Python shapely.ops.unary_union() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of shapely.ops.unary_union(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module shapely.ops , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From centerline with MIT License 8 votes vote down vote up
def _construct_centerline(self):
        vertices, ridges = self._get_voronoi_vertices_and_ridges()
        linestrings = []
        for ridge in ridges:
            if self._ridge_is_finite(ridge):
                starting_point = self._create_point_with_restored_coordinates(
                    x=vertices[ridge[0]][0], y=vertices[ridge[0]][1]
                ending_point = self._create_point_with_restored_coordinates(
                    x=vertices[ridge[1]][0], y=vertices[ridge[1]][1]
                linestring = LineString((starting_point, ending_point))

                if self._linestring_is_within_input_geometry(linestring):

        if len(linestrings) < 2:
            raise exceptions.TooFewRidgesError

        return unary_union(linestrings) 
Example #2
Source File:    From geoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def geom(self, union=False):
        Converts the Rectangles to a shapely geometry.

        union: boolean (default=False)
            Whether to compute a union between the geometries

        A shapely geometry
        boxes = [box(*g) for g in self.array([0, 1, 2, 3])]
        nboxes = len(boxes)
        if not nboxes:
            geom = GeometryCollection()
        elif nboxes == 1:
            geom = boxes[0]
            geom = MultiPolygon(boxes)
        return unary_union(geom) if union else geom 
Example #3
Source File:    From geoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def geom(self, union=False):
        Converts the Contours to a shapely geometry.

        union: boolean (default=False)
            Whether to compute a union between the geometries

        A shapely geometry
        geoms = expand_geoms([g['geometry'] for g in path_to_geom_dicts(self)])
        ngeoms = len(geoms)
        if not ngeoms:
            geom = GeometryCollection()
        elif ngeoms == 1:
            geom = geoms[0]
            geom = MultiLineString(geoms)
        return unary_union(geom) if union else geom 
Example #4
Source File:    From geoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def geom(self, union=False):
        Converts the Path to a shapely geometry.

        union: boolean (default=False)
            Whether to compute a union between the geometries

        A shapely geometry
        geoms = expand_geoms([g['geometry'] for g in path_to_geom_dicts(self)])
        ngeoms = len(geoms)
        if not ngeoms:
            geom = GeometryCollection()
        elif ngeoms == 1:
            geom = geoms[0]
            geom = MultiLineString(geoms)
        return unary_union(geom) if union else geom 
Example #5
Source File:    From geoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def geom(self, union=False):
        Converts the Points to a shapely geometry.

        union: boolean (default=False)
            Whether to compute a union between the geometries

        A shapely geometry
        points = [Point(x, y) for (x, y) in self.array([0, 1])]
        npoints = len(points)
        if not npoints:
            geom = GeometryCollection()
        elif len(points) == 1:
            geom = points[0]
            geom = MultiPoint(points)
        return unary_union(geom) if union else geom 
Example #6
Source File:    From c3nav with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _create_border(self, geometry: HybridGeometry, width, append=None):
        altitude = (np.vstack(chain(*(mesh.tolist() for mesh in geometry.faces)))[:, :, 2].max()+1)/1000
        geometry = self.buffered_bbox.intersection(geometry.geom)

        lines = tuple(chain(*(
            ((geom.exterior, *geom.interiors) if isinstance(geom, Polygon) else (geom,))
            for geom in getattr(geometry, 'geoms', (geometry,))

        if not lines:
            return np.empty((0, 3, 3+len(append)))

        lines = unary_union(lines).buffer(width, cap_style=CAP_STYLE.flat, join_style=JOIN_STYLE.mitre)

        vertices, faces = triangulate_polygon(lines)
        triangles = np.dstack((vertices[faces], np.full((faces.size, 1), fill_value=altitude).reshape((-1, 3, 1))))

        return self._append_to_vertices(triangles.astype(np.float32), append) 
Example #7
Source File:    From blendercam with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def getBridgesPoly(o):
    if not hasattr(o, 'bridgespolyorig'):
        bridgecollectionname = o.bridges_collection_name
        bridgecollection =[bridgecollectionname]
        shapes = []

        for ob in bridgecollection.objects:
            if ob.type == 'CURVE':
                ob.select_set(state=True) = ob
        ob = bpy.context.active_object
        shapes.extend(curveToShapely(ob, o.use_bridge_modifiers))
        bridgespoly = sops.unary_union(shapes)

