Python plotly.graph_objs.Scatter() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of plotly.graph_objs.Scatter().
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Example #1
Source File: From CoinTK with MIT License | 8 votes |
def plot_results(results, plot_name='temp-plot.html'): ''' results is a list of dictionaries, each of which defines a trace e.g. [{'x': x_data, 'y': y_data, 'name': 'plot_name'}, {...}, {...}] Each dictionary's key-value pairs will be passed into go.Scatter to generate a trace on the graph ''' traces = [] for input_args in results: traces.append(go.Scatter(**input_args)) layout = go.Layout( title='Trading performance over time', yaxis=dict( title='Value (USD)' ), ) plot(go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout), filename=plot_name)
Example #2
Source File: From PlaNet with MIT License | 8 votes |
def lineplot(xs, ys_population, title, path='', xaxis='episode'): max_colour, mean_colour, std_colour, transparent = 'rgb(0, 132, 180)', 'rgb(0, 172, 237)', 'rgba(29, 202, 255, 0.2)', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' if isinstance(ys_population[0], list) or isinstance(ys_population[0], tuple): ys = np.asarray(ys_population, dtype=np.float32) ys_min, ys_max, ys_mean, ys_std, ys_median = ys.min(1), ys.max(1), ys.mean(1), ys.std(1), np.median(ys, 1) ys_upper, ys_lower = ys_mean + ys_std, ys_mean - ys_std trace_max = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_max, line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Max') trace_upper = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_upper, line=Line(color=transparent), name='+1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_mean = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_mean, fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color=mean_colour), name='Mean') trace_lower = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_lower, fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color=transparent), name='-1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_min = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_min, line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Min') trace_median = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_median, line=Line(color=max_colour), name='Median') data = [trace_upper, trace_mean, trace_lower, trace_min, trace_max, trace_median] else: data = [Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_population, line=Line(color=mean_colour))] plotly.offline.plot({ 'data': data, 'layout': dict(title=title, xaxis={'title': xaxis}, yaxis={'title': title}) }, filename=os.path.join(path, title + '.html'), auto_open=False)
Example #3
Source File: From NoisyNet-A3C with MIT License | 7 votes |
def plot_line(xs, ys_population): max_colour = 'rgb(0, 132, 180)' mean_colour = 'rgb(0, 172, 237)' std_colour = 'rgba(29, 202, 255, 0.2)' ys = torch.Tensor(ys_population) ys_min = ys.min(1)[0].squeeze() ys_max = ys.max(1)[0].squeeze() ys_mean = ys.mean(1).squeeze() ys_std = ys.std(1).squeeze() ys_upper, ys_lower = ys_mean + ys_std, ys_mean - ys_std trace_max = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_max.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Max') trace_upper = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_upper.numpy(), line=Line(color='transparent'), name='+1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_mean = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_mean.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color=mean_colour), name='Mean') trace_lower = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_lower.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color='transparent'), name='-1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_min = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_min.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Min') plotly.offline.plot({ 'data': [trace_upper, trace_mean, trace_lower, trace_min, trace_max], 'layout': dict(title='Rewards', xaxis={'title': 'Step'}, yaxis={'title': 'Average Reward'}) }, filename='rewards.html', auto_open=False)
