (likely to make hostname validation fail, which is fine) pass return subj_alt_names
Example #2
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def domains(cert): """ Attempts to get an domains listed in a certificate. If 'subjectAltName' extension is not available we simply return the common name. :param cert: :return: List of domains """ domains = [] try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.OID_SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME) entries = ext.value.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName) for entry in entries: domains.append(entry) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: if current_app.config.get("LOG_SSL_SUBJ_ALT_NAME_ERRORS", True): sentry.captureException() except Exception as e: sentry.captureException() return domains
Example #3
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_csr_empty_san(client): """Test that an empty "names" list does not produce a CSR with empty SubjectAltNames extension. The Lemur UI always submits this extension even when no alt names are defined. """ csr_text, pkey = create_csr( common_name="", owner="", key_type="RSA2048", extensions={"sub_alt_names": {"names": x509.SubjectAlternativeName([])}}, ) csr = x509.load_pem_x509_csr(csr_text.encode("utf-8"), default_backend()) with pytest.raises(x509.ExtensionNotFound): csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName)
Example #4
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_sans_from_csr(data): """ Fetches SubjectAlternativeNames from CSR. Works with any kind of SubjectAlternativeName :param data: PEM-encoded string with CSR :return: List of LemurAPI-compatible subAltNames """ sub_alt_names = [] try: request = x509.load_pem_x509_csr(data.encode("utf-8"), default_backend()) except Exception: raise ValidationError("CSR presented is not valid.") try: alt_names = request.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ) for alt_name in alt_names.value: sub_alt_names.append( {"nameType": type(alt_name).__name__, "value": alt_name.value} ) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: pass return sub_alt_names
Example #5
Source File: From django-ca with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def precertificate_signed_certificate_timestamps(self): try: ext = self.x509.extensions.get_extension_for_oid( ExtensionOID.PRECERT_SIGNED_CERTIFICATE_TIMESTAMPS) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: return None if isinstance(ext.value, x509.UnrecognizedExtension): # Older versions of OpenSSL (and LibreSSL) cannot parse this extension # see return UnrecognizedExtension( ext, name=get_extension_name(ext), error='Requires OpenSSL 1.1.0f or later') else: # pragma: only SCT return PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps(ext)
Example #6
Source File: From django-ca with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_certs(self): self.load_all_cas() self.load_all_certs() for name, cert in list(self.cas.items()) + list(self.certs.items()): try: val = cert.x509.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.CERTIFICATE_POLICIES).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: continue for policy in val: pi = PolicyInformation(policy) self.assertEqual(pi.for_extension_type, policy) # pass the serialized value to the constructor and see if it's still the same pi2 = PolicyInformation(pi.serialize()) self.assertEqual(pi, pi2) self.assertEqual(pi.serialize(), pi2.serialize()) self.assertEqual(pi2.for_extension_type, policy)
Example #7
Source File: From django-ca with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def update_contrib(data, cert, name, filename): cert_data = { 'name': name, 'cn':, 'cat': 'sphinx-contrib', 'pub_filename': filename, 'key_filename': False, 'csr_filename': False, 'valid_from': parsed.not_valid_before.strftime(_timeformat), 'valid_until': parsed.not_valid_after.strftime(_timeformat), 'serial': cert.serial, 'subject': cert.distinguishedName(), 'hpkp': cert.hpkp_pin, 'md5': cert.get_digest('md5'), 'sha1': cert.get_digest('sha1'), 'sha256': cert.get_digest('sha256'), 'sha512': cert.get_digest('sha512'), } for ext in cert.extensions: if isinstance(ext, Extension): key = OID_TO_EXTENSION[ext.oid].key cert_data[key] = ext.serialize() elif isinstance(ext, tuple): print('### get extension tuple!!!') key, value = ext if isinstance(value[1], x509.ObjectIdentifier): # Currently just some old StartSSL extensions for Netscape (!) continue else: cert_data[key] = value try: ext = cert.x509.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.CERTIFICATE_POLICIES).value cert_data['policy_texts'] = [PolicyInformation(p).as_text() for p in ext] except x509.ExtensionNotFound: pass data[name] = cert_data
Example #8
Source File: From zentral with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_ca(certificate): # TODO: test self signed if no extensions found extensions = certificate.extensions try: return extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.BASIC_CONSTRAINTS) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: try: return extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.KEY_USAGE).value.key_cert_sign except x509.ExtensionNotFound: pass return False
Example #9
Source File: From PyKMIP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_extended_key_usage_from_certificate(certificate): """ Given an X.509 certificate, extract and return the extendedKeyUsage extension. """ try: return certificate.extensions.get_extension_for_oid( x509.oid.ExtensionOID.EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: return None
Example #10
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def csr(data): """ Determines if the CSR is valid and allowed. :param data: :return: """ try: request = x509.load_pem_x509_csr(data.encode("utf-8"), default_backend()) except Exception: raise ValidationError("CSR presented is not valid.") # Validate common name and SubjectAltNames try: for name in request.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COMMON_NAME): common_name(name.value) except ValueError as err:"Error parsing Subject from CSR: %s", err) raise ValidationError("Invalid Subject value in supplied CSR") try: alt_names = request.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ) for name in alt_names.value.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName): sensitive_domain(name) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: pass
Example #11
Source File: From django-ca with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_authority_key_identifier(self): """Return the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension used in certificates signed by this CA.""" try: ski = self.x509.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: return x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_public_key(self.x509.public_key()) else: return x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_subject_key_identifier(ski.value)
Example #12
Source File: From django-ca with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pathlen(self): """The ``pathlen`` attribute of the ``BasicConstraints`` extension (either an ``int`` or ``None``).""" try: ext = self.x509.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.BASIC_CONSTRAINTS) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # pragma: no cover - extension should always be present return None return ext.value.path_length
Example #13
Source File: From django-ca with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_as_text(self): self.assertEqual(self.pi1.as_text(), 'Policy Identifier:\n' 'Policy Qualifiers:\n* text1') self.assertEqual(self.pi2.as_text(), 'Policy Identifier:\n' 'Policy Qualifiers:\n' '* UserNotice:\n' ' * Explicit text: text2') self.assertEqual(self.pi3.as_text(), 'Policy Identifier:\n' 'Policy Qualifiers:\n' '* UserNotice:\n' ' * Reference:\n' ' * Organiziation: text3\n' ' * Notice Numbers: [1]') self.assertEqual(self.pi4.as_text(), 'Policy Identifier:\n' 'Policy Qualifiers:\n' '* text4\n' '* UserNotice:\n' ' * Explicit text: text5\n' ' * Reference:\n' ' * Organiziation: text6\n' ' * Notice Numbers: [1, 2, 3]') self.assertEqual(self.pi_empty.as_text(), 'Policy Identifier: None\nNo Policy Qualifiers') self.load_all_cas() self.load_all_certs() for name, cert in list(self.cas.items()) + list(self.certs.items()): try: ext = cert.x509.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.CERTIFICATE_POLICIES).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: continue for index, policy in enumerate(ext): pi = PolicyInformation(policy) self.assertEqual(pi.as_text(), certs[name]['policy_texts'][index])