        # buffer the poly, so the bridges are not actually milled...
        o.bridgespolyorig = bridgespoly.buffer(distance=o.cutter_diameter / 2.0)
        o.bridgespoly_boundary = o.bridgespolyorig.boundary
        o.bridgespoly_boundary_prep = prepared.prep(o.bridgespolyorig.boundary)
        o.bridgespoly = prepared.prep(o.bridgespolyorig) 
Example #8
Source File:    From geoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def geom(self, union=False):
        Converts the Path to a shapely geometry.

        union: boolean (default=False)
            Whether to compute a union between the geometries

        A shapely geometry
        geoms = expand_geoms([g['geometry'] for g in polygons_to_geom_dicts(self)])
        ngeoms = len(geoms)
        if not ngeoms:
            geom = GeometryCollection()
        elif ngeoms == 1:
            geom = geoms[0]
            geom = MultiPolygon(geoms)
        return unary_union(geom) if union else geom 
Example #9
Source File:    From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _union_in_blocks(contours, block_size):
    Generator which yields a valid shape for each block_size multiple of
    input contours. This merges together the contours for each block before
    yielding them.

    n_contours = len(contours)
    for i in range(0, n_contours, block_size):
        j = min(i + block_size, n_contours)

        inners = []
        for c in contours[i:j]:
            p = _contour_to_poly(c)
            if p.type == 'Polygon':
            elif p.type == 'MultiPolygon':
        holes = unary_union(inners)
        assert holes.is_valid

        yield holes 
Example #10
Source File:    From Spectrum-Access-System with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _GetAllExclusionZones():
  """Read all exclusion zones."""
  global _exclusion_zones_gbs
  global _exclusion_zones_p90
  if _exclusion_zones_gbs is None:
    kml_file = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetNtiaDir(), EXCLUSION_ZONE_FILE)
    zones = _ReadKmlZones(kml_file, data_fields=['freqRangeMhz'])
    gbs_zones = []
    p90_zones = []
    for name, zone in zones.items():
      freq_range = _SplitFreqRange(zone.freqRangeMhz)
      if (3550, 3650) in freq_range:
      elif (3650, 3700) in freq_range:
        raise ValueError('Zone %s: unsupported freq range %r',
                         name, freq_range)
    _exclusion_zones_gbs = ops.unary_union(gbs_zones)
    _exclusion_zones_p90 = ops.unary_union(p90_zones) 
Example #11
Source File:    From mapchete with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_snap_bounds_to_zoom():
    bounds = (-180, -90, -60, -30)
    for pixelbuffer in [0, 5, 10]:
        for metatiling in [1, 2, 4]:
            pyramid = BufferedTilePyramid(
                "geodetic", pixelbuffer=pixelbuffer, metatiling=metatiling
            for zoom in range(3, 5):
                snapped_bounds = mapchete.config.snap_bounds(
                control_bounds = unary_union([
                    t.bbox for t in pyramid.tiles_from_bounds(bounds, zoom)
                assert snapped_bounds == control_bounds 
Example #12
Source File:    From geomeppy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def minimal_set(polys):
    """Remove overlaps from a set of polygons.

    :param polys: List of polygons.
    :returns: List of polygons with no overlaps.
    normal = polys[0].normal_vector
    as_2d = [p.project_to_2D() for p in polys]
    as_shapely = [Polygon(p) for p in as_2d]
    lines = [p.boundary for p in as_shapely]
    borders = unary_union(lines)
    shapes = [Polygon2D(p.boundary.coords) for p in polygonize(borders)]
    as_3d = [p.project_to_3D(polys[0]) for p in shapes]
    if not almostequal(as_3d[0].normal_vector, normal):
        as_3d = [p.invert_orientation() for p in as_3d]
    return [p for p in as_3d if p.area > 0] 
Example #13
Source File:    From mapbox-vector-tile with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _union_in_blocks(contours, block_size):
    Generator which yields a valid shape for each block_size multiple of
    input contours. This merges together the contours for each block before
    yielding them.

    n_contours = len(contours)
    for i in range(0, n_contours, block_size):
        j = min(i + block_size, n_contours)

        inners = []
        for c in contours[i:j]:
            p = _contour_to_poly(c)
            if p.type == 'Polygon':
            elif p.type == 'MultiPolygon':
        holes = unary_union(inners)
        assert holes.is_valid

        yield holes 
Example #14
Source File:    From Spectrum-Access-System with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def ToShapely(geometry):
  """Returns a |shapely| geometry from a generic geometry or a GeoJSON.