Example #4
Source File: From Rainbow with MIT License | 7 votes |
def _plot_line(xs, ys_population, title, path=''): max_colour, mean_colour, std_colour, transparent = 'rgb(0, 132, 180)', 'rgb(0, 172, 237)', 'rgba(29, 202, 255, 0.2)', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' ys = torch.tensor(ys_population, dtype=torch.float32) ys_min, ys_max, ys_mean, ys_std = ys.min(1)[0].squeeze(), ys.max(1)[0].squeeze(), ys.mean(1).squeeze(), ys.std(1).squeeze() ys_upper, ys_lower = ys_mean + ys_std, ys_mean - ys_std trace_max = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_max.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Max') trace_upper = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_upper.numpy(), line=Line(color=transparent), name='+1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_mean = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_mean.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color=mean_colour), name='Mean') trace_lower = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_lower.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color=transparent), name='-1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_min = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_min.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Min') plotly.offline.plot({ 'data': [trace_upper, trace_mean, trace_lower, trace_min, trace_max], 'layout': dict(title=title, xaxis={'title': 'Step'}, yaxis={'title': title}) }, filename=os.path.join(path, title + '.html'), auto_open=False)
Example #5
Source File: From textprep with MIT License | 7 votes |
def _draw_scatter(all_vocabs, all_freqs, output_prefix): colors = [(s and t) and (s < t and s / t or t / s) or 0 for s, t in all_freqs] colors = [c and np.log(c) or 0 for c in colors] trace = go.Scattergl( x=[s for s, t in all_freqs], y=[t for s, t in all_freqs], mode='markers', text=all_vocabs, marker=dict(color=colors, showscale=True, colorscale='Viridis')) layout = go.Layout( title='Scatter plot of shared tokens', hovermode='closest', xaxis=dict(title='src freq', type='log', autorange=True), yaxis=dict(title='trg freq', type='log', autorange=True)) fig = go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout) py.plot( fig, filename='{}_scatter.html'.format(output_prefix), auto_open=False)
Example #6
Source File: From Dist-A3C with MIT License | 7 votes |
def plot_line(xs, ys_population, path=''): max_colour, mean_colour, std_colour = 'rgb(0, 132, 180)', 'rgb(0, 172, 237)', 'rgba(29, 202, 255, 0.2)' ys = torch.Tensor(ys_population) ys_min = ys.min(1)[0].squeeze() ys_max = ys.max(1)[0].squeeze() ys_mean = ys.mean(1).squeeze() ys_std = ys.std(1).squeeze() ys_upper, ys_lower = ys_mean + ys_std, ys_mean - ys_std trace_max = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_max.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Max') trace_upper = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_upper.numpy(), line=Line(color='transparent'), name='+1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_mean = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_mean.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color=mean_colour), name='Mean') trace_lower = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_lower.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color='transparent'), name='-1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_min = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_min.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Min') plotly.offline.plot({ 'data': [trace_upper, trace_mean, trace_lower, trace_min, trace_max], 'layout': dict(title='Rewards', xaxis={'title': 'Step'}, yaxis={'title': 'Average Reward'}) }, filename=os.path.join(path, 'rewards.html'), auto_open=False)
Example #7
Source File: From Crypto_Trader with MIT License | 7 votes |
