Python pyautogui.position() Examples
The following are 20
code examples of pyautogui.position().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyautogui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_moveToWithTween(self): origin = - P(100, 100) destination = + P(100, 100) def resetMouse(): pyautogui.moveTo(*origin) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, origin) for tweenName in self.TWEENS: tweenFunc = getattr(pyautogui, tweenName) resetMouse() pyautogui.moveTo(destination.x, destination.y, duration=pyautogui.MINIMUM_DURATION * 2, tween=tweenFunc) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual( mousepos, destination, "%s tween move failed. mousepos set to %s instead of %s" % (tweenName, mousepos, destination), )
Example #2
Source File: From pyautogui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_moveRelWithTween(self): origin = - P(100, 100) delta = P(200, 200) destination = origin + delta def resetMouse(): pyautogui.moveTo(*origin) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, origin) for tweenName in self.TWEENS: tweenFunc = getattr(pyautogui, tweenName) resetMouse() pyautogui.moveRel(delta.x, delta.y, duration=pyautogui.MINIMUM_DURATION * 2, tween=tweenFunc) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual( mousepos, destination, "%s tween move failed. mousepos set to %s instead of %s" % (tweenName, mousepos, destination), )
Example #3
Source File: From Dindo-Bot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def adjust_click_position(click_x, click_y, window_width, window_height, dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height): # get screen size screen_width, screen_height = pyautogui.size() if screen_width > window_width and screen_height > window_height: # fit position to destination size new_x, new_y = fit_position_to_destination(click_x, click_y, window_width, window_height, dest_width, dest_height) #print('new_x: %d, new_y: %d, dest_x: %d, dest_y: %d' % (new_x, new_y, dest_x, dest_y)) # scale to screen x = new_x + dest_x y = new_y + dest_y else: x = click_x y = click_y return (x, y) # Perform a simple click or double click on x, y position
Example #4
Source File: From Dindo-Bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_widget_location(widget): if widget: # get widget allocation (relative to parent) allocation = widget.get_allocation() # get widget position (relative to root window) if type(widget) in (Gtk.DrawingArea, Gtk.EventBox, Gtk.Socket): pos = widget.get_window().get_origin() return (pos.x, pos.y, allocation.width, allocation.height) else: pos_x, pos_y = widget.get_window().get_root_coords(allocation.x, allocation.y) return (pos_x, pos_y, allocation.width, allocation.height) else: return None # Check if position is inside given bounds
Example #5
Source File: From atbswp with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): """Initialize a new record.""" self._header = HEADER self._capture = [self._header] self._lastx, self._lasty = pyautogui.position() self.mouse_sensibility = 21 if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): self.path = sys._MEIPASS else: self.path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
Example #6
Source File: From pyclick with MIT License | 5 votes |
def move(self, toPoint, duration=2, humanCurve=None): fromPoint = pyautogui.position() if not humanCurve: humanCurve = HumanCurve(fromPoint, toPoint) pyautogui.PAUSE = duration / len(humanCurve.points) for point in humanCurve.points: pyautogui.moveTo(point)
Example #7
Source File: From pyclick with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_randomMove(self): width, height = pyautogui.size() toPoint = random.randint(width//2,width-1), random.randint(height//2,height-1) hc = HumanClicker() hc.move(toPoint) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.position() == toPoint)
Example #8
Source File: From pyclick with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_identityMove(self): toPoint = pyautogui.position() hc = HumanClicker() hc.move(toPoint) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.position() == toPoint)
Example #9
Source File: From pyclick with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_simple(self): width, height = pyautogui.size() toPoint = (width//2, height//2) hc = HumanClicker() hc.move(toPoint) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.position() == toPoint)
Example #10
Source File: From Dindo-Bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_mouse_position(): return pyautogui.position() # Return screen size
Example #11
Source File: From Dindo-Bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def perform_click(x, y, double=False): old_position = pyautogui.position() if double: pyautogui.doubleClick(x=x, y=y, interval=0.1) else:, y=y) pyautogui.moveTo(old_position) # Press key
Example #12
Source File: From Dindo-Bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def position_is_inside_bounds(pos_x, pos_y, bounds_x, bounds_y, bounds_width, bounds_height): if pos_x > bounds_x and pos_x < (bounds_x + bounds_width) and pos_y > bounds_y and pos_y < (bounds_y + bounds_height): return True else: return False # Fit position coordinates to given destination
Example #13
Source File: From PyKinectTk with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def fromPosition(): raw_input("Hover over the location you want to click and press enter") return position()
Example #14
Source File: From roc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def position(): print(pyautogui.position())
Example #15
Source File: From roc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mouse_pos(cls): rect =cls.find_window_movetop() posx = rect[0] poxy = rect[1] x, y = pyautogui.position() m_p = [x, y] return m_p
Example #16
Source File: From roc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def repeat_click(cls,say, adjust_x=0, adjust_y=0, interval=0.10): rect =cls.find_window_movetop() posx = rect[0] posy = rect[1] x, y = pyautogui.position() x = x+adjust_x y = y+adjust_y print(x, y), m.ceil(y+posy), clicks=say-1, interval=interval)
Example #17
Source File: From pyautogui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_moveTo(self): # moving the mouse desired = pyautogui.moveTo(*desired) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # no coordinate specified (should be a NO-OP) pyautogui.moveTo(None, None) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # moving the mouse to a new location desired += P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveTo(*desired) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # moving the mouse over time (1/5 second) desired -= P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveTo(desired.x, desired.y, duration=0.2) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # Passing a list instead of separate x and y. desired += P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveTo(list(desired)) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # Passing a tuple instead of separate x and y. desired += P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveTo(tuple(desired)) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # Passing a sequence-like object instead of separate x and y. desired -= P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveTo(desired) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired)
Example #18
Source File: From pyautogui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_position(self): mousex, mousey = pyautogui.position() self.assertTrue(isinstance(mousex, int), "Type of mousex is %s" % (type(mousex))) self.assertTrue(isinstance(mousey, int), "Type of mousey is %s" % (type(mousey))) # Test passing x and y arguments to position(). pyautogui.moveTo(mousex + 1, mousey + 1) x, y = pyautogui.position(mousex, None) self.assertEqual(x, mousex) self.assertNotEqual(y, mousey) x, y = pyautogui.position(None, mousey) self.assertNotEqual(x, mousex) self.assertEqual(y, mousey)
Example #19
Source File: From PyKinectTk with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): while self.running: sleep(self.time_step) if (self.x, self.y) != position(): self.running=False
Example #20
Source File: From pyautogui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def test_moveRel(self): # start at the center desired = pyautogui.moveTo(*desired) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move down and right desired += P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel(42, 42) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move up and left desired -= P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel(-42, -42) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move right desired += P(42, 0) pyautogui.moveRel(42, 0) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move down desired += P(0, 42) pyautogui.moveRel(0, 42) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move left desired += P(-42, 0) pyautogui.moveRel(-42, 0) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # move up desired += P(0, -42) pyautogui.moveRel(0, -42) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # Passing a list instead of separate x and y. desired += P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel([42, 42]) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # Passing a tuple instead of separate x and y. desired -= P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel((-42, -42)) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired) # Passing a sequence-like object instead of separate x and y. desired += P(42, 42) pyautogui.moveRel(P(42, 42)) mousepos = P(*pyautogui.position()) self.assertEqual(mousepos, desired)