  The original geometry structure is maintained, for example GeometryCollections
  and MultiPolygons are kept as is. To dissolve them, apply the
  `shapely.ops.unary_union()` routine on the output.

    geometry: A generic geometry or a GeoJSON geometry (dict or str). A generic
      geometry is any object implementing the __geo_interface__ supported by all
      major geometry libraries (shapely, ..)
  if isinstance(geometry, sgeo.base.BaseGeometry):
    return geometry
    return _GeoJsonToShapelyGeometry(geometry.__geo_interface__)
  except AttributeError:
    return _GeoJsonToShapelyGeometry(geometry) 
Example #15
Source File:    From blendercam with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def silhoueteOffset(context, offset):
    bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = (0, 0, 0)
    ob = bpy.context.active_object
    if ob.type == 'CURVE' or ob.type == 'FONT':
        silhs = curveToShapely(ob)
        silhs = getObjectSilhouete('OBJECTS', [ob])

    polys = []
    mp = shapely.ops.unary_union(silhs)
    mp = mp.buffer(offset, resolution=64)
    shapelyToCurve('offset curve', mp, ob.location.z)

    return {'FINISHED'} 
Example #16
Source File:    From maup with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def absorb_by_shared_perimeter(sources, targets, relative_threshold=None):
    if len(sources) == 0:
        return targets

    if len(targets) == 0:
        raise IndexError("targets must be nonempty")

    inters = intersections(sources, targets, area_cutoff=None).buffer(0)
    assignment = assign_to_max(inters.length)

    if relative_threshold is not None:
        under_threshold = (
            sources.area /
        ) < relative_threshold
        assignment = assignment[under_threshold]

    sources_to_absorb = GeoSeries(

    result = targets.union(sources_to_absorb)

    # The .union call only returns the targets who had a corresponding
    # source to absorb. Now we fill in all of the unchanged targets.
    result = result.reindex(targets.index)
    did_not_absorb = result.isna() | result.is_empty
    result.loc[did_not_absorb] = targets[did_not_absorb]

    return result 
Example #17
Source File:    From maup with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def holes_of_union(geometries):
    """Returns any holes in the union of the given geometries."""
    geometries = get_geometries(geometries)
    if not all(
        isinstance(geometry, (Polygon, MultiPolygon)) for geometry in geometries
        raise TypeError("all geometries must be Polygons or MultiPolygons")

    union = unary_union(geometries)
    series = holes(union) =
    return series 
Example #18
Source File:    From c3nav with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_union(geoms):
    if not geoms:
        return HybridGeometry(GeometryCollection(), ())
    if len(geoms) == 1:
        return geoms[0]
    add_faces = {}
    for other in geoms:
        for crop_id, faces in other.add_faces.items():
            add_faces[crop_id] = add_faces.get(crop_id, ()) + faces
    return HybridGeometry(geom=unary_union(tuple(geom.geom for geom in geoms)),
                          faces=tuple(chain(*(geom.faces for geom in geoms))),
                          crop_ids=reduce(operator.or_, (other.crop_ids for other in geoms), set())) 
Example #19
Source File:    From c3nav with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def clip_altitudes(self, new_geometry, new_altitude=None):
        # register new geometry with an altitude
        # a geometry with no altitude will reset the altitude information of its area as if nothing was ever there
        if self.last_altitude is not None and self.last_altitude > new_altitude:
            raise ValueError('Altitudes have to be ascending.')