def update_spread(): global selected_dropdown_value global data prices = data.get_prices(selected_dropdown_value) prices = [list(p) for p in zip(*prices)] if len(prices) > 0: traces = [] trace = go.Scatter(x=list(prices[3]), y=list(prices[2]), name='spread', line=dict(color='rgb(114, 186, 59)'), fill='tozeroy', fillcolor='rgba(114, 186, 59, 0.5)', mode='none') traces.append(trace) return { 'data': traces, 'layout': dict(title="Spread") }
Example #8
Source File: From Crypto_Trader with MIT License | 7 votes |
def update_market_prices(): global selected_dropdown_value global data prices = data.get_prices(selected_dropdown_value) prices = [list(p) for p in zip(*prices)] if len(prices) > 0: traces = [] x = list(prices[3]) for i, key in enumerate(['bid', 'ask']): trace = go.Scatter(x=x, y=prices[i], name=key, opacity=0.8) traces.append(trace) return { 'data': traces, 'layout': dict(title="Market Prices") }
Example #9
Source File: From bigcode-tools with MIT License | 7 votes |
def create_interactive_scatter_plot(embeddings_2d, labels, output=None): clusters_count = compute_clusters_count(labels) data = [] for i in range(clusters_count): indexes = labels[labels.Cluster == i].index.values label_column = "value" if "value" in labels.columns else "type" trace = go.Scatter( x=embeddings_2d[indexes, 0], y=embeddings_2d[indexes, 1], mode="markers", text=labels.loc[indexes][label_column].values, marker={"color": SVG_COLORS[i]} ) data.append(trace) kwargs = {"filename": output} if output else {} plotly.offline.plot(data, **kwargs)
Example #10
Source File: From ACER with MIT License | 7 votes |
def plot_line(xs, ys_population, save_dir): max_colour = 'rgb(0, 132, 180)' mean_colour = 'rgb(0, 172, 237)' std_colour = 'rgba(29, 202, 255, 0.2)' ys = torch.tensor(ys_population) ys_min = ys.min(1)[0].squeeze() ys_max = ys.max(1)[0].squeeze() ys_mean = ys.mean(1).squeeze() ys_std = ys.std(1).squeeze() ys_upper, ys_lower = ys_mean + ys_std, ys_mean - ys_std trace_max = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_max.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Max') trace_upper = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_upper.numpy(), line=Line(color='transparent'), name='+1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_mean = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_mean.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color=mean_colour), name='Mean') trace_lower = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_lower.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color='transparent'), name='-1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_min = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_min.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Min') plotly.offline.plot({ 'data': [trace_upper, trace_mean, trace_lower, trace_min, trace_max], 'layout': dict(title='Rewards', xaxis={'title': 'Step'}, yaxis={'title': 'Average Reward'}) }, filename=os.path.join(save_dir, 'rewards.html'), auto_open=False)
Example #11
Source File: From dash-recipes with MIT License | 7 votes |
def create_time_series(dff, column, title): return { 'data': [go.Scatter( x=dff['year'], y=dff[column], mode='lines+markers', )], 'layout': { 'height': 225, 'margin': {'l': 50, 'b': 30, 'r': 10, 't': 10}, 'annotations': [{ 'x': 0, 'y': 0.85, 'xanchor': 'left', 'yanchor': 'bottom', 'xref': 'paper', 'yref': 'paper', 'showarrow': False, 'align': 'left', 'bgcolor': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)', 'text': title }], 'yaxis': {'type': 'linear', 'title': column}, 'xaxis': {'showgrid': False} } }
Example #12
Source File: From webmc3 with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def lines_figure(trace_info, varname): x = np.arange(len(trace_info)) return { 'data': [ go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, name="Chain {}".format(chain_ix) ) for chain_ix, y in enumerate( trace_info.get_values(varname, combine=False) ) ], 'layout': go.Layout( yaxis={'title': "Sample value"}, showlegend=False ) }
Example #13
Source File: From ConvLab with MIT License | 7 votes |
