Python kivy.uix.gridlayout.GridLayout() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of kivy.uix.gridlayout.GridLayout().
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Example #1
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build(self): layout1 = GridLayout(cols=4, spacing=10, size_hint=(None, None)) layout1.bind(minimum_height=layout1.setter('height'), minimum_width=layout1.setter('width')) for i in range(40): btn = Button(text=str(i), size_hint=(None, None), size=(200, 100)) layout1.add_widget(btn) scrollview1 = ScrollView(bar_width='2dp') scrollview1.add_widget(layout1) layout2 = GridLayout(cols=4, spacing=10, size_hint=(None, None)) layout2.bind(minimum_height=layout2.setter('height'), minimum_width=layout2.setter('width')) for i in range(40): btn = Button(text=str(i), size_hint=(None, None), size=(200, 100)) layout2.add_widget(btn) scrollview2 = ScrollView(scroll_type=['bars'], bar_width='9dp', scroll_wheel_distance=100) scrollview2.add_widget(layout2) root = GridLayout(cols=2) root.add_widget(scrollview1) root.add_widget(scrollview2) return root
Example #2
Source File: From kivy-material-ui with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, **kargs ) : super( Screen2, self ).__init__( **kargs ) """ ScrollView with a refresh controll... """ self.myscroll = RefreshableScrollView( on_start_reload=self.on_start_reload, root_layout=self.shared_navigation_controller.floating_panel ) self.add_widget( self.myscroll ) """ Loading fake elements... """ temp = GridLayout( size_hint=(1,None), cols=1 ) for n in ['Pull down to reload','A fake error will be raised']+list(range(0,20)) : l = Label( text='Element no '+str(n), height=dp(50), size_hint=(1,None), color=[0,0,0,.8] ) temp.add_widget( l ) temp.height += dp(50) self.myscroll.add_widget( temp )
Example #3
Source File: From spotify-downloader-music-player with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build(self): # adding GridLayouts in App # Defining number of coloumn # You can use row as well depends on need layout = GridLayout(cols = 2) # 1st row layout.add_widget(Button(text ='Hello 1')) layout.add_widget(Button(text ='World 1')) # 2nd row layout.add_widget(Button(text ='Hello 2')) layout.add_widget(Button(text ='World 2')) # 3rd row layout.add_widget(Button(text ='Hello 3')) layout.add_widget(Button(text ='World 3')) # 4th row layout.add_widget(Button(text ='Hello 4')) layout.add_widget(Button(text ='World 4')) # returning the layout return layout # creating object of the App class
Example #4
Source File: From RPi-InfoScreen-Kivy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def setup(self): # Get the layout self.config = self.loadLayout() # We'll want to keep a list of all the letter objects self.letters = [] # Create a grid layout that's the right size grid = GridLayout(cols=self.config.COLS) # Loop over the letters for ltr in self.config.LAYOUT: # Create a letter object word = WordClockLetter(text=ltr, size=self.config.SIZE, font_size=self.config.FONTSIZE, colour=self.colour) # add it to our list... grid.add_widget(word) # ...and to the grid layout self.letters.append(word) # Clear the screen self.clear_widgets() # add the clock layout self.add_widget(grid)
Example #5
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build(self): layout1 = GridLayout(cols=4, spacing=10, size_hint=(None, None)) layout1.bind(minimum_height=layout1.setter('height'), minimum_width=layout1.setter('width')) for i in range(40): btn = Button(text=str(i), size_hint=(None, None), size=(200, 100)) layout1.add_widget(btn) scrollview1 = ScrollView(bar_width='2dp') scrollview1.add_widget(layout1) layout2 = GridLayout(cols=4, spacing=10, size_hint=(None, None)) layout2.bind(minimum_height=layout2.setter('height'), minimum_width=layout2.setter('width')) for i in range(40): btn = Button(text=str(i), size_hint=(None, None), size=(200, 100)) layout2.add_widget(btn) scrollview2 = ScrollView(scroll_type=['bars'], bar_width='9dp', scroll_wheel_distance=100) scrollview2.add_widget(layout2) root = GridLayout(cols=2) root.add_widget(scrollview1) root.add_widget(scrollview2) return root