        if new_altitude in self.altitudes:
            self.altitudes[new_altitude] = unary_union([self.altitudes[new_altitude], new_geometry])
            self.altitudes[new_altitude] = new_geometry 
Example #20
Source File:    From c3nav with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def save(self, last_update, new_update):

        for level_id, geometries in self._geometries_by_level.items():
            geometries = unary_union(geometries)
            if geometries.is_empty:
            history = MapHistory.open_level(level_id, mode='base', default_update=last_update)
            history.add_geometry(geometries.buffer(1), new_update)
Example #21
Source File:    From c3nav with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _get_unary_union(self, level_id):
        union = self._unary_unions.get(level_id)
        if union is None:
            union = unary_union(self._geometries_by_level[level_id])
            self._unary_unions[level_id] = union
        return union 
Example #22
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def copdem_zone(lon_ex, lat_ex):
    """Returns a list of Copernicus DEM tarfile and tilename tuples

    # path to the lookup shapefiles
    gdf = gpd.read_file(get_demo_file('RGI60_COPDEM_lookup.shp'))

    # intersect with lat lon extents
    p = _extent_to_polygon(lon_ex, lat_ex,
    gdf = gdf.loc[gdf.intersects(p)]

    # COPDEM is global, if we miss any tile it is worth an error
    if (len(gdf) == 0) or (not unary_union(gdf.geometry).contains(p)):
        raise InvalidDEMError('Could not find all necessary Copernicus DEM '
                              'tiles. This should not happen in a global DEM. '
                              'Check the RGI-CopernicusDEM lookup shapefile '
                              'for this particular glacier!')

    flist = []
    for _, g in gdf.iterrows():
        cpp = g['CPP File']
        eop = g['Eop Id']
        eop = eop.split(':')[-2]
        assert 'Copernicus' in eop

        flist.append((cpp, eop))

    return flist 
Example #23
Source File:    From blendercam with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def getObjectOutline(radius, o, Offset):  # FIXME: make this one operation independent
    # circle detail, optimize, optimize thresold.

    polygons = getOperationSilhouete(o)

    i = 0
    # print('offseting polygons')

    if Offset:
        offset = 1
        offset = -1

    outlines = []
    i = 0
    # print(polygons, polygons.type)
    for p1 in polygons:  # sort by size before this???
        print(p1.type, len(polygons))
        i += 1
        if radius > 0:
            p1 = p1.buffer(radius * offset, resolution=o.circle_detail)

    if o.dont_merge:
        outline = sgeometry.MultiPolygon(outlines)
    # for ci in range(0,len(p)):
    #	outline.addContour(p[ci],p.isHole(ci))
        # print(p)
        outline = shapely.ops.unary_union(outlines)
    # outline = sgeometry.MultiPolygon([outline])
    # shapelyToCurve('oboutline',outline,0)
    return outline 
Example #24
Source File:    From blendercam with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def getAmbient(o):
    if o.update_ambient_tag:
        if o.ambient_cutter_restrict:  # cutter stays in ambient & limit curve
            m = o.cutter_diameter / 2
            m = 0

        if o.ambient_behaviour == 'AROUND':
            r = o.ambient_radius - m
            o.ambient = getObjectOutline(r, o, True)  # in this method we need ambient from silhouete
            o.ambient = spolygon.Polygon(((o.min.x + m, o.min.y + m), (o.min.x + m, o.max.y - m),
                                          (o.max.x - m, o.max.y - m), (o.max.x - m, o.min.y + m)))

        if o.use_limit_curve:
            if o.limit_curve != '':
                limit_curve =[o.limit_curve]
                # polys=curveToPolys(limit_curve)
                polys = curveToShapely(limit_curve)
                o.limit_poly = shapely.ops.unary_union(polys)
                # for p in polys:
                #	o.limit_poly+=p
                if o.ambient_cutter_restrict:
                    o.limit_poly = o.limit_poly.buffer(o.cutter_diameter / 2, resolution=o.circle_detail)
            o.ambient = o.ambient.intersection(o.limit_poly)
    o.update_ambient_tag = False 
Example #25
Source File:    From label-maker with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_bounds(feature_collection):
    """Get a bounding box for a FeatureCollection"""
    shape_lst = [shape(f['geometry']) for f in feature_collection['features']]
    return unary_union(shape_lst).bounds 
Example #26
Source File:    From argus-tgs-salt with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def draw_v_pair(pair, strip, l):
    # Drow polligons between two masks from test
    if l > 0:
        roi_points = [(0, 0), (img_side_len, 0),
                      (img_side_len*l, img_side_len), (0, img_side_len)]
        roi_poly = Polygon(roi_points)
        top_tile = find_points(pair[0])
        bottom_tile = find_points(pair[1])
        top_tile_pos, top_tile_neg = top_tile
        bottom_tile_pos, bottom_tile_neg = bottom_tile
        v_shift = l * img_side_len