def plot_mean_sr(sr_list, time_sr, title, y_title, x_title): '''Plot a list of series using its mean, with error bar using std''' mean_sr, std_sr = util.calc_srs_mean_std(sr_list) max_sr = mean_sr + std_sr min_sr = mean_sr - std_sr max_y = max_sr.tolist() min_y = min_sr.tolist() x = time_sr.tolist() color = get_palette(1)[0] main_trace = go.Scatter( x=x, y=mean_sr, mode='lines', showlegend=False, line={'color': color, 'width': 1}, ) envelope_trace = go.Scatter( x=x + x[::-1], y=max_y + min_y[::-1], showlegend=False, line={'color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'}, fill='tozerox', fillcolor=lower_opacity(color, 0.2), ) data = [main_trace, envelope_trace] layout = create_layout(title=title, y_title=y_title, x_title=x_title) fig = go.Figure(data, layout) return fig
Example #14
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_plotly_autosize(document, comm): trace = go.Scatter(x=[0, 1], y=[2, 3]) pane = Plotly(dict(data=[trace], layout={'autosize': True})) model = pane.get_root(document, comm=comm) model.sizing_mode == 'stretch_both' pane.object['layout']['autosize'] = False pane.param.trigger('object') model.sizing_mode == 'fixed' pane._cleanup(model) pane = Plotly(dict(data=[trace], layout={'autosize': True}), sizing_mode='fixed') model = pane.get_root(document, comm=comm) model.sizing_mode == 'fixed' pane._cleanup(model)
Example #15
Source File: From cups-rl with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _plot_line(xs, ys_population, title, path=''): """ Plots min, max and mean + standard deviation bars of a population over time """ max_colour, mean_colour, std_colour, transparent = 'rgb(0, 132, 180)', 'rgb(0, 172, 237)', \ 'rgba(29, 202, 255, 0.2)', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' ys = torch.tensor(ys_population, dtype=torch.float32) ys_min, ys_max, ys_mean, ys_std = ys.min(1)[0].squeeze(), ys.max(1)[0].squeeze(), \ ys.mean(1).squeeze(), ys.std(1).squeeze() ys_upper, ys_lower = ys_mean + ys_std, ys_mean - ys_std trace_max = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_max.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Max') trace_upper = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_upper.numpy(), line=Line(color=transparent), name='+1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_mean = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_mean.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color=mean_colour), name='Mean') trace_lower = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_lower.numpy(), fill='tonexty', fillcolor=std_colour, line=Line(color=transparent), name='-1 Std. Dev.', showlegend=False) trace_min = Scatter(x=xs, y=ys_min.numpy(), line=Line(color=max_colour, dash='dash'), name='Min') plotly.offline.plot({ 'data': [trace_upper, trace_mean, trace_lower, trace_min, trace_max], 'layout': dict(title=title, xaxis={'title': 'Step'}, yaxis={'title': title}) }, filename=os.path.join(path, title + '.html'), auto_open=False)
Example #16
Source File: From sound_field_analysis-py with MIT License | 6 votes |
def prepare_2D_traces(data, viz_type, fs, line_names): data = _np.atleast_2d(data) N, L = data.shape x = prepare_2D_x(L, viz_type, fs) traces = [None] * N for k in range(0, N): y = data[k] traces[k] = go.Scatter(x=x, y=y if viz_type == 'TIME' else 20 * _np.log10(_np.abs(y))) try: traces[k].name = line_names[k] except (TypeError, IndentationError): pass return traces
Example #17
Source File: From megaman with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def plot_singular_values_versus_radius(singular_values, rad_search_space, start_idx, end_idx): all_trace = [] singular_gap = -np.diff(singular_values,axis=1) for idx, sing in enumerate(singular_values.T): singular_line = go.Scatter( x=rad_search_space, y=sing, name='{} singular value'.format(ordinal(idx+1)) ) if idx <= 2: singular_line['text'] = [ 'Singular gap: {:.2f}'.format(singular_gap[rid, idx]) for rid in range(50) ] if idx > 3: singular_line['hoverinfo'] = 'none' all_trace.append(singular_line) if idx == 2: # HACK: just specify the color manually, need to generate each later. all_trace.append(go.Scatter( x=rad_search_space[start_idx:end_idx], y=singular_values[start_idx:end_idx,2], mode='lines',marker=dict(color='green'), showlegend=False, hoverinfo='none' )) all_trace.append(go.Scatter( x=rad_search_space[start_idx:end_idx], y=singular_values[start_idx:end_idx,1], fill='tonexty', mode='none', showlegend=False, hoverinfo='none' )) return all_trace
