Python inflection.singularize() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of inflection.singularize().
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Example #1
Source File: From django-rest-framework-json-api with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def get_resource_type_from_included_serializer(self): """ Check to see it this resource has a different resource_name when included and return that name, or None """ field_name = self.field_name or self.parent.field_name parent = self.get_parent_serializer() if parent is not None: # accept both singular and plural versions of field_name field_names = [ inflection.singularize(field_name), inflection.pluralize(field_name) ] includes = get_included_serializers(parent) for field in field_names: if field in includes.keys(): return get_resource_type_from_serializer(includes[field]) return None
Example #2
Source File: From recaptcha-cracker with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def depluralise_string(string): singular = inflection.singularize(string) return singular
Example #3
Source File: From combine-FEVER-NSMN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def singularize_rule(self): """Singularize words """ item = self.item if len(item['prioritized_docids']) < 1: claim_tokens = item['claim_tokens'] # finded_keys = item['prioritized_docids'] claim_tokens = [inflection.singularize(c) for c in claim_tokens] claim = ' '.join(claim_tokens) fk_new = self._keyword_match(claim) # finded_keys = set(finded_keys) | set(fk_new) item['prioritized_docids'] = list(fk_new) return self
Example #4
Source File: From combine-FEVER-NSMN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def singularize_rule(self): item = self.item if len(item['prioritized_docids']) < 1: claim_tokens = item['claim_tokens'] # finded_keys = item['prioritized_docids'] claim_tokens = [inflection.singularize(c) for c in claim_tokens] claim = ' '.join(claim_tokens) fkd_new, fk_new = self._keyword_match(claim, raw_set=True) # finded_keys = set(finded_keys) | set(fk_new) item['prioritized_docids'] = list(fk_new) item['structured_docids'] = fkd_new return self
Example #5
Source File: From ramses with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_model_name(raml_resource): """ Generate model name. :param raml_resource: Instance of ramlfications.raml.ResourceNode. """ resource_uri = get_resource_uri(raml_resource).strip('/') resource_uri = re.sub('\W', ' ', resource_uri) model_name = inflection.titleize(resource_uri) return inflection.singularize(model_name).replace(' ', '')
Example #6
Source File: From grest with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get(self, primary_id, secondary_model_name=None, secondary_id=None): try: # patch __log self.__log = self._GRest__log (primary, secondary) = validate_models(self, primary_id, secondary_model_name, secondary_id) primary_selected_item = primary.model.nodes.get_or_none( **{primary.selection_field:}) if all([primary_selected_item, secondary.model,]): # user selected a nested model with 2 keys # (from the primary and secondary models) # /users/user_id/roles/role_id -> selected role of this user # /categories/cat_id/tags/tag_id -> selected tag of this category # In this example, the p variable of type Post # is the secondary_item # (u:User)-[:POSTED]-(p:Post) secondary_item = primary_selected_item.get_all( secondary.model_name, secondary.selection_field,, retrieve_relations=True) return serialize({singularize(secondary.model_name): secondary_item}) elif all([primary_selected_item, secondary.model]): # user selected a nested model with primary key # (from the primary and the secondary models) # /users/user_1/roles -> all roles for this user relationships = primary_selected_item.get_all( secondary.model_name, retrieve_relations=True) return serialize({pluralize(secondary.model_name): relationships}) else: # user selected a single item (from the primary model) if primary_selected_item: return serialize({primary.model_name: primary_selected_item.to_dict()}) else: raise HTTPException(msg.MODEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST.format( model=primary.model_name), 404) except (DoesNotExist, AttributeError) as e: self.__log.exception(e) raise HTTPException(msg.ITEM_DOES_NOT_EXIST, 404)