        square_points = [(0, 0), (img_side_len, 0), (img_side_len, v_shift), (0, v_shift)]
        square_poly = Polygon(square_points)
        lines = []
        for i in range(len(top_tile_pos[bottom])):
            line = LineString([(top_tile_pos[bottom][i], 0),
                               (bottom_tile_pos[top][i], v_shift),
                               (bottom_tile_neg[top][i], v_shift),
                               (top_tile_neg[bottom][i], 0)])

        merged = linemerge([square_poly.boundary, *lines])
        borders = unary_union(merged)
        polygons = []
        for poly in polygonize(borders):
        masks = [mask_for_polygons([polygons[i]], (v_shift, img_side_len))
                 for i in range(0, len(polygons), 2)]
        mask = (np.any(masks, axis=0)*255).astype(np.uint8)
        return mask
    return None 
Example #27
Source File:    From open-context-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def make_clusters_geojson(self):
        """Makes a feature collection of aggregated feature geometries """
        geojson = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
        geojson['type'] = 'FeatureCollection'
        geojson['features'] = []
        for cluster_group, feat_geoms in self.raw_features.items():
            geoms = []
            for feat_geometry in feat_geoms:
                geom_raw = shape(feat_geometry)
                geom = geom_raw.buffer(self.buffer_tolerance)
                if geom.is_valid:
            if len(geoms) < 1:
                # No valid geometries for this cluster, so skip
            union_geom = unary_union(geoms)
            poly_union = union_geom.convex_hull
            poly_union_simple = poly_union.simplify(self.simplify_tolerance)
            feat = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
            feat['type'] = 'Feature'
            feat['properties'] = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
            feat['properties'][self.cluster_property] = cluster_group
            feat['properties'][self.cluster_num_features_prop] = len(geoms)
            feat['geometry'] = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
            geometry_type = poly_union_simple.geom_type
            coordinates = [list(poly_union_simple.exterior.coords)]
            v_geojson = ValidateGeoJson()
            c_ok = v_geojson.validate_all_geometry_coordinates(geometry_type,
            if not c_ok:
                coordinates = v_geojson.fix_geometry_rings_dir(geometry_type, coordinates)
            feat['geometry']['type'] = geometry_type
            feat['geometry']['coordinates'] = coordinates
            centroid = self.get_feature_centroid(feat['geometry'])
            feat['properties']['latitude'] = centroid[1]
            feat['properties']['longitude'] = centroid[0]
        return geojson 
Example #28
Source File:    From qmt with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_bb(self) -> List[float]:
        """Compute the bounding box of all of the parts in the geometry.

        List of [min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y].

        all_shapes = list(
        bbox_vertices = unary_union(all_shapes).envelope.exterior.coords.xy
        min_x = min(bbox_vertices[0])
        max_x = max(bbox_vertices[0])
        min_y = min(bbox_vertices[1])
        max_y = max(bbox_vertices[1])
        return [min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y] 
Example #29
Source File:    From Spectrum-Access-System with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def GetUrbanAreas(simplify_deg=1e-3):
  """Gets the US urban area as a |shapely.GeometryCollection|.

  Note: Client code should cache it as expensive to load (and not cached here).

    simplify_deg: if defined, simplify the zone with given tolerance (degrees).
      Default is 1e-3 which corresponds roughly to 100m in continental US.
  kml_file = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetNtiaDir(), URBAN_AREAS_FILE)
  zones = _ReadKmlZones(kml_file, root_id_zone='Document', simplify=simplify_deg)
  urban_areas = sgeo.GeometryCollection(zones.values())  # ops.unary_union(zones.values())
  return urban_areas 
Example #30
Source File:    From Spectrum-Access-System with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def GetUsBorder():
  """Gets the US border as a |shapely.MultiPolygon|.

  This is a composite US border for simulation purposes only.
  global _border_zone
  if _border_zone is None:
    kml_file = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetFccDir(), USBORDER_FILE)
    zones = _ReadKmlZones(kml_file)
    _border_zone = ops.unary_union(zones.values())
  return _border_zone