Example #18
Source File: From lantern with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def scatter(self, data, color=None, x=None, y=None, y_axis='left', subplot=False, **kwargs): # Scatter all for i, col in enumerate(data): if i == 0: continue # don't scatter against self x = data.columns[0] y = data.columns[i] c = get_color(i, col, color) fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Scatter( x=data[x], y=data[y], mode='markers', marker={'color': c}, name='%s vs %s' % (x, y), **kwargs)]) self.figures.append((col, fig, y_axis, c))
Example #19
Source File: From django-plotly-dash with MIT License | 5 votes |
def callback_show_timeseries(internal_state_string, state_uid, **kwargs): 'Build a timeseries from the internal state' cache_key = _get_cache_key(state_uid) state = cache.get(cache_key) # If nothing in cache, prepopulate if not state: state = {} colour_series = {} colors = {'red':'#FF0000', 'blue':'#0000FF', 'green':'#00FF00', 'yellow': '#FFFF00', 'cyan': '#00FFFF', 'magenta': '#FF00FF', 'black' : '#000000', } for colour, values in state.items(): timestamps = [datetime.fromtimestamp(int(0.001*ts)) for _, ts, _ in values if ts > 0] #users = [user for user, ts, _ in values if ts > 0] levels = [level for _, ts, level in values if ts > 0] if colour in colors: colour_series[colour] = pd.Series(levels, index=timestamps).groupby(level=0).first() df = pd.DataFrame(colour_series).fillna(method="ffill").reset_index()[-25:] traces = [go.Scatter(y=df[colour], x=df['index'], name=colour, line=dict(color=colors.get(colour, '#000000')), ) for colour in colour_series] return {'data':traces, #'layout': go.Layout }
Example #20
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_plotly_pane_numpy_to_cds_traces(document, comm): trace = go.Scatter(x=np.array([1, 2]), y=np.array([2, 3])) pane = Plotly({'data': [trace], 'layout': {'width': 350}}) # Create pane model = pane.get_root(document, comm=comm) assert isinstance(model, PlotlyPlot) assert len( == 1 assert[0]['type'] == 'scatter' assert 'x' not in[0] assert 'y' not in[0] assert model.layout == {'width': 350} assert len(model.data_sources) == 1 cds = model.data_sources[0] assert np.array_equal(['x'][0], np.array([1, 2])) assert np.array_equal(['y'][0], np.array([2, 3])) # Replace Pane.object new_trace = [go.Scatter(x=np.array([5, 6]), y=np.array([6, 7])), go.Bar(x=np.array([2, 3]), y=np.array([4, 5]))] pane.object = {'data': new_trace, 'layout': {'width': 350}} assert len( == 2 assert[0]['type'] == 'scatter' assert 'x' not in[0] assert 'y' not in[0] assert[1]['type'] == 'bar' assert 'x' not in[1] assert 'y' not in[1] assert model.layout == {'width': 350} assert len(model.data_sources) == 2 cds = model.data_sources[0] assert np.array_equal(['x'][0], np.array([5, 6])) assert np.array_equal(['y'][0], np.array([6, 7])) cds2 = model.data_sources[1] assert np.array_equal(['x'][0], np.array([2, 3])) assert np.array_equal(['y'][0], np.array([4, 5])) # Cleanup pane._cleanup(model) assert pane._models == {}
Example #21
Source File: From tellurium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getScatterGOs(self): for dataset in self.getDatasets(): yield Scatter( x = dataset['x'], y = dataset['y'], **self.getArgsForDataset(dataset) )
Example #22
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_plotly_pane_single_trace(document, comm): trace = go.Scatter(x=[0, 1], y=[2, 3], uid='Test') pane = Plotly({'data': [trace], 'layout': {'width': 350}}) # Create pane model = pane.get_root(document, comm=comm) assert isinstance(model, PlotlyPlot) assert pane._models[model.ref['id']][0] is model assert len( == 1 assert[0]['type'] == 'scatter' assert[0]['x'] == [0, 1] assert[0]['y'] == [2, 3] assert model.layout == {'width': 350} assert len(model.data_sources) == 1 assert model.data_sources[0].data == {} # Replace Pane.object new_trace = go.Bar(x=[2, 3], y=[4, 5]) pane.object = {'data': new_trace, 'layout': {'width': 350}} assert len( == 1 assert[0]['type'] == 'bar' assert[0]['x'] == [2, 3] assert[0]['y'] == [4, 5] assert model.layout == {'width': 350} assert len(model.data_sources) == 1 assert model.data_sources[0].data == {} assert pane._models[model.ref['id']][0] is model # Cleanup pane._cleanup(model) assert pane._models == {}