Example #14
Source File: From octavia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_host_names(certificate): """Extract the host names from the Pem encoded X509 certificate :param certificate: A PEM encoded certificate :returns: A dictionary containing the following keys: ['cn', 'dns_names'] where 'cn' is the CN from the SubjectName of the certificate, and 'dns_names' is a list of dNSNames (possibly empty) from the SubjectAltNames of the certificate. """ if isinstance(certificate, str): certificate = certificate.encode('utf-8') try: cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(certificate, backends.default_backend()) cn = cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(x509.OID_COMMON_NAME)[0] host_names = { 'cn': cn.value.lower(), 'dns_names': [] } try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid( x509.OID_SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME ) host_names['dns_names'] = ext.value.get_values_for_type( x509.DNSName) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: LOG.debug("%s extension not found", x509.OID_SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME) return host_names except Exception: LOG.exception('Unreadable Certificate.') raise exceptions.UnreadableCert
Example #15
Source File: From django-ca with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_authority_key_identifier(self): for name, ca in self.cas.items(): self.assertEqual(ca.get_authority_key_identifier().key_identifier, certs[name]['subject_key_identifier'].value) # All CAs have a subject key identifier, so we mock that this exception is not present def side_effect(cls): raise x509.ExtensionNotFound('mocked', x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier.oid) ca = self.cas['child'] with mock.patch('cryptography.x509.extensions.Extensions.get_extension_for_class', side_effect=side_effect): self.assertEqual(ca.get_authority_key_identifier().key_identifier, certs['child']['subject_key_identifier'].value)
Example #16
Source File: From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except ( x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError, ) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded. names = [ ("DNS", name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)) if name is not None ] names.extend( ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #17
Source File: From CudaText with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except ( x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError, ) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded. names = [ ("DNS", name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)) if name is not None ] names.extend( ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #18
Source File: From CudaText with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except ( x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError, ) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded. names = [ ("DNS", name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)) if name is not None ] names.extend( ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #19
Source File: From googletranslate.popclipext with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. names = [ ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName) ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #20
Source File: From scalyr-agent-2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions until PyOpenSSL gets something proper for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. names = [ ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName) ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #21
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def crl_verify(cert, cert_path): """ Attempts to verify a certificate using CRL. :param cert: :param cert_path: :return: True if certificate is valid, False otherwise :raise Exception: If certificate does not have CRL """ try: distribution_points = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid( x509.OID_CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: current_app.logger.debug( "No CRLDP extension in certificate {}".format(cert.serial_number) ) return None for p in distribution_points: point = p.full_name[0].value if point not in crl_cache: current_app.logger.debug("Retrieving CRL: {}".format(point)) try: response = requests.get(point) if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Unable to retrieve CRL: {0}".format(point)) except InvalidSchema: # Unhandled URI scheme (like ldap://); skip this distribution point. continue except ConnectionError: raise Exception("Unable to retrieve CRL: {0}".format(point)) crl_cache[point] = x509.load_der_x509_crl( response.content, backend=default_backend() ) else: current_app.logger.debug("CRL point is cached {}".format(point)) for r in crl_cache[point]: if cert.serial_number == r.serial_number: try: reason = r.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.CRLReason).value # Handle "removeFromCRL" revoke reason as unrevoked; # continue with the next distribution point. # Per RFC 5280 section 6.3.3 (k): # if reason == x509.ReasonFlags.remove_from_crl: break except x509.ExtensionNotFound: pass current_app.logger.debug( "CRL reports certificate " "revoked: {}".format(cert.serial_number) ) return False return True
Example #22
Source File: From Hands-On-Application-Development-with-PyCharm with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded. names = [ ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)) if name is not None ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #23
Source File: From script.elementum.burst with Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. names = [ ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName) ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #24
Source File: From stopstalk-deployment with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. names = [ ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName) ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #25
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded. names = [ ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)) if name is not None ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #26
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded. names = [ ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)) if name is not None ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #27
Source File: From scylla with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded. names = [ ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)) if name is not None ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #28
Source File: From Ansible with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. names = [ ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName) ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #29
Source File: From telegram-robot-rss with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions until PyOpenSSL gets something proper for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. names = [ ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName) ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names
Example #30
Source File: From cronyo with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except ( x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError, ) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded. names = [ ("DNS", name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)) if name is not None ] names.extend( ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names