Example #6
Source File: From pydelhi_mobile with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def on_enter(self, onsuccess=False): container = self.ids.container if self.from_back: return if len(container.children) > 2: container.remove_widget(container.children[0]) from network import get_data talks = get_data('tracks', onsuccess=onsuccess) gl = None if not talks: return talk_info = talks['0.0.1'][0][self.talkid] self.ids.talk_title.text = talk_info['title'] self.ids.talk_desc.text = talk_info['description'] if 'speaker' in talk_info.keys(): speaker=talk_info['speaker'] if speaker['name']: speaker_details = SpeakerDetails(speaker=speaker) if 'social' in speaker: speaker_social = speaker['social'][0] social_len = len(speaker_social) gl = GridLayout(cols=social_len, size_hint_y=None, padding='2dp', spacing='2dp') import webbrowser for social_acc, social_link in speaker_social.items(): imbt = Factory.ImBut() imbt.source = 'atlas://data/default/' + social_acc.lower() imbt.on_released = partial(,social_link) gl.add_widget(imbt) speaker_details.add_widget(gl) self.ids.container.add_widget(speaker_details) Factory.Animation(opacity=1, d=.3).start(container) self.ids.scroll.scroll_y = 1
Example #7
Source File: From PyCon-Mobile-App with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def on_enter(self, onsuccess=False): container = self.ids.container if self.from_back: Factory.Animation(opacity=1, d=.3).start(container) return if len(container.children) > 2: container.remove_widget(container.children[0]) from network import get_data talks = get_data('tracks', onsuccess=onsuccess) gl = None if not talks: return try: talk_info = talks['0.0.1'][0][self.talkid] except KeyError: # no details for this talk exist... # let's go back to previous screen from utils import go_back_in_history go_back_in_history() return self.ids.talk_title.text = talk_info['title'] self.ids.talk_desc.text = talk_info['description'] if 'speaker' in talk_info.keys(): speaker = talk_info['speaker'] if speaker['name']: speaker_details = SpeakerDetails(speaker=speaker) if 'social' in speaker: speaker_social = speaker['social'] items = speaker_social.items() social_len = len(items) gl = GridLayout(cols=social_len, size_hint_y=None, padding='2dp', spacing='2dp') import webbrowser # update data for share button if 'proposal' in speaker_social: = "Checkout this talk " \ + speaker_social['proposal'] + " by "\ + speaker['name'] # display social buttons for social_acc, social_link in items: imbt = Factory.ImBut() imbt.source = 'atlas://data/default/' + \ social_acc.lower() imbt.on_released = partial(, social_link) imbt.color = app.base_active_bright[:3] + [.9] gl.add_widget(imbt) speaker_details.add_widget(gl) self.ids.container.add_widget(speaker_details) Factory.Animation(opacity=1, d=.3).start(container) self.ids.scroll.scroll_y = 1
Example #8
Source File: From RPi-InfoScreen-Kivy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def drawScreen(self): """Main method for rendering screen. If there is recording data (live or cached) then is laid out in a scroll view. If not, the user is notified that the backend is unreachable. """ sv = self.ids.myth_scroll sv.clear_widgets() if self.recs: # Create a child widget to hold the recordings. = GridLayout(cols=1, size_hint=(1, None), spacing=2)'height')) # Loop over the list of recordings. for rec in self.recs: # These are grouped by day so we need a header day = dt.timedelta(0, rec[0]) + EPOCH mrh = MythRecordingHeader(rec_date=day.strftime("%A %d %B")) # Then we loop over the recordings scheduled for that day for r in rec[1]: # and add them to the display. mr = MythRecording(rec=r) sv.add_widget( else: lb = Label(text="Backend is unreachable and there is no cached" " information") sv.add_widget(lb)