Example #23
Source File: From DataPlotly with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def name(): return'Scatter Plot')
Example #24
Source File: From dash-svm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def serve_roc_curve(model, X_test, y_test): decision_test = model.decision_function(X_test) fpr, tpr, threshold = metrics.roc_curve(y_test, decision_test) # AUC Score auc_score = metrics.roc_auc_score(y_true=y_test, y_score=decision_test) trace0 = go.Scatter( x=fpr, y=tpr, mode='lines', name='Test Data', ) layout = go.Layout( title=f'ROC Curve (AUC = {auc_score:.3f})', xaxis=dict( title='False Positive Rate' ), yaxis=dict( title='True Positive Rate' ), legend=dict(x=0, y=1.05, orientation="h"), margin=dict(l=50, r=10, t=55, b=40), ) data = [trace0] figure = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return figure
Example #25
Source File: From dash-regression with MIT License | 5 votes |
def func(custom_data_storage): data = json.loads(custom_data_storage) trace0 = go.Contour( x=np.linspace(0, 10, 200), y=np.linspace(0, 10, 200), z=np.ones(shape=(200, 200)), showscale=False, hoverinfo='none', contours=dict(coloring='lines'), ) trace1 = go.Scatter( x=data['train_X'], y=data['train_y'], mode='markers', name='Training' ) trace2 = go.Scatter( x=data['test_X'], y=data['test_y'], mode='markers', name='Training' ) data = [trace0, trace1, trace2] figure = go.Figure(data=data) return figure
Example #26
Source File: From pycoQC with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __2D_density_plot (self, x_field_name, y_field_name, x_lab, y_lab, x_scale, y_scale, x_nbins, y_nbins, colorscale, smooth_sigma, width, height, plot_title): """Private function generating density plots for all 2D distribution functions""" ("\t\tComputing plot") # Prepare all data lab1, dd1 = self.__2D_density_data ("all", x_field_name, y_field_name, x_nbins, y_nbins, x_scale, y_scale, smooth_sigma) lab2, dd2 = self.__2D_density_data ("pass", x_field_name, y_field_name, x_nbins, y_nbins, x_scale, y_scale, smooth_sigma) # Plot initial data data = [ go.Contour (x=dd1["x"][0], y=dd1["y"][0], z=dd1["z"][0], contours=dd1["contours"][0], name="Density", hoverinfo="name+x+y", colorscale=colorscale, showlegend=True, connectgaps=True, line={"width":0}), go.Scatter (x=dd1["x"][1], y=dd1["y"][1], mode='markers', name='Median', hoverinfo="name+x+y", marker={"size":12,"color":'black', "symbol":"x"})] # Create update buttons updatemenus = [ dict (type="buttons", active=0, x=-0.2, y=0, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', buttons = [ dict (label=lab1, method='restyle', args=[dd1]), dict (label=lab2, method='restyle', args=[dd2])])] # tweak plot layout layout = go.Layout ( hovermode = "closest", plot_bgcolor="whitesmoke", legend = {"x":-0.2, "y":1,"xanchor":'left',"yanchor":'top'}, updatemenus = updatemenus, width = width, height = height, title = {"text":plot_title, "xref":"paper" ,"x":0.5, "xanchor":"center"}, xaxis = {"title":x_lab, "showgrid":True, "zeroline":False, "showline":True, "type":x_scale}, yaxis = {"title":y_lab, "showgrid":True, "zeroline":False, "showline":True, "type":y_scale}) return go.Figure (data=data, layout=layout)
Example #27
