Python javax.swing.JButton() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of javax.swing.JButton().
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Example #1
Source File: From burp-tracer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, extender): # Initialize self super(ActionsPanel, self).__init__() self.extender = extender self.setLayout(GridLayout(2, 1)) # Create children self.title = JLabel('Actions') self.actions = JPanel(GridLayout(1, 3)) self.start = JButton('Start') = JButton('Info') # Configure children self.title.setFont(Fonts.Heading) self.title.setForeground(Colors.Orange) self.actions.layout.vgap = 0 self.actions.layout.hgap = 0 self.start.addActionListener(StartActionListener(extender)) # Add children self.add(self.title) self.add(self.actions) self.actions.add(self.start) self.actions.add(
Example #2
Source File: From burp-git-bridge with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, callbacks, log): self.callbacks = callbacks self.log = log self.log_table = None # to be set by caller self.setLayout(BoxLayout(self, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)) label = JLabel("Reload from Git Repo:") button = JButton("Reload") button.addActionListener(CommandPanel.ReloadAction(log)) self.add(label) self.add(button) label = JLabel("Send selected entries to respective Burp tools:") button = JButton("Send") button.addActionListener(CommandPanel.SendAction(self)) self.add(label) self.add(button) label = JLabel("Remove selected entries from Git Repo:") button = JButton("Remove") button.addActionListener(CommandPanel.RemoveAction(self, log)) self.add(label) self.add(button) # TODO: maybe add a git command box
Example #3
Source File: From blackboxprotobuf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createButton(self, text, command): """Generate a new button with a given text and command""" button = JButton(text) button.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT) button.setActionCommand(command) button.addActionListener(self._button_listener) return button
Example #4
Source File: From blackboxprotobuf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createButton(self, text, command): """Generate new button with the given text and command string""" button = JButton(text) button.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT) button.setActionCommand(command) button.addActionListener(self._button_listener) return button
Example #5
Source File: From blackboxprotobuf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createButton(self, text, command): """Create a new button with the given text and command""" button = JButton(text) button.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT) button.setActionCommand(command) button.addActionListener(self._button_listener) return button
Example #6
Source File: From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_java_bean_properties(self): b1 = swing.JButton() b1.label = 'foo' b2 = swing.JButton(label='foo') self.assertEquals(b1.label, b2.label) self.assertEquals(b1.label, 'foo') # Test bean event properties - single and multiple def testAction(event): JythonBasicTests.flag += 1 doit = ActionEvent(b1, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "") b1.actionPerformed = testAction JythonBasicTests.flag = 0 b1.doClick() self.assertEquals( JythonBasicTests.flag, 1, 'expected one action per event but got %s' % JythonBasicTests.flag) b1.actionPerformed.append(testAction) JythonBasicTests.flag = 0 b1.doClick() self.assertEquals(JythonBasicTests.flag, 2, 'two actions per event') b1.actionPerformed = testAction JythonBasicTests.flag = 0 b1.doClick() self.assertEquals(JythonBasicTests.flag, 1, 'one actions per event - again')
Example #7
Source File: From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_java_bean_properties(self): b1 = swing.JButton() b1.label = 'foo' b2 = swing.JButton(label='foo') self.assertEquals(b1.label, b2.label) self.assertEquals(b1.label, 'foo') # Test bean event properties - single and multiple def testAction(event): JythonBasicTests.flag += 1 doit = ActionEvent(b1, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "") b1.actionPerformed = testAction JythonBasicTests.flag = 0 b1.doClick() self.assertEquals( JythonBasicTests.flag, 1, 'expected one action per event but got %s' % JythonBasicTests.flag) b1.actionPerformed.append(testAction) JythonBasicTests.flag = 0 b1.doClick() self.assertEquals(JythonBasicTests.flag, 2, 'two actions per event') b1.actionPerformed = testAction JythonBasicTests.flag = 0 b1.doClick() self.assertEquals(JythonBasicTests.flag, 1, 'one actions per event - again')
Example #8
Source File: From inql with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, hint=None, label=None, action=None): if not hint: hint = 'Omnibar hint' if not label: label = 'Run' if not action: action = nop_evt self.this = JPanel() self.this.setLayout(BorderLayout()) # Add an hinttextfield self._text = _HintTextField(hint, action) self.this.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, self._text.this) # Add a run buttpn button = JButton(label) button.addActionListener(action) self.this.add(BorderLayout.EAST, button)
Example #9
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 3 votes |
def build_gui(self): """Construct GUI elements.""" panel = JPanel(BorderLayout(3, 3)) panel.setBorder(EmptyBorder(160, 160, 160, 160)) self.aws_access_key_inpt = JTextField(10) self.aws_secret_key_inpt = JTextField(10) self.aws_session_token_inpt = JTextField(10) self.gs_access_key_inpt = JTextField(10) self.gs_secret_key_inpt = JTextField(10) self.wordlist_path_inpt = JTextField(10) self.passive_mode = JCheckBox('Enabled') self.ssl_verification = JCheckBox('Enabled') save_btn = JButton('Save', actionPerformed=self.save_config) labels = JPanel(GridLayout(0, 1)) inputs = JPanel(GridLayout(0, 1)) panel.add(labels, BorderLayout.WEST) panel.add(inputs, BorderLayout.CENTER) top_label = JLabel('<html><b>Settings</b><br><br></html>') top_label.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER) panel.add(top_label, BorderLayout.NORTH) labels.add(JLabel('AWS Access Key:')) inputs.add(self.aws_access_key_inpt) labels.add(JLabel('AWS Secret Key:')) inputs.add(self.aws_secret_key_inpt) labels.add(JLabel('AWS Session Key (optional):')) inputs.add(self.aws_session_token_inpt) labels.add(JLabel('GS Access Key:')) inputs.add(self.gs_access_key_inpt) labels.add(JLabel('GS Secret Key:')) inputs.add(self.gs_secret_key_inpt) labels.add(JLabel('Wordlist Filepath (optional):')) inputs.add(self.wordlist_path_inpt) labels.add(JLabel('Passive Mode:')) inputs.add(self.passive_mode) labels.add(JLabel('SSL Verification:')) inputs.add(self.ssl_verification) panel.add(save_btn, BorderLayout.SOUTH) return panel
Example #10
Source File: From BurpJSLinkFinder with MIT License | 3 votes |
def initUI(self): = swing.JPanel() # UI for Output self.outputLabel = swing.JLabel("LinkFinder Log:") self.outputLabel.setFont(Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14)) self.outputLabel.setForeground(Color(255,102,52)) self.logPane = swing.JScrollPane() self.outputTxtArea = swing.JTextArea() self.outputTxtArea.setFont(Font("Consolas", Font.PLAIN, 12)) self.outputTxtArea.setLineWrap(True) self.logPane.setViewportView(self.outputTxtArea) self.clearBtn = swing.JButton("Clear Log", actionPerformed=self.clearLog) self.exportBtn = swing.JButton("Export Log", actionPerformed=self.exportLog) self.parentFrm = swing.JFileChooser() # Layout layout = swing.GroupLayout( layout.setAutoCreateGaps(True) layout.setAutoCreateContainerGaps(True) layout.setHorizontalGroup( layout.createParallelGroup() .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup() .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup() .addComponent(self.outputLabel) .addComponent(self.logPane) .addComponent(self.clearBtn) .addComponent(self.exportBtn) ) ) ) layout.setVerticalGroup( layout.createParallelGroup() .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup() .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup() .addComponent(self.outputLabel) .addComponent(self.logPane) .addComponent(self.clearBtn) .addComponent(self.exportBtn) ) ) )