Source File: From pycoQC with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __1D_density_plot (self, field_name, plot_title, x_lab, color, x_scale, nbins, smooth_sigma, width, height): """Private function generating density plots for all 1D distribution functions""" ("\t\tComputing plot") # Prepare all data lab1, dd1, ld1 = self.__1D_density_data ("all", field_name, x_scale, nbins, smooth_sigma) lab2, dd2, ld2 = self.__1D_density_data ("pass" ,field_name, x_scale, nbins, smooth_sigma) # Plot initial data common = { "mode": "lines+text", "hoverinfo": "skip", "textposition": 'top center', "line": {'color':'gray','width':1,'dash': 'dot'}} data = [ go.Scatter (x=dd1["x"][0], y=dd1["y"][0], name=dd1["name"][0], fill='tozeroy', fillcolor=color, mode='none', showlegend=True), go.Scatter (x=dd1["x"][1], y=dd1["y"][1], name=dd1["name"][1], text=dd1["text"][1], **common), go.Scatter (x=dd1["x"][2], y=dd1["y"][2], name=dd1["name"][2], text=dd1["text"][2], **common), go.Scatter (x=dd1["x"][3], y=dd1["y"][3], name=dd1["name"][3], text=dd1["text"][3], **common), go.Scatter (x=dd1["x"][4], y=dd1["y"][4], name=dd1["name"][4], text=dd1["text"][4], **common), go.Scatter (x=dd1["x"][5], y=dd1["y"][5], name=dd1["name"][5], text=dd1["text"][5], **common)] # Create update buttons updatemenus = [ dict (type="buttons", active=0, x=-0.2, y=0, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', buttons = [ dict (label=lab1, method='update', args=[dd1, ld1]), dict (label=lab2, method='update', args=[dd2, ld2])])] # tweak plot layout layout = go.Layout ( hovermode = "closest", plot_bgcolor="whitesmoke", legend = {"x":-0.2, "y":1,"xanchor":'left',"yanchor":'top'}, updatemenus = updatemenus, width = width, height = height, title = {"text":plot_title, "xref":"paper" ,"x":0.5, "xanchor":"center"}, xaxis = {"title":x_lab, "type":x_scale, "zeroline":False, "showline":True}, yaxis = {"title":"Read density", "zeroline":False, "showline":True, "fixedrange":True, "range":ld1["yaxis.range"]}) return go.Figure (data=data, layout=layout)
Example #28
Source File: From WMF with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def Plot_Storages(self, StoragePath, PathFigure): '''Hace un plot del storage en el periodo de simulacion''' #Lee los datos Data = pd.read_csv(StoragePath, skiprows=4, index_col=6, parse_dates=True) #Hace la figura fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=5, cols=1) for c,key in enumerate(Data.columns.values[1:].tolist()): trace1 = go.Scatter( x = Data.index.to_pydatetime(), y = Data[key].values, name = key, line = {'width':3}, fill='tozeroy', ) fig.append_trace(trace1, c+1, 1) fig['layout'].update(height=600, width=600, showlegend = False, yaxis=dict(title='Estado [mm]',), margin=dict( l=50, r=50, b=50, t=50, pad=4 )) plot(fig,filename=PathFigure, auto_open = False)
Example #29
Source File: From WMF with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def Plot_CDC_caudal(self,pathFigure,dfQobs,dfQsim): Qs=np.sort(np.array(dfQsim.values)) Qo=np.sort(np.array(dfQobs.values)) porcen_s=[] porcen_o=[] for i in range(len(Qo)): porcen_o.append((len(Qo[Qo>Qo[i]]))/float(len(Qo))*100) for i in range(len(Qs)): porcen_s.append((len(Qs[Qs>Qs[i]]))/float(len(Qs))*100) trace_high = go.Scatter( x=porcen_s, y=Qs, name = "Q simulado", line = dict(color = 'red'), opacity = 0.8) trace_low = go.Scatter( x=porcen_o, y=Qo, name = "Q observado", line = dict(color = 'blue'), opacity = 0.8) data = [trace_high,trace_low] layout = dict(showlegend = False, width=500, height=400, xaxis = dict( title='Porcentaje de Excedencia'), yaxis=dict( title='$Caudal [m^3/s]$') ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) #Guarda el html plot(fig,filename=pathFigure, auto_open = False)
Example #30
Source File: From python-esppy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def createContent(self): values = self.getValues("y") self._data = [] width = self.getOpt("line_width",2) shape = "linear" if self.getOpt("curved",False): shape = "spline" line = {"width":width,"shape":shape} fill = self.getOpt("fill",False) colors = self._visuals._colors.getFirst(len(values)) mode = "lines" if fill: mode = "none" elif self.hasOpt("mode"): mode = self.getOpt("mode") for i,v in enumerate(values): if fill: if i == 0: self._data.append(go.Scatter(x=[""],y=[0],name=v,mode=mode,fill="tozeroy",fillcolor=colors[i])) else: self._data.append(go.Scatter(x=[""],y=[0],name=v,mode=mode,fill="tonexty",fillcolor=colors[i])) else: line["color"] = colors[i] self._data.append(go.Scatter(x=[""],y=[0],name=v,mode=mode,line=line))